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Posts posted by Macalin

  1. one is mentioning the lady i picked so am gonna spill the beans,

    i pick the humble lady fatima .

    Are you there Lady!

    so lady fatima is my pick and match!..i know i know no one picked her,

    Also like soul-lady>thats my number 2

  2. X-Playa even the ladies will not agree with you on sure 100%..i mean including those who are not wearing the xijaab.

    For me am not even gonna comment on your silly and shallow analysis!

    somalis never wore the xijaab 'cause of ignorance!...but you seem to chose the opposite.

    ah well they say..fools come in different colors!.


    Scop-Sis> maxaa why u shocked? the guy has expressed his feeling and thots...u shocked cause he said something you don agree with??..woow.


  3. This Xijaab debate is sooo sensitive.

    personally i really don give a rats azz if u don wear a xijaab.

    but i know this for sure, IT IS AN ORDER FROM ALLAH..and whoever doesnt do it..then sure will never listen to anyone coz they sure didnt listen to me as lakkad..will i say something.. absolutly no..coz the person "KNOWS" WHAT HE/SHES doing..CHOICE is the keyword here.

    rem ladies..if you don follow alllahs words..then u have all the rights to say.."ITS MY CHOICE".

    Jamal11>not all covered gals are angels.

    Indadheeq/Athena>the xijjab is an order from allah and like i said.. its ur choice to follow ilaahey's word!(yup! is!).

    Mucho respect to all the ladies who wear the xijaab!

  4. Polygamy has its pros and cons.

    beleive me it has many cons than pros.

    personally..i don think i will ever marry another wife..thats me..its only fair to your wife.

    Now..i do have one dilema tho'.i lovvve kids..and i don wanna think about leaving my no..i will just pray to allah.. he knows best.

    so me and my wife...only and the only two of kids..then so be it!>.

    well..i'll talk to my future wife about this..definetly!

  5. Leeeee!

    WildKat..mmhm..what will i do when you 'unclaw" yourself?..lakkad is soo "fulley".

    mataan> how did u come with kool-kat?(well shes cool tho').

    Indadheeq> does everyone know u like "LST"?.daang.

    mataan>i thot u will pick me>damn YOU!

    shaqsi> some where to start!..huh?

    and hey how come no one is mentioning my fav of all...huh???..Baydan!..someone plis make a match for her!.

    and Barwaqo?..i think her and Abdinoor(wildkat-u know where am going wit will make it..and or Dr romantic!(pheew).

    and is this "he who must not be mentined" be Taqwa????..mhm..that guy gets all the votes!(oops i spilled the beans!

  6. are all maybe a lil too hard on the somali man..ok.

    this man has never had a chance in real life both in afrika and now in the west.

    look at it this way, many a somali man has had no formal education in somalia and he is now a refugee in another country.

    Plus most of the guys who came to america were beyond school going age(18+) and sitting in a 8th grade class and still perform poorly has it's psychological problems(due to english and some somali pride)and hence many ran away from school and did something they comfortable with(factory work+ taxi and some biznezz).

    so this man is not lucky wether be he in afrika or america.hes been a nomad all his life.

    They say 'you can't teach an old dog new tricks'.

    Need i say more??.

    Athena..somali man can never be compared to any breed- hes Unique!.factory or no factory-he does his thing!.

    Ps and many have good businesses and am wondering who is mentioning those guys??

  7. are all maybe a lil too hard on the somali man..ok.

    this man has never had a chance in real life both in afrika and now in the west.

    look at it this way, many a somali man has had no formal education in somalia and he is now a refugee in another country.

    Plus most of the guys who came to america were beyond school going age(18+) and sitting in a 8th grade class and still perform poorly has it's psychological problems(due to english and some somali pride)and hence many ran away from school and did something they comfortable with(factory work+ taxi and some biznezz).

    so this man is not lucky wether be he in afrika or america.hes been a nomad all his life.

    They say 'you can't teach an old dog new tricks'.

    Need i say more??.

    Athena..somali man can never be compared to any breed- hes Unique!.factory or no factory-he does his thing!.

    Ps and many have good businesses and am wondering who is mentioning those guys??

  8. Hello.Aloha!

    MHM Kool Kat, i must say you really do have a very sarcastic tongue on you..woow what a talent.

    Well.needless to say i know its sad that many somali men are not educated and the whole nine yards..but i don see "formal western" education as only "education"... i believe the somali man in the west has under-gone alot of transformation and he is a really hard-working gentleman who feeds,clothes and sends money to various relatives in afrika(yall will back this on me!).

    Now,are there men who chew qad? yes definetly quite a number,are there some who are educated?(depending on what u see as eduacted?)? YES definetly.

    so patient the somali man is going through changes and i see many young hard-working ones these days.give the devil its dues....and look for one around your neighborhood-coming soon(LOL).

    but that said..maybe st-paul has the "qaad chewing breed" of somali man..look around the other sure they have some on that side

    but sadly i have to agree that most somali men dont seek "formal eduaction"(i hate to say this!).damn

  9. Hello.Aloha!

    MHM Kool Kat, i must say you really do have a very sarcastic tongue on you..woow what a talent.

    Well.needless to say i know its sad that many somali men are not educated and the whole nine yards..but i don see "formal western" education as only "education"... i believe the somali man in the west has under-gone alot of transformation and he is a really hard-working gentleman who feeds,clothes and sends money to various relatives in afrika(yall will back this on me!).

