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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Why is Sh. Sharif an MP while Nur Cadde is not? Mmmh... lol@A&T Dodgy team but victory is guaranteed.
  2. 01/27/09 By Abdiaziz Hassan DJIBOUTI (Reuters) - Somalia's Islamist presidential candidate said he wants to make peace with Ethiopia, bring young militia fighters into a national security force, and rebuild the country's social services. Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, the moderate Islamist leader from the Alliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia (ARS), also told Reuters he was ready to discuss any political or religious issues with Islamist insurgents still fighting in Somalia. Ahmed, a law graduate from Libya, was chairman of the Islamic Courts' Union which ran Mogadishu in 2006. Initially welcomed for bringing order to a city ruled by warlords, Ethiopian troops invaded and ousted them from the capital. But the Ethiopian soldiers failed to quell a two-year Islamist insurgency and left Somalia on Monday. More than 16,000 civilians have been killed since the start of 2007, a million fled their homes and piracy has flourished off Somalia's coast. "It is very, very necessary to improve our relations with the neighbouring countries and to end the long dispute between Somalia and Ethiopia," Ahmed told Reuters late on Monday. "That will help the region's development, because poverty in the region is encouraging the conflict to continue and we have to stand for eradicating it," he said. Somalia's parliament agreed on Monday to invite 200 ARS members into an expanded assembly which international players hope will elect a new president this week. Another 75 seats have been left vacant for other opposition groups to join later. The challenge for any new leader will be to bring security to the Horn of Africa nation and persuade the array of Islamist fighters to end their struggle now the Ethiopians have left. NO REASON FOR KILLING NOW Ahmed said it was time for all Somalis to find peace, whatever their political or religious ideology, and he would try and convince hardliners to work in the nation's interest. "The insurgents had been fighting for the Ethiopian withdrawal. Now they have pulled out of the country, there is no reason to fight and kill more Somalis," he said. "If they have a political agenda, we are ready to talk to them. And the second issue may be based on religion, and we are ready to discuss that with them." Fighters in Al Shabaab, which is on Washington's list of foreign terrorist groups, have vowed to continue their fight to impose a strict version of Islamic law which has traditionally been shunned by more moderate Somalis. "In this new era, we have to improve security. We will try to join all the forces available, whether they are insurgents, the current security forces or former military," Ahmed said. "What these young militia men believe is not what they were born into. We will try to convince them how valuable it is to be a security officer working for the nation's interest," he said. Al Shabaab fighters captured Somalia's seat of parliament, Baidoa, on Monday, taking advantage of a power vacuum just hours after Ethiopian soldiers withdrew. Ahmed said including opposition parties absent from reconciliation talks in neighbouring Djibouti would be a priority, along with resettling the displaced, rebuilding the capital and restoring health services and education. "I believe there is a big hope of creating a government of national unity," he said. "There are no major differences between the Somali people. But there are some fishermen in the ocean of politics who want to destroy the image of the good people. We must face them and then stop them before they become obstacles to our efforts."
  3. ^^ You're wlc. I was giving additional info to your answer. Compare Amir's paintings (not cartoons) with gentleman's. If this gent does cartoons as well, then comparing and contrasting them with Amir's makes sense. My point is; tufaaxs for tufaaxs yaa Arabeto.
  4. ^^ I was laughing because that was a joke, correct?
