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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/somali/news/story/2009/01/09 0123_barack_obama.shtml
  2. ^^ Has the BBC "changed" or are we "wiser"?
  3. BBC refuses to show Gaza appeal The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has defended its decision not to participate in a television fund-raising appeal for Gaza, saying it did want to avoid compromising public confidence in its impartiality. Normally all broadcasters show Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) appeals without charge, but in a statement on Friday, the BBC said: "Along with other broadcasters, the BBC has decided not to broadcast the DEC's public appeal to raise funds for Gaza. "The BBC's decision was made because of question marks about the delivery of aid in a volatile situation, and also to avoid any risk of compromising public confidence in the BBC's impartiality in the context of an ongoing news story." full Al Jazeera article The Director General of the BBC has rebuffed a request from the Government to reconsider its decision not to broadcast a charity appeal for the aid effort in Gaza. In a letter to Douglas Alexander sent this evening, Mark Thompson, the head of the corporation, said that even if it was possible to deliver aid to Gaza, the BBC would not transmit an appeal from the Disasters & Emergency Committee (DEC) because to do so would tarnish the broadcaster’s attempts to remain impartial in the conflict. Mr Alexander wrote to chiefs of broadcasters this morning expressing his disappointment that no television appeal will appear, saying the humanitarian situation in Gaza is “dire”. He also took issue with the BBC over claims that aid may not get through to the victims due to the volatile situation in Gaza and said he has evidence that several British charities definitely got aid into Gaza yesterday, adding that the excuse does not stand up to scrutiny. But in his response, Mr Thompson said whatever the prospects of successful delivery of aid, the BBC considered that broadcasting an appeal “ran the risk of calling into question the public’s confidence in the BBC’s impartiality in its coverage of the story as a whole”. He wrote: “This is because Gaza remains an ongoing and highly controversial news story within which the human suffering and distress which have resulted from the conflict remain intrinsic and contentious elements. “We have and will continue to cover the human side of the conflict fully across our news programmes and services. Within these bulletins and services, we can put the events in their wider context and draw attention to the claims and counter-claims that are made about them by the parties to the conflict ... ..times Benn accuses BBC over Gaza appeal 2 hours ago Veteran politician Tony Benn will accuse the BBC of a "betrayal" of its public service obligations following its decision not to broadcast a public appeal for funds for Gaza. He will address a pro-Palestine rally called by the Stop the War coalition outside Broadcasting House in central London. The former Labour MP and Stop the War president will say: "The decision of the BBC to refuse to broadcast a national humanitarian appeal for Gaza, which has left aid agencies with a potential shortfall of millions of pounds in donations, is a betrayal of the obligation which it owes as a public service. "The destruction in Gaza, and the loss of the lives of over a thousand civilians and children, has shocked the world as Secretary General of the UN, Ban Ki Moon, made clear, when he saw the devastation for himself. "The human suffering that the people of Gaza have experienced over the last few weeks has appalled people who have seen it for themselves on their television screens. "To deny the help that the aid agencies and the UN need at this moment in time is incomprehensible and it follows the bias in BBC reporting of this crisis, which has been widely criticised. "I appeal to the chairman of the BBC Trust to intervene to reverse this decision to save the lives of those who are now in acute danger of dying through a lack of food, fuel, water and medical supplies." The Disasters Emergency Committee - which brings together several major aid charities - wanted to run TV and radio appeals to help raise cash to assist people in need of food, shelter and medicines as a result of Israel's military action in the Palestinian enclave. Similar appeals have been aired during previous humanitarian emergencies, raising millions of pounds from the British public. But the BBC, ITV and Sky have said they will not show the appeal. The BBC said it is concerned about compromising public confidence in its impartiality in the context of a conflict which has sparked fierce debate. And the Corporation also raised questions about the delivery of aid to Gaza in the current volatile conditions.
