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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Originally posted by General Duke: I like Gen Abdisamad. That's convenient. It does help when one likes their leadership. PS Congrats to the rest of the team.
  2. A&T C'on now, direct answers to direct question saxiib. You haven't done the question posed justice. You saw fit to break the opinions of Somalilanders into individual clans' wishes and I'm wondering whether you're prepared to do the same for KILLIL5. You've repeatedly stated that Somali clans in Killil5 want to secede from Ethiopia. That's good, but then what? Since you believe it "does not need scientific research or statistical methods to know the stance of clans in Somalia", what's your inclination as to the stance of different clans of Killil5? Do all the clans that live KILLIL5 want to join Somalia? What do the clans with close ties to Djibouti and Somaliland want? This is an important issue especially if your clannish opinions on Somaliland are to be taken seriously. Don't rant about the Ethios, go on and have another go and we can move to the Faisal topic. Originally posted by Poker: Ayoub, How does the 4.5 formula constituted? I know it's based on qabiil. Is it only those within the Somali proper borders or Somaliland and others such as NFD, Kilil5 and Djibouti are also included? You asked the wrong person. The way I understand it the 275 MPs of TFG's (and its TNG predecessor) parliament is shared among all Somali clans using 4.5 formula. The supposed major clans getting 1 out of 4.5 which is to roughly equivalent 61 MPs. See the original mbagathi line-up. Sh. Sharif has managed to negotiate another 200 for his Alliance + another 75 to go to intellectuals and civil groups which bumps the parliament to a staggering 550 MPs. Sh. Sharif indicated he won't devide his share using the 4.5 formula. That's my understanding.
  3. Originally posted by Suldaanka: ^^Ilko Jiir and Co have a fat chance It looks like reer Barigii reer Sanaag Bari waa u qayileen. Lacagtii yarayd ee Las Qorey Port loo ururiyay ayaa lagaga dilay Qado iyo Qaad. If not Cadde Muse, most certainly it is going to be another one of his kins from Mudug or Nugaal. I just can't forsee them loose Puntland's leadership as well, specialy as Col. Yey's humiliation is still very much fresh in their minds. But it will be an interesting to watch how it unfolds. Shitu happens, but it stinks - Japanese Proverb
  4. Originally posted by There will be no Future Kilil5. It will join Somalia. Xaguu hadalku kaa marayaa Mujaahid. Only one referendum. You're not making sense to me that's all. Are you saying if all the clans - including the ones living that live in Djibouti, Somaliland and NFD as well - will want to join Somalia or are you saying the MAJORITY of people in KILLIL5 will want to join Somalia if there's a referendum? Two completely different things. I believe majority of people ( consisting of different clans ) want an independent Somaliland. That's what matters. Reer hebel and 4.5 does not matter. I also support whatever the MAJORITY of the people in KILLIL5 decide. You can't be a Shabaab in Somalia, Democratic in Killil5 and 4.5 in Somaliland. Think about what you're saying and get back to me.
  5. As to the diverse clans in Somaligalbeed, its my belief they differ on what to call the region and who to join, but they all agree that they cannot live with Ethiopia. In any case, we can settle for a refrendum and will accept the result. An internationally sponssored Sponser. PEOPLE in Gaashamo and Harrtisheik are not REFUGEES. It is their land. They may not be fans of ONLF, but believe me they are not for union with Ethiopia. According to my vision, there will be no problem once we seceed from Ethiopia. For what I forsee is joining of Somalia, not to form another tiny 'republic'. That will solve the divergent clan intersts. WE ARE ALL GOING TO BE CALLED SOMALIANS. The only question will be which province Gashamo will go under, and which province Dollo Addo will fall under. Explain yourself saxiib. Are you saying there will be more than one referenda? If so how many? What referendum stage is Somaliland at if we're to follow this crackpot idea of yours? PS My question was concerning all Somaliland clans (Awdal to Sool ) living in Killil5. If we follow your Clannish 4.5 in Somaliland, I want to know how you'll implement it in the future KILLIL5. Similar questions could be asked regarding NFD, Somalia and Djibouti clans living there.
