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Everything posted by Macalin

  1. B/ sorry but The Underdog has a good POINT! Unless U wanna be a GUMEES(i know Yo mama will shriek-over that)...I beleive u better off with a TAXI Riding-Cofee-Spilling-Qabiil-Talking CALi aka FAARAX!(Lol)-or U have the option of going outside FAARAXNIMO...besides what is education?-i have seen many sisters/brothers with education who cannot deal with a lilttle BOY! But he is right...all the good MEN will be gone by the time U done with professor Calcalus Bin be-spectacled JOHN! Good luck with Ur FINALS!
  2. My advice...wallahi don tell him....i know ppl be like wow why not...laakin many guys get turned off by a girl approaching plus am assuming the reason why u havent approached him is coz u cant be the one to do it. My simple advice to u is -just be cool with him,get closer to him,be a good freind,show him the nicer side of U,be cool,simple,sexxy,smell good,smile(like this -lol) and generally show him u LIKE him and not CRAZY over him(suggest to walk u somewhere-or drive u someplace!)...most important don give him hints that U like him-just GET CLOSER to HIM! if this don work-come back to ME and we will do the REMIXXXX-lol. Remember DONT TELL HIM U LIKE HIM!!!!(i repeat DONOT EVEN ATTEMPT TO SHOW U LIKE HIM!!)..just Get close to him As a BUDDDy. I hope it works..and may allah enter ur shoulders..aamin dheh
  3. Qaxooti-Is this An experiment for a psych class? so many cognitive this and that! Looks>> They Last a lil over a yr! Brains> U can damage it anytime!(delicate Yacni!) So-I dont know what i want...koley i take the Beauty....
  4. Nuurka!...good seeing U back Nucca!... Waraa..Women giving u HARDTIMES?.. The best advice is given By the DEar very Noble Barwaqo and Miss Runaway had some Good advice 2 Me<,I don know Wallahi-If she gives me Trouble-I hit her head with a HONEY
  5. Ameenah...Phhew-tha is a long azz stuff-ama read it when i have nothing to do. laakin yaa ku Ameenaya(lol)-ur name Is a PARADOx-LOL TY tho'
  6. Damn this BLOODY lakers!!!! I am begining to THINK this Whole NBA playoffs are a FAKE LIKE WRESTLING! :mad: Hashi-We still Gonna KICK SOME LAKER AZZZ-JACK NICHOLSON AANBA NACAY!..GEEDKA XUN OO DHAGAHA DAMEERKA LEH!
  7. Good list bro LST-U sure did Pick The cream of The crop. I must say they sure are One Bunch. Laziegirl-lemme use ur fonts here to be in the same wavelength as U are before i say this 2 u-Macaney why do u have to be negative 110% of the time-i know Barwaqo is good ppl-but so are the rest!-give the nice ppl some Props it feels good to be +ve. Xafsa,Waxaas Joke maahinee joke kala ,i think the group above were here Earlier than the rest(most)
  8. Asalam aleykum The problem here is not education,-but rather Knowledge. Of all the edumacated sisters i have met, most of them do not want to talk to non edumacted brothers,like Ameenah said, they have one degree and they feel they have reached the top of Everest. Plus,Anyman who is intimidated by a sister who is educated MUST be crazzy UnderDog, I like Ur Analysis. Shaqsee-Sxb When u see a Arrogant PPl,Do me a Favor and Pass em over to me i do have special powers to silence
  9. hashi..Yap 2 more and we done! U heard of Ur EVIL MASTER..and His Heart problem,faking it i may say, to SAVE FACE!..nacala ABUUG TIMO CAD DHEH!...HATE THE CIRRO MOGGA! Shaq is GOING DOWWNNN! Ilhaam,Raptors my Team,but its the Playoffs,rem its not HOCKEY!
