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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. I think there will be several new faces in the cabinet since Sharif indicated his government will be as broad and inclusive as the original ARS.
  2. ^^ I think he's referring to Ngonge the cynic. Who else can this be? "old age, health issues - the realisation that your legs give way when you stretch and the planning of their pensions as Diaspora warlord" "lost all sense of purpose and consequently their moral compasses been become defunct and can no longer read the direction" "daily whining and tirades of self-opinionated bile"
  3. Let's say your hypothetical husband has been secretly married to his second wife for a while. She dies. He comes to you and tells you about the situation and you decide to stay with him. Would you raise his child(ren) with that woman if he asked or insist that they be raised by her family (or anyone else for that matter)? Yes, of course. Vy not?
  4. Originally posted by Abu_Diaby- Al Zeylaci: Naxno Al shabab (we are the youth), lana al ghado (tomorrow is ours) Wa majdoho(and its glory) Al mokhalado (the eternal). Naxno Al Shabab. Shicaarona cala al zaman (our slogan throughout time) Caash el wadan Caash al wadan (long live our homeland long live our homeland). Naxno Al Shabab. Calamtana keef el shmam (it taught us good morals) wa keef yorfac al calam( and how the flag is raised). Naxno Al Shabab. Al Safx wa al jadawil (the land and the springs), Wal xaqlo wal sanaabil (and the field and the grass*), wa ma bana alawaa'il (and what the ancestors built), Naxno laho macaaqil (we are their defenders). Al deen fe qoluubina (the faith is in our hearts), wa el nuur fii ciyoonina (and the light in our eyes), wa al xaqqo fe yamiinina (and the xaq is in our right hands), Wal ghaar fe jabiinina (no idea what the ghaar could be here but it's on their foreheads). Naxno Al Shabab. Lana el ciriaq wo al sham (Iraq and Sham are ours) Wa masro wa el beet el xaraam( and Egypt and...do I have to translate this one?) Namshi cala el moot el zo'aam(we march against death), ela al amaam ela al amaam( forward forward). Nabni wa la natakil (we build and don't depend on others), nafni wa la nankhadil (we give our all and are never let down) Lana al yad wo al camal (ours are the hands and the hard work), lana al ghado wa al amal (ours is tomorrow and ours is hope) Naxno Al Shabab. ( courtsey of ngonge) Hadii Mawdka lama baajiyee uu bari kusii daayo Oo uu ku baal maro da’baan laga badbaadayne Rag ninkii barbaar ahi ma oga baa’ba u hadhaye Bad madoow timihii ahaa madaxi waa boose Hadduu bilic lahaan jiray wajigu baabah quruxdiiye Sunayaal bishoo kale ahaa waa balool madhane Bidhaan aan fogayn bay indhuhu baalka ururshaane Barbarkayga yar ee ay maraan gacanta baaceeda Baabuurradaa roorayana iima baxo guuxu Waataas dhabanadii buuxi jiray uu buusmay hilibkiiye Sanka baallihiisii hadaa boholo jeexmeene Biyahaaba soo mara hadaan waysda u baxo e Haddii luquntu baac weyn lahayd waa besteed kale e Bogga iyo gadhkiibaa ku dhow qaanso Baydariye Baal dacar ka mudan bawdyihii baaxada lahaaye Baadhiga maroodiga waxaan buun ku celinaayay Waataa lafihii soo baxeen burucu saarnaaye Bakhti baad i moodaa haddan baal u jiifsado e Baabacada jeeroon cuskado kicitin waa beene Talaabada waxaan boodi jiray baydhe lugihiiye Haddaan Cawsha orod baacsan jiray boodadii dhimaye Waa beratamaynaa aniga iyo bahalka Diin ahiye Inuuse boodhka igu dhaafo uun baan ka baqaya Da'da ~ Yuusuf X Aadan Cilmi Qabille (AUN)
  5. ^^ Either way it's a no win situation for these politicians. If they don't have titles I quote: Aqoon la’aani waa iftiin la’aane ~ Qarshe If the titles are fake, I quote: Derejooyin been ah yaa garbaha loogu daabacaye ~ Qaasim If the titles are genuine I quote: Legjar Faranji niman baa akhriya laawis iyo beene ~ Carrabey End of.
