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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Duke has turned into Bunny Boiler after he shamelessly and publicly declared "Dahir was his man" . If anyone, Duke's the one that was caught on rebound and got mugged, time get over it and move on...
  2. Originally posted by NGONGE: Where is Xiin and his 'discussion' myth? War Sh. Sharif nadil bu asaaxbtiisa hore ku noqday. Haven't you heard? Xiin has claimed "Theological Legitimacy" for Sh. Sharif's government. Apparently, the caravan has a parking spot reserved in heaven.
  3. Beoble, beoble blease... This is beginning to resemble the denials and whinging that followed the reporting return of money counterfeiting in Puntland. Straight forward question: if Col. Ilka-Jiir is not the Chief Pirate, who is?
  4. Originally posted by Xamar-Gale: It's preposterous to make false allegation and character defamation of a honorable, peace loving individual. Peace loving soldier. Nice. Someone must be behind the pirates. If it's not the accused, who?
  5. Silly moi. I thought the UDUB administration's incompetence was the culprit.
  6. ^ Originally posted by Nephissa: Xaggee loo dhoofiyay? SL? All I ask is the chance to prove that money won`t make me happy ~ Spike Milligan
  7. Maamulka Puntland oo dhoofiyay Makiinad lacagta faalsada ah lagu samayn jiray Arbaco, February 25, 2009(HOL): Maamulka DGPL ayaa markii ugu horaysay Dekadda Magaalada Boosaaso ka dhoofiyay makiinad lacagta faalsada ah lagu farsamayn jiray, taasi oo taallay xaafad ka mid ah xaafadaha magaalada Boosaaso. Wasiir ku Xigeenka Dekedaha DGPL Maxamed Ciise Lacle oo shir ku qabtay dekada Boosaaso ayaa qiray in Makiinaddan si qarsoodi ah loogu samayn jiray lacagta Shilin Somali been abuur ah,waxaana uu sheegay in iminka ay dhibaatooyin badan soo kordhisay. Makiinaddaan ayaa maanta barqanimadii laga dhoofiyay dekadda Magaalada Boosaaso, waxaana sida la sheegay loo dhoofiyay dalka isu tagga Imaaraadka Carabta xili ay goob-joog ahaayeen qaar ka mid ah Bulshada Boosaaso. Wasiirka ku xigeeka oo la waydiiyay waxa intaas oo dhan loo qarinayay makiinaddaan ayaa ka gaabsday in uu faah faahin ka bixiyo, waxaana hadalladiisi ku jiray in la dhimi doono Lacagaha soo gala Puntland. Waa tallaabadii ugu horeysay oo uu maamulka cusub qaado tan iyo intii talada uu la wareegay, waxaana tallaabadaan soo dhaweeyay bulshada rayidka ah ee Puntland ku dhaqan. Dad badan ayaa ilaa iyo hadda shaki ka muujiyay dhoofinta makiinaddaasi, iyagoo sheegay in ay ka cabsi qabaan in lacago kale oo faalso ah lagu soo farsameeyo meel ka baxsan Gudaha Puntland, gaar ahaan imaaraadka oo ah halka makiinaddaasi loo dhoofiyay. Faysal Maxamed Xasan (Boston), Hiiraan Online cabaade_4@hotmail.com Bosaso, Somalia
  8. Xoogagga Alshabaab oo la wareegay Gacan ku haynta Magaalada Xuddur, Iyo Faahfaahin naga soo gaartay Hub fara badan oo laga qabsaday Kooxihii halkaa ku sugnaa. War Deg-Deg ah:- Muqdisho,25,Feb,2009,Arboco,(Hillaac.net)War haatan naga soo gaaray Magaalada Xuddur ayaa sheegaya in gacan ku heynta Magaaladaas Xudur ee Gobolka Bakool ay si buuxda ula wareegeen Xoogagga Alshabaab kadib dagaal ay saaka ku qaadeen Kooxihii horay looga eryay Magaalada Beydhaba ee Maalmahan isku Aruursanayey Magaaladaas Xuddur, Iyagoo Hub Gaadiid Dagaal u badan ay soo siisay Dowladda Itoobiya. Kooxihii Dagaalka lagu Jabiyey ayaa waxay isaga carareen fMagaaladaas Waxana Firxadkooda sii ceyrsanaya Ciidanka Alshabaab Iyadoo Horjoogayaashii Maleeshiyaadka la jebiyey Fara Ciddiyo leh kaga baxsaday dhanka garoonka diyaaradaha ee degmada Xudur. Waxa na soo gaarayaa in Alshabaab ay Gacanta ku soo dhigeen tiro