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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Is there a candidate closer to you - blood wise - than Galaydh?
  2. ^ Galaydh being your blood tolka is nothing but a coincidence, right?
  3. 275 or 550? Baidoa or Djibouti? One president or two? It's crunch time for Madoobe, Sh. Sharif and Nur Cadde. PS Everyone seem to have forgotten the Ethio troops are still in Baidoa.
  4. Originally posted by Tuujiyee: You are asking me a question as if you know me! I say that because I opened the topic. Personally speaking I am very much involved in helping my people, here in my community or back home. So that we can learn from you, why don't you tell us what you've done for the people "back home".
  5. Originally posted by Emperor: Let me just add one bit, although the content of the message is good I was laughing at the new term, Golaha Guurtida Beesha D-block Loool , we have heard before Golaha Odayaasha Beesha H-block of Mogadishu, and now this, Walle Mogadishu caja'ib ayay leedahay wax kasta way keenaysaa There might be an explanation for it. Perhaps they resurfaced after - unlike their famous counterparts - quietly joined underground resistance when Mogadishu was occupied. Their deep concern for the plight of the Yey's trapped militiamen is because they understand how crucial they're for the safety and security of the people of Mogadishu. Wise guys indeed.
  6. ^^ You can say that again. For city folk, I think they've shown amazing resilience. Great images.
  7. Originally posted by Warancade Al Falastini.: Typical. Man's got his belly stuffed and wants a siesta.
  8. AYOUB


    Nice touch. Still remember when he dedicated UEFA cup winning goal to Africa.
  9. Anyone knows the true story behind the song Galbis? One of my favourite songs of all time. He does very sounds emotional in that song.
  10. A&T My version is summed up by one word not allowed on SOL. I can PM it if you're still curious. Ngonge Nice photo innit? What are they all on about? *Flipin Arab*
  11. Well done Cadde Muuse. Thought about trying comedy?
  12. ^^ That's my hunch too. Most of the archive material being broadcast on Somali TV these days is from Djibouti's RTD. Has anyone checked with them? Anyone checked foreign archives where Somali artists used to take part in festivals and tour?
  13. 5 Somali pirates drown with ransom By MOHAMED OLAD HASSAN, Associated Press Writer – 30 mins ago AP – A parachute dropped by a small aircraft drops over the MV Sirius Star at anchor, in this U.S. MOGADISHU, Somalia – Five of the Somali pirates who released a hijacked oil-laden Saudi supertanker drowned with their share of a reported $3 million ransom after their small boat capsized, a pirate and port town resident said Saturday. Pirate Daud Nure says the boat with eight people on board overturned in a storm after dozens of pirates left the Sirius Star following a two-month standoff in the Gulf of Aden that ended Friday. He said five people died and three people reached shore after swimming for several hours. Daud Nure was not part of the pirate operation but knew those involved. Jamal Abdulle, a resident of the Somali coastal town of Haradhere, close to where the ship had been anchored, also confirmed that the boat sank and that the eight's portion of the ransom money that had been shared among dozens of pirates was lost. Saudi Arabian oil minister Ali Naimi said Saturday that the crew of the Sirius Star was safe and that the tanker had left Somali territorial waters and was on its way home. A Saudi Oil Ministry official said the ship was headed for Dammam, on Saudi Arabia's Gulf coast, but gave no estimated time of arrival. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the press. The Liberian-flagged ship is owned by Vela International Marine Ltd., a subsidiary of Saudi oil company Aramco. A spokesman for the Dubai-based Vela, Mihir Sapru, would not provide details of the ship's destination or plans once in port. "We are very relieved to know that all the crew members are safe and I am glad to say that they are all in good health and high spirits," said a statement by Saleh K'aki, president and CEO of Vela. "This has been a very trying time for them and certainly for their families. We are very happy to report to their families that they will be on their way home soon." K'aki added that the "throughout this ordeal, our sole objective was the safe and timely release of the crew. That has been achieved today." U.S. Navy photos released Friday showed a parachute, carrying what was described as "an apparent payment," floating toward the tanker. The Sirius Star and its 25-member crew had been held since Nov. 15. Its cargo of crude oil was valued at US$100 million at the time. The pirate-infested Gulf of Aden is one of the world's busiest shipping routes. The capture was seen as a dramatic demonstration of the pirates' ability to strike high value targets hundreds of miles offshore. On the same day the Saudi ship was freed, pirates released a captured Iranian-chartered cargo ship, Iran's state television reported Saturday. It said the ship Daylight was carrying 36 tons of wheat when it was attacked in the Gulf of Aden Nov. 18 and seized by pirates. All 25 crew are in good health and the vessel is sailing toward Iran, the TV report said. The pirate-infested Gulf of Aden is one of the world's busiest shipping routes. The U.S. Navy announced this week it will head a new anti-piracy task force after more than 100 ships were attacked last year. NATO and the European Union already have warships patrolling the Gulf of Aden and have intervened to prevent several ships from being captured. More than a dozen ships with about 300 crew members are still being held by pirates off the coast of Somalia, including the weapons-laden Ukrainian cargo ship MV Faina, which was seized in September. The multimillion dollar ransoms are one of the few ways to earn a living in the impoverished, war-ravaged country. Somalia has not had a functioning government since 1991 and nearly half of its population depends on aid. ___ Associated Press Writers Salad Duhul in Mogadishu, Somalia and Brian Murphy in Dubai, United Arab Emirates contributed to this report. (This version CORRECTS attribution of ship's destination to ministry official sted oil minister.) Mmmmmmh...
