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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. A&T First of all, I'm not accusing you of being "tribalist", I'm accusing you of picking and choosing when "tribe" is relevant. I wouldn't bother if I thought you were one of SOL village idi*ts who can't debate beyond reer hebel. Something is either right or wrong. What proportion of tribe supporting it is not relevant. It's not relevant when you support the Islamic Courts (for a better example ). What matters is the merits of the issue at hand. As part of progress, you can only work to make the project less tribal. I think SL is doing that. Soomaaliweyn concept itself IS TRIBAL to the none Somalis it excludes. You of all people should know that. What are SL's merits you might ask? One of them is it has reached a stage where you and I demand it pulls its socks up on human rights and democracy. You've even admitted Somaliland is not (geographically) tribal. There's lot's of room for improvement, but credit where credit is due. Should the likes of Gen. Ghalib and Prof. Samatar be allowed to campaign in Somaliland? I don't think so. I hear where you're coming from but SL must have its safety net as well as compromises. They (Ghalib, Samatar and their likes) disqualified themselves when they take part in conferences like Mbagathi among other things. Those who don't believe in Somaliland can't have their cake and eat it. People like Hadraawi are allowed to speak up their mind by-the-way. Once again, there's room for improvement but solowli solowli adeer. Last but not least, I was not downplaying the suffering of the people in Og*denia under successive Ethiopian regimes nor questioning the just struggle the ONLF is waging. I hope my opening remarks explained the point I was trying to convey. Apologies just in case. Xiin Your first post was a rabbit punch. You just couldn't resist and I fully understand. Explain FULLY what you meant by it and let's see if am wrong. Ngonge Salaam Calaykum.
  2. ^^ I really do hope no innocent people are harmed in retaliation. Hargeisa has seen far worse days than yesterday, Inshallah it will come through this one. Samir iyo iimaan.
  3. Ngonge Once again go back to page 1 for my first post. I repeat P1. That they will allow a democratic process to take root whereby both opponents and proponents of secession are allowed to campaign freely in an atmosphere that is clean from mobocracy and intimidation. Then, the choice of the people who opted to live 'independently' will be valid. You support the ONLF because they will do this in Og*denia, soo mahaa? Lordy lord!
  4. A&T Lajiifiya banaan. SINGLE tribe issue does not seem to get in the way of your support for ONLF. Now that's a FACT. But when it comes to their aspirations, I am proud to distance myself from any O-related would-be state or inclinations. What if your future aspirations turn out to be SINGLE TRIBE aspirations. Will you be pragmatic as pragmatic ( as you're to the current ONLF ) or jump back on the high horse. Just a thought.
  5. ^^ For an ONLF supporter, you do TALK a good game. Somaliland is from Laascaanood to Saylac. What makes it SINGLE tribe? Please elaborate Mr A&T!
  6. ^^ Judging from comments like that, I'm starting to feel Somalis are much wiser than 5 years ago when the general sentiment was "any government is better than no government". I hope i'm right.