  10. LOL!..i see where u coming from laakin...ppl are making it as if its like....Aree hindi and ARDEE...somland..OO is GUURSADAY,Its somalis for heavens sake, Haye..Meesha waa ku qaadi lahday haye?...Well U always welc in R..ur dinner will be readyy When u get here....Will say hi to ur buddies...YU say hi to Mr and Mrs...G...OK..Macsalaama
  11. U.D..i surely wanted to send u a pm to personally thank u walllahi One of my 5 points for saying a good joke,and all of mine came from i made all the TY TY TY U
  12. Salaam aleykum! I just have one Q When Yall say 'miscommunication', do we then accept that we have indeed LOST touch with the others back in somalia?- Back to this topic, i think its everyone's prerogative.
  13. Tha Son of a GUN! <<<the JUDGE's face,i bet!
  14. Raliyaah...Now how does tha make sense? How Would U know which JINNI is Kaafir or Not..? Coz u cant see EM....i suggest U think abt tha for a while
  15. Sis Mizz Huric...I am not Mad walashis.... Its just a shame that PPL mistake JiNNIs for shaydaan...When U say aacuudu bilaah mina sheeydaan rajeem...Actually u only chasng away the devil,and jinnis R not Devils..and is not Nice to say that to JINNIS..coz they R like US, they have Muslims and other religions,its like saying AAcuudu to a HUMAN..get it?...secondly U r Told that We as HUMANS cannot see JINNS with the naked is not good to beleive in anonymous heresay by ppl... Am sorry if i sounded Bila AQLAAQ,,macsalaama
  16. Waraa Haarun..Adiga Nuune aa lagaa Waa maxay Waraa Nuune..Come out! and talk to Barwaqo..nice PAIR of rolling Eyes,LOL Shyhem.Relax son,it aint tha he comitted a big crime
  17. OK...Where did U guys Learn ur deen? Whats Aacuudu bilah.....Jinnis Are not SHAYDAANS!...u say aacuudu marka shaydaanka iska NAAREESID!...Jinnis R like US!...(damn cawaanin) PLus R u guys Doubting the QURAN?...Allah told U, that U will not Be Able to see JINN with the NAKED eyes...and what makes U think U will SEE?-thas superstitious! Peace...Nuune R u back?
  18. NOVVVVV...How can U leave Us?(KINGS) for the MAVS?..i hope its got none to do with that short canadian...Nachis nachis dhalay...Dhallas aaba Nacay!(am a blazer FUN) But Hey We wooped there(LAKERS) AZZZZ last night!...and we gonna do it AGAIN!.... So lets BASH this BLoody LAKERS-
  19. Ameenah Whats with you and not giving PROPS!... Big head Kulaha,we R somalis we do have a BIG head and a lil tweety's addition wouldnt make it grow an inch at this Rate u will hate me for saying things after U...just don hate me YET!)-ok..ook..i know U like my i take it upon me to say it for Names I like..mhm...Goodness i don know Half Of The ppl here!...lemme check the names and be
  20. OK..Tis the second round..and i am here to BASH the BIG ugly OLD geezers LAKERS! Shaq..tha nigga shouldnt be playing basketBall..more like a wrestler or some.. Kobe>>Let him get boooed over and over again in his hometown.and anyother town. The rest of the team...What Are other RESt... Lets Bash them LAKERS and ROOT for The KINGS!!! Ps: this topic was last yr!,no need for starting another one!
  21. Waraaa, Take Lakkad out of this! How did u come with my name here, mise simbaati aa raadinoosa waraa?(LOL!),No one has deleted me,and as far as am concerned Theres no female Mod, as a matter of fact i was championing for It. take it easy waraa...Human rights i just beleive its a mixture,maybe u need to recheck ur P/word..or Try using another comp...peace
  22. Who is This Woman? She Looks Just Fine with ME!
  23. Darman sxb after reading and re reading...i still Dont get it? U said...three Dudes reply?..for one point?..kinda slow maybe i am?
  24. LOOOOOOOOOOOOL Dhuusay WAAXID!....Quite...Sxb LOL!