  14. Suldaanka I agree with you on Cirro, he's crap. Ducaale does cause drama with his "secular" talk. The man ( and this administration in general ) has failed to feel the pulse of the public on this issue. What will it take for them to listen? Somaliland is in desperate need of a powerful minister of religion. As for Warancadde, don't let the man's cool image fool you. Somaliland's aviation should be more than about Igal International Airport. He's done some good work there, but what about everywhere else? If he's to be judged on his portfolio and nothing else, he haven't delivered that much has he? PS What's your opinions on Xassan Gadhweyne?
  15. Dadka ha iska weyneyn was written by Abwaan Ibraaahin Gadhleh (AUN).
  16. Originally posted by Abu_Diaby- Al Falastini: steriods ku bufiya. The just need a change of nickname. What kind of name is Ocean Stars? It sound like a sissy cabaret act. They need an intimidating name like Somali Birates or Al Shabaab.
  17. A&T The Arab is informed alright. He is smarter and always gives you the benefit of the doubt. Whatever next ...
  18. Originally posted by NGONGE: It's as if we're debating with children. Yesterday I have an argument with A&T over Awdal and today, lo and behold; a new SOL member arrives with a year old article New member? Don't be so gullible, filinka fahan you silly Arab.
  19. ^^ Feel free to correct and clarify saxiib. That's my understanding of your argument so far. I didn't even bother to highlight your lack of understanding of the difference between 140 000 people who came out to register themselves as voters - they argue technical hitches and slow process meant at least half the number couldn't - and a crowd listening to a speech. I didn't even mention the absurd comments of Buubaa and co. Give me some credit for covering for you, you know Ngonge wouldn't. Oodweyne Habby new year inaar. People never mention Faisal is one of the few politicians who always highlights the plight of the poorest and the discriminated in Somaliland. He is one step ahead of the pack in this field and has earn a lot of respect for it ( at least from me ). He's not my #1 candidate, but good luck if he wins.
  20. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: He lost a selection, not an election. Those who were allowed to select themselves were selected and hand-picked. A vote on SOL's members would've produced more democratic result than this. Well, I think LST's parliament would still have 31 Dukes and 9 Hunguris The jury is still out on Fat Muuse. Let's see if he hands over the debit cards and car keys.
  21. lol@Xiin Even funnier is the way I decoded A&T. Duke was right afterall. A&T: One reason SL should be independent. MOI: Majority of people wish to end the failed union with Somalia. A&T: F that, not all clans want to? MOI: You don't know that. Either way, if it was the other way round you wouldn't use that as an excuse. Do you believe 4.5 then? A&T: F that, I'm a Shabaab MOI: Really? You don't look it A&T: Well I actually from Killil5 MOI: Interesting. So you want them to come over as soon as they liberate Somalia then? A&T: Naaah We've got the ONLF MOI: But, they could be of greatly needed assistance. A&T: Thanks but no thanks. We can manage without the complications. MOI: And then? A&T: We join Somalia. MOI: Do all the clans want join Somalia? A&T: Listen mate, all the clans want to break away from the Ethios MOI: That's not the same thing as they all want to join Somalia A&T: Different situations and we'll have a referendum and the majority rules in KILLIL5. MOI: Double standards if not hypocrisy. How do wish to devide Somaliland along "clan lines" when at least half the towns are mult-clan? A&T: Eeerm...Can I ring my friend Xiin? MOI: What does he do? A&T: He's in between jobs. He was a caravan kirishboy and he's just been head-hunted by Faroole's team.