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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Ngonge If you don't care about the moral and religious side of this issue then it is in the interest of Somaliland that authorities follow the laws of the land. PS Meles' regime is not powerful in my book.
  2. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ In the examples you give, do they pick random people of the street and hand them over? Why this particular Oromo man? Why the ones before him? If the SL authorities abduct and sometimes secretly rendition people then there's no way of knowing how "random" it was in the first place. All I know is, on several occasions ministers have accused people who challenged their unjust policies of being "alqaaciida". Your question is linked to something the likes Xiin avoid discussing at any cost. The crisis in Mogadishu was sparked by warlord's abduction and secret rendition of Wadaads to American bases in Djibouti. These were totally random abduction. Any man with a beard and short enough garments was a target. When some wadaads were "returned to senders" after being cleared by the torturers, the cat was out of the bag. When more Wadaads were returned, the warlords resorted to executing them. This in the end lead to the warlords vs. Wadaads clashes and the rest is history. The warlords did not do it for "the safety of majority" or "survival". If these warlords are part of future State the likes of Xiin believe will come out Djibouti talks, will it not be business as usual?
  3. They commit these undignified crimes, just like PL does, to survive. Dignity lies in the return of Somali state. Once unity returns, Somalis will once again regain their lost sharaf IA. Xiinow that's just a theory. Lots of other supposedly strong countries are involved in this shameful behaviour. Pakistan with nukes hands over its citizens without qualms. Libya with all its wealth sacrificed its innocent citizens so sanctions could be lifted. Even Gen. Barre at his peak helped German soldiers kill Palestinians at that famous airport incident in Xamar. In my opinion, it boils down to a combination of lack of Taqwa, dishonour and greed. The people prepared to hand over fellow Muslim today will do the same tomorrow no matter what State exists.
  4. Xiin Irrelevant or not, you're the one who introduced Burco into the discussion. The rest is geography.
  5. Still having willing partners at the command posts helps reduce the violence to tolerable levels. All signs indicate that we got two major players who are willing to strike a deal. Inna Yussuf is in a pressure cooker. Shariif has a point to prove. They both have a political price to gain if they prove that peace is possible. The model Shariif and Inna Yussuf adopted as the main framework for lasting peace and political reconciliation is not the perfect model. Baashi I hope the Nobel Peace Prize panel read that. If likes of General Rabin could win it for their endeavours in the Middle East, why not Colonel Yusuf for his similarly remarkable push for peace in the Horn of Africa? #When will there be a harvest for the warlord?#
  6. Originally posted by Mujahid: Red Sea: Xiin, What does he do and what is his background? I think Xiin is still doing research on the biography.
  7. ^^ Fair enough. Mohamed Ahmed might still be in a secret custody somewhere in SL. Even that is deplorable. The least you can do is speak up against it. If someone does something wrong, they should be prosecuted through the open legal system. He indicated that Horn Watch investigated the matter and discovered that Mr. Ahmed was in the custody of Somaliland authorities, who did not formally charge him with a crime. "They [authorities] refused to discuss the matter with us," Mr. Bulale said, while condemning the Somaliland administration for extraditing a civilian over to the Ethiopian government, where he could be tortured. The signs are not good.
  8. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Ask me first if it happened ....... it is just an accusation. It happened before, so wake up and smell the qaxwa! Last time two Somali men who grew up in Hargeisa and were married to Somalilanders disappeared only for their friends and family to find out they been secretly handed to Ethiopia. Don't live in denial brother.
  9. ^^ That the best explanation of the conspicuous absence of the kumeel-gaadh government in the south; too many "local clan issues". Originally posted by General Duke: We hope they use their common sense and stop. Can't the kumeel-gaadh government even ask the Burundi peacekeepers to intervene?
  10. ^^What are you saying, kumeel-gaadh governments don't get involved in "local clan issues"?
  11. ^ I know, it's a magaalo. Wouldn't make a difference if he's from there or not. Btw, assumption is the mother of mess ups.
  12. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Sh. Bashir Salad of Burco is showing leaderhsip here. He doesn't sound like he's from there but i'll take your word for it.
  13. The only tangible thing that was supposed to come out Djibouti agreement was "withdrawal in 120 days". Some reports say the "withdrawal" is now not Ethio pull-out of Somalia, but to "out of towns". Some even say pull out to "less populated areas" of towns. I hope this "peace caravan" does not end up to be an Ethio trailer park.
