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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. What's your argument with Ibti, are you saying reer Buntland never supported the Col. Yey atrocities in the south?
  2. Originally posted by Garyaqaan*:. C/laahi Yusuf ayaa sheeegay inuu soomaaliya guud ahaan iyo puntlandba nabad u rajeenayo. Isaga oo hadalkiisa ku sii daray “ogaada aniga nin aan si gaar ah ulla shaqeenayo ma jiro, horey puntland 6 sano baan madaxweyne uga ahaa hadana aniga kuma jiro Dadka hada u ordaya puntland….waa in laga fogaadaa in wixii hada kahor puntland ka dhacay aysan dib u dhicin, oo aan la is garab yaacin……qofka aad usoo doornayesaa xilkaa ha u eegina qabiil, ha u eegina qabiil…..ninkii lasoo doorto in lala shaqeeyo” Well said Col. Yey I also find the combination of the parliament interesting. nudge nudge.
  3. Genocide live on TV. PS Don't forget to pay your TV license, you may end up with a criminal record.
  4. Thierry You're talking as though the Ethios have long gone.
  5. ^^ Oh dear. You somehow managed to understand what I meant while claiming not to. Talented Mr. Xiin. Just give us the caravan update, if you don't mind. Thank you. PS Please avoid using exclamation marks (!) on me if you can. They seem to make me blink and make me feel threatened. I'm only saying this because I know you're a considerate geezer. Cheers.
  6. ^ So says the caravan kilishboy. Emperor Are you trying to say the malitia down there are neither trapped nor traitors but honest rentboys? Lordy lord, whatever next!
  7. Originally posted by General Duke: Outside of Baidoa & Mogadishu where does the new governemnt control? Heh!
  8. There was me thinking this was yet another Ngonge mid-life crisis topic. EDIT I've spoken too soon. It is now.
  9. Originally posted by xRed Sea: Distant relative and friend of mine. Anywayz am back. The new (which u came to know mostly) is I. No so fast. Was this some sort of dumaal then?
  10. Originally posted by xRed Sea: haha lool. Ok I am the redsea now. The wadaad redsea has been here for few hours and you swarm him out of here. What a tough crowd! What's the relation between "the old" and "the new" anyways?
  11. ^^ C'on now. This is what you said in this very thread.
  12. ^^ You sound familiar, was your maiden name Samurai? If the people of Sanaag, excluding El-Afweyn, Gar’adag and parts of Erigabo districts, do not wish to partake, why keep knocking on their door, unless of course there is disillusionment of sort at work. Simple rationale, no? Ceerigaabo is a cross-section of Sanaag, is it not? If none of the people in Ceerigaabo itself have been forced to register themselves against their wish, what makes you think the people in places like Badhan will? No-one is going to be dragged out of their homes, photographed, finger-printed and have their particulars taken unwillingly, are they? What are the chances of someone forced to register themselves returning to vote next year anyway? Give all the people of Sanaag a chance and they'll decide whether they'll register themselves or not. They certainly deserve better than few shadowy bribed old farts choosing their leaders. There can't be other explanation for the resistance of voter registration - using intimidation and threat of violence - apart from denying the voters their chance to express their democratic right.
  13. An ignorant old man who can't tell a difference between voter registration and census. If he doesn't like voting - which is perfectly understandable for chap who makes ends meet as an un-elected agent - the least he can do is ensure those who do get a chance without any form of intimidation. As for the registrations; so far, so good. Many locals including Maakhir's president have seized the golden opportunity.
  14. Originally posted by Qudhac: 120 rag tag millitia looool is this the battle hardened army they were waiting to come back to them to reclaim sool for them...... :eek: loool be very afraid....
  15. XRed Sea I think "the new Red Sea" should use this membership and the "old" one should re-join. I don't remember what "the old 2005-6 Red Sea" was like. I know "new Red" stood up J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o in Hargeisa. We also know about his two girlfriends. We even know he drives a GX. Whom WERE you?
  16. Originally posted by xRed Sea: You have the wrong man. Be patient 'the red sea' you have came to know will surface once again to take your questions. As for my case. I am one woman-man, and that is my dear maandeeq. Hanoolato! Hanoolato! You're one strange chap. Let me know when you're possesed again.
  17. ^^ C'on now. Is he Xaasid too? Even Sh. Sharif expressed concerns. Are they all xaasids?
  18. ^^ You're not making sense in small or CAPITAL letters, try italics.
  19. XRed Sea We know you think Rayaale is totally useless, but what do you want and how do you want to achieve it? You still haven't answered these questions for a start. If it's about Rayaale, the people will have their say Inshallah. If it's something else, what is it and how shall we solve it?
  20. ^ I think she said little kangaroos in qaxooti camps needing bosoms for pillows or somesing like zat.
  21. Originally posted by Qudhac: people dont mind our propaganda boy duke is just unemployed and is looking for someone to emply him as mouthpiece.. loool Freelance cheerleader? Lordy lord, whatever next?
  22. lol With Yeysters already bruised and foaming in the mouth, how long will this topic last?