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Everything posted by Aaliyyah

  1. Xaaji, lol waxaad sheegtaba maantana ma waxanaada keentay Mars baan u socda. Good luck.
  2. Ducaysane;915733 wrote: aqoonsigii miyaa halkaa galay?
  3. Aaliyyah

    Wearing white

    Salahuddin, there are many women out there who work. Not every woman is like your wife, and chooses to stay at home. Anyways, shekada halkaas baan ku jaraya. Each on his own.
  4. Aaliyyah

    Wearing white

    let me rephrase it..I took you and your wife as an example. If a couple are both working then doesn't it make sense that they share the house chores?...
  5. Aaliyyah

    Wearing white

    Reeyo;915425 wrote: *Shakes her head* as she reads this thread with minor shock. Can we let this thread rest in peace. My good name has been assaulted and dragged through the mud. I would have to apologize that we changed your thread from your intended topic.
  6. Aaliyyah

    Wearing white

    Salahudin;915710 wrote: Aaliya, guys can and should cook as there is an exception to everything, In fact, I have cooked for my wife when she was sick. But what we are discussing here is gender roles and whether the guys place is in the jikada. If your wife is a homemaker then that makes perfect sense - that is for her to do more housework than you. But, you shouldn't help her out only when she is sick. You should help her out as much as possible. With that being said, let me give you a scenario if both of you are working? what then? Shouldnt you both do the house chores equally? or you think when she comes back from work she should cook for you since you want a warm meal on the table ? miyeyna ka wacneen in aad wax wada qabsataan guri iyo dabadba.
  7. Aaliyyah

    Wearing white

    Salahuddin, ma waxaad ka yaabantahay in uu che yidhi laxoox baan qasaa? oo marka waliga kijada maad galin oo cunto maad sameesan ayaan u fahmay? walee you sound like a spoiled brat! no offense intended. And since you claim to be married it is beyond me how your wife keeps up with your attitude. LOL..waaba yaab walee. p.s providing for your family and cooking for them don't have to be exclusive..Ma aha wax lakala dooranayo.
  8. Hidihi dhulkooda lugu gartaa deeq iyo waxgaradka lugu karta gabadho wada xariira lagu gartaa.Galmudug guusha nabadaa lagu gartaa. Love this one. Regional songs are uplifting!
  9. Aaliyyah

    Wearing white

    *Ibtisam;915512 wrote: Aaaliya :D lol Shinning windows, floors, fresh and clean but no food- bal ka sheeke. I told intaan ii shaqeysa the other day, cook less and clean more, even if it means missing out certain meals to make more time for cleaning. LOl ..heedhe you have it easy ma istidhi! My mom always says waxbarashadaada marka dhameesatid go back home intaaso qof aa ku shaqeenaya. Laakin aniga personally qof ii shaqeenaya waanba ka yara xishonaya ano wax qabsan kara. But, you never know, I might change my mind one of these days. After all dadka shaqa ba siinasa lol..inkasto ehelka ku caawinayaba faro badnaandoono. Back to your point about the clean windows and the house, walahi being clean is so important so I completely hear you. Guri nadiifa waa muhim. You can always order food out lol..ama mid chef ah soo xareeso. Oh wait you already got a bangali one..miyuuna wax karin kaasi mise you left him at the UK LOL..
  10. Aaliyyah

    Wearing white

    Lol@ ibti and her clean windows. How did I miss that. Intaasba waa wax dhan laakin when you think of it.
  11. Aaliyyah

    Wearing white

    I would beg to differ. I am sure they helped them whether they were able or not.
  12. Aaliyyah

    Wearing white

    Ibtisaam it was a left over from the morning. I was finishing it. But I actually eat it whenever ...I dont really see it as a breakfast only.
  13. Aaliyyah