    Now,are there men who chew qad? yes definetly quite a number,are there some who are educated?(depending on what u see as eduacted?)? YES definetly.

    so patient the somali man is going through changes and i see many young hard-working ones these days.give the devil its dues....and look for one around your neighborhood-coming soon(LOL).

    but that said..maybe st-paul has the "qaad chewing breed" of somali man..look around the other sure they have some on that side

    but sadly i have to agree that most somali men dont seek "formal eduaction"(i hate to say this!).damn

  10. OK..mobb deep.. believe me those are the ONLY rules a dude needs.,.period.


    my rules..sheet i don have any coz ...i am me and she has to love me for me...ight.

    but i definetly love to see a well dicplined mature date...a no no if u talk too much and will go.."check plis"

  11. Another mind boglling it tho.

    would love to know what islam says about this..but am afraid the answer maybe negative..but since this is scienstific am pretty sure there are some loop holes into it..but i am so hungry to know what it says. of my dear auntie has been married for 6 yrs and no kid(i know its sad..i know first hand!)...but Allah has his ways..and what he does is am sure out of good..but i would love to help her(ladies- any one can donate-just kidding!).

    lastly...have a lovely day..wont you?

  12. Nubian -Queen..u must have taken too may African-american classes..mmm mmm what a shame.

    a thief is a it beckham,ronaldo or pele..shame on this idiot.

    TUUG LAQABTI TABAR MALEH...nacalaa ii maxaan dhaha iyo senagaleeska tahay.******(yall know).

    indhadeeq..true it sure killed the cat.

    LST>see what i mean duqa>?

  13. Athena-thanx for the 411 on Rivaldo..should have given him a harsher penalt.

    As for the "fuzy math"(GW bush)am ure its from a Brazilian fan who wants to see them i aint even buying it.

    AND hey...England beat argentina..woww.finally..but am sad.

    Anywhoo..bye and wish me luck

    'Tis the weekend!..bye

  14. well..i have to take back what i said about senegal.

    they played well last nite agint a strong danish team.kudos. but still.. they have

    they missed about 5 easy goals..i guessits classic case of "inexperience".but otherwse they are good.

    cant wait for england argentin,,wooo.go argentia.

    libaax=sxb wheres the cockiness in the pumas?(argentina)?.

    brazil=ooh i have neverever ever ever liked hat team.never(coz of argentina.)

    england=they arejust not that strong to me.

    would love argntina vs cameroon somewhere down the road.

    and anyone know of the rivaldo dude's case?

    well.. wish me lck yall.bye

  15. Athena,

    what a womderful thing u is.

    GO ARGENTINA BABE!.. yeeey.

    i love italy.. they played today..oh ma ma mama..that vieri dude..hes something aint scared for argentina..yalls.

    afrikan teams?..did yall see nigeria?.and southa frika..puhleaase>!?!..and sengal.what a lucky goal(do u see the trend here)...anywhoo...i c only afrikan team in the entire continent!>.

    brazil bribed that chineese refree wallahi.. he gave them a penalty and rivaldo whats wrong with that portuguese cum afrikan son of a gun?? huh? the ball hits his knee and he holds his head?????..aghhh how unfair can this be!,, thats why i hate soccer.

    anywhoo.. Athena..did they really dedicate it to children????..(lakkad's weak side)..oh that will be something.

    anyways..lets see what happens next.


  16. i have never fancied nigerian football even at their best(1994).

    i always supported the other teams that played.

    for some reason i'm not feeling any afrikan team except cameroon.

    those guys are powerful, strong determined and play long accurate balls.

    there defense is all good.i belive they can beat any nigera even lost there own balls let alone the 50-50 balls.

    i don give a rats ass if they gpt beaten by sweden(ya) and england(hell ya).so they are ut of the door,,yall can see it.

    argentina is my # 1 team.

    italy is # 2.(i see them in the finals!).

    go argentina.

  17. The Second Coming


    TURNING and turning in the widening gyre

    The falcon cannot hear the falconer;

    Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;

    Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,

    The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere

    The ceremony of innocence is drowned;

    The best lack all conviction, while the worst

    Are full of passionate intensity

    W.B yeats.




    Robert Frost (1874–1963). Mountain Interval. 1920.


    1. The Road Not Taken



    TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,

    And sorry I could not travel both

    And be one traveler, long I stood

    And looked down one as far as I could

    To where it bent in the undergrowth; 5


    Then took the other, as just as fair,

    And having perhaps the better claim,

    Because it was grassy and wanted wear;

    Though as for that the passing there

    Had worn them really about the same, 10


    And both that morning equally lay

    In leaves no step had trodden black.

    Oh, I kept the first for another day!

    Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

    I doubted if I should ever come back. 15


    I shall be telling this with a sigh

    Somewhere ages and ages hence:

    Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

    I took the one less traveled by,

    And that has made all the difference






  18. my sister that was a beautiful poem

    i have to agree that was wonderful

    thanks indeed to you and my modem

    i cant but help and scream beautiful


    please give us more

    because we need more like you

    so that i have a reason to come for

    may the almighty bless you


    my sister that was a beautiful poem.

    thanks indeed to you and my modem.


    bye...and for the haters like twiq batiq..give it up for the sister

  19. hey Doc.

    i not suppose to "jump" in between u and the "LADY".

    but i think you were a lil too sensitive to what she said!

    all she said is why don u join hands with the gay community in san fransisco since they "dont like women" like you do!.. well thats how i its was really "LOW" of you to go "DOWN" like that!@

    so chill out playa.

    i really would have joined ur movement if YOUR MOM was not excluded..since you didnt exclude my mom and my sister and auntie and the gal next door..i cannot certainly join ur club.

    MR jibrill.damn you bro!.woo unto you.this man is against every woman that is somalian except his mom.and you gonna join the club>>???..

    Taqwa..u one heck of an opprtunist!..keep up.

    LADy..speak your mind gal. am wit you.

    MCC> you are a true "DAWG"..aight playa,

    DOC>u one heck of a confussed ni99a wallahi.

    peace out