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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Originally posted by Johnny B: ... wouldent giving away the price of say the ram to the poor, both save the life of many animals and give the poor more choices than just eat this meat?. How do you know the poor will not buy two rabbits and a turkey with the money? Maybe the poor should have vegetables instead? Hang on, do plants have life? What if the poor were given vouchers to health farms or holidays instead? Why not go all the way and scale down Hajj itself and let country build local "Hajj theme parks" to reduce carbon footprint? You can even kill two vegetables with one stone (no puns) if the poor can use their vouchers on their local Hajj theme park! On the serious note, Muslims celebrate two Eids (Fitra and Adxaa). The Eid you're talking about is four months away and is when Muslims are celebrating the end of annual pilgrimage to the holy land. This coming Eid - at the end of fasting holy month of Ramadan - is when Muslims pay Fitra (food or money) to the poorest in the community so they may celebrate as well. If someone does slaughter an animal to celebrate Eid Fitra, it's traditional to give a third to the neighbours and another third to the poorest among us. Muslims also do pay alms (Zakah) and other forms of charity to help the needy. It all fits in perfectly if you can see the big picture.
  2. By Patrick Worsnip Thu Sep 4, 5:47 PM ET UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The U.N. Security Council parried on Thursday a request from Somalia to send a peace-keeping force to the violence-torn nation, saying it would consider doing so when conditions there had improved. But in an official statement, the 15-nation council asked U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to step up contingency planning for such a force and approach states to seek troop offers. It requested him to report back in 60 days. The council was responding to an appeal from Somalia's interim government and an opposition faction with which it signed a peace agreement last month to send a force within 120 days to replace a small, ill-funded African Union (AU) force. The council said it "takes note of" the request, and was willing to consider "at an appropriate time" a U.N. operation "subject to progress in the political process and improvement in the security situation on the ground." The government of the Horn of Africa nation and part of the Eritrea-based Alliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia signed a peace deal on August 18, but it has been rejected by opposition hard-liners and done little to quell violence. More than 8,000 civilians have been killed and 1 million uprooted in fighting since early last year which pits President Abdullahi Yusuf's government and allied Ethiopian forces against Islamist rebels. Anarchy has reigned in Somalia since a dictator was overthrown in 1991. The existing U.N.-backed AU force in Somalia is meant to consist of 8,000 troops but has only 2,600 soldiers from Uganda and Burundi on the ground. Nigeria has promised another 850. The Security Council has repeatedly fended off AU requests to send U.N. peace-keepers, leery of putting troops into a country where 18 U.S. soldiers and hundreds of Somalia militiamen died in a battle in 1993. The incident inspired a Hollywood movie, "Black Hawk Down," and marked the beginning of the end for a U.S.-U.N. peace-keeping force. Ban has already done some contingency planning, but this time the Security Council asked for "a detailed and consolidated description of a feasible multinational force" that would lay out its mandate and geographical scope. It requested that he "urgently" identify and approach states that might contribute funding, troops and equipment.
  3. Suldaan I'm fine Xamdulilah and thanx for asking. How's Ramadaan going down there?
  4. Originally posted by Suldaanka: ^^You are busted my friend Not only did you try and manipulate the source of the original text by adding an additional fabricated sentence at the end. But you also made the big mistake of mis-spelling the word "contingent" . Business as usual, even in Ramadan.
  5. Ramadan Kareem to all Muslims.
  6. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: Ibti-People should start asking what my warlord, clan leader or Shiekh did for me lately? And all you wanna do is criticise What are your views when it comes to Somali politics anyway? Seriously, I've even got rough idea of what the likes of Johnny B and Rudy even believe in but not you. Somali politics is not beauty contest you think it is. The catch-phrase "think outside the box" sounds cool, but what does it mean? Who do the ones "thinking outside the box" support? What's their alternative? Judging from your contribution to this section, you seem to be picking and mixing what's in different "boxes". Is that it? Please enlighten me.
  7. How many Megaag Samatars are/were (AUN) there in SL politics anyway?
  8. ^ What about friday prayers?
  9. ^^ 08:08 pm Beijing time.
  10. Originally posted by Al Haashimi: Asafa Powell will beat Tyson Gay for the 100m. If he doesn't choke again. The Jamaicans seem to have a great athletic team this time whereas the Americans look very weak. Carrebean countries (i'm including the Cubans) should dominate "track n fields".
  11. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Let's be realistic here gentlemen ......... This agreement is not secret and it is widely discussed among the Somaliland citizens inside and outside the country. Let me re-phrase it for you; the documents signed by Aljaabir and SL government are OFFICIAL SECRET. The government keeps saying it will produce them but never does. No-one but close members of Rayaale have seen them. That's a fact. There's a big debate about the "agreement" , but documents signed have yet to be seen by the parliament, media or the general public. The question is why not? What's there to hide? The minister of commerce went to address the parliament about Aljaabirgate and "forgot" to bring the contract with him. If there's nothing to hide I challenge you or anyone to produce the documents signed.
  12. ^ There you go again. C'on now, those 2006 words don't pay Duke's 2008 bills.
  13. # Dead cats, dead rats Cant see what they were at, all right Dead cat in a top hat, wow Sucking on the young mans blood Wishing he could come, yeah Sucking on the soldiers brain Wishing it would be the same Dead cat, dead rat Cant you see what they were at? Fat cat in a top hat Thinks hes an aristocrat Thinks he can kill and slaughter Thinks he can shoot my daughter Yeah right! oh yeah! Oh right! yeeah! Dead cats, dead rats Think theyre an aristocrat Crap, now thats crap!#
  14. Originally posted by Faarax-Brawn: WTF,Maxaan samee hada aniga? L0L. Must be your signature that irritates Duke.
  15. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: nonsense accusation ............ Why is the "agreement" OFFICIAL SECRET? There can only be two reasons. Either Rayaale or Djibouti's Geelleh hits the jackpot. Nuune Some of these ministers have conflict of interest (no pun) with this "agreement". Rumour has it some have threatened to resign if the Rayaale does not back down.
  16. AYOUB