    Wearing white

    Salahudin;915371 wrote: Hmm so u r single n ready to mingle huh, interesting....walashis men do not belong in the kitchen, esp somali men....modern women wan ka qeyliyay walaal gabdhaha modernka ah iyo wiilasha modernka ah dhinac naga dhig labadooduba dont belong in the kitchen. Restaurant bay labo bilood ka cuntenayaan kadibna eay iskakala caraabi lol.. Laakin anigu waxab ka hadlaya nin reerka diyaar u ah in uu dhaqdo oo si walba u saacidaya sida nabigeena csw iyo asxaabti.
  14. Aaliyyah

    Wearing white

    Che -Guevara;915271 wrote: Aaliyah...Enjoy your qado! Thanks. I enjoyed it.
  15. Aaliyyah

    Wearing white

    Salahudin;915266 wrote: Canjeelo aa....ur farah is one lucky guy And I will be one lucky halimo. Mid canjeelada markisa ku tuura buu noqoni. One in a million.
  16. Aaliyyah

    Wearing white

    Che -Guevara;915252 wrote: ^Stop making assumptions then. way too many assumptions going on SOL..waan damcay kaas in aan la hadlo. Hadana waxaan is idhi ma umadoo dhan baad u hadli lol faduul.... Alright people I need to go and finish making my canjeelo...
  17. Aaliyyah

    Wearing white

    Haatu;915249 wrote: wow wow wow Che is still single, Ibti's defending her Asian husband, Aaliyah is defending ugly sisters, a troll has a problem against dark sisters but denies it and Oba is still on a leash. Sheekada sii wada yaa Jamaaca :D Ibti: dearest sister, your written Somali is terrible. No offence but it's inexcusable considering where you live. *Ducks* Lol you got everything right except my role. I was defending people's right to choose whoever they want. And remember beauty is in the eyes of the beholder I could think a guy is unattractive and another halimo will think the world of him....
  18. Aaliyyah

    Wearing white

    Salahuddin ma ihi dadka muran badan. MARKA we will leave it at that...Waxan odhan laha uun umada afaraheeda yaa la galin. Qofwalba iyo dookhiisa.
  19. Aaliyyah

    Wearing white

    Salahudin;915211 wrote: Oba ma calaf raadis ba...aaliya I was referring to ur statement of losing xalimo to ajanabi....aniga I only go for qalanjo....but we both know majority of ajanabi loving halimos r foolxumooyin ....most of them tend to be dark skin Salahudin;915221 wrote: ibti what u mean dhaba...yaa is dhabaya n where did I say in aan wax dhaba ayaan rabaa... che I never said dark skin is ugly and I actually prefer dark skin sisters...is just dat some self-hating halimos go for cadaan guys so they can produce cadaan looking kids LOOOL am i the only one who sees contradiction in these two statements.
  20. Aaliyyah

    Wearing white

    Ibti LOL he seems angry somaad arag? waa yaab. Salahuddin, no need for name calling. Let others make their choice in life.
  21. Aaliyyah

    Wearing white

    Apophis;915202 wrote: Oba cussing at trollers, it's the end of the world He wasnt cussing..ee dhaaf wiilka aan ayeeyda u ahay.
  22. Aaliyyah

    Wearing white

    Salahudin;915199 wrote: Aaliyah didnt mean to upset u walal...its ok to be ugly... LOL ....you must be living under a rock if you think less attractive girls marry outside of their race. I have seen enough good looking girls who married outside of their race. Looks are hardly the reason why people marry outside of their race.
  23. Aaliyyah

    Wearing white

    Che lool anigu inti ajanabi raacasa waan garab taaganahay oo waan u ducaynayaa. Laakin anigu mid soomaali ah baan raba 100 geel iyo gamaan faras in aan ka dhoco LOL..(Ka bangaliga mala aniga iga rab hawl iyo kharash!)
  24. Aaliyyah

    Wearing white

    LOl@ perfected the curry...aww sounds like an indian film. He sure is a keeper..!