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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Originally posted by Abu Dujana al-Soomaalee: ^^ Macsankor - that Niiko stuff should strictly be limited to their dwellings and privately for their husbands. In public you will be flogged Nephy - be mindful! Well... in certain places couples prefer to niiko in public and their "spanking" indoors.
  2. Oodweyne I agree. Xiin seems to have performed 360 degrees turn over the last 4 years or so. He just refuses to acknowledge it. Not yet anyway.
  3. ^^ What demarcations? This is not Gaalkacayo sxb. Duke is forgiven coz he does not know the recent history of Sanaag. Originally posted by General Duke: LA is no issue and we shall not make a front out of our people. What does "we shall not make a front out of our people" mean?
  4. ^^ Comment on the possibility of ARS-Djibouti supporters fighting alongside TFG-Mbagathi like the malitiaman demanded. What happens IF the Ethios do withdrawal and some members of the resistance insist on fighting till KILIL5 liberated as well?
  5. ^ Didn't even know there were some observing it. What do you make of this?
  6. ^^Seen. It's very simple sxb. Only the liberated can have the freedom to choose their leadership by voting. The people of Sool and Sanaag should have the privilege of voting for their leadership instead of some old farts in Garowe deciding their future. Comprende amigo?
  7. ^ @ kit kat Che I'm fine thank you. What makes think that?
  8. Originally posted by Cirdey: Give the man a break; he simply went to H town to top up his medication! Taa ma ceebbaa? Caafimad darradaa ka daran nooh True say. Let's all wish him good wealth. Aaamiin dheh! The choice is his but, according to Cadde Muuse all enlightened folk from "Maakhir" are in Hargeisa anyway. As for the people of Sanaag, One Man/Woman One Vote should decide their future and not some bribed old farts. Abwaan I'm no expert, but from what I gather, Maakhir is an old name for part of coastal area of Sanaag. I've seen pictures of supposedly old ruins of Maakhir when the shorelines had thriving settlements. The name also appears in Xaaji Aadan Af-Qallooc wonderful 1968 poem Ceerigaabo (found in the book I previously recommended) ... Taarikhdu waynoo musbaax maanka caawima'e Adoo male gudaayaad yaqiin marar ku gaadhaaye Makaankaaga waa inad taqaan meelba waxa yaalle Dalkan wax ugu mudan Ceerigaab uguna muuq dheere Waa Maakhir-koosti la degay maraan la koobayne Jamhuuriyaddu meel shaabbahdiyo ma leh mataalkeede......
  9. ^^ Mmmmh well... anyone could be reading this Xiin what happened to the cease fire that was to start the 5th of November? Are some members of the resistance observing it?
  10. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: For the caravan to succeed this tfg thing must be salvaged... For the caravan's sake, let's hope Meles succeeds in patching up the TFG again. Are you making any Du'as Xiin?
  11. Originally posted by General Duke: NGOONGE: I don’t get your point, you support the article because you think the ill informed author will propagate the lie that Somaliland is an entity worthy of ... Eer.. excuse me for interrupting. If there's anyone here guilty of propagating the writer's views, it's the person who copied and pasted article. I didn't want trouble, just pointing out the obvious. Have a pleasant evening.
  12. [qb] **** ***** *****qb] lol [ November 13, 2008, 05:05 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  13. lool Now we know where MMA gets his Q's from. Lordy lord, someone's lost the plot!
  14. For the record and to avoid any future misunderstanding; I pledge to uphold the law of the land, sea, air and beyond. I pledge NOT to break any traffic laws or human-trafficking laws. I even pledge NOT hijack planes or get involved in high seas piracy. Phew! *Odaygii Duke cinjirkii baa ka booday, tallow maxaa ku dhacay? Ma faaliyihii karavankaa wadan jiray uu xalay isku doontay? Khalkhalaatu! kkkkkkkkk*
  15. A&T I see "Justice and Equality" comes at the bottom of your list. Some things never change! Somehow I can't imagine some of the folks in one room
  16. ^^ There ain't no better way of showing "Credit & Liquidity Crunch"
  17. ^^ Never mind the gabay, it will be interesting to hear what Xiin ( or Baashi) have to say about the goon's comments. Then again, Muslixuuns will only be fighting (alongside collaborateurs and occupiers) to bring peace. Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity ~ George Carlin
  18. Emperor Charity begins at home. Why don't you start by informing the authorities about the Ethio stooges who go back home to rob the poor while on state benefits over here.
  19. ^ He's the one who mentioned the phD candidate and Northland State (candidate).
  20. Reminds me of Ali from Mind Your Language. Ngonge, how could you buy food from someone who doesn't consider you a VIP customer?
  21. ^^ Exactly. That's according to the official communiqué ( especially point 16 ). Sad to read Sh. Sharif was present.
  22. Were they "suicide bombers"? That would eliminate a lot of suspects, wouldn't it?
  23. In brief, Somalia is a colony of IGAD.