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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Originally posted by General Duke: Farah Bown, if one wants to diagnose Somalia's ills, they need to look at you. A sujui-man who knows nothing about Somalia but is willing to support the next best Ethiopian stooge because of ..
  2. General'ka isaga waa saamax oo tacsiyuu fadhiyaa. Maalmahan saliida iyo biyuhuu isku daray. My sympaths to him. Waa kaa South Mudug afka ii saaray!!! "nin khalkhaly nin kale oo khal khalay qaadi kari waaye..."
  3. Originally posted by General Duke: Of course Yusuf legacy will continue, after the event we will at least name a few airports and strips after him in Puntland.. Don't forget the sea ports, General.
  4. North Col. Nur Cadde has been quoted pleading the Ethios to stay and not leave a "power vacuum". To me that's a classic; bakhti ma cuno, maraaqiisa ayaan cabaa. Yey gave the exact reasons for bringing them in the first place. He gave the preceding Saladboys' TNG's powerlessness as an example. The AU troops came only after the Ethios went in. The "peaceniks" seem to reap what Yey saw without giving him some credit. PS We need to know what Nur Cadde was up to during Gen Barre reign to build a full picture.
  5. ^ Ok then, I plead innocent. It's you, moi and Stoic. At least I admit that the Lord spared me because I'm a softie who could not handle it.
  6. ^^ So what's difference between them now?
  7. You see men sailing on their ego trips Blast off on their spaceships Million miles from reality No care for you, no care for me So much trouble in the world Bob & Wailers
  8. ^^ Nice try. Don't get jealous, get the qaxooti experience here
  9. ^^ Do you ( and your buddy Stoic )feel blessed or do you think the Almighty spared you Qaxooti blues because you weren't cut for it? Dad badan baa aamiinsan in ay ceeb dhici lahayd haddii carabtu aanu ilaahai (SWT) saliidda ugu barakayniin. Tink about it.
  10. ^^We'll see I'A. All I know is; the likes of Jaamac Cali Jaamac only feared Yey because of his Ethio connections. It will be interesting to see how he survives even in PL without this insurance.
  11. Yey and his supporters have entered what Sir Alec calls "Squeaky Bum Time". They can ask for compromise so that Yey finishes his term without humiliation impeachment in that Baidoa warehouse. If they get this wish, will AU force be able to defend him IF the Ethios troops withdraw as they've promised? Immediate resignation seems to be the only wise option as things stand.
  12. @LST Halkaa ka wad. It's been interesting watching you roll your sleeves for "colonel and country".
  13. ^ You know Yey is cornered when the likes of LST are reduced producing to doctored videos as evidence. Lordy lord whatever next!
  14. Originally posted by NGONGE: Now there are two ways of interpreting this. If it were merely the guy on the video who said these words then I really see no problem with his words. He's sitting amongst his supporters and directing these comments at them. It's a normal way of strengthening the resolve of your fighters. But if it were Abu Mansoor who said this (in a part of the interview that was not broadcast) most people will just have to concede that this is one hell of a faux pas! As much as I'd loved to see video of Governor of Alaska surrendering herself to Sh. XassanTurki, I honestly don't see how anyone in that crowd could be motivated by the storming of Solomon Islands. Then again, maybe we're all underestimating the speaker's intent. Some of these Marka folks are believed to be descendants of Portuguese invaders. Perhaps the Mullah knows which buttons to press to trigger an urge they've been suppressing for ages. My advice to mullahs in charge of selecting a special force among "the lads" to go undercover in London area is; make sure you exclude anyone who's got kub fetish. No-one with this weakness can survive the unrelenting volley of distraction out here especially a kub-starved Jaamac-came-lately who's been well-trained trained in lowering their gaze. They ( the kubabka ) come in every colour, shapes and size, especially in winter. Even on the rare occasions when one's got other things on their mind, the stilettos will be calling kub! kub! kub!... PS The article did quote the right speaker in the usual Monte shuffle way. You don't want to hear clan conspiracy theories after he made those comments.
  15. Worth listening (and reading the SOL responses) to this Sh. Sharif interview again. web page
  16. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Sh. Sharif is right on the money on this. Wrong choice of phrase.
