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Everything posted by Aaliyyah

  1. ^ I know enough cousins who married especially in the older generations. So there is nothing wrong with going to ur aunt or uncle...Calaf wa cajiib! Laakin wa runta aduunka oo dad buxan u shouldnt stick to ur family, they are already your cousins and they are already inclded to your circle of family... so extend your family! bring more ppl to ur circle of family! that should be worth it in the long run! and this whole proverb abt waxa taqaan guurso waxa taqaan dhali?? doesnt really cut it! at the end of the day it is the person's personality that counts ( and shekadu haday qadhaadhaato waxa wacan qof aad relative aheen marka bacda madow u tuurtid aan dib danbe u maqleen warkisa lol) salaam
  2. lol@ xuduuda qaranka..I only see one clan state rabta dadka kale in ay daandaansado..qaran mesha ku ma haysid ee waa state based on qabiil. Which I really dont care too much about the fact that somaliland wants to seperate from the rest of the nation and wants their lil qabiil state going...I mean who cares? it is their right to do whatever they want. But, definitely they should realize that they will never ever take over someone else's region?? not gonna be a piece of cake...there is gonna be a blood shed? and if that is what they want, then hey war is inevitable!... salaam
  3. Xuduud hu haa i like that , lol XX I guess whenever u dont have an answer to an statement u resort to your last option which is being silly. XX, ilowshiiya dhowidaa, do you remember what happened the last time you tried to close the imaginary border that only exist in your imagination?? They actually killed people in laascaanod as a revenge of the ppl they lost in kalshale ..if they cant take the heat, why are the encouraging this war and rather take their militia back to their cities..waa yaab..intii dad la daandaansado in hadhowna lo ooyo dadki ka dhintay? markii horeba may inadeeradood ama wilashooda magaloyinkooda ku ekeeeyaan! wa suaal aan jawaab wali u hayn
  4. Perhaps girls in Sol are sincere Juxa, but I was talking abt in general sense. But, I would doubt a man lol....Tan kale nin i hortaagan ayaanba ka shakisanahay wa ka computer dabadeed ka hadlaya hahaha ..
  5. ^ lol saad xuduud huha ah aaad alifateen ka hadlasaan yaa ni dhaha sadexdiina magalood aad ku waayin! wax korarso wax laaan in laga qaadi karo ma maqashay
  6. ^everything you said makes sense with the exception when u said marrying ur cousin is ceeb? ceeb yaa yidhi weeye in aad ilma abtiga guursatid ama ilma abtida in your case? it is basically not preferred by me and most ppl out there!..laakin religiously/culturally it is acceptable and there is nothing ceeb abt it!
  7. wise advice! laakin somali waxay ku maahmaahda hadal haan madhan ma buuxsho! there is no point advising them, we just need to get to action and they will eventually go back to where they belong!...
  8. Alpha it is good that you came to the conclusion that you shouldn't meet ppl u met online! thats a good way to go about it! inkasto you are a guy and I fail to see what you get to lose siiba if the girl wants to meet you...aniga waxa aminsanahay gabadhaha should be more considerate of what they are doing ie shouldnt meet guys they chit chated online....and I am not being cultured or anything. More of a safety issue! salaam
  9. Nabad, you also wrote familiga aya badanaya when u marry qof sokeeye, i dnt get it..how so? lol qof inaderka hada gursatid ur family already overlapped. And, if the guy is from ur tribe chances are you already knew his family, not necessarily the cases but theres that chance that u might already consider his mom ur eedo lol..Where if you married someone completely from a different tribe, you just added so many other families to ur existing extended family! marka I would go with the latter if i cared to increase my family circle.
  10. walaal, it depends what you mean by sokeeye. If you mean it by marrying your relatives dnt agree with that. But, if you mean the same tribe? well there is nothing wrong with marrying some one from your tribe, or someone from another tribe. So long your happy with that person. It all boils down to the person. But, marrying ur relatives is not cool, regardless of the general belief that the family issues will stay within the family. I really believe it will destroy the tie between ur aunts and uncles and cause an issue especially if something goes terribly wrong with that marriage...my 2 cents salaam
  11. ^History will not look back on those celebrating this day while just across the border Somali girls are raped everyday. Well said Che.
  12. Che sidii somali iskala hanwayneed xabashi una necbeed iyo sida maanta dabada loga dhunkanayo! ..I need tissues to cry a river
  13. ^Inanka maad ka yara xishooto. Sow ma suurtowdo inuu aabe kaala soo xiriiro Jacphar, I did not offend anyone. Other than reposting what was already said which I couldnt help it LOL...
  14. LOL this is too hilarious. I guess they want to be on the good side of ethiopia to get more funds
  15. LMAO, I've seen your pic sxb! Let's just say you're in no position to de-Somalify anyone lol. LOL Ouch, that must hurt! nice video Zack.
  16. Xagey ka degan yihiin LA barakacayaashan Koonfuriska ah? Waa imisa tiradooda Somalina the point isnt how many people frm konfur live in laascaanod iyo agagaarkeeda. After all somalis do mix...there are ppl from LA who reside in xamr today and there were many more who resided there prior to the war. Rather, the question is..kuwan who gave them the right to register anyone? they just need to remove themselves!..that is it!..and the civilians have every right to be there regardless of where they hail from! salaam
  17. Odaysomali lol from the look of it Somaliland is against SSC, Puntland, and awdal state! soon enough they will regret it if they dnt stick with their three cities and stop making their neighbors an enemy.. so joog ninki laga waayo so jiifso ba laga hela ba layidhi!
  18. ولد يقول لامه : الثور في مزرعتنا قوي كل يوم ينط على بقره قالت امه : ارفع صوتك عشان الثور اللي جنبك يسمع قال ابوه : ينط على نفس البقره والا يغيرها ؟ قال الولد : لا .. كل يوم بقره قال ابوه : ارفع صوتك خلي البقره اللي جنبك تسمع looool that was hilarious...lol especially the ending wen the kid explains its a new cow everyday!. salaam
  19. Deegaanka Tukaraq oo ka tirsan gobolka Sool ayaa waxaa ku sugan ciidamo ka tirsan SSC oo ay hogaaminyaan Cali Sabarey iyo Axmed Karaash. Wishing them all the best. Alle ha garab galo!
  20. love the lady in the light pink top! she spoke the truth...ladies accept your hair and find a more natural way to manage it. salaam
  21. Interesting discussion!
  22. waqti bay ku halesa miya tidhi? does the world revolve around you lol tan kale tima laga shaqeeyo waqti lumis ma aha. Of course if a girl over does it it is not good, waxkasta ma wacna in laga badbadiyo! But you gotta give time to everything in life..blanace it out!.. salaam
  23. Most cases I do think theres some extention of ourselves but its not the complete picture(so it aint what u see is what u get..what u see is half of the story kinda thing lol)... But you kinda have an idea I guess.. salaam
  24. seems like u were a member here, can't remember seeing ur posts. Or maybe I did. Either way welcome back ..