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Everything posted by Macalin

  1. Hii sawaxili ya watu mana tooka wabi-baxali yakke sisi abana weeesa naongea na sawaxilia-alla gamia iko wabi? waraa bachelor niaje stoneface,siyo visuri na freshi kuongea juu ya wenzako waislamu especially kama hawa fahamu lugha!--i know walendos kuna wajeuris na madoidois mob,lakini keep it on the DL>?-ama waraa Jamal..wewe anaongesha sawaxili qatari sana?baxali yake wewe abana mutu ya bara?eh?-saaasawa! Sthmlady-wewe bado sahau ugali + sukuma?
  2. Macalin

    Body image.

    FS--we gettin a lil shakki on the weight we have eh>? I give you props for noticing that the ideal look of the somali has changed tremendously-even the blacks have changed. This days wallahi ppl are looking for the slim/tall/abs-to-die 4 figure!...i remmember when the 'faras' big boned lady was in fashion!...however the more we watch TV and soaps-the more we change- ^^^my ideal body??---Thick in the right places-whaever that means--hey the ladies say that-ani maa kuu kasaaya? Athena-lol whats wrong with extra baruur and cadiin?---its called natural kubeerto-have that in mind!
  3. Ent---like i said, wallahi its a difficult process that requires a lot of thought. The livestock yu mentioned is really not that of a economic solution, in this modern age of high tech and high speed data, we are incapable of becoming a regional autonomy let alone a state of its own. What the ppl need is education and i mean civil education, yu have to have in mind that taxes(zakat-in islam) is a really good source of income for any state,and we dont even have a good number of taxing idealogies and money wise technocrats... and plus,the MAIN somalia is in shambles,and unless that country cleans its mess,theres no feasable solution to this idea-i mean look at somaland,which after 12yrs is yet to be recognised as a nation- Inshallah am on the road right now but i will give you my bigger picture on this later! macsalaama
  4. Originally posted by runaway^virgin: beer beer u dhac..oo ba'ay kaa yeertay -====Ar habarkaas kululaaaa??--RV ilaahey habarteey kaa ma dhigin!,amin Jamal-lol the eedada shuban haa dilo is by far the best---- I still havent found the right habaar for my BOSS(rvs was close!)--someone suggested this: Xeero dhiig kushubooo ooo bartaa la'waaa!(the xeero is for ONLY BUNN(cofee beans-and hence the dhiig is i don knw what-laakin it sounds scarry-innit?)
  5. Ent that was a nicely put article...but u have to consider so many things for u to able to declare autonomy! banks,military,infrastructure,economic stabilty,manpower,taxing,and so many stuff that requires techincalities. its good to be autonomous but we first should libearte ourselves economically!...i have the ideas...and solutions. will give u a detailed version(in a sof copy) u!
  6. this ur way of tryna convince us somali females that we should practice polygamy? article definitely won't change mine- I'd leave him in a minute if he pulled sumthin' like that. Scratch that actually..Id make HIM leave lol --------- malikah---some ppl just love to be second wives---its just works for em! now if u don like that--heyyy
  7. geellaada giiryaamo qaadey lol--ar BAX giriyaama geel qaaday intees geehaa?--bad hindi?--lol Me--april aan meeshan dalaq soo dhahay---but november meelahas aan bartay and b4 remember u could write some without being a member? anyways--waaa ku kaa//sanad iyo walax aa lajiro!... biss OU! LOL!@wildy------U sho need to go back to sleep!-crzy woman
  8. Rudy...did u take ur medication son>? anakaa wax aragne
  9. an overated virtue?...mhm! i have no clue wallahi i have to disagree with u mindstate on the issue of som sisters bein overrated----i think they deserve there position-- Now u said--ur baby sis + lucky are not included--add that up to all the baby sisters and luckys and the list becomes all the som sisters...feel me son! will come back-for my put
  10. I like the LAXATIVE idea! also lefty had some thoughtful ideas...good pointr son
  11. Macalin


