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Everything posted by Baluug

  1. HAHAHALOL smee again!!!!!!!
  2. Baluug

    Making Love!!

    Do not lick mixing bowl after use.....very disgusting,but f***ing funny!hehehehehehe
  3. Baluug


    That's a pretty good song...wonder when its coming out on CD?
  4. That was really stoopid....but funny!!LOL
  5. "Could you repeat the question?I was thinking about your insurance policy" LOLOLOLOLOLOL
  6. I worked in the biggest slaughterhouse in Canada in Brooks,Alberta for 5 years.They killed more than 4000 cows a day.I have seen (and smelled) all kinds of disgusting things,such as layers of clotted blood,bones,decapitated heads with no skin on their faces,not to mention the screams(or moo's,i guess)the cows let out because they knew they were going to die.I have even seen one cow that didn't die until they were about to start skinning it(The cows get shot in the head by a large spike and are then hooked by their back leg and hung upside down and then their throat is slit,supposedly letting out all the blood,thus killing it,and then it gets skinned).The poor thing just kept kicking away until they finally shot it in the head enough times to kill it,which took about 6 or 7 minutes.But after all i've seen,i never once thought about being a vegetarian.I know that Allah SWT put these animals here for one reason,and that is for us to eat.Besides,i have a BIG appetite and i love my spaghetti with suqaar lol.These PETA bums are just a bunch of whiners
  7. Q:What did the big chimney say to the little chimney? A:You're too young to smoke
  8. Baluug

    The Voice

    HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA This is why i don't listen to the voices in my head....
  9. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Yep,just can't get enough of that ginger nut and java cake body wash.It goes good with ceesh!!!
  10. At least it wasn't $500 in pennies!!!!!!Hahahahahaha
  11. Those were all funny as s%$t except for #5.An enema bag?WTF????!?!?!?!?!!!?!?!?!!
  12. I'm gonna have nightmares about that bloody hippo now,thank you very much!!
  13. I don't like that guy,he hurt my feelings.He said my parents must have been drunk to name me Liban.(sob)(sob)(boo hoo) :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: but anyways........
  14. :cool: Sounds like the place where I work,only I don't pay so much for union don'ts!!
  15. that was so ****** that it was funny!!