Gawaari dagaal iyo hub fara badan oo maleeshiyaadkaasi ay Muddooyinkanba ku uruursanayay Magaaladaasi Xuddur, Iyadoo ay Hubkaasi ka soo qaateen Dowladda Itoobiya oo Ciidankeedu uu Jab lama Illoobaan ah kala kulmay Gudaha Soomaaliya. Alshabaab ayaa waxay sheegeen in Magaalada ay ku Qabsadeen Taatiik Caskari oo aad u heer sarreeya, Waxana Haatan ay Magaalada ka dhex goobayaan qaar ka mid ah Horjoogayaashii Maleeshiyaadka la jebiyey oo Iyagu Magaalada ku dhex dhuuntay kadib markii Maleeshiyaadkoodii ay ka Carareen. hillaac on February 25 2009 12:40:38 Baarlamanka dowlad Goboleedka GalMudug ayaa ugu baaqay in Baarlamaanka soomaaliyeed u soo guuraan Magaalada Gaalkacyo, iyagoo sheegay in Maamulka iyo dadweynuhuba ay si wanaagsan u soo dhaweenayaan. Hobyonet.Com Arbaco, Feb, 25, 2009 Shir ay maanta ku yeesheen xubnaha baarlamaanka maamul goboleedka Galmudug xaruntooda magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa lasga soo saaray baqan oo ku wajahay gudoonka sare ee baarlamanka dowlada midnimada qaran Ku simaha Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Galmudug Axmed Dheere ayaa shirkaasi ka dib sheegay in ay soo dhaweenayaan isla markaana ay ugu baaqayaan xubnaha Baalramaanka Soomaaliyeed in ay soo degaan Magaalada Gaalkacyo . Axmad Dheere oo ah ku simaha Baarlamaanka GalMudug waxuu sheegay in ay awood dhaqaale u heli karaan haddii dhamaan baarlamaanka Soomaaiyeed soo degaan Magaalada Gaalkacyo , waxuuna intaasi ku daray in dadka deegaanka ay kaalin fiican kaga jiraan marti soorka iyo soo dhaweynta dadka walaalahood ah. Arrintaan ayaa soo baxday kaddib shir ay isugu yimaadeen xubnaha baarlamaanka Galmudug, kaasoo looga dooday sida ay macquul u tahay soo dejinta Baarlamaanka Soomaaiyeed, waxaa kaloo ay sheegeen in fadhigii hore ee Baarlamaanka aysan suurta gal aheyn in ay ku noqdaan xiligaan maadaama gacantooda laga bixiyay. C/risaaq Yaasiin Hobyonet Gaalkacyo, GalMudug State 252-90-652060 Xhobyo@gmail.com hobyonet@gmail.com
  9. Mudane MARX, what your take on "Halal Mortgages"?
  10. ^ That was five months ago mate. What's your point?
  11. ^^lol Please don't tell me you thought Mrs. Gelleh's dinner was free and with no strings attached. That was not a threat but a word of advice for the President. If he wants to silence those who think his administration is power-hungry rather than incompetent, that's the solution.
  12. If the election does not take place by 30th march, Rayaale and the VP should step down.
  13. Let's those who - unlike A&T - have not perfected the 180° double-twist wait and see what the latest imported government comes up with before commenting. As for Mr. Oomaar, not a bad choice by her.
  14. ^^ Fahme JZK. Nurow shacabku aqoon uma lahaa Shareecada in kastoo ay taaggeersan yihiin, Wadaaddaduna way kala aragtii duwan yihiin dadkuna way is bed-beddalaan. Kuwii la islahaa waa khabbiriin marka aad qortay Foolxumo Allaa ii Diiday waa adigan koox ka mid ah maanta ka cabbanaya. Waad ogtahay in heshiisiyo oo aan kaftan lagaga bixii karin la galay dhaarna waa la maray. Maxaa talaa sheekhow?
  15. Watched a report on Universal and the plant and the people behind it impressed me. Job well done.
  16. Originally posted by Abu_Diaby- Al Zeylaci:He compared the SOmalia media the Rwandan Genocide radio for simply reporting the aminsom massacre. "They should have a months amnesty on reporting", he said. That was a disgrace and I think he should make an apology. Ould-Abdallah's statement "motivates the criminals and warlords who have been committing unpunished crimes against journalists to keep on their merciless war against media" , according to Omar Faruk Osman, head of the NUSOJ.