    Leee--Yow whats this business of proposing and ish?--yall wanna get married b4 i does? anyways--if i ever marry and ask jamiila to marry me--i will make it sophisticated that she gets the message that i am wordly sophisticated!-lol this is how u does it--get a laser thingy that and then take her to a dark alley where noone else is there--and then aim the laser gun to a wall and the thing should read some like--'will u marry me'?---the flip side of this fellas is when she says NO--u know what to do--its a dark alley and its only the 2 of yall(chances R she aint gonna say NO--case closed!); second way---Go to her papa and ask for her hand-who cares what she thinks!
  12. Ladies -xalimos even the french Are accepting the concept of polygamy!--interesting. read this LINK
  13. brother bachelor!--salaams bizzak atch cuzz secondly...whats ur point my humble bra-ah-tha(lol-j/k) Them sister we gats here is way cool---too late we done appericiated em a million yrs ago!-right ladies? but a suggestion for U--maybe u should send a personalised card for all of em/
  14. LOL---ar idinkaaa----- Lady B--maxaa dhahday?--inkaartii hee dhuusa weyneed?--balo kudhuusa weenaatee-- Keep them coming--we will see who wins the tuff one! One more:....Qandho fildaran ku qaadee--ee barbar ii dhaaf! Or--Duufan kudafte ee miriqdaada la'waa dhinac ii dhaaf!--lol ar habaar kululaaa!
  15. YEs yes i know i know that one!!---she will say things like.... Naa madhashho oo madhiiqdo(that one had me cracking always)--kaalay!--lol
  16. Oh the reason aa idin weediinaayo is because inkaar qabooho my boss isku yeero-(timaha alla kabuubiyee!)..aa nafti yareed ii keenay--and i wanna unleash on the habaars yall gats -beerkiisa alla gubo!------ marka soo daadiya bal--- And oh please am not gonna habaar anyone so dont give me all that political correctness ISH--ya feels me?
  17. ACWW~~~ Dadow what is with somali older folks (moms/dads-adeers/etc etc)and habaar? Do you remember some of the habaars that ur mama/abooto/aabo/adeer/abti used (or still does) unleash on ur A$$ when u was a lil NAUGHTY and cantankerous? Examples from my hooyo macaan--was: 'Lugaha alla kaa jajibii naa Maxaad xiligaan la wareegeesa?(to my dear sis' 'Dhulka kula GO'-- hada all i remember is that much--but anaaba soo xasuusan doona--ee idinka habaar kulul ma aragteen?-- waa ku kaa dee---may allah enter ur shoulders kuligiin-aamin dhaha!
  18. Ninka--i have the perfect nomad who feels passiantly abt this!...her name is BARWAQO-aka Lady B0---lady where U is? my thoughts on this--i have worked with foregn AID companies when i was back in afrika--and beleive me any loan will never help the poor....what we need is a simple fair market share in whatever we sell... why would the price of coffee be regualted in LONDON>?--when they don grow jack schit? Why would rubber be regulated by firestone? Why would diamonds(other preciuos stones)--be regulated in NY?--as long as we have this guys doing this stuff--wax kala soconaayo aa iska yar--we have to take responsibilities into our own deeds!-- waa ku kaa hee--may allah enter ur shoulders-ameen dheh!
  19. saxiibow hooyade aan somali oga so tagay that's why i was dattin' with single mom ...--ciyaalka caanahooda aa wax laishubaayay .... ------------loool waraaa GOT MILK AA KADHACDAY haye?..wheres Ur moustache? subxaanka waraa-aroos is ****** /me am not an ***** !..
  20. Good 4 Next time tell him in Person-so that i don have to go down stairs and wake him up from his sleep!--damn woman!
  21. LovelyME--Hambalyo iyo aroos wacan!----wiil/gabar iyo caano/hilib!-amiin Flying!--U getting married?---how u gonna get married and u aint tellin the GROOM?-walle aduunkaan!
  22. hehehe! Ok someone is defensive...Yes samatar is not a gr8 singer i said!...he just u gat a problem with da?
  23. The guy was a carnibal! But as i heard----he repented and went to hajj aswell as he reads the quran daily!(b4 he died) hopefuly ilaahey qafuur raxiim waaye he may have forgiven him--alla waclam! may allah rest his soul in janatal firdowsa!
  24. I am not a sociologist and am not interested what bantus/amerikans will and wish to do! I as a somali have so many problems to talk about~..let me clean my ISH first then i halaaaa! peace N one