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Everything posted by Macalin

  1. Yes-this indeed did happen! Hey, what about...bakeeriga warqad ama maro holceeysa la dhex gelinaayo...then qofka dhabarka laga saaraayo.(I think it was used markow muruq kugu jura) Do you remember this? OR I have it wrong ------- I rem my grandPa was done to that i cried my Heart out-poor Me Poet--The Xirsi if U ask me is kinda shirk---me never liked that!
  2. Hello MMA~ is beena long time SON~ This is not Uncommon in N/Amerika--especially in canada where a judge has accepted recognition for same sex marriages---this ppl are crazy! It aint some New~it aint some differnt-if u ask me this Folks are wack and clearly sick in the head!
  3. Welc SIS U should mind rudy--he just ate too MUCH sugar and he gets excited(am his big brother in sol )-he gets excited when he sees new faces just smack his tush tush-lol welc again-Got MILK?
  4. Posted by barwaqo LoL...u kno THAT massive grin is due to something else. ----- All of a sudden am Jeelos!~ why do i have the feeling u getting Lost of presents? and Money-lol
  5. Macalin

    Da weather

    can i sitting in an air conditioned room, if i do go out the car is air conditioned and yes the malls are too and so are the stores even hyvee is air conditioned .........hmmm ------ Now this is what i call Good OL USA---i have yet to feel the HEAT--am actually looking for the sun..need to go to the Beach-i need to work on my TAN oh we will send some AC's to the Queens LAND-god save the queen from the heat
  6. Gedid N flying---That sounds like a NOBEL idea--laakin Do we have enuff funds to do 2 full flegded campaigns? My point is--AIDS awareness can be and will be done by the local shiqs,parents and families-Malaria and other diseases Need immidiete funding! Yall swing me here?
  7. ^^^ i had spider bite on my cheek once and they had a camels xaar on my face.......that was gross camel's xaar(its called 'digo' BTW) is Gross?---I used to kick them lil balls around U kidding yaah-lol
  8. LOL^----Athena--this ppl getting ON Ur case?-- Barwaqo-Haye caruurta aa eedeneesa haye?...Miss Athena is NAIVE-she wouldnt know THAT-lol Jaylaani-Sex is GOOD~Keep it safe and Legal--no Minors please
  9. LAKHAD.......ADIGA TUUGADA HA UU DODIN NOOH.........NALA DHEEH TUUG LA QABTAY TALO MALEEH..........THE CHICK GOT BUSTED THAT IS ALL I still Disagree with YALL---no one knows who owns the original material~The paki could well have plagiarised!---why yall assumed its the somali is beyond ME~ I BELIEVE ANY SOMALI COULD WRITE THAT!-fahamta? Shayma~Plagiarsim is a big deal-but when it comes to the NET-aint no way one can monitor-my Point is Yall assumed the culprit was SUDI-I disagree -it could be either one!
  10. Magnoona How sweet Can u be! Unfortunatly It will be hard to accept tha offer from a Magnoona! how u been anyways-nice to see a old face
  11. Shayma macaneey__ plagirism is everwhere and if it so happened the Paki/or the som plagiarised-well then waa sidaa dee! But runtii u was skewed to the fact that the som dude plagairised!-without saying either of em couldave done it! my case is ..u Jumped to conclusions-plus plagiarism is not such a big deal on the NET
  12. Dalqad removal?...are you serious?!!!!!!! yes they do remove Dalqad-am serious~ somalidaan waa waalan yhin. Kaaga daran--they Put this big OL Nail on the fire and dhushhuuuushh-aa kayeerese(i witnessed one right infront of me when i was a kid!)-fortunatly my dad + mom will not succumb to my Grand ma's pleas-lol
  13. LoL...Waryaa lakkad, geesi baad noqotay ma istidhi? Bas...wey inoo taalaa There comes a TIME even the BIIQS have to speak UP..nameans?--but don Punish me!-Kaaba galaas!
  14. Oh one more--whats the POINT OF MAL MAL?-anyways on a lil kids HEAD? or the three Spots of FIREstick on the Forehead!? or the removal of 'DALQADA'(that thingy at the end of ur throat!?)
  15. So U Put down ur own somali on the basis of being a somali?-contradiction(not the cologne-haha am funny wallahi! )..any ways U still do not have a case to proof! and abt ur dhib yarantaada-Dhasdhaskaas maba lehid!-soo dhibka iska wad..Pokey?