  6. ^^ So you do know what "tribal meetings" are like.
  7. Xiin Was your support for Sh. Sharif dependent on "Theological Legitimacy"?
  8. ^ JZK. Still waiting for them to be sworn in - no pun.
  9. DGPL oo Dacwad Kusoo Oogaysa Amiin Caamir...
  10. Abu Mansuur for PM ( he's multi-lingo and his choice cabinet would be interesting ) Cadde Muuse for Speaker ( to balance things up in more ways than one )
  11. ^Aamiin. Nur, what do you know about the 75 supposed "civil soceity" MPs?
  12. Originally posted by HornAfrique: Duke, out of the 36 pages in this topic, half of it is contributed by you and some of your regional buddies displaying how are "avenged" by Nuur Cadde's defeat today. Yes, bitter is the right word. Yey's downfall seems to be a cloud hanging over every comment and decision the likes of Duke make. Apparently, they won it for Sharif and it's their silver lining. At least they're finally giving Nur Cadde credit for Yey's downfall - be it in a very back-handed way. As long as it gives them closure I'm happy to give them all the credit.
  13. Congrats to Sharif Axmed and may Allah guide him.
  14. Get ready for two more rounds. I don't think Sharif will get the required votes on the 2nd round.
  15. Sharif's got about half of the votes. Maslax and Nur Cadde are close and Galaydh fourth. Some idi*t voted for Xassan abshir while another's ballot paper was blank.
  16. I think they should entertain us, where's Yallaxow?
  17. Apparently, the 75 "civil society" + some of ARS MPs might not be allowed to vote. They're trying to find out what the new winning two thirds majority magic number required is. Madoobe is suggesting going ahead with the first round vote and to calculate what two thirds required retrospectively.
  18. Never mind the mis-info, what about serious charges like; Shirka oo lagu waday, in lagu saxo qaladaadkii ay horay u galeen labadii maamul ee kala danbeeyey, kii Carte iyo kii Embigathi ee fashilmay, kadib, markii siyaasadoodda Awood qebsiga ay ku saleeyeen, habka dulmiga ah ee 4.5-ka, ee loola jeeday; in ay beelaha Soomaaliyeed aysan sineen, oo ay kala sareeyaan kala Fadli badan yihiin. Hadaanu nahay Ummad Islaam ah; Quraanka Kariimka, waxuu sheegayaa, in Ummadda Illahay aysan Qabiil ahaan Alle aktiisa ugu kala fadli badneen, ee Adoonka(Shaqsiga) ugu Taqwada badan uu yahay, midka ugu fadliga badan Ilaahay agtiisa. Waxaa cajiib ah, Sheikh Shariif oo madax u ah garab ka mid ah Maxaakiimta Islaamka, kuna doodi jiray 4.5-ka inay xaraan tahay, caddaalad darana tahay marka loo fiiriyo xagga Diinta Islaamkuna ay xaaraan tahay, ayna Maxaakiimta Islaamka ka soo horjeedaan in ummaada Soomaaliyeed oo 100% Muslimiin ah, in la kala fadli badiyo, qabiilna qabiilka kale laga sareeysiiyo, iyadoo loo eegayo dhibaatada uu qabiilkan ummada u geystay, ama u geysan karo, taasi waa xaaraam, ayuu Shariifku ku doodi jiray muddo dhow, hase yeeshee, hadda waxaa soo baxday in Shariifka iyo kooxdiisa ay taasi meesha ka saareen, .......web page
  19. Xagee baa dhaanka loo rari, reer dhababay ceelkii Garowe?
  20. ^^ You'd go to battle wearing macawiis? I'm not even gonna ask you what your favourite weabon is.