  7. Muqdisho,29,Okt,2008,Arboco,(Hillaac.net) Qaraxyo Kala duwan ayaa waxaa ay ka dheceen Magaalooyinka Haregeysa iyo Boosaaso kuwasi oo lala eegtay Xarumaha dowlada iyo Safaarada Ethiopia ee Magaalada Haregeysa. Halka dhinaca kale uu ka dhacay Qarax kaas la mid ah Magaalada Boosaso ee Gobolka Bari Xarun ay Ciidamada Nabad sugida ku leeyihiin magaalada Boosaaso. edit Qaraxyo is-miidaamin ah oo lala eegtay labo xarumood oo ay leeyihiin Ciidamada Sir-doonka Puntland Arbaco, October 29, 2008(HOL): Labo Qarax oo aad u xoog badan ayaa goor dhaweyd lala beegsaday labo xarumood oo ku yaala magaalada Boosaaso, kuwasi oo ay leeyihiin Ciidamada Sirdoonka Puntland, kuwaasi oo loo yaqaana PISta. Labadaan Qarax ayaa kala dambeeyay muddo daqiiqado ah, waxaana la aaaminsan yahay in ay geysteen dhibaatooyin kala duwan oo isugu jira dhimasho iyo dhaawac, inkastoo aaney jirin warar rasmi ah oo aan ka helnay khasaaraha qaraxyadaas. Ilaa iyo hadda lama xaqiijin karo tirada dhimasho ee qaraxyadaan is-xigay ay gaysteen, inkastoo dhaawac ahaan isbitaalka Puntland loo dhigay 8 ka tirsan askarta PISta. Lama garanayo cidda sida rasmiga ah uga dambaysa labadaan qarax, mana jiraan cid ilaa iyo hadda loo qabtay labadaasi Qarax, waxaana xusid mudan in uu geeriyooday darawal kaxeynayay gaari waxyaabaha qaraxa dhaliyay laga soo buuxiyay Waxaa labadaan qarax geystay labo gaari oo nooca TOYOTA Surf ah, kuwaasi oo laga soo buuxshay Walxaha Qarxa, iyadoo hal mar laga dareemay labada qarax magaalada Boosaaso. Dhamaan waxaa loo adkeeyay amniga goobaha ay ka dhaceen labadaan qarax ,iyadoo dhammaan hakad ay galeen isku socod Gaadiidka iyo Dadwaynaha magaalada Boosaaso. Wixii ku soo kordha Qaraxyadana kala soco halkan. Faysal Maxamed Xasan (Boston), Hiiraan Online cabaade@gmail.com Bosaso, Somalia
  8. Ngonge I temporarily stopped directly responding to you when you insisted "wrong or right is not the issue". What more is there to say? Nothing but to agree to disagree. Even the Guru insists deportation should be according to the law. Should the man have been be deported? Why has he been deported? Who made the decision to deport him? Has he even been deported? I DON'T KNOW! Very few seem to know. Even J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o who acts like SOL's man on the ground seems to be in the dark. Latest reports say the man is not an Oromo but Somali. Some even say he is native Somalilander. If he is, what are his interests? Do I oppose and condemn the way the authorities handled this man and the ones before him? YES! If you think asking for the authorities to follow the due process is somewhat un-Somalilander, so be it. SL's relation with Meles seems to be the only National Interest for you. Only you can explain why this man's deportation is in the national interest when everything surrounding it seem to be not only full of misinformation but also mysterious. The reasons are certainly not "clear" as you claimed and I dare say it is as illegal like the ones before. Let's wait and see - like J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o insists. We're still Muslims even without Caliphate, and still Somalis even without Somaliweyn. There has never been a Somaliweyn and even under the Ottoman empire local Suldaans and Imams always used to run things. As a Muslim, if you sign a treaty with ANYONE, you are bound to HONOUR it. Otherwise you let the othern party know where you stand. Be it a strong or a weak country. I don't consider Ethiopia a strong country, by-the- way. It is a majority Muslims country ruled by a Christian TPLF (a once upon a time Somali Republic National Interest) minority group with the help of others. For how long will this regime last? Who'll be most likely people to replace them? Have taken all these factors into the account when you decided what is your "national interest" was? It wasn't long ago when the SL authorities and some opposition politicians supported Djibouti in its confrontation with Eritrea and promised to stand by her. They claimed it was because they were our "Somali and Muslims brothers". People opposing the move claimed it was NOT IN OUR NATIONAL INTEREST. It all depends on the beer-holder. By-the-way, judging from your comments and questions, I don't think you even bothered to read this thread from Page 1. Xiin Don't get ahead of yourself, as long as you're not the "strongest" country on the planet, there'll always be someone demanding some physical appeasing from you. Surely rabbit punches can't be a solution.
  9. Strange goings even by some standards. Yesterday, MPs from Somalia jetted into the country in readiness for the meeting, which Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni and Ethiopian premier will grace Grace or Disgrace?
  10. The gringos did vote for people like W and Arnold (the actor with the surname I can't spell) so anything is possible. At the end of the day Obama might win the popular vote and still lose the election because of the US electoral points system.