  6. Message just in from a certain Hadraawi; Valenteenay dhiggaagiyo hablaha dhuude falanqee Hadduu dhaguxu kala hayb tirsado dheemman baad tahay You're truly among those who make SOL worth it. Allamagan has spoken for many.
  7. Aamiin . The old man's sense of humour will be greatly missed(AUN).
  8. Congratulations to Faroole. May the Almighty guide and make him a wise ruler. PS Your 90 days honeymoon starts today. PPS Good luck with auditing your predecessor's books.
  9. ^^ That is not what I meant. Now go back to your village. They're missing their ****. Do you understand? Go! Shu! Shu! [ January 07, 2009, 11:01 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  10. ^^ You know he is going to loose this argument hence the lack of confidence in him. A&T All of Somaliland's clans do reside in Killil5 too. How are you going to resolve their "fate"? Using Clannish Wailers' method?
  11. A&T The argument is; MAJORITY OF SOMALILANDERS NO LONGER SUPPORT THE UNIFICATION WITH SOMALIA. That's what matters. I'm sure (you believe) the destiny of the people of KILLIL5 will be decided in similar fashion. Not Clannish Wailers nor Village Idi*ts' way. Pull up your socks adeer. later I'A
  12. They take their feifdom and will go. Not that of others. SSC and Awdal people will decide their fate! A&T I see we're back to square one regarding your views on Somaliland. Once again, I expect better arguments from you than SOL village Idi*ts and Clannish Wailers. As for Awdal, only last month nearly 140 000 people queued up for hours in the sunlight to register themselves for presidential elections. This shows every region does have people who are for and against Somaliland. Dividing Somaliland into clans solves nothing but reward Clannish Wailers. I expect better arguments from you because you're smarter and from Killil5. PS What's SSC?
  13. Ngonge What about the ones with diplomatic or businesses ties? The ones WITHOUT could at least call for countries sever businesses and diplomatic ties with the Zionists. The strongest reaction so far has been the cancellation of new year celebrations by UAE. How pathetic? Stop making excuses for them, enough is enough.
  14. By FABIOLA SANCHEZ, Associated Press Writer – Tue Jan 6, 7:46 pm ET CARACAS, Venezuela – Venezuela ordered Israel's ambassador expelled from the country on Tuesday in protest over the Israeli military offensive in the Gaza Strip. The decision by President Hugo Chavez to kick out the diplomat appeared to be the strongest reaction yet to the Gaza offensive by any country with ties to Israel. The Venezuelan Foreign Ministry announced the move in a statement, saying it "has decided to expel the Israeli ambassador and part of the Israeli Embassy's personnel." The Israeli offensive in Gaza has killed nearly 600 Palestinians in ground and air strikes. Israel launched the attacks Dec. 27 to stop Palestinian militants from firing rockets into southern Israel. "How far will this barbarism go?" Chavez asked on state television before the ambassador's expulsion was announced. "The president of Israel should be taken before an international court together with the president of the United States, if the world had any conscience." Venezuela's Foreign Ministry said its U.N. mission is joining with other countries in demanding the Security Council "apply urgent and necessary measures to stop this invasion." Israeli diplomats could not immediately be reached for comment. The embassy in Caracas was closed, and it was unclear how the Israeli government would respond. Jewish community leader Abraham Levy, president of the Venezuelan Confederation of Israelite Associations, called the government's decision "taking the side of a terrorist group" by backing Gaza's Hamas leaders while ignoring Israel's perspective. "I deeply lament that decision made by the government, which cuts off an enormous and long tradition of friendship between the people of Israel and the people of Venezuela," Levy told The Associated Press. He said the decision leaves Venezuela's Jewish community — which numbers nearly 15,000 — "not only worried but also deeply battered" because it "attempts to demonize the state of Israel." While many countries have protested Israel's offensive, none besides Venezuela so far have expelled the ambassador. Mauritania, which established relations with Israel in 1999, called home its ambassador from the Jewish state on Monday. Jordan and Egypt, the other two Arab nations with relations with Israel, summoned their Israeli ambassadors to protest the Gaza attacks, but they have resisted popular calls to expel them. Chavez has long been critical of the Israeli government's policies in the Middle East and has supported the Palestinians' stance in the conflict. During