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Everything posted by Macalin
^^^You may Kiss the groom...oh sorry u was talkin abt the LOOKS..ma bad ...i jst gat a adrenaline rush
20. Did Washington flash a quarter when asked for ID? .......... This is easy, aint it the policy of the mint dept to put potriats of presidents long after they die?(50yrs am told!)....so he could neva have shown the Quartter when he was alive coz his potriat was nt on it....aah well i ate my cereals today! but ya makes u say mhmmm.
A post modern examination revealed that he had been dead for... .......................Right there!....Hold it....back it UP ..shall We? I know NY times has been having editing issues, but how can one of the leading newspapers in the world..i said world miss such an important commonly ussed medical term?? Post-Mortem=Of or relating to a medical examination of a dead body. Post-Mordern:No entry found for post modern. This is from webster dictionary.... My english teacher loong time ago told me....If someone mispells a word,or misses a puntuation..there some going on, And mobb..am glad u gat it! There
Fuushow/Fuushey...Amiin AMin Alow ka dhig. .Dariinta dhinac kasoo fariisa....Haa is martiyeen. Siduu yirri sxbkey mobb...mininka minikaaga waaye...Hadii kala Gamabr soo jiido, .... Marka....
and as for Cosmetic LooKs..oh well...aint no need for me to reply! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHo said anything about COsmetic? .......... Who said this?...i dont know it wsnt me....maybe my evil twin You dont care to ask ur imaam abt sperm banks?--or i misread tha?
Posted By Lucky: LoL...LoL...LoL DamN!U cant be serious!U know now adays science has become very usefuL...a LittLe something caLLed a sperm bank...LoL ............... Is this even XALAAL?...U may wanna check with the LOCAL Imaam. As for the adoption: I dont have a problem with that,i actually encourage it....and as for Cosmetic LooKs..oh well...aint no need for me to reply! Maryan Cadeey...sxb i am jst kidding walaal now go eat some bariis will Ya?
I think U shoud Practice with one of your Brothers and or siblings No one should give u IDEAS as to how to overcome shyness...u shoud only consult the local Shrink abt how to overcome on shyness.... Plus ddnt u say u are like 23yrs old?....Get a grip and Start talkiin to ppl!
Haniif...abt an hr ago or so right?..tahs when i saw it..did u see the lil girls scanning items in the grocery?... kool stuff eh?
--Sax. Ordoo heedhe meel kale isku qabsada oo gabadha saligay dhigatay ciida uga dhaafa! Bismillaah. ................... QixQixQixQix. Ameenah, Xooga kaa batay haye eedo macaan?---meesha laisku ma haysto, waa lais jafoooya!....Jaqfooya haa laiska dhaafo!,Amin
Somethings speaks for themselves: Moveon.org has had a contest for the best ad that BASHES bush, and they had a winner... Click on the link below, check the ADS, And u pick ur favorite. My fav pick is the KIDs ads..lol check out the last kid... Bushbashingin30secs
Nacalatullahi Minal Keefiriina! Has Anyone ever chatted with AFDHEERE LIVE?
nice nice....i don need all this! Faraxs hw bout omellete ala veggie impress a future xalimo one morning..eh? Here is the Recipe: Utensils: Birta canjeerada lagukariyo or Saucepan Man any kinda of Digsi will DO. Spoon(lol) Fire etc etc Ingredients: Labo UKUN Dooro(nt other ukuns!) Cream-Butter /Milk or Water...ur choice of Veggies Directions: Heat the butter in the saucepan over low heat. While waiting for it to melt, BEAT the Hell out of the UKUN DORO with the milk and salt until they start to foam, about 3 minutes. When the butter is melted , spread the butter along the entire bottom and around the PAN. *Pour in the beaten and (Bruised?) eggs and cover the pan. Cook over medium-heat for about 3-5 minutes, until the bottom is golden brown and the top is set ***Add the Veggies and WRAP it around** Goes down with ORANGE JUICE WELL AND SERVED WHILE WEARING PJs ---if Its aweful oh WELL WTF u TRIED RIGHT?? Tommorow..How to make Chiken!
Who cares as long as it tastes good... I mean, we all have to get sick, become Sterile, die, turn around and get kicked in the arss sometime... might as well do it with a belly full of delicious "food-like" products -------------- Now thas a DHUUNI's ATTITUDE....My kinda MAN... Waxaan kucunin waa LACUNAA..Baa layiri! SxB!....... Shaqsi....EAT WATEVER THA COMES UR WAY...Plus wats life with fried jikeen. LOL i was reading a study abt japanese eating habits and for the first time in the entire life of japanese ppl they have amongst them....check this....FAT PPL(besides proffesional sumo guys!)...lol short fat japanese women then showed on TV..now thas a sight..thanx to KFC and its Babies..