  5. Originally posted by Qalbi-Adeyg: Puntland leaders were supporters of the A/Y, not the TFG or Ethiopians.
  6. Originally posted by Oodweyne: If Sheikh Sharif wins that hotly contested prize, then, it’s likely that he will be expected to do a battle with the likes of Al-Shabaab of this world, if that is they refuse to see reason and joined him on his political platform; so that he can be allowed to continue parlaying with the "western political agenda" in the horn-of-Africa, which essentially has brought him up to this point in time. And, in that “context” , his clear stand about what he is ultimately prepared to sacrifice for that “presidential seat” of his, will be clear for all to see, henceforth, indeed. All in all; it’s a “poison chalice” that he decided to gingerly carry on his two hands. And we shall soon see, as to what mettle he is made of, indeed. Since there are many other folks who seriously think contrary to him; whereby the least of those folks, is none other than Col. Dahir Aweys of Asmara and his acolytes in southern Somalia. Regards, Oodweyne. If he does win, the first challenge will be the PM choice. His 275 MPs contingent have to consider clan 4.5 formula for a start. Then the "international community" is demanding a government of "national unity" with TFG. Which means he has to make his "Djibouti Alliance" agree to another compromise before selling "his" decisions supposed opponents like Al-Shabaab and Col. Aweys. Sh. Sharif has moved a long way from the man we (thought we) knew in 2006 in more ways than one. He seems more willing to play International and Somali politics. What game he'll play with Al-Shabaab will decide his legacy. He also seems like the kind of person that can challenge Obama to live up to his inauguration speech. Interesting times..
  7. It's official, he is now the great wadaad hope. He's certainly much "cleaner" than all his competitors.
  8. Oodweyne If the opposition are behind the article, it's still the administration's fault because they gave them the opportunity to "spin" it out of control. J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o Show me the money.
  9. ^ Oh no he doesn't. Waa niyaddada. LST Is really nice looking. More blease.
  10. Nuune No idea saaxib. The report suggests it was all some kind of Ethio sting operating - no pun - in the first place. Bizarre if true.
  11. ^^ Amin Amir is famous for cartoons these days but he has done regular paintings as well as posters and murals for Gen. Barre.
  12. Ze blot tickens. This is incredible... Xukuumadda Somaliland iyo Xafiiska Itoobiya ee Hargaysa oo isku haysta Gantaalahii la Qabtay Sagaal Gantaal waxa Gacanta ku haya Itoobiya, 1 Gantaalna Ciidamada Somaliland, Fuyuusyadiina waa lala baxsada Hargaysa (waaheen) Wararka naga soo gaadhaya Gantaalahii ay dhawaan Ciidamada Boolisku qabteen ayaa daaha ka rogay in uu muran wayni ka dhex taagan yahay Xukumada Somaliland iyo Masuuliyiinta Dawlada Itoobiya u fadhiya Xafiiskooda Magaalada Hargeysa , taas oo ka dhalatay markii si badheedh ah ay Cidamada Itoobiya ku qaateen 9 ka mid ah Qoryahii Gantaalaha Lidka Diyaaradaha ahaa ee dhawaan lagu qabtay Magaalada Hargeysa , Hubkan oo sida uu sheegay Wasiirka arrimaha Guduhu laga keenay Magaalada Dhuuso Mareeb ayaa sida ay sheegayaan warar lagu kalsoonyahay waxay daaha ka qaadayaan in uu Dalka soo galiyay Nin Ganacsade ah oo Qandaraas ku haysta Saadka Ciidamada Amison ee ka hawlgala Magaalada Muqdisho kaasoo la sheegay inuu ka ganacsado hubka. Xog aanu ka helnay lahaanshaha Hubkaasi ayaa waxay sheegayaan in Ninka Ganacsadaha ahi Hubkaasi uu u siday isla Xafiiska Hargeysa ee Itoobiya oo Dalabka keenida Hubka lahaa , taas oo ay heshiis ku ahaayeen Qoryahaasi inay ka siistaan lacag dhan boqol