  11. AYOUB

    I'm Back

    W/Salaam and Wlc back Yusuf. How have you been? J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o Yusuf does not sbeak fluent af-maxaadhacay.
  12. Two questions answered... "Muqaawamado xabada ha joojiso wixii shalay aan u dagaalamaynay haddii ay ahaayeen in Ciidamada Ethiopianka dalka laga saaro hadda taasi wey dhowdahay" ayuu yiri Sheekh Shariif. Sheekh Shariif ayaa sidoo kale sheegay afartii bilood ee loo qabtay Ciidamada Ethiopia ay hadda ka harsan 54 maalmood, waxaana uu soo jeediyay inaan loo baahneyn in dagaalo la galo, iyadoo ay baxayaan Ciidamada Ethiopia sida uu hadalka u dhigay. web page edit Oodweyne Welcome back brother and please ignore the kid.
  13. ^^ You know everyone. Gacan baan kuu taagay! Btw Your mate Riyaale is losing friends left right and centre. PS Don't argue with ^^^ or I will "talk and protest too much".
  14. Shaqaalaha Nadaafada Dowlada hoose ee maamulka Galmudug oo maanta si rasmi ah uga howlgalay magaalada Gaalkacyo. army of cleaners
  15. Wafdi uu hogaaminayo madxweynaha dowlad goboleedka Galmudug State oo maanta dib ugu so laabtay xarunta mamulkaasi ee magaalada Gaalkacyo source
  16. I think someone should answer question raised. Where in (Mogadishu and Beledweyne)will the Ethio troop be withdrawn to? Why only Mogadishu and Beledweyne and not other places like Baidoa? Do the Ethios have to move out of the schools they've been moving into in the last few weeks ( probably in anticipation of the this agreement)? What happens if the Ethios do withdrawal from Mogadishu only to attack Kismaayo? WHEN IS THE 120 DAYS DEADLINE TO FULL WITHDRAWAL EXPECTED TO END? IF THEY DO WITHDRAWAL IN 120 DAYS, WHAT GUARANTEES THEY WON'T RETURN ANYTIME THEY WANT TO? IS THERE A CEASE FIRE IN PLACE?
  17. He looks very young. Desperate Meles reshuffles Kilil5 deck, Kilil6 soon to follow.
  18. With or without Yey With or withouuuut Yey Aahaa Aahaa Originally posted by General Duke: Jendayo Frazer ayaa ugu baaqday Hoggaamiyayaasha dalalka Ugandha, Ethiopia iyo Kenya inay ballaariyaan sharci ahaanta DFKMGS. They make the decision?
  19. It gets funnier, someone tells me Nene means fat in af-swahili.
  20. J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o Am I a seef-la-bood who talk and demonstrate too much? I think I'll shut up before you accuse me of something more sinister. dhulQarnayn There is village in Puntland missing its idi*t.
  21. @ Nhlanhla Nene. What a name? Ironically, he is Chairperson of the Finance Portfolio Committee.
  22. J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o That's complete change of tune. Ngonge is right in what? You're not agreeing with him when he says SL is "hellhole in the backside of Africa", do you? If only you said this in the first place instead of the denials. It's wrong for people to disappear without trace and their families to start search for them. That's why people took up arms against Gen. Barre's military regime. That's why SL was declared. I know you're going to say the man was an Oromo foreigner. Ngonge includes "criminal Somalilanders" in his "for the good of the majority" argument. How the hellhole do you figure out if the person is a "criminal" when they just disappear and all the authorities say "no comment"? Are we supposed to be satisfied with an investigation carried out by a certain character called J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o? A person should go through the courts before extradition. A judge should make the final decision. Anything short of that is wrong and illegal. Secret police should not take law into their own hands. You can sugar-coat it however you like it is still wrong and should be opposed. Meles' not going to be there forever and this short-sighted politics should be stopped before thing get out of hand. Last time there disturbances in Hargeisa two man who settled with families disappeared just like that. PS I don't remember Fat Muuse being deported. PPS What do you mean we talk too much? You didn't expect to open this thread and dismiss the story as "just an accusation" without getting right responses, did you?