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Everything posted by Macalin

  1. Sweetly Opinionateds...They say Moderation is for the MONKS and i know this lakkad aint ONE-LOL! The thing is at the time i did this a yr ago, i ws doing a lil research and the trend i saw was mostly extremes-and for thr particular project it ws all abt extreme..ya feed me?
  2. lol again..oh shyt!-snoop now tha Mofo is fregging ugly Waraa Nuune..U damn crzzy...Xtina aguleeerrra is FYNE..YO!..ight iska dhaaf xiito Shyhem...OK yu turning to be a,LET it OUT son. One more Ugly Mofo...His Name is Cee-LOO(hes a southern rapper..nigga ugly!)..also Outkast..subxaanka
  3. ACWW LOL..ok have u seen how some celebs are JUST DARN ugly!? Well lets make fun of EM! Lemme start with someone who puts the 'U' in the UGLY..goodness this sommabiaa is ugly azzz hell- Marilyn Manson (rock star-i cant look at him! larry KING!..gosh! lets see what U got to say!,
  4. If u have HILIB ARI and Suwaayad!??..Please HOLLA@.. Waxaan kala haa iska Joogan meeshood!
  5. ACWW I dont see Anything wrong with saying a LIL this and a LIL tha!-like my humble suster said!(Oh how i miss ur old name!-good to see it back!) Laakin what are the chances of A somaali Man/Woman meting and not knowing a lil abt the History?..waaba iska Yartahay..But am not gonna still Ur thunder, since this is a hyperthetical Q-anywhoo..Me.. she will find out what she asks 4! Macsalaama
  6. Subxaanka..this thing is sensitive...i said, D-ABAALKAAN-lol..**** uuba ii gelinaa!..Waryeee
  7. ACWW Lies and true sweet! Everyone has lied sometime in their one can say They dont LIE! Me, When i lie...Qosol aa iga soo smile damn too MUCH..sometimes wallahi when waxba aan sameen i end being the one ladhayo i dids!...What can one do Hee LOL@OG-GIRL...*****kaan kudaba socdo labaatan iyo afar sac..waa maxay!..war heedhe leave the LIL sis alone!
  8. Flying stil.Yaa uqti interesting read walle
  9. LOL@sthm lady and iLLmaticc.... why bring a yr old topic back waraaa.. well lets here what the badnaashada gonna do!.. i have perfected the list tho
  10. A suggestion to the UNemployed Grads...go back to Helps Ameenah...extend ur Horizons..Look far and Beyond!
  11. LOL>.NOVA...adiga yu was persistent NOOH!..thas why i said that! Nwys..garabkiina
  12. WARYAA LIBAAX!..wallahi thas a very NOBLE idea!... thnx bro thats one of my campiagn ideas when i move back to afrika in search for elective post~! come to think of it...its not tha expensive i seen them do it ob the discovery channel!...mhm my geeljire clansmen will LOVE of an opportunist!...oh BTW do u need compansation if i USE it?(after all its not an original patentable idea!)..again thnx waraa
  13. so far i see STHmLAdy, and LADY B(wt a nice name!-damn iam good!) and ilhaam isku camiraaya...Well..lets hear from his LAKKADNESS!... Tee fiican baa layiri, RUNN KAA NAXISSO mise BEEN kaa FARXISO?---- this is the issue here.. Me personally is good to be the truthful laakin i doubt if thats a good idea, qofka waa bin aadan and is not kool qofka laga nixiyo but then again, TRUTH hurts -so i go for RUNTA! BLUNT am not INTERESTED period!...m
  14. Macalin


    LOL!...Reer Gariisss...waraaa camiraada JOOJI...tha place is the Hottest damn place in the world..laakin is a nice city... LOL@beaches...waraa u mean river banks>?...tha dasheeks are kinda bushy too...calaa kuli xaal...its a nice city~ Jamaalk..ciyaal dabeel waaXID..LOL
  15. Waaw reewin aa kadhaceeso Mahaan! Waraada...Warka keena... I know af may Daardaar Eey laga sugee?...Lankii dibigiisa lagoorshe ey laga sugeee! Salaaam aleykum
  16. Shaqsi-LOL..sxb Is Caadi I think what we need IS Mass Civil Education but The basis of it lies on Parents and teachers who are supposed to teach Young kids on ettiquette and general Manners! I beleive if Ur Parents Raise you RIGGHT then U will treat things Well. On the Issue of Welfare, We are Masakiin and we have always been POOR lol, So unless we become RICH someday where the new generations can save Mobey in there 401K and IRAs this Ceer Issue will Forever be Common. I think we Need time to GROW, when u have kids INSHALLAH, Save there College Money when they Born, show them how to Save Money, teach them ON Honesty and RAise Them, For Charity Begins at home, and we the X(sol?) generation Can Save the Entire SOMALI diaspora. Macsalaama...and How U been BTW?
  17. LOL..Asalaam aleyku MUJ....Is been a YR already DANG DANG! Waraa...Am getting OLD..shitttt Congrats Sxb!..U are indeed a postive BROTHER,Love U 4 Tha My son the rest who been HERE a YR, Where R U?
  18. NIN Yaaban..Sxb waa Iska caadi...HABRAHA waa weyn RAADSO! Smart women Ka fogaaw..YAAH..
  19. LOL NIN YAABAN.... Horta I like Ur AVATOR...LOL Secondly Walle Inaad Yaaban Tahay...cajiib!@-The Gal said shes happy to Be IN SOL..right? Welc I today the POLice of New topics LOL
  20. AHAAA OK WASSSAP ...SHURRRRUP!(trick daddys) Welc ON bored(lol)..MISSY
  21. Macalin

    Who am I?

    Shayma....I think I know the ANSWER! Is It YOU!? -My reasons, U said u own three grand kids, a cat and a Prairedog?(or hamster u said?!)...Exactly FITS the PROFILE u described dee!-LOL On the Real I have No clue Who HABARTAAS is, why will she travel at 60?-exactly!
  22. Shayma...WALLE walashis U are in a Strong In ur FACE mood! Waa runtaa af jooga looma adeego,Laakin I gotta look out for MY NON sujuu Brother! Is all GOOD-I guess Ama ZIPPIT like a ZIPPO - U swing me? waiting on AYANIC to reply on the XUDUR issue- Tamy-So Basiccaly if U speak fluent ENGLISH, does tha mean U modern??..Plus i didnt know U wasnt BORN in somalia!(talk of ppl callin me sujuu-LOL!)
  23. If they are my family(which they are messy)...I throw away the stuff they leave behind...and then they will never repeat it..namean If they is Marti, Just suck up to IT and be cool-when one of them trashes, Just politely PICK after EM that way the NEXT one will BE nice
  24. WAT do MEN want?.....SUGBAL, SHOW ME WHACHU WORING WIT?... i don know!(j/K) Honestly If U wear a skirt and HAVE breasts Most UNGAY guys will NOTICE?
  25. Samygal...For the first time I ACTUALLY agree with U. What kinda KOOLAID flava u drank today?...mhm! Yo...Let samy TALK...Coz TALK is GOOD or was it cheap??