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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Jasiiradaha Saacadadiin Saacadadiin iyo Ceebaab Jasiirada Saacadiin oo ah tan magaca weyn kana baaxada weyn ayaa loogu magac daray boqorkii saacadadiin sida ay ii sheegeen odoyaal reer Saylaci, jasiiradahan ayaa u jira Saylac ilaa 10 km waxa degan oo ka shaqeystay dhalinyaro ugaasato iyo qolyo madagaskar ah oo iyaguna ugaadhsada kuwaasi oo ay xukuumadu u fasaxday xaalufinta iyo gurashada noockasta oo macdan ah sidoo kale waxa iyana aan aagaas ka dheerayn Maraakiibta nooca jiriifka ah ee laga leeyahay wadanka Masar kuwaasi oo sidoo kale iyaguna sita fasaxyo Xukuumadu siisay, Labo Qolo oo Cadaan ah ayaa iyana ka ugaadhsada bada iyagoo fasaxyo sita waana dunida badeedii la cunay aaga Xeebaha galbeedka waa la kala iibsadey Saacadadiin oo aan booqday waxay ahayd goob ku wanaagsan dalxiiska, labada jasiiradoodna waa labada kaliya ee ay somaliland leedahay hadii wado sax ah loo heli lahaa saylac waa la degi kari lahaa Jasiiradahaasi oo dhisme ayaa ka suurtoobi lahaa maadaama ay aad u baaxad weynyihiin balaadh ahaan. saaxil.net This is excerpt is an intro for a poem (Miyaydaan Aqoon Diinta) by Xaaji Af-Qallooc from Maxamed Baashe's book HAL AAN TEBAYEY: Gabaygan waxa uu Xaajigu ku xusayaa magacyada rag u badnaa culima aw diin iyo coqaal uu gumeysigii Ingriisku ku xidh xidhay jasiiradda Sacaada Diin oo xeebta Saylac ah. Raggas waxa ka mid ahaa marka laga yimaaddo inta gabayga ku xusan oo aynu xaga hoose ugu tegi doonno tacriftooda: Sheekh Axmed Maxamuud Dalmar, Sheekh Cali Shire iyo Sheekh Yuusuf Dalmar oo dhammaantood Ceerigaabo ka so jeeday. Nimanka cuqaasha ah jasiiraddas lagu xidhayna waxa ka mid ahaa Caaqil Maxamed Aadan Aw Cabdi (Fadhi-yare) oo deegaanka Burco ka soo jeeday. Raggani waxa ay diiddanayeen guud ahaanba siyaasaddii maamulka Ingiriiska ee Somaliland, gaar ahaana waxyeellada sun ayaxa lagu buufinayay ama dhulka loogu daadinayey ay gaadhsiinaysey baadka, biyaha iyo xoolahaba. Intii u dhaxaysey 1946-1947 ayay raggasi xidh xidhaynaayeen.
  2. Oh dear. I've chicken out of posting this one before. There's also a lovely story and poem about "waraabaha isha ka laaladda" story (recited by Idaajaa I think) somewhere on the same website. Worth finding trust me..
  3. Originally posted by General Duke: Get back to me on the DNA, Two ways to get my DNA. Hablo fiican miyeey kula dhasheen? I'm gonna get me a cheerleading in-law/out-law.. If not, try the hard way and call your spooky mates.
  4. ^^ Your PM inbox is full Nurow. Let me know when it' free.
  5. ^^ When you're not "copying and pasting" you come up with st*pid comments like that, and that's why I like you. PS All I did last time was to ask you when your ceremonial leader will be returning to Mogadishu, did that hurt that much?
  6. General Duke If only battles were won by "copy and paste" ...
  7. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Sawiradooda darbiyada isla surnaan jiray, and I found it quite interesting the senior stooge's one already is removed. I know saaxib, waan kula kaftamayay. I'm not surprised to see Col. Nur Cadde's picture on the wall though, it is his residence afterall. We can't see the whole room so there might be other pictures out of shot. Perhaps he just forgot to make the room appear more politically functional. Hard to say and it unfair (from that one photo) to assume he replaced Col. Yey's picture with his. It's still not clear if a coup has taken place, but I don't blame Col. Yey for not taking chances and leaving Mogadishu till everything is clear. He was lame duck (when shot himself in the foot) by his rejection of the PM's cabinet positions recommendations. He should pushed the PM as far as he could, but cut the best deal possible. Col. Yey's rejection of both PM's cabinet and Djibouti deal with Sharif makes him appear stubborn and dictatorial to the foreign forces propping him up. The PM seems to have the upper hand now - even though one or two factions haven't declared their cards - but both Colonels are between rocks and ....
