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Everything posted by Macalin

  1. I think am seeing lots of fanatics here latly...both sides whats the big issue anyways? London is dominated by somlanders and they have every right to assemble and welc their leader, wether in the low 100's or high 1000's....the fact remains that they are willing to welc their president and give him a heros welc... My views: Please Be civil, lets not polarise issues here: No need to show ur patriotism till it makes you look arrogant, Be patriotic but dont be a jingoist. For the Anti-Somlanders, Please accept that somlanders are a proud bunch, willing to fight tooth N Nail for the country...let them Live Am personally shocked and awed by the number of HAWKS on both sides and the number of responses each and single thread abt somland generates....meesha ma waxee noqote Somland Vs Pland? War isku xishooda...this is the millionth thread abt riyaale's visit!....accept it he;s in the UK wether invited by the MPS or Not... Am out!
  2. Saado:Baaburkaaada Hoonkiisa siduu u yeeraa? ma baan baan baa misee?..Beerdilacshe:Maya haang haang waaye...Saado:war waa maxay ma LANDAROOBAL baa?- ------Saado when she tells Beerdilaacshe what kinda car He drives-- xaajigeeygana, lacagteeydana...wax kale ayeey kudartay cant rem. .. Off the TOPIC: Waa maxay Somland flag oo dadkoo dhan kusoo dhejisteen meesha?..Ameenah,Mobbdeep,Gediid....GadasheeY,ma wax baa is badalaY?
  3. Tourist: OK, at least give us a cocktail juice. Makeke: OK, tupatie hata juisi ya mkia wa jogoo. ---------- LOL i like this one Let me try to translate for some of the non swahili folks: OK, at least give us a cocktail juice. : 'Waayahay Bal Diiq Seeyntiis(tail-Yacni the Juice of a Diiqs Tail-lol) xitaa mahaysiin!) Make sense now!?!?
  4. Was the Ramses II the one died in black sea while pursuing prophet Musa (as)? I asked my proffesor this question beacuse the time period of his reign coincides with that of Musa ------- MHMM am curious i have to go back and read ...anyone else interestd?
  5. 719, there are no words were u are concerned...and talk about "I am full of shit", so is everyone, thats why we must shit atleast once a day, if not 2 or 3x. and whatever nonsense u were yapping about, didn't go so well. Better luck next time with ya jibrish ------ At Least You Accept that you have too much sh*t ....Jst make sure you clean after urself..doo doo smell aint right Gedid: Waad idaba dhigatay adeerow weynu noo taala
  6. ^^ Waraa Iskudirka dhaaf!-- Abaayo what i had in mind was(is perhaps?(, you cannot change a people who are determind to milk the american welfare system...the only other job you can do is be a 'welfare fraud invistigator' i doubt if you will survive long in that communitY
  7. LOL---War waa maxay Ninka sidaan uqawan?-- Miyuunan xishooneenin--oo miyuunan Aqlaaq lahayn Ninku- Ninku Murqu Wa weeynaa....war muxuu cunay?....oh i see it never mind: -- Eating is my favorite thing to do so I love to squeeze in as many meals as possible. --No wonder! Ok am hating i know... 'Arnold Jammac-negger' in the making eh? Laakin cawrada soo in laqariyo maahan? diinta?...Mobb waxii dambi kasoo gaara adigaa ku shuqul leh
  8. How come they dont give a damn - Plz Do Your Job and Help Your PPL
  9. MANSA KANKAN MUSSA KING OF MALI (1306-1332) A scholar, a great economists and a true man of the arts, Mansa Mussa is well known for the impact he created with his flamboyant style. In 1324 he led his people on the Hadj, a holy pilgrimage from Timbuktu to Mecca. His caravan consisted of 72 000 people whom he led safely across the Sahara Desert and back, a total distance of 6,496 miles. So spectacular was this event that Mansa Mussa gained the respect of scholars and traders throughout the world. Also during his reign, Mali was one of the most prestigious and wealthiest empires in the world. This empire at this time also contain one of the worlds most prestigious university in Timbuktu ------------ :Let me start with this king......Btw most of them were Hajis and MUSLIMS!
