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Everything posted by YoniZ

  1. You got the picure now. PWC is tool effectively used by the donors and I'm pretty sure their share of th salmon is much much higher than the declared 2-4 cents. After all they are the masters in playing the add-on charges game. Remember the salmon is handed to PWC first and the left-over is deposited to CBS. Poor cat will attack what is left and take all the blame.
  2. Naxar Nugaaleed;966229 wrote: sxb are you telling me If I hire you to watch my cat, make sure she doesn't eat the salmon on the kitchen counter and to call me if she does and you decide to not do your job, you expect me to pay you? loooool, something is in the water today, but unless am crazy, am perfectly in my right not pay you. Well, what about if your watch man is only accountable to the donor of the salmon and have no respect what so ever for the little cat or her owner:-)
  3. Ma anaa waxkale akhriyey ama cinwaanka waa quruxda Hargeysa iyo video aad u quruxbadan oo horumar fiican ka muuqdo. Waxa kaliya oo haboon in aan dhahno MashaAllah magaalada waa qurux dhisma badan waa kasocdaa. Allaha u barakeeyo. Maxaa maryooley dacarta isugu dhiiba markasta?
  4. Naxar, No body is defending SFG here. Two things need to be separated, the political side of disliking Hassan Sh and his government. And the rotten financial control system of the past three governments which PWC served/bossed up.
  5. If you carefully read both the recent article and the one in July 2009 Abdusalam Omer is the central figure - then the senior advisor to MoF and the CBS governor today. There seems a fight between PWC and Mr AO. The reason - we don't know and probably will never know. However, the lack of proper financial control system is clear to everyone, and the blame should be rightly laid at the door of SFG.
  6. Naxar, There is a big confusion about the real task PWC is doing there since July 2009. Somalis may think they are there to help form proper financial procedures but that is a wishful thinking. If I'm not mistaken, they are external auditors and are there to inspect the government financial records and express an opinion as to whether records are presented fairly in accordance with the applicable accounting standards of the entity, such as GAAP or IFRS. PWC give no monkey about preventing SFG fiddling the donor money. Instead they cleverly use their audit reports as a weapon to subjugate their client - the hapless SFG in this case. This validate their case of been reliable observer and the fat contract should be rolled over. If they are clean or honest, they would have left years ago as there is no improvement in Somali government financial dealings. The real problem has cleverly been put in the article: “The experts said Somali Finance Minister Mohamud Hassan Suleiman had tried to reduce the scale of the patronage system, but "it is so pervasive as to be beyond his control without a fundamental restructuring of the system." No matter how clean, any finance minister or even president can’t win this situation and will be labeled as thieve because of the imbalances in the equation. IT’S A WIN-WIN GAME FOR PWC vs LOOSE-LOOSE GAME FOR ANY SOMALI GOVERNMENT IN THAT POSITION. The question no one answered in the report is if the money they are quoting have been used for legitimate government daily business or stolen. I'm not in anyway here defending SFG , but we need to read between the lines and not allow been played by clean-cut trainee auditors in suits. Four years is more than enough for one Big Four fat *******s to lecture us. They should get replaced ASAP.
  7. Xiin, Su'aal saxiib, Marka lacag ay u baahdaan (si sharci ah) xafiisyada Madaxweynaha, RW ama wasaaradaha iyo heyadaha kele ee dowlada. Lacagta sidee lagu gaarsiiyaa? Maamul maaliyadeed oo qoran meel malagu sheegay? SFG maaha eed la'aan, laba midkoodba: 1- Hadii ay dhabtahay inay wax xadeen - waa sheekadii oo meesheeda kasii wateen iyo tuugnimo aan kumeel gaar aheyn. 2- Hadii aysan wax xadin laakiin ay kufashilmeen dejinta iyo ku dhaqmida nidaam lacagta dowladu isticmaaleyso lagu hago - waa daciifno aan loogu cudur daari karin marnaba. Qolyahan PWC waxay u egtahay inay ayuguna ka marneyn xadida waayo waa shaqadooda inay kala taliyaan dowlada sameynta maamul maaliyadeed sax ah oo kadibna ay isha ku hayaan. Dhamaan waa laga dharagsanyahay warbixintoodii hore, maxay tan kaga badalantahay? Waxa laga yaabaa inay soo dhawaatay waqtigii loo cusbooneysiin lahaa PWC contractiga marka waa in waxbadan oo ay hore u qarinayeen sheegaan aka blackmail to SFG. - Odey bal meelo badan bahasha ka eeg. Soomaalida inta afka dufan yar loo mariyo baa hadana mikrofoon laga daba qaataa
  8. Naxar Nugaaleed;966055 wrote: correct me if am wrong peeps but isn't preventing this exactly the reason pricewaterhousecooper was hired for Nope, I guess the position of PWC is to monitor proper procedures were followed when recording such payments and publish annual audit reports. Does that justify the Millions PWC earn to carry such work? Probably not. Can any system stop people pick-pocketing themselves? Not really, unless dadka iska daayaan inay waraabe hilib ku rartaan.