  8. ^ Turue say Suldaanka. I too wish for Kulmiye victory in 2009 but the task will be harder if they don't solve their internal issues with Muj. Labatolleh and Muj. Dhagaweyne. AS for Faisal, well, some of his COMMENTS (especially when given his enemy's interpretation) make him stick out like a sore thumb in SL, but inside that warehouse down south, those characters' ACTIONS would make him look like moderate backbencher. Pot kettle is all I say to some of his critics.
  9. lol@Ngonge edit* JB, do know how many innocent people have been terminated by SOL warlords? PS I now see why LST chose MMA as speaker.
  10. Congrats J. I'm happy for you. Afterall, you've got Cirdey and Ngonge for "special friends"
  11. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Ducadaas inaan Aamiin idhaahdo baan rabay lakin weli ma dhamaystirna ,,,,,,,,, Where is A&T? Keep an eye on him, he might be in Hargeisa queing up to register himself for a SL ID. He is capable of that trus me. Then again, I haven't seen him since Xiin clobbered him with that "Daniiste" rabbit punch. I wish him a swift return.
  12. ^ To paraphrase comedian Haybe Jnr "way interesting dhaaftay". Nomads will soon meet the devil at the cross-roads. Maybe they already have. Rest assured that I am not speaking from an authoritative point of view, mine is coming from a moderation point of view, please take freedom to cast your own interpretation of the HOWs of this event, as I am very eager myself to know HOW it was pulled off. Saaxib I'm still looking for answers myself and I thought we were up to something when you said "..a fake well co-ordinated 911 style attack prepared by the Ethiopians.." Perhaps am guilty of taking this thread too seriously. I can add nothing more than confusion and theories but I don't think this is the right time and place. What I know for sure is; whenever these criminal acts hit us, people with all sorts of agendas try their very best to use them to their advantage. Some of them are linked to the criminals directly (or indirectly by turning a blind eye) while others are just making mileage out of them. Took me a while to figure that out, but better late than never, right? PS Please let me be the first to know when you know the "HOW". The "HOW" seems to be "an unknown unknown". Thanks for now.
  13. Xiinow Initially "the caravan" was looking like a face-saving formula for the Ethios who were struggling for dear life. Now it seems to turn in to "face-saving" formula for Sh. Sharif ( and to much a lower degree yourself ). That's my humble obinion.
  14. Nur Please give me direct answers. Dodn't rush. Take a month if that's what you need, and do and youself (if not this Section as a whole) justice. Give us your opinions. No hints or pregnant statements. Don't make us read between the lines just spill it out. These days its very easy to recruit naive people to commit crimes by players with far reaching motives. I am sure that you have seen teh captured British soldiers in Iraq wearing Arab clothes who caught red handed fomenting secterian civil war in Iraq. My take on the Somaliland incidence, is that I find no Somali group whatsoever with an interest to harm their brothers in Somaliland, What do you mean "easy to recruit naive people to commit crimes"? How? If you sincerely believe that please don't make me second guess what you're trying to say...just clarify it for me please! Ngonge Your "restaurant" investigators report in this matter never mentioned Satan as a suspect. Who do you work for?
  15. Originally posted by Nur: Becuse Somaliland has already been prepared with a fake well coordinated 911 style attack prepared by the Ethiopians No single Ethiopian Official died although their Embassy was completely destroyed, while innocent Somali people died at the other two attacks, I personally lost a close relative ) which is unjustly blamed on the innocent Somali resistance. So the plan is that the international troops will land in Somaliland to " Protect " it from the " Terrorsits ". 911 style attack prepared by the Ethiopians? How did they pull it off? Please elaborate and don't leave a stone unturned.
