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Everything posted by Macalin

  1. You forgot a 6th type of nomad: Those who spend all day making silly and ill-categorized lists to sort people. [/quote-------- HeHeHe..that was BLUNT! AND STRAIGHTFORWARD>>BUT HEYY!>>I LOVED IT>> moti malawax maskiinow wax isku fal
  2. techno n sports - am i confused if i think Luis Figo is the sexiest man living on earth ---------- kkkkk @KISSES..Luis Figo the Portugeese soccer playa?....why dont u jst go to ur local banadir section and get u a reer xamar?(am told reer xamars are dissidents of Burjuqiis!!)As ny freind Nuune would say AMIIN... ya thas me suggestion@wats her name...Kisses!
  3. This is defintly from a whiteboys perception. In the true spirit of Geeljirenism....this age is when u have ur own herd of camels and a family and 3kids(having married@16!.lol) @wakuu kaa dee
  4. I decided to check some Travel agencies and see if I could get a better deal.. I stopped by several agents before I stumbled up on this part Xawaalad part laxam xalaal, part travel agency, part tax return filing, part qaraan collection store ------ Nice description of my family shop!..looool! Anyways its good to support ur own kinda business however the situation u have described is by far not the real picture, i do have a couple of buddies who have a travel agency which is proffesional and which deal with major airlines(i could give u the adress in MPLS!),needless to say there are immitators who dont have the neccesarry skillz and or proffesion and in the business of makin quick cash on unsuspecting uneducated qabiil oriented folks(goin to ones store coz they hail from same qabiil!)... My Point support the community at the same time,look and shop around..there are indeed very well established travel agents tha do give discounted tickets to the majority of soms..especially for overseas!.. And please dont report my cuzin to the JK!
  5. Bro..salaams.. Alllow myself to am lakkad and iam a Nomad because i have posted/replied to a number of topics....therefore once you post and reply to as many topics, u will be introduced to the special club of members that is 'NOMAD' i making sense?.. Anyways post enuff and u will get that title..comprende!>? Anyone who can do better? confused!
  6. Eyo You some crazy nucca I tell yu this sonnie ...simple as 123.....ready playa 1..if the old pops is into him 2 marduufs--get a recorder and let him talk hhis brains out..u have proof 9/10 times he prolly gonna say good words abt U...u have proof when hes off the jaad 2..if hes wadaad...get ur qamiis..cut all ur pants to 3/4'ish...etc etc etc...u smell me homie 3...if hes the koofiye clad bakoorad swinging mudug accented type...get the hell outta there My Man 4...If aLL fails Contact Xalimo Sr and call her HOOYO(not eedo!) Wun love.....and Yea Pull up Ur Pants when u walk into the
  7. Look At this So called SOMALI LEADERS!.....They refused to meet Ugandan and Kenyan President holding them up for 5hrs!!! U refuse To discuss Ur Country's Problems and u are being BEGGED to Please have a GOVT??????? Ok am Pisssssd off..war niman Qanfuur ah oo somali wax ka galin ayaa Garka iyo jilibka ku haysto oo kuleh please walaalow Jst get a government!!...Shows this Guys are not Serious!,..nuff said Heres the link to more news from a kenyan newspaper Foolxumo
  8. Kisses....Too Bad am not a BOY, any Q's for a MAN? perharps??? Thanx a BUNCH
  9. Macalin

    what if....