  9. Che -Guevara;965453 wrote: Yoniz. It will be interesting what they will do if the Americans tells them to hand him over. Americans are now wiser, and I think they will even try to help SFG put this guy on trail infront of Somali Judge. What is interesting to see is Aweys answer questions about the past two+ decades (a big chapter of this country's dark history) . This can atleast answer many unanswered questions related to 'militarising the Salafi/Wahabi ideology' in Somalia.
  10. The question is not if Aweys will face capital punishment or not, but how this nation need to do things differently from the past two+ decades. There must be way between Culture of impunity and Mob justice. A way that will heal the deep wounds of the victims and answer their questions, why this man has caused havoc to their lifes?.
  11. Odey;965419 wrote: His history is well known to everyone. It may be known to you, but many people think he is no worse than other warlords sitting in the parliament or holding other positions in the country. It is a perfect time to start bringing these people on public trails and Awes should lead the queue. Emotions run high in these situations but princple should over ride sympathies/hatred.
  12. Odey, in that logic you will have people who never heard about the man make him hero and some sort of Saint. A big junk of these people might have to change their stand if they witness the old man at court answering tough questions about his past.
  13. Apophis;965408 wrote: The man should be freed and made a general just like the other Moorians before him. Saxib, this is not the problem of any particular area as you may like to portray. It is deep rooted physiological problem of our people (With my clan to the hell). Part of the cure is to start making blood suckers answer difficult questions of their doings.
  14. Che, I wouldn’t say odd position, but the proper position where they should show leadership and not entertain the point of appeasing everyone. After all, they put them self forward to lead the nation – knowing the situation this country is in – and to take difficult decisions that will upset some people, no matter which decision they make. They should take the safest option of putting Aweys on fair trail broadcasted live to the nation.
  15. There should be live broadcasted trial headed by untainted young/clean judge and wise prosecutor who doesn’t allow giving ambiguous answers. Aweys should be asked direct questions about his involvement in bloody campaigns of Al-Itihad,Hisb-Islam and Al-shabab. The least his victims and wider Somali people deserve is to hear this old man answer questions about his past. The worst case scenario is him not facing justice or being eliminated before people get answers from the old man. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t see any problem if Aweys is acquitted after rounds of long court sessions. THIS SHOULD BE THE NORM NOT THE EXCEPTION, WHEN DEALING WITH THE PAST/FUTURE BLOOD SPILLERS OF THIS POOR NATION.
  16. Sad to hear 'educated' nomad in the western world reasoning why Aweys should not face justice - 'well, there are other warlords/mass-murderers who did so and so and never brought to justice but got promoted - so, the old man (Awes) is atleast principled mass murderer and he should get respect let alone face justice'. Maryooley and our culture of impunity never stop to amaze ppl. I remember hearing about the justifications of old illiterate nomad men when their kinship commit fault - 'well, the other clan did so and so in X date/time, which is similar to this fault'- and the circle never ends. This is the root cause of all the mess we are in today and what it circulates around: X clan should not address any grievances because of earlier cases where Y clan did commit atrocity. Y clan should commit a new atrocity because of the X clan's refusal to address their latest grievances, and the never ending circle goes on and on and on............................. My question to both old and educated is: When justice should START?, if every new case is dismissed because someone earlier escaped facing justice. THE BLOODY JUSTICE SHOULD START SOMEWHERE, AND AWEYS SHOULD FACE JUSTICE NOW.