kun oo Dollar $ 100’000 balse Mu’aamaraad iyo Wanjal ay u qorsheeyeen darteed loo xidho Nimanka hubka keenay, Hubkiina lala wareego. Wanjalka iyo Mu’aamaraadka Sababtay in hubkan la qabto ayaa warku sheegayaa inay iska kaashadeen Niman ka tirsan Sirdoonka Somaliland iyo Saraakiil ka tirsan Xafiiska Itoobiya ee Magaalada Hargeysa kuwaas oo si dadban shuraako u ah, waxaanay Xogaha arrintaasi ku saabsani sheegayaan in labada Nin ee hubka loo hayo laga soo qabtay Guriga ay degan yihiin Saraakiisha Itoobiya, balse ay baxsadeen oo ay maqan yahiin laba Nin oo kale oo muhiima oo ahaa Nimankii kaalinta ugu muhiimsanayd ku lahaa soo Iib gaynta Hubkan, kuwaasoo kala ah Ninkii hayay Qarxiyayaashii 10ka Gantaal iyo Macalinkii Farsamada Gantaalaha garanayay kuwaasoo ka badbaaday Shirqoolka loo dhigay labada Qof ee loo hayo Qorshahaasi. Ninka Xidhan ee Ganacsadaha Dilaalka ah oo ah Nin Gacmo Fog ku Xidhan awgeed ayaa la sheegay inay Dacwada arrintani noqotay mid gacanta lagaga gubto, taas oo sababtay Khilaafkeedu inuu gaadho madaxda sare ee Dalka , kuwaas oo dalbaday in Qoryaha Gacanta loo soo galiyo, balse ilaa hada ay ka warwareegayaan Masuuliyiinta Saraakiisha Xafiiska Itoobiya ee Hargeysa u fadhiyaa kuwaasoo sida la sheegay ku doodaya Hubkaasi inay iyagu leeyihiin oo aanay soo celinayn.
  13. ^^ Thank you for your services. Now go back to your Hiraale/MMS Barre campaigns.
  14. ^^ I temporarily forgot you were that not him. Don't get involved in things that are none of your businesses Horn, especially if your trying to make them worse than they are. Juje
  15. Once again, this proves my point that amisom forces are no different than the departed ones. Is the wedding still on?
  16. Around 2,000 protesters converged upon Broadcasting House to demonstrate against the corporation's decision to not to broadcast a charity appeal. Photograph: Andy Rain/EPA The Archbishop of Canterbury today added to criticism of the BBC over its refusal to broadcast a charity appeal for aid to Gaza. Politicians – including some government ministers – religious leaders and senior members of the BBC's staff have condemned the decision, which has attracted around 11,000 complaints, not to broadcast tomorrow's appeal by the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC). Speaking after a church service in Cambridge today, the Right Rev Rowan Williams said: "My feeling is that the BBC should broadcast an appeal." The corporation today admitted it had received "approximately" 1,000 telephone complaints about the decision and a further 10,000 by email. Mark Thompson, the BBC director general, has been left isolated as ITV and Channel 4 agreed to air the plea for aid. The BBC has decided that broadcasting the appeal might be seen as evidence of bias on a highly sensitive political issue. Despite pressure to reverse its position, a BBC spokesman today said the situation remained unchanged. The culture secretary, Andy Burnham, said it was right that broadcasters made their own decisions, adding that the BBC faced a difficult choice because of the way it is funded. The communities secretary, Hazel Blears, said she hoped the BBC would "urgently review its decision", and the Scottish first minister, Alex Salmond, said the corporation had made the "wrong decision". Yesterday, the Archbishop of York, the John Sentamu, accused the broadcaster of "taking sides" and said: "This is not a row about impartiality, but rather about humanity. "This situation is akin to that of British military hospitals who treat prisoners of war as a result of their duty under the Geneva convention," he added. "They do so because they identify need rather than cause. This is not an appeal by Hamas asking for arms, but by the Disasters Emergency Committee