  17. Bayaan ay Dalka Sacuudiga ka soo saareen Culamaa'udiin magac ku leh Dalka Soomaaliya Islamic scholars should 'stay away from politics,' says Sheikh Sharif
  18. ^^ Says a lot that the likes of Johnny B support the Sh. Wright Phillips's "Caravan". As things stand, Sharif has surrendered in exchange of 200 parliamentary seats. That's what the "caravan" has delivered. No Ethio withdrawal from Somalia. No peace. What else he'll gain after/if those MP's take their seats; time will tell. ''Anigu Shaqsiyan waxan u qaatay in uu soo degayo C/llaahi Yuusuf maadaama Qaabka Magaalada Muqdisho uu ahaa mid la mid ah Maalmaha uu Garoonka Muqdisho ka soo dego Dhiigyacabka Waddanka Gumeystaha Gacanta u geliyey ee Ina Yuusuf, Waxaa xirnaa Dhammaan Waddooyinka gala ama ka baxa Magaalada Muqdisho Waxana Shacabka Iyo Gaadiidkaba loo diiday in ay Isticmaalaan Waddooyinkii ay horay u isticmaali jireen gaar ahaan kuwa ku dhow dhow garoonka Muqdisho. Waxaa Waddooyinka Garoonka gala isku gadaamay Calooshood u shaqeystayaasha Ugandheyska ah oo ay wehliyaan Daba******yada Tireega, Waxana si waalli ah Waddada Makka-Almukkarrama u marayey Gaadiidka Dagaalka ee Ugandheyska iyo Kooxda Mbagathi. Marka laga soo tago Carada ka muuqata qaar ka mid ah Odayaasha Muqdisho iyo Shacabkooda waxaa Farxad ay maanta ka muuqatay Horjoogayaasha Kooxda Mbagathi oo Imaatinka Shariifka ee Magaalada Muqdisho u arka Guul weyn oo uga soo hoyatay Muqaawamada. Dagaal-Oogayaal ay ka mid yihiin C/Qeybdiid, C/Fataax Shaaweey iyo kuwo kale ayaa Iyagoo Maleeshiyaadkooda wata waxay sidoo kale isku Garbinayeen Waddada Airaboorka aadda si mid walba uu isagu u noqdo kan ugu hormara ee soo dhaweeya Sheekh Shariif oo ay u arkaan Xubin Muhiim ah oo Xulafadooda ku soo biirtay. Shacabka Magaalada Muqdisho oo qaarkood aan weeydiiyey sida ay u arkaan Imaatinka Sheekh Shariif ee Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa ii sheegay in ay Ayaan darro tahay in Sheekh Shariif ay Maanta Magaalada Muqdisho ku soo dhaweeyaan Cadawgii Ummadda Soomaaliyeed Xasuuqay iyo Rag uu ka mid yahay Cabdi Qeybdiid oo uu shalay ku sheegayey in ay Murtaddiin yihiin. Odayaasha Magaalada Muqdisho kuwooda Muqaawamada Taageersan ayaa sidoo kale ii sheegay in Sheekh Shariif uu Dhulka isku dhuftay Xaqiina uu ku Bedeshay Baadil,Waxana ay Odayaashaasi Shariifka ku eedeeyeen in uu Dhiiggii Wiilsha Soomaaliyeed ee uu Dagaalka geliyey Maanta doonayo in uu ku helo Jago Quureed uu ka doonayo Gumeystaha Cadawga ah ee Dalka Soomaaliyeed ku soo duulay''. La Soco Qeybta Labaad. web page
  19. Redsea Winning "hearts and minds" is cool. I'm up for it. There are thousands of wadaadds from every Somali territory in SL teaching children and adults as we speak. A local wadaad recently proclaimed Somaliland - with all its political constraints - to be the most free of all Muslim countries for scholars practice and preach their deen. Can anyone disagree? The challenges are; what new approach - different from the ones used by wadaadds already there - are you calling for to bring this "policy change"? How will it be implemented? What guarantees this new approach will not split and complicate the work of the wadaadds already there?
  20. Saaxiibadeena badhbaa xidhan saliibkiiye Soonka iyo salaaddoodu waa sir aan la gaadhayne Inkastoo sujuuddii wajiga sanka ka idlaatay Soomaali uun bay yihiin ha u salaamina e Aakhira sadkeed waa ninkii sabi u geeyaaye Saddexbay ku furan tahay hadduu sawjad leeyahaye Saliib ~ A Sahal (Geeddi Nooleedkii Yusuf X Adam)
  21. Originally posted by RedSea: In ay dhulkii 'somaliya' la isku odhan jiray oo dhan ay policy gooda gaadhsiiyaan weeye hadafkoodu. Kuwana xoog ayaa lagu gaadhsin i.e gobolada ethiopianku iyo kuwa lashaqeeyaan haystaan. Intii nabad ay ka jirto sida Puntland iyo Somaliland, waxay aaminsan yihiin wanaag iyo systematic change lagu sameeyo. Oo instead of dhuuni in Rayaale waxaa loo doonaya Sh. Mustafe x. Ismail ama rag isaga la mid ah oo cadaalad iyo kala danbayn wax ka yaqaana. "systematic change" lagu sameeyo Somaliland iiga waran Saaxib. In yar oo sharaxaad bal inaga sii, Abuu Readseaoow!
  22. They actually prayed? After much talk of Col. Yey and Col. Nur Cadde, I think these Eid "prayers" were a perfect opportunity for Sh. Aadan Madoobe to flex his muscles. In the mean time... "Afhayeenka urur diimeedka Al Shabaab Sh Muqtaar Rooboow Cali (Abuu Mansuur) oo maanta dadweyne fara badan kala qeybgalayay tukashada salada ciidul Axaa gudaha magaalada Marka ayaa ka hadlay arimo fara badan." >> here
  23. Allahayoow adigu waad ogtahay waadna aragtaaye Allahayoow adoomaanu nahay diinta aaminaye Allahayoow baryada naga ajiib kuu ergaan nahaye Allahayoow ~ Cali Jaamac Haabiil (IHN) Hajj 1429/2008 Pleasant EID to all Muslims.