  10. Think Royalties are for Europeans only. Most of you Young Guns have not had the opportunity to read abt Great African Kings/Queens.... Anyways check them out...last month was black history month.... Early African Kings
  11. I AM IN This is my Opportunity to Brush up my Knowlegde of the quran.
  12. ATTENTION:719, I just read ya lil post, whachu mean by "SHE IS BACK"??? U think i am that easy to get rid off? think again u funny character and I AM GLAD I MADE NUUNE LAUGH BECUZ GOD KNOWS I REALLY GIVE A SH*T. ------- Of COz U dont Give Sh*t,U have so Much of it Why Would You Wanna give it out? :confused:
  13. My Dear Pearl...i dindt have that in mind but ur ideas will be recorded,jotted and noted. What i had in mind is Streaming videos over the net, u know where ppl pray for the dead by the grave and Muslims All over the world can Pray for that dead person, to give him more ppl to pray for Him....that Kinda virtual Jannazah When i was in Kenya, sometime back in the earLy 90.s We Used to Watch Sh Sudays in his Taraweh Prayers....The Haram and salaad Tarawex,It made me feel closer to the Xaram, Watchin the videos of that blessed mosque and the wonders of SATELITE TV....that kinda of Virtuality i had in mind.....Drifting my Side Now? Sh Nuur I am waiting for Ur Input as well as teh rest of the Well versd bros/sisters....Is this something that could be debated or is naturally a NO NO in Islam?, If you nt there by the grave, no Janazah thing? even a Satelite Feed or Streaming video feeds?... Curious Farax....
  14. Shes Back! Sujuu is a Mod Now?...waa maxay waxaas! I tell u what, so long as they keep ATHENA out of this am OK :mad:
  15. Salaam Aleykum I have Had this Q over in my mind for quite some time now, i was wondering ,s it possible to pray for the Dead VirtuallY?, I mean aint it that the more we pray for someone the more dambi is lifted off their shoulder? My Q, Virtual Janazah, Jst as good as the real ONE? Has it ever been tried? Tested? What do the ulama say abt this? Is islam ready for internet?---i will be back for more ponderings
  16. Martha Stewart???? I thought this was about the fake Mars mission. It was all done in a closed set somewhere. Fake a mission so that the billions that go to the Mars mission are actually financing the "covert" war on "terror". Same way they faked the moon landing to finance the black bag operations to bring down the soviet union ------- You Getting Weirder bY the DaY Mars and Martha?? I feel sorry for the Domestic Diva
  17. Thats My fear Bro, In Kenya Already the marines are going to places LIKE LAMU(ancient islamic cities-this is where vasco-da-gama came thru) and other NFD counties, this however was met with hostilities from the somalis. My Mom was telling me they Giving the reer baadiyes some Mediccines for there animals etc etc.
  18. Athena: Your INPUT IN SOL IS GREATLY ADMIRED BY ALL AND SUNDRY! You are such an asset to SOL!
  19. Macalin


    This is racism Where are all the :mad: African COWS? FUNNY THO
  20. OG,Walaalo that was the most interesting read i hve read in awhile and u said u couldnt read?..whoa Bro Nur, I have my partner who has exactly those 4 qualities, and the worst part is he doesnt wanna listen to anyone!....if i talk abt him on here its gonna be XAN right? i will jst let it GO and pray for him. By the way i like the anology of the narrow path and the police DnD--
  21. Socaretes...LOL Shes in ur school sowmahan?,Jiira Ufadhisa and Do the Dew. As for the topic,well u have no choice and pm ADMIN. a
  22. Very good Analysis. When i had my OLDER NICK, Everyone thouught/beleived i was one lakkad(hardheaded) person....even if i said something said by another person,i will always get that...oo its the lakkadkii!....comprende missY.. Also i had this signature that said...'I LOVE ME FOR ME' and everyone thought i was into loving me so much...personally i dont take em seriouslY. my point is.....Ya exactlY