  17. Daqane;964457 wrote: lool this is so silly Explain what is silly about that?
  18. Well, this will be a big test for the SFG and tricky one to say the least. How they deal with this development will reflect on their credibility in both local and international arenas. Unfortunately, this is not something that can be easily swept under the carpet as Hassan Dahir is not only Somali interest but part and parcel of the IC microscope. The honeymoon is over and the real test is here, face it up and this will form precedent for the future AS leadership deserters. Or bottle it, and loose the only thing that this government achieved which is, some leverage on the IC circles.
  19. Haatu;955942 wrote: “Waxyaalo badan baan meel isla dhignay oo ay kamid tahay in aan isku wada raacnay amarkii kasoo baxay IGAD inaan u wada hogaansanno iyo shirarka lagu xusay go’aamadii kasoo baxay IGAD shirarka lagu qaban doono xamarna inaan wada fududeeyno siduu u dhici lahaa kadib waxaanu ku ballannay inaanu isu soo noqonno oo waxyaalo cad cad isku raacno maalmaha soo socdo,” ayuu masuulkani hadalkiisii raaciyay. Saxiib Ma istiri halkaan ayey arintu ka qurunsantahay, Somalina nabarka daa'uuska haya ee bogsan la' waa kaas. Waxay u egtahay shir ay IGAD hogaaminayso in hadana lagu wada heshiisiin doono oo midwalba hankiisa dib u laqi doono. Bal maxaa u diiday inay is afgartaan oo isfahmaan ayagoo Somali kuwada hadlaya. Waxa markiiba kuu soo baxaya in ducfigan ay dadkeenu isbadayaan ayadoon lagu khasbin ay muda dheer soo jirtay bal eeg erayadii AUN Abwaan Cadullahi Timacade: Doc hadday u wada jeedsatooy, dhowrto danaheeda Ooy duul walaala ah tahaooy, duunka ka heshiiso Dadka kama yaraateene ways, dabar jaraysaaye Dubba madaxa wayskala dhacdaa, daa'in abidkiise Goortay is wada dooxatay baa, daad u soo geliye
  20. Xaaji Xunjuf;955599 wrote: Cant they protect their interests together and built a capable Somali defense force instead of being used by external forces. That is damn right, and to go even further Duriyada and all other blocks should also join this good cause. That is the time when Somalia will come back to its feet.
  21. Mintid Farayar;955439 wrote: Instead of focusing on certain hard-core interests and making sure whom ever you support agrees to that blueprint with the understanding that the moment he/she deviates from that 'road', all support will be withdrawn... That is not something out of character for Somali person be a leader, layman or online persona. The question is, how we can reach a level where we learn to agree on core points and show understanding in minor differences?
  22. Mintid, It is good thing to try different options, when the tried and tested is no that good. Unless you bleive prolonged stagnation is better than change. What makes you think, Sharif would have been a better President than Hassan?
  23. Abtigiis, I think it is bit harsh to characterize President Hassan as “someone with inflated egos”. Look, if you put yourself in the situation he is in now, you might have had different thoughts. Having said that, the guy looks powerless and overwhelmed with contrasting ideas he is hearing from the people he inherited/picked to advice him. The siege mentality, inherited from the harsh environment surrounding was the undoing of every Somali leader. The guy needs support from all Somali regions or this nation building project will go nowhere. To get that support, the President should: Talk to the nation and deliver the speech of his life. What are the points that, he need to cement in that speech and how will it become reality is open to discussion.
  24. I respect the rhetoric side of the government that they have action plan and clear roadmap (PM Sacid few days ago) for the formation of federal states. However beautiful and sound, empty words cannot solve the problem unless backed with concrete actions. They need to put the clear roadmap on the table and let everyone know what is in there. Then and then only people will know and can rightly discuss what is the real issue. This country badly needs to be blessed with a pragmatic leader that can play unifying role in extremely sensitive and polarised society. A leader that can heal and bridge the widening gulf of difference that kept increasing over the past two decades. A leader that doesn’t surf with the layman’s emotional waves. However, can carefully pick and choose his words, timing and actions. A leader blessed with Hikmah (Ibn Hazam’s definition) “Doing the right thing on the right time in the right way”.
  25. Thank you all, I was sincerly concerned. Have to prush up my age guessing technics:)Will be happy to delete that post now. Is there any chance I can delete or edit the topic? is seems only Admin can. Adam-sayla, brother you are carrying all the known symptoms of the dangerous disease that apparently caused unending mayham back home. you need to see specialist ASAP (That is an answer to your omitted lines...you know what I mean:)