    ^^ There you go with the juvenile accusations. Lordy lord! And who bestowed the name Awdal to that region? No that's not what I asked. Clearly you're not able to explain the comments you made and don't wanna admit it. What's new? Btw, Aw-Koombe and Aw-Kuukuu's personal names are Cabdiraxmaan and Cabdullaahi respectively. Aw-Kuukuu is a nickname. I don't know (see no shame in saying that) if Aw-Koombe is a nickname or his father's name. What was your point again? They were given the honourary titles "aw" because....
  17. AYOUB


    MMA You're not answering a direct question: by who, where and when was Awdal "bestowed the honourary word "aw" ". Names, date and location. If you don't know say so. Btw, you're the one who needs lesson in Af-Soomaali. Aw title is given to man considered pious not fatherly. I know an Aw who never had any children. Oomaar is Awmaar? Really?
  18. AYOUB


    ^^ I don't think MMA is going to be a good sport and tell us by who, where and when Awdal was "bestowed the honourary word "aw"." * How does honourary title Aw Ayoub sound ? *
  19. Ethiopia:Warar Cusub oo Sheegaya Sababtii loo Xidhay Ugaas Abdiraxmaan ugaas Muxumed Qani 07/29/08 Jijiga(Kilil5)---Ugaas Abdiraxmaan ugaas Muxumed Qani Siigaale ugaaska beesha Cabdale ee degta Gobolka goday oo todobaadadii lasoodhaafay lagu xidhay magaalada goday ayaa la sheegayaa in loosoo gudbiyay magaaladan Jijiga. Shir ay xukuumada deegaanku qabatay magaaladaas goday todobaadadii lasoo dhaafay oo uu hogaaminaayay madaxwaynaha deegaanku mudane Cabadilaahi Xasan ayay xukuumadu ka sheegtay shirkaas in ay xukuumada iyo dawlada deegaanku ay damacsanyihiin inay 30,000 kun oo qoys ay dib u dajin ugu samayndoonaan magaalada goday. Dadkan tiradabadan ayaa la’aaminsanyahay in badidooda lagakala keenidoono qoomiyadaha kale ee Itoobiya. Ugaaska oo ka mid ahaa dadkii halkaas shirka loogu hayay ayaa sadex jeerr farta taagay intii uu shirku socday balse loodiiday inuu hadal ka dhibto shirkaas. Ugaaska ayaa la sheegay in markii shirku dhamaaday uu si gooniya ula hadlay madaxwaynaha deegaanka iyo maamulkii halkaas joogay oo uu u sheegay in umada somaliyeed ee ku nool gobolkaasi waa godaye ay aad u baahantahay suuro galna ayna ahayn in qoomiyado kale iyo gobolo kale dad laga keenay in dib u dajin loogu sameeyo isla gobolkan oon wali dadkiisiiba aan dib u dajin loosamaynin arinkan iyo fikirkan ka soo horjeeda kii ay xukuumadu wadatay ayaana loo aanaynayaa in ugaaska loo xidhay. Intii uu shirkaasi ka socday magaaladaasna waxaa ka dhacay mudaharaadyo lagaga soo horjeedo fikiradan ay xukuumadu soojeedisay ee ay damacsantahay inay dib u dajin ugu sameeyaan dad aan deegaanka udhalan. Dadbadan ayaa iyagu aaminsan tani inay noqondoonto khiyaamo qaran iyaga oo sabab uga dhigaaya in dawladu damacsantahay in deegaanka somalida ay qoomiyado kale la wadaajiso. Waxay dadbadani sheegayaan in ay dhacdadan ookale ka dhacday deegaanka wakhtigii Xayla salaas taas oo uu ku beeray dadbadan oo kasoo jeeda qoomyada Axmaarada deegaanka soomalida ilaa hadana ay ku dhaqanyihiin deegaanka. Waxaa sidoo kale jirta in ay adagtahay dadka somalida ahi iyagku inay kunoolaadaan deegaanada kale ee dalka iyada oo aan haba yaraatee wax fursad ah aan looga ogolayn inay kaqaybgalaan shaqaalaha deegaanadaas kale balse waxaad arkaysaa in ay boosaska ugu muhiimsan deegaanka ay badidooda haystaan dad kasoo jeeda qoomiyadaha kale ee dalka gaar ahaan qoomiyada axmaarada oo iyagu aad ugu badan deegaanka kana soo jeeda dadkii uu Boqor xayle salaase ku beeray deegaanka. Jijiga Kilil5 Online
  20. A&T The likes of you wouldn't know what LIBERATION was if it slapped you in the face you with size 14 dacas . Nimaad kabo ka tolanayso kabihiisaa la eegaa!!
  21. The killings were pre-meditated murder in my opinion. Condolences to the victims.
  22. ^^ You're either with our boys or with the budhcad-badeed.
  23. AYOUB

    QA with Norf

    ^^ Hadaba yaa gar daran?
  24. AYOUB

    QA with Norf

    Baashi That's half the story. You're ignoring one simple fact; war was declared by the warlords calling themselves "anti-terrorist alliance" read "Satan Alliance" . When they were defeated, Ethio and other foreign powers used TFG and Puntland admin to regroup and re-arm the warlords. I'm I wrong?
  25. AYOUB

    QA with Norf

    Ignore Kash for a moment. Can you elaborate on the why you said NO?