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Everything posted by Aaliyyah

  1. Ms Moons lol exactly..Thank you for your kind comments Ina jaadna gormu hargaisa kasoo gurey oo laascaanod usoo guurey LMAO
  2. lol stop being so mean subhanalah. Anyways, who knows perhaps people are gonna listen to this link and decide to quit music. Imagine how much ajar I will get salaam
  3. Aaliyyah walaal sidan aad u hadlayaa ma aha wax quman, waayo Somaliland waxaad ku sheegtay clan militia SSC na waxaad xayaysinaysaa!! xaysiin kulaha? gormaan wax xayisiya? xaqooda uun bay u dagalamaayan regionkoodana xaqna u leyihin baan idhi. Somalilandna is a one clan state taasi ma been baa?..hadad been rabtid in aad isku shekeesay wa mesheeda taasi ima quseeso. Haddii aad doonayso inaad intaa iskaga soo dhawaataan Somaliland, waxa wanaagsan adiga oo aan caytamin inaad waxaad tabanayso sheegato, Waayo isma qabato inaad dacalna cay ka miisayso dacalna aad leedahay walaalkaa la jeclow waxaad isla jeceshahay. gormaan cayay? ka aheen in aan sheego runta oo ah in ay xasuuq xaqdaro dadka umada ssc dagan ku wadaan Somaliland waa qaran jira, waxayna ku andacoonaysaa xuduudihii uu Isticmaarkii ka tagay, inay xuduudaheeda gaadhana xaq bay u leedahay. Somaliland haday qaran ku tahay wa sheeko ku quseesa. xuduud ay xaq u leyihin oo ka aheen sadexdooda magalana ma jiro. SSC regions dad baa u dhashay oo iska leh dadkaasna ayaa xaq u leh. marka shekada raqiiska aad gadasid ma soconaso. salaam
  4. after posting many songs on this thread. Now I decided to share this video ...what islam says about music ..hopefully danbigi badna aan halkan ka birsaday ajar ba la igu badalayaa ..Enjoy
  5. ^calcal kulaha waxba ha halmaamin that somalilanders in the early 80s eey qaban jireen meetings after meeting in jeddah iyo qurbaha. So regardless of how long it takes the ssc regions will be freed from the somaliland occupation. waana la ogyahay cida aqoonsi u calacalasa oo dadka amaan siin waydey cidey tahay. salaam
  6. In short, there is no leaving, Somaliland is here to stay, peacefully. ... if that aint hypocricy I dont know what is..people who are invading other people's land ayaad ledahay they are here to stay peacefully..while you call dadka magaladood lasoo invade gareeyey "anti peace" groups. hedhe haday mala yacniga iyo khurafaadkas isku akhrinasid ku cumtamaso wa sheeko ku taala. my signature sums it all "bililiqo doon waa nabad diid" ...so as long as somaliland is after lands that aint theirs and forcing people they are anti-peace..whether you are going to accept that fact or not. It is really up to you. I personally dont care what your views are.... salaam
  7. ^lol malika I wonder jacaylbaro wat your awoowe meant by that statement. perhaps, he meant if u married someone u luv it is prison especially if that person takes it for granted, where if u married someone u dnt care abt too much then u are not heartbroken if something goes wrong..Just saying maybe thats what he meant! even though its weird way of looking at it. Like if u married someone u dnt luv marriage should be a prison..like whats the point of that marriage!..where if u married someon u luv n luvs u should be worthwhile. But, then again real love comes after marriage doesnt it? so u never know how things are until u get married and qofka si wacan u baratid...hmm now its getting more complicated lol ... Lol Malka neither can I comprehend what they are yapping abt but I am thinking if jacaylbaros awoowe said it, there might be some wisdom behind it. Odey mala yacni uma hadlin wuxun arkay salaam
  8. ^subhanalah..you know what they say tell me your friend and I will tell u who u are..alle hani sahlo. I am off. salaam
  9. lol if u dont know her, barashadeeda waxba ugama baahnid. ka soco I am off to the juma prayer, so juma mubarak folks (is it a bit of contradiction saying juma mubarak in the music thread lol) salaam
  10. ^Trust me I have tried with no success lool that is I have tried to quit music. And, my issue isnt even english songs. I am die hard fan of somali songs!...at least for the past couple of yrs..! inshallah I plan to quit too lol dont know when. In fact I was listening all yesterday video clips of why music is haraam lol..I hope I can finally get that through my head!