  14. Johnny B for minister of the 0.0001%.
  15. Dismissing his appeal, the immigration tribunal judge said: "His experience [criminal activity] will make him more street wise than someone of a similar age who has led a crime-free and more conventional life. These experiences will place him at a distinct advantage in dealing with the circumstances in Somalia and should make it much easier for him to avoid pitfalls." independent
  16. al-Hashimi I see where you're coming from. It makes sense to call Nur Adde "Somalian prime minister" not "Somali prime minister". Afterall, he is not the prime minister for Somalis who do not belong to Somalia.
  17. Germany frees 2 ethnic Somalis arrested on plane The Associated Press Published: October 7, 2008 BERLIN: Two ethnic Somali terrorism suspects who were arrested aboard a plane at Cologne-Bonn airport last month were released Tuesday because of a lack of evidence, prosecutors said. Bonn prosecutors said in a statement, however, that the investigation would continue because the two were still suspected of "having conspired to commit a major crime." The suspects — a 23-year-old Somali and a 24-year-old German born in Somalia — were pulled off a KLM flight at Cologne-Bonn airport as the plane prepared to depart for Amsterdam, Netherlands, on Sept. 26. Authorities said at the time that a suicide note was found in which the suspects allegedly proclaimed their desire to fight in a holy war and die in a terrorist attack, but that it did not appear they planned to hijack the plane. KLM said the two men, who lived near Cologne, were booked to fly to Uganda from Amsterdam. Prosecutors have said that no weapons, ammunition or other dangerous objects were found in searches of the men's apartments, but asserted on the day after the arrests that there was reason to believe they planned an attack "in the near future." They have refused to elaborate. web page
  18. Originally posted by NGONGE: white people can give birth to Albino children. Why wouldn't Somalis? White people ARE albinos according to Melanism. I've never seen Somali albino , have you? Bantu Somali yes, but not the "bog-standard" Somali. See you salaada kadib inshallah.
  19. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^Somaliland media is the key word here NGONGE! And that's what i sensed from this post adeer! Can Ayyoub admit it though? I doubt it. Admit what? You might have had point if this was the first time I posted a speech by President Gelleh or if other web-sites like Hiiraan Online didn't report this Eid message. I think the speech was full of sound advice, especially for the likes of you who trade under the name "garabka Djibouti". Nuune and Ngonge Thank you for not doubting me.
  20. Do Somalis (long fingers and skinny legs variety) have albinos?
  21. Xiinow, rabbit punch from "garabka Djibouti" is totally harmless so don't bother swinging my way. There was something for for everyone in that messages but you just don't get it. I'll give you 120 to decipher...
  22. Hargeysa(Oodweynenews)-Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Djibouti Md. Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle, ayaa markii u horaysay bogaadiyay nabadgelyada iyo kala dambaynta ka hirgashay Somaliland 17-kii sannadood ee u dambeeyay, halka dalkii Somaliya ee ay xoriyadeeda kala soo noqotay uu weli lugaha kula jiro dhiiqo colaadeed. Md. Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle, oo shalay khudbad dheer oo ku waajahan munaasibadda ciidal fidriga ka jeediyay Madaxtooyada Djibouti, waxa uu si guud uga hadlay xaaladda wadankiisa isaga oo soo hadal qaaday dagaalkii dhawr bilood ka hor dhex maray wadankiisa iyo wadanka Ereteriya, sicir bararka dunida ka taagan oo wadankiisana saamayn ku yeeshay, xaaladda Gobolka Geeska Afrika, oo uu si gaar ah uga hadlay dalka Somaliya oo ay colaado daashadeen iyo arrimo kale. Madaxweyne Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle, oo ugu horayn ka hadlaya dagaalkii ay wadankiisa dhawaan ku soo qaaday dawladda Ereteriya, waxa uu yidhi, “Nimcad weeye inay dadkeenu dalkooda midnimo ku difaacaan, xaqa marka aad ku joogto wax kastaa waxba kuma yeelaan. Adduunku wuu noo marag furay dhammaantii, ururada caalamiga ahina Carab iyo Islaam, Afrikaan iyo Faranji iyo Qaramada Midoobay waxa ay na siiyeen inay raggaasi [Ereteriya] gardarada lahaayeen, gartana ay Djibouti leedahay.” ayuu yidhi Madaxweyne Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle, waxaanu isaga oo ka hadlaya dafiraadii ay Ereteriya dafirtay inay Djibouti weerartay, uu yidhi, “Falaadhi gilgilasho kaagama go’do ayaa la yidhi, ninka dafiraya ee waxba ma dhicin lihina isagaa yaqaana.” Madaxweyne Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle, oo ka hadlayay dhibaatada ka taagan dalka Somaliya, waxa uu siyaasiyiinta Somaliya ugu baaqay inay u hawlgalaan sidii ay u soo afjari lahaayeen dhibaatada wadankaas ku habsatay, “Somali in la gargaaro waa la iska diiday gaal iyo islaamba, umadda carbeed ee walaalaheen ahi markasta oo ay u soo hanqal kacaan, waxa la odhanayaa rasaas ayay laba walaal ahi isku dhufatay, markaas ma waxa la odhanayaa ma dadkan islaynaya ayaan wax u qabanaa.” Ayuu yidhi Madaxweyne, Geelle, waxaanu intaas raaciyay, “Sidaas ayay niyad jab ugu dhacday dadweynaha Carbeed dhammaantood, markaas ragga madaxda ah ragga la talinaya waxaan leenahay si daacad ah ula taliya oo danta umadiina dhimanaysa ula taliya.” Mar uu la hadlayay isbahaysiga dib u xoraynta Somaliya, waxa uu yidhi, “Isbahaysgiga waxa laga doonayaa wixii dad ka maqan inuu soo urursado, kuwii ka cadhooday inuu keensado, kuwa rasaasta ridaya inuu kala soo baxo, ka shaydaanka ah waa lala wada dagaalami doonaa markaas. Waxa loo baahanyahay kaas Asmara lagu ootayna inaad ka soo saartaan, wax khayr ah oo xaggaas jiraa inaanu jirin iyaguba way iska garanayaan, arrinta Somaliduna 2007 may bilaabin ee horteed ayay bilaabmatay, haddii ay reer Asmara Somalida jecelyihiin inay wax u qabtaan Somalida, laakiin yeeli mayno waanu fashilnay raggaasna laga aqbali maayo, ajaanibka lagu marmarsiyoonayaa way iska baxayaan haddii ay iyagu rabshadda joojiyaan.” Madaxweyne Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle, waxa uu si adag u naqdiyay dadka ka tirsan shacabka Somaliya ee la toogto iyagoo masaajid ka soo baxay. Madaxweyne Geelle waxa uu siyasiyiinta iyo shacabka Somaliya ugu baaqay inay ku daydaan dadka iyo dawladda Somaliland oo dalkooda ka hirgeliyay nidaam iyo kala dambayn, waxaanu yidhi, “Dadkaas agtooda ah ee Somaliland hambalyo iyo bogaadin ayay muteen, 17-kaas sanno marka ay ka badbaadiyeen haliga dadkooda, laba shir oo qudhaata intay qabsadeen ayay dhammaysteen oo ay nabad iyo degenaansho ku noolaysiyeen dadkoodii. Ixtiraam ayay mudanyihiin inay eegtaan oo ay yidhaahdaan waar ragani [somaliland] maxay yeeleen, iyaguba qabiilo way leeyihiin ee sidee ayay u kareen inay midoobaan oo ay mucaarad iyo muxaafid, oday iyo guurti iyo mid kastaba ay wada hadlayaan, haddii khalad yimaadana halkaas lagu dhammaynayo iyadoon rasaas la isku ridin.” Dad tiro badan oo reer Djibouti ah oo khudbadda Madaxweynaha dhagaysanayay kuna sugnaa xarunta Madaxtooyada, ayaa markii uu ku dhawaaqay weedhaha Somaliland ku saabsan, waxa ay bilaabeen sacab iyo mashxarad kala go’I weyday oo sababtay inuu Madaxweyne Geelle qadar aamusnaado, dabadeedna khudbadiisa ku soo gebagebeeyo ciid wanaagsan isaga oo dhoola cadaynaya. Source: Wargeyska Geeska Afrika, Hargeysa