Israel's 2006 conflict in Lebanon, Chavez withdrew his top envoy from Israel, calling the bombings there "a new Holocaust." Relations have remained at a scaled-back level since. Chavez's condemnations of Israel's offensive in Gaza have grown gradually more severe in recent days. On Monday he called the Jewish state a "genocidal government," and on Tuesday urged Jews in Venezuela to take a stand against the Israeli government. In spite of harsh criticisms of Israel, Chavez's government has insisted it is friendly toward Jewish people. Chavez met with Jewish leaders in August, pledging to work against anti-Semitism despite strong differences on Mideast politics. Top Venezuelan officials explained Tuesday's decision speaking to cheering supporters at a Caracas mosque. Some in the crowd chanted "Gaza, hold on. The people are rising up!" Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro said Venezuela declared the Israeli ambassador "persona non grata" and decided to "reduce to a minimum the representation of this embassy in Venezuela." Justice Minister Tarek El Aissami, who is of Arab descent, said "our revolution is also a revolution for a free Palestine!" Chavez accuses Israel of acting on behalf of the United States in the Mideast, and he has forged close ties with Israel's top enemies — Iran and Syria. Chavez also has used the tool of expelling an ambassador before. Last September, he kicked out U.S. envoy Patrick Duddy saying it was in solidarity with Bolivia, which also booted its U.S. ambassador, accusing him of aiding violent protests. Demonstrations against the offensive have been held in various Latin American countries in recent days. In Argentina, which has the third-largest Jewish population outside Israel, hundreds of people marched to the Israeli Embassy to call for an end to the offensive. Brazil's government, like Venezuela, has said it is sending food and medical aid to the Gaza Strip. And in Bolivia, about a hundred Palestinians and Arabs marched to protest the violence. ____ Associated Press writer Rachel Jones contributed to this report.
  15. Soomaalinimo is about when you are in a strange land, when you hadn't seen Soomaalis in eons and finally see one you suspect to be, when you rush to that person, when you have those inner feelings of fellow country person. Those experienced that ayaa og taas, and there are many. I remember a brother of mine who had lived and still lives in Berkeley area of California since 1979. He met some Soomaali men a few years ago, who came to his work. Some of them were distant relatives and knew him, but he wasn't aware that. He thought they came to visit him because of Soomaali uu ahaa. So wuu soo dhaweeye, aad iyo aad and had done everything. Iska seexda yiri at his home too, but they were on their way to another town. He had no idea who they were, though they talked about the past, which he hardly recalled. My sister told him later they weren't only Soomaalis, but distant relatives who heard his whereabouts. Again, I remember another episode aniga igu dhacday about Soomaalinimo. It was back in Baltimore and we were new to the city. The second or third week, I and another fella were walking down on the streets when we saw this taxi halting to screech. He turned back and double-looked us. Asking us if we are Soomaalis. When answered positive, he shouted to get on the taxi and directly took us to his home, which was not that far off from where we lived. Anyway without asking us anything, he ordered pizza and everything, like old pals reunited. Markaas ayaa sheeko galnay, that we were knew to the city and Nayroobi ka imaanay. And he told us he already knew that since he hadn't seen a single Soomaali soul in that part of his city save his roommate and another family down the stretch. That he was glad to see us Soomaalis. The latter part he didn't have to express that, his happy-seen-you face said it a lot. We went to home. In that same evening, his roommate who came from shaqo came knocking our home. He couldn't wait to see us, again noo waday another casho. Already waa dharagsaneen because of the feast from earlier, still no yiri. "Waa in saa'id la idiin soo dhaweeyaa," yiri, "Ee isdharjiya oo Afrika ka imaateen, walina xiito xiito tihiinee." Again, another episode happened in Virginia about dad igu soo dhaweeye that state, purely out of Soomaalinimo. The point of these narrations are all that Soomaalinimo daraadeed la iskugu soo dhaweeyo and those are only done by dad Soomaalinimo og micnaheeda iyo waxee tahay. That is a nutshell of what Soomaalinimo is again. It is a beautiful, cherished heritage. Hadba kii na taagdaranee/Taageera waligeenee bilaash looma dhaho. It has a true meaning behind it. Don't know whether to laugh or cry.