Thnx Bro...How do i Get to post a reply to someone on woqoyibari.com? PM me .... And letssee what they may DO
>>>>someone move this to the POLITICS SIDE PLEASE? Over to ADMIN
Hi Many of You Nomads do not know the STRUGGLE of the NFD province in its BID to secede from KENYA....in the early 60s there was almost a WAR between KENYA and SOMALIA over the NFD WAR wihcih was DUBBED SHIFTA war. Kenya was terrified it might LOOSE the WAR but Due to 'Other' reasons i cannot go on to NOW..coz of the explosivness of the ISSUE, The Then PM of SOMALIA EGAL on orders AGREED to LET GO OFF THE WAR.....ANYWAYS THAS A LITTLE brief history on the issue. A Kenyan newspaper for the first time is CARRYING and Brought forth CLASSIFIED documents on how the KENYATTA GVT was terrified and the propagana wars!. READ ON..please..heres the VERY INTERESTING LINK... Oh I MAY ADD...I will SHOW A PIC OF MY GRANDPA(achief who fought against the WHITE COLONIOLIST!)LAter on but I personally lost SEVERAL uncles in that PARTICULAR WAR...here NFD
^^^ Cabsi aa Kusoo Gashay Haye? Calaf iyo wixii ilaahey ii qoro aa gashay..j/k No sweetie My Point is Looks will eventually later on in life or early for that matter FADE away, whhat howevr that stays forever is Dabeecad as they say in somali.." Dabci Daawa Maleh' Laakin One can alter Looks!
Originally posted by Megalomaniac: After years sexism towards women and blatant woman bashing and female exploitation,You’re joking RIGHT!!! Please tell me you are! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes....Women now have their time, like they said 'every DOG(or the female version of a he-dog ) Has his..err her own DAY'! Haniif...HeHeHeHe...nicely PUT sxb u must be on a ROLL, need some butter but i shall Warn YOU Sue is sophisticated she will Use Big Words on YOU Sue u know i lof U..right
Macalin replied to 7_steps_2_Heaven's topic in General
Originally Posted By Qac-Qac: bisinka iyo kutubka jaamaca ah. Maxaa iishiilee abaydiis, malay maan ahay. Bee adigana xawaaji iyo cusbo aad kadaba wadaa miyaa. war ragoo ha la'iga qabto gabdhaha, waxaan ka baqaa in ay imurxiyaan sidii karooto la fiiqay. caramel, karameel ka kaa dhameenaa runtii, haddaad faraha iyo fiirishada iga qaadin lool. .......... QIX QIX QIX.. Dhuuni Dhuunni Kala Jirin...MALAY iyo Karooto KULAHA. waraa Dhuuni maa tahay waa adiga wax walbo cunta kusoo mathalaa?..Yaah.. As for the Q, Kisses U rem i Asked You abt any Qs for a MAN...Laakin the scenario U posted is very common in the black neighborhoods that i live in the USA, and ppl jst Live and move on. The best situation for the woman and the man is to talk abt it and see how best they can deal with each other..lol am nt makin sense laakin thas all i can come UP with....War idhaaf this is tough Q and i don have an asnswer ..Suaal adkaa HABARTA -
and suprise suprise i aint fish and chips and will vehemently (and politely) react to anybody who says i am ...... What the hekk is Fish and CHIPS?...i know its a type of food enjoyed by the brits but what does economics,xijaab and u being 22yrs OLD?...is it some kind of slang? please kindly elaborate Sincerely confused signed
Lakkad loooooool waligaa ma maqashay geelu markuu dhulka kudhaco, dadkoodhan baa tooree kula soo ordo! loooool marka waxaad istiri odey wii kuu dhacay ee kagaarsii loooool ---- Tooree Beel! maxuu Geel Baqtihay toorey kula soo orday@..Balo Geeley ah. Haruun looool 'MY MOTI malaho...waraa isku xishoo Nin weyn oo Gafuur leh aa tahay odaygaas inta la eg aa 'my moti' ku oraneesa? Subxaanalah..lol
KKK@Mobb Deep..sxb waxaada marka waa wax kala...JUKAATALo waaye arintaada marka. Do you agree that it was BLUNT? i hope so...Otherwise you one kakanos... AS for me loving it, i did find it hilarious plus thats my adeer MOTI and JAC hadee ku dhacdo Me Giggles abt it . Hope you cool.
u know qof la fiirin karo ha ahaado. --- Allah Forbid what if You was Blind?...then would looks mattter?...and or if ur hubby gets deformed afterwards?... And You guys hada jst keep on sayin tha but when ur biolgical clock approaches the 'time' beleive me u would quit being sensitive....and waxaa la arkaa adoo mid walba u arko off the hook Yall Need to Watch 'Shallow Hall' Darman, when u said 'be real' that kinda finished it of mayn coz u was already making up ur mind sonnie... And as me...Looks yes do Matter...she has to be Qalanjo qoor dheer now tha contradicts wat i jst said ..but yalls isnt ME..lol
Originally posted by ILHAAM: Lakad, waa runtaa. But I'm sure you can relate to one or two things of what's listed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I know Inaa usheegaa aanba rabay ee laakin aaway hee..lol I LOOOOOL Ilaham Lakkad baanad aqoon u laheyn.....How can one relate to an article about 20 something kids when 20 something years ago waxbuu rimin kari lahaa ........... But too late my TWIN here Aaba na qarxiye...xashaaa
Truly sad reality of this so-called democratic states. What is worse than them is the actual terrorists living amongst us, claiming to be practicing our religion and are continuously giving us a bad name! .... This is what that Young Lady SAID.... Now Read wat the ppl have replied to HER.... I mean this is her Opinion if she does beleive that there are actual terrorist who are amongst the Law abiding citizens of the country ameenah mentioned(and since the authorities are looking for the real terrorists!then they have no choice but to look amongst US!) Now how hard is this to understand?...unless ppl are after this yng for 'other' reasons as she said it!...and honestly speaking ppl are attacking her and nt responding to her posts respectfully!. As for the admiring Quote....i would say thats the typical farax analysis...come to a lady's side and u are branded to be after her!..how ABSURD!.... And how did i impose an opinion on U?...i said if ppl dont agrree with U...simply say so without attackin the person!... Oh well