  16. Hakan ka dhegeyso "Dhaqanka Dhirta" “Bal aan wax ka magacaabo iyada oo ay dhirtu ay leedahay manaafacaad kala gedisan oo aan la koobi karayn haday tahay dheefsi iyo dhuuni, haday tahay dugsi iyo ood, iyo gabood, hadday tahay guri iyo garaacasho, haday tahay hoos iyo hadh, haday tahay dawo iyo sun, hadday tahay adeegsi iyo ku geeda-goosi, hadday tahay barwaaqaynta iyo roob soo jiidashada, hadday tahay ka ganacsiga iyo dhaqaalaha, iyada oo ay waajib tahay in la barto. Hadana lama soo koobi karo dhirta faa’iidooyinka ay u leedahay noolaha bariga, hadaba inyar oo ka mid ah magacyadooda aan u soo tebiyo bulshada Soomaaliyeed inta dhaqanka xiisaysa. Maansada ay ku jiraan magacyada 320 geed Qudhaca iyo Galoolka. Gobka dheer ee la taagay. Dimcad aad garanaysiyo Xammudhkoo la gedaasa. Sogsogta iyo Sarmaanta. Dhosoqa iyo Maraaga, Garanwaaga iyo Tiinka Gomortoo dhulka jiiftiyo Jeerin aad garanaysiyo Jaleefan la gedaasa. Bilcil guud dhimbilyaystay Cadaad aad garanaysiyo Qansaxoo la gedaasa. Guncad wayska qadhoontee Muqladoo la gedaasa. Gawlalo leh Quwaax Dhidinoo la gedaasa. Dhusisoo xabag leh Milgatoo la gedaasa. Berdaha guud u wayn Dhicir geeluba eeday Himir aad garanaysiyo Daraygoo la gedaasa. Cali Booyaha gaastiyo Jinowgoo la gedaasa. Gara’oo Lebbiga Mee Hareeri gun-dheere. Dhebigoo la gedaasa. Dhuyuca iyo Madheedhka, Iyo Dhuurtoo dhega-yar. Dhumoodka aan dhuuxba lahayniyo, Dhikre oo la gedaasa. Qararoo Maydhax leh, Xoday aad garanaysiyo Xagaroo la gedaasa. Quudka, kulanka, garaska, Carmadoo la gedaasa. Gurre oo xanjo leh, Muqladoo la gedaasa. Wegerka, Sheegayga, Hadigoo la gedaasa. Dhamaskoo cirka gaadhay, Gabadh naaxday sideedii Garaaruhu siman yihiin, Dayiboo gedigood, ugu geed wacanoo, Laga gooyo udbaha, Takhay oo gacalle, Isna gooni u dhaatay, Baxrasaaf la gedaasa. Midha-caanyo iyo dhafaruur, Hohobta guudka caddaysiyo, Yicib aad garanaysiyo, Gomoshkoo la gedaasa. Waysku geedka midhoode, Murkudda, Guubali, Falaxfalax, Macarka, Maydida, intaas oo isku geedoo laga soo guro Beeyo. Qabadiyo Argeegta, Morohdiyo Xigga, Gargaradiyo Ilgaasha, Maydhadiyo Doomaarta, Duurka iyo Dingaxda, Maajeenta iyo Maydhada, Baalxooraha iyo Dixida, Dayadiyo Cawda, Dareemada iyo Gambista inaasuna geed-guri weeye. Minxidada iyo Aadari, Maqaari iyo Laama-lawshe, Dhaloosha iyo Bacaroorta, Bisiqaad garanaysiyo, Wisiloo la gedaasa. Gagagaboodkiyo Dhirindhir, Waxara-waalis iyo Bulunbul, Af-doxorka iyo Jadeerka, Maskax-buq iyo Salam-nac, Jimbaca iyo Xayramadka, Sarinka iyo Hiisha, Galbista iyo Adaarka, Gawsagiyo Xadhig-xadhiga, Jilba-dhiiga iyo Soonah, Ilcas aad garanaysiyo, Jilibkoo la gedaasa, Godorka iyo Cinjirka, Xangeeyadiyo Witirka, Gamca-gooyiyo Mariidka, Gawracatada iyo Bacaroorta, Ciinka oo la gedaasa, Unuunka iyo Qalfoonta, Mooha oo aad garanaysiyo, Kariiri la gedaasa, Wancadka iyo Geed-xamarka, Surradka iyo Caladhyaha, Shadaabka iyo Caws-dameerka, Hibaaqa iyo Buctureenka, Sahoodka oo la gedaasa, intaas geed udug weeye. Gacayradiyo Maroorada, Doombirtiyo Tidhadhka, Dhibriyaadka iyo Fara-xuunshada, Uneexadiyo Carrab-lo’aadka, Askaxdiyo Gurrujaaga, Guraarigta iyo Boqoshaaga, Likaha iyo Xamakowga, inta geed ee la quutana ma isu soo wada geeyay? Gabal-daye iyo dhamal-koolis, Budhdadka iyo