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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Originally posted by *Ibtisam*: I aint wasting my time till he gets his ticket. I know he will go to Dubia and then pretend he could not get a ticket and then come back. chicken Waaxid. You are all wasting your advise. HE AINT GOING :rolleyes: Well...
  2. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: So give the man the credit he deserves. Rabble-rousers like the Hyena would resort to violence. If that's the case, your "appeal" is wasted on the wrong man. Then again, that's nothing new... Originally posted by Norf 2: Is MM still calling for a 'just war' in SOOL? The same Q could be posed to Xiin.
  3. AYOUB

    Congrats to JB

    "May she be safe, a good Muslim and make her parants proud." Aamiin and mabruuk to the JB's.
  4. ^ Comes with the territory, Milky Bar Kid.
  5. DELETED [ March 13, 2009, 10:33 PM: Message edited by: Libaax-Sankataabte ]
  6. What are chances TELESOM will - in the near future - be in crisis because of maternity/paternity leave coincidences? Just a thought...
  7. ^ In my humble and layman opinion, Kash has so far made a better argument than Xiin especially in his response to Abu Diaby. Xiin's is - conveniently as ever - forgetting his caravan is being defended by Museveni's sword not "Abu Ayoub's". Kashafa has however still not given the reasons as to why "his side" refuses at least "to talk" with Sh. Sharif's. Would Kashafa accept the replacement of Museveni's sword with The Sudan's Al-bashiir's or any other neutral foreign sword? Since the clerics seem divided, how does his "sword" seek to get mandate of the Somali people? He also has not given as how some of the killings - like the warning-less car bombings of innocence and unarmed people - could be justified under "Abu Ayoub's sword standard" context. PS Abu Ayoub (RA), no relations.
  8. Originally posted by Oodweyne: But still the 2005 AU's fact finding mission did reached that “legal judgment” on that so precise point in which the said Mr. Roble was so obtuse to have notice it, in the first place. Subsequently, his whole thesis could easily be debunked in a "point-by-point" basis; since, he could easily know that on legal ground, at least, Somaliland’s case at the AU has been accepted. But, it was felt, that politically , the Somalia that came into being in July of 1960 could not really take such a severe blow that such action will entail, henceforth, at least in it's present status. Yep indeed. Nothing is sacred or as black and white as Faisal Rouble believes when it comes to international politics - especially when the AU/UN are involved. The current status of Saharawi Republic and Southern Sudan are two fine examples. Rouble's hypocritical clannish-wailing argument against Somaliland's withdrawal from the 1960 unification with Somalia was full of HOLES. 1. He accepts that 1st July 1960 Union between Somaliland and Somalia to form Somali Republic took place because the majority of people were yearning for it, while ignoring the fact that MAJORITY of somalilanders do back the decision to withdraw from it today, hence his opposition to another referendum being held as a settlement - as suggested by Mr. Bashir Goth. Another important fact that Mr. Rouble chooses to ignore is: what the majority of Somalilanders were yearning ( and risked everything including their independence ) for in 1960 and before was the unification of all Somalis - not an unfair merger of two States. It just silly for anyone who knows these facts to even try to use the bogus "territorial integrity" argument against Somaliland. 2. He claims Eritrea's split from Ethiopia was negotiated while ignoring the fact that the Eritrea People's Liberation Front (EPLF) and other movements STRUGGLED for decades to gain their "negotiated settlement" with Ethiopia. 3. Rouble claims Somaliland should have gone the "negotiated settlement" route while ignoring the facts: (i) The 1991 decision to withdraw from the Union was made AFTER some of Somalia's warlords who took part in the toppling of Gen. Barre's regime - like Ali "Naafto" Mahdi - decided to declare a new "government" without consultation with people of what is now Somaliland. (ii) Somalia did not produce what anyone in their right mind could consider a negotiating PARTNER for the subsequent 17 years or so. (iii) Somalilanders' withdrawal from the Union in 1991 has been proven correct because the rest of the former Somali Republic has since then been failed a State. The 1993 UNISOM ( including Operation Restore Hope) and the current AU AMISOM military operation are clear evidence of it - not to mention other operations like the on-going one against piracy/counter human trafficking etc (iv) It would have been foolish for Somalilanders to sit on the hands and wait for Somalia to be ready for "negotiations" for 17 years especially when even the likes of Mr. Rouble openly admit that Mogadishu's warlords would not RESPECT Somalilanders' quest for self-determination anyway. If the terms "agreement" and "negotiation" meant anything to the warlords, Somalia would not be in this mess. (v) Somaliland withdrawal from the Union is a local political SOLUTION to the problems facing the people of the former Somali Republic. Mr. Rouble's claims of SL being "unilateral" declaration and a "wrong route" is just bizarre. For some Somalilanders, the rules of engagement book was torn even before the 1969 military coup and 21 years of Gen. Barre's (AUN) junta rule. The 1961 referendum and Somali Republic's first leader Aadan Cadde's (AUN) decision to use unconstitutional presidential decree to override agreed parliamentary unification procedures - which triggered Mj. Xassan Kayd (AUN) & Co's mutiny - are just two examples. Somaliland's declaration of independence is also less of a unilateral declaration compared to Somalia's failed foreign-backed "Transitional Governments" formed in neighbouring countries - not to mention the newly created outfit on the back of the new 275 MPs "negotiated" by Sh. Sharif's Alliance for Re-Liberation of Somalia in a Djibouti hotel.. To be continued I'A....