  11. lol if you have energy to be on Somaliaonline and read different topics. Google should be a whole lot easier..mise somaliaonline after 36000 posts became automatic response without any mental effort LMAO salaam
  12. LOL how many times do I have to remind you that my pm is disabled! do u have alzheimer's
  13. It is true that many people get married just cuz every other farah or xalimo is settling. Which explains the high divorce rate in the somali community. There is nothing wrong with getting married, in fact it is half of your deen. But, it is good to strive to find a good person who is mature/responsible who you can say okey this man I can spend the rest of my life with. As oppose to oh my god every halimo got married lol..like my mom always tells me dee orad guurso and all that preaching. But, personally i dnt see myself married unless I find that right person. I dont giva dam who settled or who didnt salaam
  14. lol at the age of google I dont think theres necessity to ask anyone who anyone is ..google her!..err never mind it is friday..orad saladaada iska aad
  15. thanks had a good dinner anyways stop trolling on my thread LOL another hair video by a swedish girl,
  16. ^whats up with somali guys and Nicki Minaj.. Not fan of her, but one of her songs that I Like is..Nicky Minaj - Fly and isnt even the song that I like bt I like the part she says " I am not a word, i am not a line i am not a girl that can ever be defined I am not fly i am levitation I represent an entire generation" salaam
  17. The problem with those former Puntland supporters and now SSC extermists is that, they under estimate the level of Support that Somaliland has within the Darawiish community. And so long that they do that, the statusquo will remain. we are not underestimating anything. The fact is somaliland is occupying the SSC regions against the will of its people. And, if anything you are overestimating the little support they found in few men who work for them(or perhaps u know the truth but u dnt giva damn as long as you think ur going to get some so called recognition but believe me somaliland by igniting clan war and invading lands that arent theirs their little dream will even be harder to attain) Somaliland understands that it has to win hearts and minds over those who care about the region's peace and development. Somaliland will work with anyone who is advancing the unity of the clans who co-habit and share land and water and will resist those who want to divide the clans along clan borders that are inseparable. understands? lol Adiga iyo kuwa kula mida ee always dhaha somaliland will consider dadka ssc waxay rabaan iyo blah blah blah waxa moda considerationkiina iyo understandigiina in lo bahanyahay. All somaliland should do is leave the SSC regions and that will be the end of it. As for Puntland just packing their bags overnight and leaving Laascaanood... tell that to the Garoowe families that lost loved ones. Somaliland didnt make puntland leave the SSC regions waxba sheko ha isku akhrin to make urself feel better....And, believe me if puntland dacad ka aheed arimaha SSC, somaliland marnaba ma hunguriyeeseen in ay SSC regions timaado ( bt puntlant wont..way ogtahay xabashi in ay u ogoleen in ay arimaha so dhex gasho and if anything maybe in luguba dhoho SSC marba dhiba why else faroole marba su u jooge nacnac iyo mala yacni mesha ula imanaya)..with that been said at least puntland is not killing innocent people in SSC regions and if puntland decided hey we dont giva dam abt the SSC regions so be it. Dad baa SSC u dhashay yagana arimahooda tahay in ay u kacaan oo qabsadaan magaloyinkooda oo dadkan xaqdarada raba meel iska mariyaan. Oo ay sameestaan maamul kana madax bananaadaan somaliland ama puntland ama whateverelse land...oo ay is mamulaan. O ay cidkale wax ka sugin.. salaam
  18. lol adeer sida la ila kulmayo maxaa kaaga 15 ah eedo igu salaan inshallah gotta go and cook some dinner salam
  19. loool@why not mixed parties..if i do go to a mixed party which is quite rare I keep my hijaab on. I wouldnt need to spend couple 100s on the salon for that! waste of a good money (I rather buy abayas, jewllery, hijaabs) n in fact I came to the conclusion recently that I dont even need to fix my hair for all girls parties/weddings..really there are cameras everywhere. Once this girl uploaded her pics on facebook and I wasnt in that picture upclose persay alhamdulilah but you can see me in the background? that really pissed me off! I told her to remove it and she did. But, bottom line waqtiga la joogo u cant avoid the camera.(everyone has cameras phones) and ppl are taking pics all day long subhanalah..kinda irritating! instead of enjoying themselves they are busy taking pics lol (waxa moda in maanto dhan layidhi facebook waxaad ku gurtiin iskaso qaada).. anyways im yapping too much salaam
  20. ^Good advice hun bt im not really much of a salon person unless im attending all-girls party... But, we were just talking abt ways u can take care of ur hair at the comfort of your home so if you can add to that, that would be awesome. jzk! salaam
  21. loool this place is the same age as my little sister, thats too cute!.. Anyways, I was here half of that 10 years. Time to retire! I been saying that like forever lool Happy bday to Sol salaam
  22. lol@ kicked puntland you must be dreaming. I am in no way supporting puntland infact I detest those who are running puntland however the fact is no one kicked them from anywhere. They chose to not bother with the SSC cause, infact the SSC cause is threat to them. With that been said the local clans did not support somaliland, that is also another illusion you want to tell to yourself so you can try to ignore the somaliland militia who are forcing innocent ppl. Also, few men oo ay shaqeelsiistey waxba ma sheegaso meelkasta nin caloshiisa u shaqeesta wuu jira how many men are from somaliland oo hada TFG government ku jira. So let that lame excuse rest and it is time that you admit the mistake ur so called somaliland government is doing ? mise you dont giva shit as long as ur three little cities are safe and sound?...wa caadi habar roob u da'ayo waxba ma rabto in ay aragto. mafiish mushkila hadaad xaqdarada ku adkeesakatay in ay ra'yi ku ahaato laakin ilaahay wuu arka dadka la dulminayo asagana caadil ah oo faraj u furaya.. salaam
  23. Kalshale bckfired to who? Hope you don't say to diaspora from ssc or ssc itself. You should NOT bring this up since it was a total embarrassment and painful blow to your 20+ years project. Well said A khadar. lol axadkan wuu iska hurda baan filaya mise wu iska indha tiraya.. salaam
  24. Good stuff. Would have done it if I was still on fb ..but all the same I can still show my appreciation for our beautiful flag in so many ways. alle hano daayo calankeena quruxda badan! n waad salamantahay MMA hows life salaam
  25. found this online, * 1 banana * 2-3 dollops of mayonnaise * 1 tbls of olive oil Put banana in blender and puree until completely smooth. (Whatever you do make sure you puree it the first time I skipped this part and I had clumps of banana in my hair which sucked, so make sure you get the banana mixture completely smooth you really don’t want clumps of banana in your hair. The great thing about this recipe is that even if you do mess up and get clumps in your hair it’s just banana and a second rinse or mash will get it out. Then add mayo and oil and blend until smooth and creamy. Apply to hair. Let sit for 15-30 minutes. Rinse with warm water and shampoo as usual. This Banana Hair mask will make your hair so moist and smooth you’ll think you suddenly have a completely new head of hair. It’s a must try. Never added banana, but it is worth the try! LOL..