  17. ^^ Ironically, most Somali web sites didn't report his calls for ICC probe. Maybe they wanted to show him how counter-productive his calls for "reporting ceace fire on Somalia" were. As for his calls for ICC probe on Somalia, I don't know how that fits with his calls for a "government of national unity" - which means the inclusion of war-criminals.
  18. Special Representative for Somalia Mr Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah. Photo/MICHAEL MUTE By HENRY OWUOR in NAIROBI Posted Tuesday, February 17 2009 at 17:52 UN special representative for Somalia wonders why the Somali conflict was not being treated like other conflicts such as Congo, where suspects have been sent to the Hague for trial. There is a need to set up an international commission to address killings carried out by Somalis against their fellow countrymen, says a UN special representative for Somalia. Such an initiative, says Mr Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, would overcome the conspiracy of silence currently evident over a country that has known no peace for close to two decades. “The Security Council needs to adopt a resolution allowing the International Criminal Court (ICC) to handle impunity or war crimes committed by Somalis against Somalis. The conspiracy of silence over Somalia must end, you cannot just main, kill and torture and get away with it.’’ Speaking at his office in Nairobi, Mr Abdallah wondered why the Somali conflict was not being treated like other conflicts such as Congo, where suspects have been sent to the Hague for trial. He said the international community ‘‘is treating the Somali conflict as if it is tired of it’’. “Somalia is defying logic and the international community is defying the conflict and conducting studies instead of looking for a solution,’’ he added. Mr Abdallah, who is the UN’s top diplomat on Somalia, wondered why a country that has been in conflict for 18 years was still considered as a humanitarian crisis. He said Somalia’s problems were political and the country was a major threat to its neighbours in terms of refugees, denied trade opportunities and a security problem as seen in the cases of piracy along its coast. He said: ‘‘Piracy is not just affecting ships, it also increases prices (of commodities) and is also a potential environmental hazard if any of the ships such as the Saudi tanker,’’ was to be blown up by the pirates. However, Mr Abdallah said that there was hope for the country after it elected a new President, Mr Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, who is a former leader of the radical Islamic Courts Union. Sheikh Sharif’s election followed a deal signed in Djibouti between the country’s transitional government and moderate Islamists. The Djibouti deal is open and any group can add its signature.
  19. Originally posted by Nur: 1. Tan Hore ( Cilmiga Sharciga ah): Masa'ladda Sharciga ah ee maanta la isku hesyto waa caqiido: A. Ma Cilmaaniyad baan Ku Dhaqannaa ummad ahaan? B. Mise Islaam baan ku dhaqannaa. C. Mise meel Dhexe baan isugu imaannaa nimanka cilmaaniyiinta ah oo diiddan Shareecada in la isku xukumo, si xukunka waddanka ay u wadaagaan labo qolo oo mid jiritaankeeda uu yahay tan kale baabba'eeda? Miyaan Dawladda cusub ee Sh. Sharif ku khasbanayn in ay isku darto Shareecada iyo Cilmaaniyadda haddii la eego marxaladda iyo wax-garad la'aanta shacabka iyo wasiirada ba? Nurow waxaad tidhi: "Dimoqraadiyadda iyo Dastuurka Somalia loo dajiyey oo ay ku dhigan tahay in Diintu ay aasaas u tahay shuruucda ay dajinayaan xildhibaannada, ma waafaqsan yahay Quraanka iyo Sunnada?" iyo "Hadaba, isbaheysiga wadaaddada iyo warlordska ee Jubuuti, ma heytaan MANDATE shacbi ah si ay u soo saaraan bayaan axdi qaran, marka middaas waa baatil." Sidee bay u heli karan MANDATE iyago aan isticmaalin "Dimoqraadiyadda" ama aan debcin Shareecada?
  20. Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: Am I the only nomad who actually thinks these "ministers" have No ministry to run No budget to manage No recognition from abroad No real capacity to do tangible work It is all in name and the hype is driven by the diaspora. Wasiiro waynu iska leenahaye, waxba meesha ma yaallaan Ilaahay hadii laga baqo. Nin wasiir ahaan jiray oo aan mar la sheekaystayna waa igu raacay. Somali politics is indeed very intersting. Interesting is an understatement On the negative side, they have under 2 years to come up with something. On the positive side the ICU boys did wonders within 6 months back in 2006.
  21. Originally posted by uchi: ^^^ I know for a fact, that its false. What makes you think it isnt? I don't know if it's true or not and that's why I asked. There are three sides to every story and all we know so far is Faroole has been able to pay Puntland admin's salaries for the first time in months. He even had spare notes for released prisoners.
  22. ^^ Out of curiosity, what makes you adamant the money counterfeiting allegation against Puntland is false?