Hanwalista, Gambayoodkiyo Gasan-gas, Gulaanka iyo Daranta, Durrujaaga iyo Baskalax, Dharjada iyo Qadawgoo la gedaasa. Dhosoqa iyo Maraaga, Garaabiidliyo Mirrigta, Isku-dhoonkiyo Xayrabanta, Yibbahaad garanaysiyo Xamaroo la gedaasa. Birre iyo Yamaarug, Qocondhiyo, Qandhuri-qoofal, Gubtaanyadiyo Maaraboobta, Tuudhcadaa iyo Jac-jacle, Qadhaadheeyiyo Dhanaaneeye, Yagcar iyo Xunba-weyne, Cobol iyo Turray, Calaa-ku-yaal iyo Hugunbaa, Niyaale iyo Hini, Baynax iyo Xiiska, Wadhaf-ka-roone iyo Gaadeeryo, Dhalaan-dhuug iyo Gawsa-madoobeeye, Hiirinka iyo Margiyo-daalis, Caddiinka iyo Suufka, Mirrow iyo Jirda-cado, Nidiqiyo Cilaaliyo Geedi-daaq, Gas-riyaad iyo Jan-jeedho, Shay iyo Barda-yaro, Baahiye iyo Baleenbaal, Dhufeeco iyo Xaydh-aboor, Galool-yariyo Dinaax, Arooraaliyo Marmarsoole, Mara-madoobeebiyo Wanan-tume, Dhali iyo Dhul-ka-aroor, Riyo-la-jabe iyo Jarto, Dhalaaloo iyo Xamilka, Jabi-oke iyo Casaa-jimo, Kabo-madoobeeye iyo Dacar-budhuq, Siidhe iyo Carab-jeeb, Caws-bawne, iyo Badhi-weyne, Caws-qansax iyo Tima-haweenliyo Hadafta. Caws-goodir iyo Casuuro, Haliyo Nirig iyo Raxanreeb, Guufka iyo Tagoogo-wareen, Gobyariyo Jilbada, Qodox iyo Raguugaa, Faraacood iyo Buuxiso, Qoxda iyo Darifka Mulqiska iyo Bardawga, Dhego-weyne iyo Xuubab-lahowiyo Jaayo. Hara-marshaa iyo Jaw-jawle, Qoodho-waraabe iyo Mawo, Tiiraha iyo Qaaxoodka, Maraq-fur iyo Gatawaha, Habawga iyo Heelalo, Dinaasiyo geed-cad, iyo Shanbadhyoole. Dhirkaynka caanaha keena, Darxumoow jiic-gun-madooobe, Maygaagoo la gedaasa. Qaydar aad garanayso, Yunbuc kaama ilaawin, Qaydaroo la gedaasa. Caano-macaaneeye iyo Canjeelka, Cawtal-gasiinka iyo Balan-baalka Shan-bogsiiyo iyo Booc-madowdiyo Boora-dhayaha. Ramaaska, Gocosada, Sifaarka, Saddexada, Gadh-orgiga, Kaba-qoyska, -ka-xaariska, Caraancarka, Cadayga iyo Ilka-caddayska, Tuka-lalmiska iyo Dhilowyahanka, Cayo-gurigiyo, Geed-xadhaadhkiyo, Geel-wanaajiyo, Guryofankiyo Gargoorka intaasoo wada geedoo Geyigeena ku taala, ilayn garan mayo hadeeroo ilayn way gadmadeene, Maysu soo wada geeyay. Cabdiqani Xuseen Baynax cabdiqani0001@hotmail.com http://www.somalilandpress.com/print.php?type=N&it em_id=566
  17. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: Mansha'allah...Allah usiyaadiyo... ...Khayrka Aaamin. Mogadishu Paramedic, now that's what I call risky work.
  18. lol@MMA Col. Nur's picture bothers you and the foreign askari standing there doesn't? Lordy lord! Pictures do hide mess and stains.
  19. Horta maxay Wanlaweyntu waxaan oo kale odhan jireen...shafalato?
  20. Horta maxay Wanlaweyntu waxaan oo kale odhan jireen...shafalato?
  21. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: A&T argument: I don’t know what’s gonna happen tomorrow. I don’t frankly care. But I know Ethiopia; lets fight it everywhere till they free my people in the ****** region. We must widen the coverage of this conflict in the somali proper. ^^Daniiste. Cajabba!
  22. Legendary diva. I hope she enjoys her retirement.
  23. Originally posted by +Faheema: ^Hmm, that's just far too sensible dee. Yep. Cara should be banned from this place.
  24. Ngonge Why don't you go find a Mullah with a Fatwa that says "way duushay!". edit* Found a Mullah who declared that. I'll post it in an appropriate thread IA.