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Everything posted by Macalin

  1. 2 bright! A lil too flashy..2 crowded..ciriri aan dareemoya! nice tho
  2. why u ask where i will be 15yrs from NOW?--u wanna assasinate muah?..i dont sink so! ^prolly become the mayor of my hometown!..yes local gvt! kids(them lil rascals!)..2 wives! (one in baadiye + one in balad!)
  3. Yes Zaki we need a recall!-ala calif style!..complete with the accents of tam and ariana!.. Whats fame without the famous ONE?!huh?..Wheres ME?-Wheres HIM?...and most importantly Wheres is I?-yes..
  4. name says it all...i was a nice bad kid!..nice coz i was just so cute and bad coz i was a menace... Every maqrib(marki ciyaraha laga soo hoydo-lol..there was someone complaining to my parents abt me and my lil bro-he was worse) worst..The worst was Boolis aa dhagax eber ku i dint spend anytime in jail..but i did some community work!...don wanna go into details but it was the boolis vs our xaafad all coz of me!
  5. *** Eyo Eyo*** ***Walks IN and Does the DHANTO!...oh hell YA!..brotha Looking good dancing that ish...*** Decides to give them lil Yangstas a ..Bubble DANCE..whacha know bout da?
  6. Oh now we talking abt YOUR Likes and Dislikes? What wise idea! News FLASH!>> I DONT CARE!!!!
  7. Did i say job>? look at me am hyterical.. i meant i loved the anyways Njoy it
  8. Hey i got this from david lettermans top ten.. have a look at it Top Ten Things The Iraqi Information Minister Has Admitted Since Being Captured 10. "Okay, Iraq didn't win the war. It was a tie" 9. "Iraq's weapons scientists were secretly developing our own Hulk" 8. "Tariq Aziz had Botox" 7. "Saddam Hussein's not the innocent angel everyone thinks he is" 6. "Dr. Germ looks really hot when she's synthesizing VX gas" 5. "You picked the right guy for the 'Queen of Clubs,' if you know what I mean" 4. "Howard Dean will win the 2004 election" 3. "Uday Hussein's birth name -- Gary" 2. "I've been offered a job as editor of 'The New York Times'" 1. "The rumors are true -- I'm dating Ashton Kutcher
  9. Nafta..baayo who is keynan and rizak.. i have no idea who they ear!
  10. This dude is definetly bitter! His wife aint giving him NONE? Who knows in the post 9/11 ?..hehe
  11. smart white BOY..lool
  12. Rv lol Unfortunatly no matter how many great tips and wat not yall bring..its still indeed hard to please women!..its a fact! thnx for ur effort tho
  13. The ol Mullar has perfected the art ---lol shaqsi Thats grounds for LIBEL! A pci does indeed say 1000 this case its a 1M words! yaa Allah..sec6 dude dont post ish like this SOnnie
  14. I would probably freak out and faint in the doctors office..been maa laisku sheegaa? Call hooyo mama cadeey and tell her how much i love her.. pray the rest of the 23hrs left till i pass!.. Log on to SOL and bye bye all my nomads (yes i love yall 2)
  15. Damn..that list is damn too long for any sensible man to follow..we just cant grab all that info in one sitting..its nature...incoporate it with some like pizza or football and give us in bits sxb! u know that some women are actually desparate?--yea there are some women! Lady they cant help it?...nice line!
  16. What are the side effects of this miracle drug? I hope its not insomnia!..i do not wish to see some ppls face when they have missed there beauty sleeps! Waiting for a reply from 'ugly to be soon' ex shopaholics!
  17. Its a matter of choosing whats good for one! If someone decides to date someone who never dated a non somali..thats there choice..its called FREEDOM! You dont have to ridicule anyone or slam em with titles like that,its the persons choice!..we dont expect everyone to agree! Personally its my perogative and fundamental if i may as it is natural, that i dont like to date femmes that have dated 'jinijini'(my cuz;s word) it shallow or low but its my STYLE!
  18. Welc. You will love this did the ADMIN send u a welc PM? j/k
  19. Wallahi basbaas nin iga yaabiye aa tahay! Half of waxa shegeesid ani mafahmo!..maybe am just a sujuu... sxb bal ii macnee maxaay ujeedada of this thread! Funny thing half of the ppl who replied are laughing at my sweet dear cute Desert Gipsy and her newly aquired U go GIRL!
  20. Macalin


    Lakkad doesn't making a promise and backing out because your scared qualify as a bad thing? That goes for kool kat as well. I've always believed in Karma... ............ I dont think thats bad..1 becoz u doing some soul searching,2 because you are genuine about ur fears. its perfectly normal to do some soul searching!...Just running away from them is terrible w/out telling em is bad
  21. LOL...what the hek was that ? Migual and hassan who?..jesus! Ameenah..c'mon runta sheeg? U just backed out coz the dude came up to U..women and their denials! waraada..I think text messaging is just 3 much work...
  22. LOL..RV ..waxaan maqli jiray gabar inee xishoota waaye about food and what NOT..This women!,wats this world coming to?..hehehe Haweenkii waa kuwi hore aa layiri,....Seriously i HATE canjeero why would anyone crave for is beyond me..war bax homeworka kashaqee..cid baa skool kuu dirsatee,kikikiki... Anyways alaha kuu sahlo dhuuni yahay... .
  23. LOOL@windtalker!..heheh still laughing. My beans and cusbo on this matter is quite simple. Any SSM woman can get any Non single moms that she so desires so long as she stays PUT. I have seen many ssms who have hooked the best of the best and are unmatchable with the 'yaryariiska'..its all in the confidence of the femme! Now me as lakkad,will i consider a ssm?..I dont know?,will i give her a chance? yes definetly! The issue is darn getting out of control...someone save the ssm;s
  24. I have to delete all my screen names now?...thanx I bet ur muufo and maraq that he will be BACK
  25. Macalin


    Nabsi in my eyes is when u do someone wrong and u initiated the wrong doing. If you have no choice but to do what u have to do then i dont believe it comes back for no whatever happened Iman?