asking for relief. "By declining their request, the BBC has already taken sides and forsaken impartiality." Thompson received backing from the BBC Trust's chairman, Sir Michael Lyons. He said he was "concerned" about the tone of some politicians' comments on the issue, which he said came close to "undue interference" in the BBC's editorial independence. The BBC's unrepentant stance has stirred up rebellion in the ranks of it own reporters and editors. One senior BBC news presenter told the Observer: "I've been talking to colleagues, and everyone here is absolutely seething about this. "The notion that the decision to ban the appeal will seem impartial to the public at large is quite absurd. "Most of us feel that the BBC's defence of its position is pathetic, and there's a feeling of real anger, made worse by the fact that, contractually, we are unable to speak out." Jon Snow, the journalist who presents Channel 4 news, said the BBC should have been prepared to accept the judgment of the aid experts of the DEC. "It is a ludicrous decision," he said. "That is what public service broadcasting is for. I think it was a decision founded on complete ignorance and I am absolutely amazed they have stuck to it." Snow said he suspected a BBC bureaucrat had "panicked" and urged Thompson to put the situation right. Martin Bell, the former BBC foreign correspondent, said the corporation should admit it had made a mistake and claimed "a culture of timidity had crept" in. "I am completely appalled," he said. "It is a grave humanitarian crisis and the people who are suffering are children. They have been caught out on this question of balance." But Greg Dyke, Thompson's predecessor as director general, said the issue had put the BBC in a "no win situation". "Outside of Iraq, the single biggest issue that caused complaints was the coverage of Israel," he added. "I can understand why the BBC has taken this decision, because on a subject as sensitive as the Middle East it is absolutely essential that the audience cannot see any evidence at all of a bias." The BBC also faces demands for an explanation from within the ­Commons international development select committee. Andrew Mitchell, the shadow international development secretary, said: "We believe that they should allow the broadcast to proceed so that the British public, who have proved themselves so generous during recent emergencies in the Congo and Burma, can make their own judgment on the validity of the appeal." The satellite broadcaster Sky said it was "considering" broadcasting the appeal. A BBC spokesman said: "We do accept that people are strongly guided in their view on this by the humanitarian emergency. "We are highlighting the situation in Gaza in every news bulletin, and that is one of the reasons the issue is so high on the agenda." http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2009/jan/24/bbc-ga za-palestine-aid-appeal
  17. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: HERE
  18. Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: Ilaahay ha u naxariisto dadka masaakiinta ah ee ku dhintay dagaalkan. Looking at dead and the bus, it seems AMISOM may have killed most if not all. Aamiin. AMISOM's bombardment of Bakaara market is further proof.
  19. ^ Thanks W. Keep updating us saxiib otherwise we'll forget about places like Garbahaarey.