  16. Ahlu Zenawi wal Jabhad? Originally posted by Ayatollah Mulugetta: actually i think he must be either 'people who sell xawad', or 'people who twist other's arms'. Those two live in Hiiran. You expect Ngonge to decode that? Why is he asking you anyway, is it because you're one of the "enlightened" ones? ( << Even Ngonge can crack that one).
  17. dhulQarnayn Where is Yey originally from?
  18. ^^ lol@ watched him carefully. Lordy lord. The issue I have with Sh. Sharif and his supporters is they used everything including Islamic doctrine to justify the breach of the "no negotiation under occupation" policy. They gave historical examples and quoted scholars. When the same scholars opposed the joining of the government that brought occupation while Somalia was occupied, they just brushed it aside. That is an ugly character flaw in my opinion, unless someone got an explanation. PS If Sh. Sharif is motivated by $$, is he still not the best candidate in that field too? If he is just another foreigners-backed warlord, they sure don't make them like they used to. Perhaps he is the smooth silky wadaad-warlord transition Somalia needs. The reason I doubt he will be president is I don't think he has proved to matchmakers he is "warlord" enough. He is being tested as we speak but I think he will fail that test. Nur Cadde, on the other hand, is pressing all the right buttons. Time will tell I'A.
  19. ^^ Dear Edhitar Fadlan la socodsii akhristayaasha sharafta leh in ay Wasaaradda arimaha gudaha iga shakiday. Kharashkii yara aan mushaharka ku kabi jiray waala iga wada jaray, xidhiidkii aan safaaradihi la lahaana iyo dhaqdhaqaaqiiba waan yareeyay intaan dadkaa lasoo diray in ay iddaba galaan iga hadhayaan. Intaa mooyaan, arimuhu waa halkoodii. A Sheikh Bariga Dhaxe
  20. ^^ You're the second person to claim Sh. Sharif begged Ethios to stay, when did he?
  21. Dear Editor As an avid reader of Troll Corner magazine, I just wanted to inquire whether the 1200+ publications is some world record of sorts. Anyone checked with Guinness World Records? It's just amazing how this magazine kept going when lots of my other favourite publications have disappeared without trace. Keep up the good work. A Sheikh ( Address Withheld)
  22. Only But as far as I can tell, Sharif is right on his approach to deal with all entities in one simple goal in mind, and that’s to end Ethiopia’s occupation in the south, and to subsequently bring all Somalis together. And on that account, Sharif’s success or failure will clearly and significantly depend on whether Ethiopia withdraws as agreed, and on a timely fashion. And that, my good friends, is a measurable arrangement. Time has indeed come to see whether Sh. Sharif delivers what he promised. Joking aside, I do respect the chances he has taken. He is might be under immense pressure now, but the guiltiness of shouting "no negotiation till withdrawal" from a distant 5-star hotel must have been worse. Sh Sharif promised complete Ethio withdraw by 15 December 2008. Failure to deliver does not affect my opinion of him. I still give him the benefit of the doubt. What's needed now is for him to end his deafening silence on the issue. Does he believe they're withdrawing? Should the people be patient? He needs to explain why "partners in peace" are calling the Ethios to stay longer. What's his optimism based on, since he officially does not speak to the Ethio. He needs to explain how he's bringing unity when the media is reporting more disintegration and wars. Time for the great wadaad hope to stand up. As for the likes Al Shabaab, why are you not prepared to judged them on their "intention"? The likes of Abu Mansoor have their own pressures and conscious to deal with. People from all over came to his aid in his hour of need. He can't promise to disband when the Ethios withdraw from Somalia when some of his fighters are from the occupied Killil5. If you were in his boots, what response would give when the media ask the difficult questions? Nothing is black and white. PS I think you guys are jumping the gun on his presidency (no pun).
  23. blues before sunrise tears in my eyes such harboured feeling I sure do despise
  24. Abdullahi Ali Ibrahim, Somaliland's defense minister, confirmed the death toll on local radio. But he said the two military officers were killed in a "sneak attack," and not during an all-out battle among fighters. Their sacrifices are appreciated (AUN). The cowardly rabbit punchers will gain nothing from this.
  25. ^^ There's movement, but things are not clear. Withdrawal from Xamar alone was not the "deal", but the displaced people will at least have the chance to return if the violence subsides.