  4. ^^ Gartay Waar anigu indha adkaanta A&T wali la yaabanaa markuu yidhi "adeerkay waxaasu iyo waxaan buu ahaan jiray", ileen Nuune kasii daran ba. Whatever next.... laters I'A
  5. Da'da kamaan nixinee shaqada iga nixisay
  6. Originally posted by nuune: Turub, isa sheeg adeer, xaafadee ku nooleed geel beele, beeraha xaraf wanau u dalxiis tagi jirney markaan laba aliflaha ahaa :eek: Come again?
  7. AYOUB

    Go Geedi Go...!

    I don't see the funny side that cartoon. The shameful thing is a lot of "M.P.'s" will support Geedi.
  8. Oh dear. I fully understood what you meant. You're the one who's a bit jumpy today and I now know why. I didn't even know the leader's death (AUN) was confirmed. I was mischievously suggesting the "white flag" was because Kashafa has not been seen in here for a while. Bacda iska fur.
  9. ^^ That's my boy. Deny everything. Like they say in Italy; "Ano nothing".
  10. I just think this is all stunt because the net is closing. Btw - I agree with you, Ghedi Springer is one disastrous option.
  11. lol@A&T Nabaddoon my cidhib. Too little, too late. In house "sbooks" have already grassed you up. If you're lucky, you won't spend too much time in Meles' notorious dungeon. PS Say hi to Kashafa, Castro, Alla-ubahne, Jumatatu and the rest of the lads.
  12. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: The caravan is in Jabbuuti. If you need updates, just say so. This however is a different news bulletin awoowe. Try not to mix them. This is what Somalis call BLAN B
  13. ^ Sad indeed. Out With the Old Gitmo, In With the New?
  14. Xiinow, if you hold Muj. Xaaji Axmed in such a high esteem, this was the message he sent for the likes of you earlier this week.... “Hadalka hanaga qaloocin, wadda hadalka, nabad ka wadda shaqeynta iyo jaarnimmadu waa wax maftuux ah oo furan oo wanaagsan weeye. Laakiin, Somaliland cidd kastaaba xukunka ha’u qabato oo ha soo gasho’e, dad iyo ummad baa doortay oo Somaliland abuuray…Shacbigeedaa didaamka iyo dastuurkiisa dhistay. kaasaa lagu soconayaa, Xisbiga KULMIYE hadduu qabsadana wax Alla wax uu ka bedalayaa ma jirto, Rabitaana shacbiga iyo dareenka Dadweynaha Somaliland ayuu ku shaqeynayaa. Dadweynahuna, Maanta wuxuu ku joogaa isaga oo aan cidna dhibaato u qabin, cidna xumaan u haynin wuxuu ku joogaa oo uu qaatay inuu xoriyadiisii 1960-kii uu qaatay oo uu la soo noqday, halkaasuu joogaa, Somaliland-na waa dalkaa maanta In badan Ictiraafka sugayey, walaalahayaga Koonfureedna waxaanu ka rajaynaynaa inay nagala shaqeeyaan sidii Ictiraafkaasi aanu u heli lahayn.….” Then again, even I would ignore that if I was caravan kirishboy forced to chose between Hiraale and Dalxa as a deputy.
  15. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: This is coming from a reporter who reportedly recognized Somaliland Eeerm... I'll take your word word for it since you chose not to name him.
  16. The one wearing white khamiis looks like our own "Maxaakim".
  17. Originally posted by cynical lady: To the Muslim world, we seek a new way forward, based on mutual interest and mutual respect. To those leaders around the globe who seek to sow conflict, or blame their society's ills on the West - know that your people will judge you on what you can build, not what you destroy. Fair enough.
  18. ^^ Weligaa ma caravan baad saarnaan?
  19. ^ Heh Is that the sbecial delivery? Any comments, analysis or predictions?
  20. ^^ Never mind this mickey-jiir businesses just updated us with the latest regarding the "caravan" xaaji.