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Everything posted by Macalin

  1. Six sick hicks nick six slick bricks with picks and sticks 0-----yahuu yahuu yahuu... i kept saying six six Ilhaan,how the hell did you know waxaan sheegay?!Q?...walle waa yaab Lucky adiga you made me say some else on the shimbir mara gaduud thingi...damnit suxxur wanagsan
  2. Mar iswad, mar iwad! Mar iswad, mar iwad! Mar iswad, mar iwad! what i said cannot be repeated here...alla alla Can someone say this? ^^Kantai(masai name) can tie a tie if kantai can tie a tie why cant i tie a tie like Kantai ties a tie^^
  3. Waa waree!@mizz healthy Waa maxay waxaan yall sayin no sambuus and bur?..Oh well!
  4. Mida kale, shukaansi iyo ramadaan miyey israacaan? Hmmm.... ------^^^ Waa Suaal da' weeynoo madax daalineesa...balsee inoo sheegaa dhalinyaro! leftiga--sxb qaamuska aad wadatid waa outDated,marka isku day inaad latest edition soo qaadataa saxuur wanagsan
  5. ASH TREE (Ambition) uncommonly attractive, vivacious, impulsive, demanding, does not care for criticism, ambitious, intelligent, talented, likes to play with fate, can be egotistic, very reliable and trustworthy, faithful and prudent lover, sometimes brains rule over the heart, but takes partnership very seriously -------- Well this tree is damnn liar---Iam way better than wat this tree says --Oh well who knows but me!
  6. I quit reading the damned thing when he said this: Somali people continued to wear the qaydar, the dhuug, the Maro Somali, the dhacle and darayamuus, the guntino and Islam was always there where it should belong; their heart, and not on their clothes. -------Hes definetly misguiding ppl and what islam preaces! Ppl like this should be condemned-
  7. there many non s/landers whom are living there ligitamately and sending money back home, -----looool Home?...what home? lost here sonny See thats the problem of Kissing too Much Boot!..if this was silaanyo,he would prolly make more sense and be calm but since riyaale is from a minority clan,he has an obligation to PLEASE the Majority otherwise he will nt be seen as true Lander! he says whatever he deems to say....and have the words 'terror acts' become cliche'?
  8. Yo..Shy,Sup Son, am glad you have had time to absorb and does indeed suck and we as Men(ya men)...always must go on and move. Welcome back!..
  9. LOL..nune Duud duud maahe..Gees Gees aa kuu dhaafa....sxbkiis waxaas waa ingiriis caadi ah..Yaah ramadan kareem
  10. shukaansi waa dhaqdhaqaaqa is bed-bedelka cimilooyinka naxa iyo kuwa suuxa,kuwaasoo kasoo burqada gafuurka iyo agagaarkiis khaasatan bishinta loo yaqaano xuuqmidaar. -----LOL Benta kadaa inanka. Lefty aka Gurey: shukansi is an ART..u have to be talented
  11. May Allah grant them Jintaul firdoos...aamin On a serious Note, Is there any LAW left in in this world?..making refugees move across oceans in such conditions?,where was the libyan Govt?,the Owners of the Boat should be sued for wrongful death and sure the malis in italia will do some about it.....and when are we gonna learn not to sail in boats?.....wallahi this is driving me Bonkers!.ah
  12. Can you write in english please? ...Honestley is that english or just something you made up?.. was u have a dictionary close?..... Lucky lol..i was driving a point hence..i had to be obtuse
  13. Asalaam aleykum So You have a problem with bro sophits' rambunctious,raucous,strident,vociferous and obstreperous ways of using big WORDS?...i honestly believe its his perogative, appanage, droit and perquisite right if he chooses to do so... In my Opinion you are being cantankerous and bearish yet captious while being insensitvly choleric and crotchety hence being dour, irascible and morose to his right and still become obstinate yet ornery and a peevish, perverse honerable Nomad while not respecting his liberty to be what he desires to be. Please stop being petulant and quarrelsome. to be snappish and sour is not the way to be humble. Thnkx in advance
  14. Not quite an inteligent Accessment! Oh well...its all hard feelings from the Aussie^^
  15. My reaction: 'Hawdy pa'tner...had a bad day?'...(in my newly aqcuired southern slang)and proceed to tell him of my day!' Darman was this the story caruurta looga nixiyo?...mayn o Mayn
  16. Macalin