    ..intaas baan noolahay ee waligey manaan arkin wiil somali aan dhaho ileen kan wuu quman yahay....midkasta wax ba si ka ah.... ------ LOL..!!~ Sugboo, Yaa Adunkaan kunool oo wax is ka aheen?...Perfectville Maa degantahay adiga? U sure do want it to be 70F,clean and no misses in NAFTALAND aa umaleeya Haye! I do honestly beleive that Most sisters Need to Mature More, and start looking at other stuff than comtemparary things like LooKs,Education and Money and Maybe Look for Something Else,watever that MayBe!---Nafta I don mean u need to Mature But Rather Its Kinda Xogaa U know To Say that....Qof walbo wax baa si Ka eh, No ONe is 100% so its OK IN ee wax kaa Maqnaadan.. Waa kaa dee Odaygii waa hadlay!---ciid wanagsan(its not tha far!)
  10. Putting words in your mouth is unmanly and I don’t endorse that type of tactics. Drawing sufficient conclusion from insufficient premises (your posts) is a fair game ---------- LOL Endorse?..its like u have the authority to do that, anyways am kidding...u still don have to say what someone wrote to be insufficient, u can say you dont agree with it, but u cannot make sufficient conclusions rather Clear opinion on ur opinion....thnxs As for Ms Opinionated I honestly Believe That You Guys are Targetting her for expressing her Opinions..if u dont like wat the young sister is voicing, disagree with it civily and Not Taking words out of context....Dont Polarise issues like that! If i may Finish, guys sorry am taking Long(lol), Police Brutality is and Has always been there b4 9/11--W.Salaam
  11. Hey Can u get his Pic for me? i do have an OLD family freind who i heard is a cop in SD, but the name is not familiar,but who knows somalida magac kala duwan ayee banaanka soo dhigan.. But if he is the one that i think he is,then i do know the brother and he has always been the'ASKARI' type.... Holla
  12. Which I thought to be rather creepy due to the coincidently Masonic/ Orwellian looking logo they used with the slogan “ Scientia est Potentia” meaning Knowledge is power in Latin ----------------- Sue, You are Very Sophisticated using latin words etc etc, we are not on the same level so ama let it slide tho'/ This topic is off limits for the negro......may the evil eye be with u whereever u maybe
  13. Absolutly Pure,clean, utter and sheer boredom! Like evryone else said u have to stare at a damn computer for 8hrs while mines is actually 12hr a day
  14. Originally Posted By La Fidele: Call it husband-profiling LOL...i like that....Nice choice of words i must say... secondly: Besides that, take comfort in Rahima's response. And don't worry, you're not alone in this struggle. ------So you also got hurt or U are looking?, whcih one?(u dont have to answer me!) Poster, Jst go to the Masjid and or put a personal AD..saves time and energy..good luck. Kidding aside Th0....hope yall find someone
  15. ^^ When i said lets stone em i didnt mean to like jst go and LYNCH the of course not! You have to be proffen guilty by a law of court like you said, but is there a true islamic state? governd by the sharia, except maybe for the KINGDOM? what if some missionary comes and starts apostating some poor ppl?, and say awhole village leaves islam, are jsut gonna stand by and say oh well theres no islamic court? Btw am not asking this Q's am pondering!...but yea good analysis
  16. LOL SOCRATES...happynewyr sxb..ama see u @excel right? Umm Yea, i dont know if this guy is any professional or what like a social worker or pyschiatrist, i mean what authority does he to classify and oversimply(as my himble bro above said) issues that are really really a thorn in our community. What i have a problem with is his simple one shot look at the issue(more like a comedian on comicview views),he just mentions stuff that are irrilevant....Also he doesnt have any solutions to the problem facing the community.
  17. It was narrated that ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Mas’ood said: the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “It is not permissible to shed the blood of a Muslim who bears witness that there is no god except Allaah and that I am the Messenger of Allaah except in one of three cases: a soul for a soul (i.e., punishment for murder), a married man or woman who commits adultery, and one who leaves his religion and separates from the jamaa’ah (main body of Muslims).” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 6484; Muslim, 1676 It was narrated that Ibn ‘Abbaas said: the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever changes his religion, execute him. -------------------- Am glad i learnt something!/THNX BUULKA..err yea so lets stone the gaalos
  18. lakkad no again we don't kill non-believers who were born like that, but the muslims who turn to be kaffirs yes u should kill them. ---------- QacQac...Where in the Quran and Hadeeth does this say?...Ma qasab baa?...qofku haduu san rabin diinta quruxda badan?...Allah knows whats good for his deen and he knows wat he needs to do them, certainly no man should be doing that! We dont have a khalifah here to give a decree or some so, a kangaroo court finds jamac hersi ali dhuuntoy guilty jst because he decided to be GAAL??...war naga daaya me meesha laquray quranka wat yall sayin!
  19. Call it curiosity or flat out being noisey... ----- I jst Love the way u said.. Umm Anyways wish me and my american day ahappy one this NEW YRS! Guugi daba dheer?..theres no such thing adeer..i know Jilaalkii DAACUNKI however
  20. ^^ Jidawwy..So you saying non beleivers should be killed?
  22. Lakkadoow hadal aanan odhan maxaad iiga samaynaysaa, maana dating ba soo hadal qaaday….adiguse miyaanad odhan Pyong Yang waxaan kahelay inan 4 feet ah? ----- LOL...Maya U said 'NO MORE JAAD HURO'..etc etc..i took the NO MORE as if you dated those kind b4--marka waa
  23. [urlSomali Youth-Three Groups[/url] Read on...