  16. I figured i will rescue Yalls from this complaining bug that has seemed to bite ppl in SOL Now heres the TOPIC~ Do Yall remeber back in Afrika about weired remedies?---that seemed to Work Just Fine? one particular one i had in mind was Drinking 'Geed hindi' Juice when u have Qandho or malaari-geed hindi is Neem tree(for my non knowers!). or Showering with a fresh Blood(from a freshly slaughtered ORGI-if u tabareed-a dorro was just fine!) yes this did happen-so don look @ me as crzzy! Or When u have a headache~ a Fasaleeti on ur head(this never worked for me!).My head seemed to BUST out of my wareva! Or when u have a hiccup-kulaha if someone scares the cambuulo outta YOU-the hiccup will be over! Now do YOU guys remember any weired remedies that still works for YOU or just any others for that matter? Ps: ^Lakkad is sufferin Malnutrition and is looking for ways to gain weight~ if u know old remedies PM him~
  17. Shayma-waa dhib badan tahay ma is tidhi? Are u a PAKI horta? Anakaa wax aragnay we could argue on and on for both ways- U have abssolutely no proof to brand miss/mr sudi of being a plagarist-No way..on the basis of evidence, either of them couldave plagiarised unless u know the somali in person and tha they are incapable of writing coherently like that. and on the Issue of PAKIS being smarter than ur average somali-unless u only view getting A's in exams as Inteligent All am saying is...U have no idea who Owns the least theres no way U can TELL froma pc-U just have circumstantial evidence-ur case will fail in any JURY-includin this one here-SOL!.. mac mac
  18. Gedid^ good positive POINTS... But if the ppl are dying of diseases that a treatable at early stages in 21st century-then who will be there for an epidemic thats yet to strike us?----ppl are dying of malnutrution, direahea,TB and other treatable diseases coz of no drugs- we dont need an AIDS campaign, we have OUR QURAN as a awareness, Our Dhaqan, our deen thats a enuff awareness-we MUSLIMS! somalia is not like other afrikan nations-or non muslim nations-if u see the data on AIDS-u will see almost all the islamic nations have less than 1% aids victims-that should say SOME! wa salaams
  19. SweetGal and KK- welkam back- i dint see yall for a MINUTE. The place has new faces, and new diracs, u have to let them marinate a lil and let em build some base or All my Buddies have dissed the place, but i did manage to stay longer(even tho i don come as often!)and make some other 'favorites'-na means- if anything will HELP i will post a topic later-i know yall craving for my TOPICS-alahu akbar!--yaah anyways they are being sweet and nice abt complains so i suggest u'd rather not iLLs--sup son?
  20. *I heard snoop doggs coming up with- *Girls Hungry For Power*- didnt We congratulate U guys OVER a week AGO?-mise KK aa hurdada kasoo kacday?-cajiib oh wait, i THINK Lady B-and her Evil Twin R behind this conspiracy...i say one CONGRATS is ENUFF-let go already! But them My gals-so again Congrats-somethings need a womans Touch! ya heard!^ say WORD
  21. We noticed coz u have a unique way of YELLING?-since u miss Unique?- relax-and relax drink koob shahi ah-and kick some PaKi A$$
  22. Fly, this ppl will make any money any where when they NEED it Now u tell ME why Waste all that money on an AIDS campaign that we don have a problem with?-i mean is a good idea but There are other priorities such as MALARIA and other treatable diseases!-wasting money on a disease thats hardly epidemic is not the best idea! They should find money for MALARIA -thats a killa!
  23. Salaams! First-I dont LIKE this business of ppl telling others whats good and whats not GOOD~ This is the internet and u will find anything and anything on the NET, aint no way to FILTER this things- Here in SOL We are FAMILY and FAMILIES talk abt anything WHY AA DADKA AFKA LOO QABANAA?-let them speak, WHINE ,COMPLAIN and TALK GARBAGE!-so long as the ADMIN is fine with it-then U should be cool. Abt the Social issues U mentioned, they are indeed nice and good, but is this the RIGHT medium?- coz most of this kids in here really don wanna know abt social stuff-well if it involves 50c and beyonce Maybe (am not saying anything-just the demographics-thats all!) anyways peace OUT-^ Dadka afka yaan loo qaban-thats why somalia(and other afrikan nations) is in SHAMBLES coz qof baa dadka wax usheegaye-nameans
  24. Salaams bro! First its very sad to leave freinds behind and never see again!...its smooth of U to holla back. secondly, I have Never been to MADINA or XAMAR, But i do have a very GOOD freind who seems to KNOW everyONE in xamar and they seem to kNOW him..will ask him! ^^^----i Just replied to give others a boost!-lol
  25. LOL@Flying. Waa kaa muuqataa...war smile sometimes show your pearl white teeth...c'mon now. -----What Do You Mean By THIS gabar?----R u making fun of me,yacni u know my smile aint all tha gr8 so u saying to SMILE?-mmmm alaheeey ka alla! Shujuu~ Dude U crazzzzzy: the only thing i hate is running~ it Just aint for SHULUQS-THANK U