    Someone said,They are more indigenous[they prolly right) original somali names..faarax..xalima..sweet personally i prefer Jaamac/Janaay
  17. Lander first time i have actually agreed with you on something. You are definetly being SMART and giving possible solutions...good job bro. How does the position of a internal security admin sound? comes with full PERKS...Jaad N all..just kidding...Baquets to U son
  18. Have you Guys noticed that ALL FAST FOOD CHAIN COMMERCIALS are done BY Black folks?,That irritates me
  19. Lakad, lol@ professionls and media responsibilities.. your such an idealist babes no such things exist in this world! --------- Its About time we became responsible.
  20. LOL..This Is My Hero --I mean out we send one dictator..In we bring another one Virtually! GOsh..Even level headed folks like Jamal/Nin Yaban/Ameenah/Shujui--have been sucked into THIS? Its very easy to irritate Folks Up in Here. Man Of Freedom,My Kinda Negro--Kudos Bro Keep up the Good Job of Making Ppl so MAD--that You are such a PRo--But me Nuh You aint gonna do that son
  21. ACWW Like i said b4,Mz Tonnelis death was such a loss to ALL somalis and not only to borame residents-she started to help folks in the NFD in the early 70s. Having said that, the author(which i presume is the editorial section of the local newspaper) has some valid points, yes the murders could be the work of non somalilanders who wish to see somland go nowhere...but then he said this: 1- Why such crimes are committed at this particular time when Somaliland has launched an active diplomatic campaign to sell its case to the world and when the Somali reconciliation conference in Nairobi is on the verge of collapse? ---now this is absurd,hasnt S/land been aggressive since the collapse of the dicatator?..i mean we all know that the somaliland government has been unable to convince the international community,even with peace. If they were serious about solving and recognising somalilands soverigneity,will they and solely base it on the death of 4 europeans who everyone agrees were helping the locals?..i mean its a point to be considered,In coffee shops,jaad chewing venues but certainly not in the editorial section of a newspaper!-unless this paper is a tabloid and or is/was trying to sell more papers to the locals. starting with a claim like this on a newspaper is defintly not healthy for an already bruised and batterd my opinion this newspaper is trying so hard to gain or make a break through the somalilanders and being seen as a 'real northerner'. The media,*(especially a newspaper)should be inpartial/critical/watch and guide nationals and not Incite the LOCALS vs the NATION.*(nation being the larger somali diaspora) The author has defintly no concious for respect,as he goes and bubbles about how its outside work,which again as i said,could be the work of outsiders but going around and inciting locals is not the way proffesionals go about solving issues...BARBS to him/ whoever the editor s!.
  22. Holy MAMA!...Dude You are scaring me SON...ummm emmm My MOMA LOVES ME...umm eemm My sisters/brothers good...umm eemm....Am good,thnkx Where the HELL DO U LIVE sonnie?...ur an alarmist
  23. Posted by Rokko: Baashi if i was in that situation i would wear my upto knees SABAR HINDI macawis ----lol i like THAT..good IDEA nWho the hell is the Nucca anyways?..And why is they ALL IndhoYars?..mhm
  24. LOL!@flying that was hilarious wallahi Qunfac UDHIMOO-Maxaad la qufacdaa afar iyo labatan sac??..xaaax xaaax..ouch ouch
  25. Macalin

    Need advice!

    Listen to ur parents..listen to ur heart Ur parents LOve matter what! the decision u make is always important to nice and keep talkng to them....they will eventually listen