  20. Dhulka yaa u halgami jiray Hindisihii ina Xaashi waa, lama-hilmaamaane Duqsi waa halkuu galay raggii, huriyey duullaane Waa halkuu Wadaad-diid go`aan, qaatay aan hadhine Waa hor-seedkii Koosaar wadiyo, haybsigii Madare Waa hor-kicii Jimcaaliyo ragguu, soo hannaan baraye Waa hoggaanki Siilaayo iyo, Tuur hankoodiiye Waa hawshii Xassan Ciise iyo, hagar-bixiisiiye Had iyo jeer xusuustaa qalbigu, ii hinqanayaaye Ku hagoogta taariikhda waa, lagu hal maalaaye!!! Halbawlihii Lixlaa loo jar-jaray, Aadan-heegane’e Harag-waafi iyo waa Haygu-guban, himiladoodiiye Hay-liqin iyo waa Maxamed-cali, hadaf u oollaaye Halyey-Aadan-shiinaan tebaa, hibadii saarrayde Hal-doorkii Dawaarraa god galay, hoydey waa hore’e Waa haanka dhiiggii ka baxay, hilibki Koodbuure Waa hootadii ina Mire iyo, hiilki qarameede Waa hubkuu aroornimo qaddimey, weerarkii hore’e Jimcii waa haraatidi Burcoo, cadawgu haysteene Had iyo jeer xusuustaa qalbigu, ii hinqanayaaye Ku hagoogta taariikhda waa, lagu hal maalaaye!!! Hal-adayg Cabdaa loo ogaa, Hawl-kar loo qiraye Waa halyey gadoodaye markuu, hawd ka diriraayey Hubka lagu deyaamiyo markuu, seefta la haliiley Hangash sirirsan mooyee la-waa, ciidan soo hadha’e Haddaa wali lafii oo engegan, haaddu fadhataaye, Hanadkii la-ciilaaba waa, haajiraa ficile Waa halkuu warmaa iyo Tolwaa, qaatay hootada’e Waa Habbane dagaalkuu la galay, hororki waallaaye Waa hujuunki ina Kaahin iyo, holac-afuufkiiye Waa halaskii ina Biixi dhigay, heegan-dirirkiiye Waa hoobiyii Carab madfaca, laba-higgoodkiiye Halgankii Bidaar iyo Malloosh, hubanti weeyaane Had iyo jeer xusuustaa qalbigu, ii hinqanayaaye Ku hagoogta taariikhda waa, lagu hal maalaaye!!! Dayib-gurey halaakaha wuxuu, helayba googgooye Waa Hawsar Dhega-weyne ridey, maalin haliseede Hilmaan ma leh Xaliimiyo ninkii, madhiyey, huushtiiye Dhagax waa harraadkuu mutiyo, haarihii dhibaye Waa xusuusta halkuu igaga yaal, Haybe Maxamuude Halkuu shiisho Qaadiro Jantaha, muu hanbayn jirine Cali baan habeen qudha ka ledin, gaadh habeennimo’e Haybe-laanbad muu hoyan ilaa, guushi uu helaye Had iyo jeer xusuustaa qalbigu, ii hinqanayaaye Ku hagoogta taariikhda waa, lagu hal maalaaye!!! Waa haabadii Maxamed-casiyo, raran-hullaaqiiye Kur-Libaaxle haamaha cul-culus, hubabki uu saydhay Hoohiga dabkuu shiday waxay, dubatey haaway’e Habeen-dhaladki Doolaal rag buu, dhiig ka heensadaye Hurraa sahayday khayrkii kolkii, Diinle lays helaye Lagu hoobey Haash iyo Sugaal, dabay hillaacsheene Horu-socod Tallaabaa lahaa, Hoorri aan biqine Durqun baa amlaydii la helay, haad u soo galaye Waa hogtuu ILeeyana lahaa, Jiibab baad heliye Had iyo jeer xusuustaa qalbigu, ii hinqanayaaye Ku hagoogta taariikhda waa, lagu hal maalaaye!!! Waa heesti ina Mooge iyo, Hoobal caan baxaye Waa Hadraawi gabayguu tirshiyo, hoga-tuskiisiiye Hal-abuurki Gaariyaa ku ladhan, tix iyo Hawraare Waa higgaaddi Maansadi Tarabi iyo, Cali hogtiisiiye Halbawlahay waraabsheen tixii, Qaasin hoobalaye Hal-aqoonkii Maygaag iyo Dixood, heelladaw baxe’e Aqoon-yahanki haajirey Rashiid, waw horrayn jiraye Waa halyeydi raamaha lahayd, libintay hooyeene Lib cas bay hagoogteen xiligu, hog iyo wiilkeede Had iyo jeer xusuustaa qalbigu, ii hinqanayaaye Ku hagoogta taariikhda waa, lagu hal maalaaye!!! etc etc
  21. ^^ Xiin's way of avoiding discussing the "issues" like Somalia is still occupied and Sh. Sharifs' 180° U-turns Abu_Diaby presented. Originally posted by *Ibtisam*: A&T and those against sharif, I don't see your point, if the likes of Yey, Nur cadde, Mohammed Dheer and the other Mohammed, not to mention Morgan and Aidid's child, qanyar and every other warlord can all aim to be Somali president and have people supporting them, Sharif is the lesser evil or should we say the better option for Somalia. If only he says that himself and stop claiming to be the leader of Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia. The man hasn't even "admitted" he wants to be president.
  22. ^^ If the reason behind the leaking of the news was publicity then photos of the "gantaals" would've been useful.
  23. Does it not hamper the investigations when these kinds of arrests are publicised within minutes? Mind boggles.