  9. lol@ A&T You're almost as manly as Muddy Waters. PS Islaanta hoosta kaa gashay shaydaanka ka naar baan ku odhan lahaa.
  10. From Sh. Sheraton to Sh. Hospital. Whatever next ...
  11. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: Maxaadse leedahay, ma afSoomaali qoraalkeygaadan fahmin? Mise af reer Xamar laqoray aqriskiisaa ku dhiba? Dadka kale ba runtay inay ku sheegan way ka xishoodeen, maxaa iwaalay? *Ummadda kale Xamar sheegtaa waan is fahanaa tallow dhibaataduu waa maxay* Canadian maxaa Berbera ku keenay?
  12. Ngonge Beware of witchcraft Ethio style. Don't go unarmed, consult Sh. Abu Xaneefa before you go. Otherwise your return journey will make "Snakes on a Plane" look like picnic, if there is a return leg. Nabad galiyo...
  13. ^ Any explanation for this? I can't think of one.
  14. ^^ The time for singing like a canary is still to come, so hold your donkeys.
  15. Originally posted by *Ibtisam*: ^^^LOOOL, your are too nice to the dude, maa habrawadheg baad tiihiin. You never know, it's small world wide web. I just love the way he got big ol HornAfrique's imagination going till he started talking about chairs, suits, colours, behinds etc. Just incredible! lol
  16. C/llaahi Yuusuf iyo intii kala shaqeysay Xasuuqii Shacabka Soomaaliyeed oo ay ku jiraan Saraakiil iyo Mas'uuliyiin Itoobiyaan ah oo Maxkamad Caalami ah la soo taagayo!!. Muqdisho,08,March,2009,Axad,(Hillaac.net) Shir ka dhacay Dalka Switzerland oo ay ka soo qeyb galeen Hay'adaha Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan Baaritaannada Gabdoodfalaada Iyo Dambiyada Dagaal ee ka dhaca Adduunka ayaa lagu gorfeeyay Gumaadyadii ka dhacay Dalka Soomaaliya Tan iyo markii Ciidamada Itoobiya ay ku soo duuleen Dalka Soomaaliya 2006dii, Waxana Shirka ka qeybgalay qaar ka mid ah Xubnaha cusub ee Dowladda Shariifka, Waxayaabaha Shirka looga wada hadlay waxaa ka mid ah in la Baaro Caddeymaha la hayo ee Tilmaamaya Xasuuqa Bareerka ah ee Shacabka Soomaaliyeed loo geystay Xilli Beesha Caalamka Indhaheedu ay ka sii jeedeen Gaboodfalladii loo geystay Shacabka Soomaaliyeed Gaar ahaan kuwii Magaalada Muqdisho ka dhacay. Waxaa Caddeymo Kummanaan Kun ah laga hayaa Horjoogayaashii Dagaal ee Dalka ku soo Hoggaamiyey Ciidamadii Tigreega Iyagoo si Bareer ah Maleeshiyaadka Tigreega iyo kuwa ku Qabiilka ah ku Amraya in aysan u kala Aaboyeelin Cid alle iyo Ciddii ay arkaan, Weliba Warbaahinta waxaa u suuragashay in ay helaan Cajallado Maqal iyo Muuqaal ah oo Shaqsiyaad ay ka mid yihiin C/llaahi Yuusuf, Geeddi, Darwiis, Maxameddheere, Jeelle, C/qeybdiid iyo Dambiilayaal kale ay ugu dhaaranayaan Shacabka Muqdisho. Cajaladaha la hayo waxaa ka mid ah C/llaahi Yuusuf oo ku dhaaranaya in Shacabka iyo Dadka Dagaallamaya aysan u kala Aaboyeeleynin oo meeshii ay Xabadi kaga soo dhacdo ay ku Aamusinayaan Madfac, Isagoo ku andacoonaya in aysan oggolaan karin in Shacabka laga dhigto Gaashaan, Sidoo kale waxa la hayaa Geeddi oo ku dhaaranaya in 10km oo Square Xaafadaha Magaalada Muqdisho qaarkood la Gubayo. Isku soo wada duub waxaa muuqaneysa in Dagaal-Oogayaashii lagu shaqeystay Mar Haddii Howshii loo dirsaday laga fushaday markaa Dambiyadii Shacabka laga galay dhammaantood Kaligood Dusha laga saarayo oo Kuwii soo dirsaday ay is beri yeelayaan, Arrimahaasna waxay horay uga dhaceen, Liberia, Iraq, Iyo Waddamo kale, Iyadoo Reer Galbeedka uu Mareykanku horboodo ay Caadadoodu tahay in Qofkii ay ku Shaqeystaanba Marka ugu dambeysa uu Gacantooda ku boxo, Hadduuba soo badbaado. Shabelle Media Network (Mogadishu) Somalia International Summit On War Crimes Held in Geneva 8 March 2009 Geneva — The Human Rights Organizations and the International Criminal Court (ICC) have held a meeting on Somali war crimes in Geneva, the capital city of Switzerland, officials told Shabelle on Sunday. Ahmed Mohamed Ali known as (Kiimiko), one of the Somali Human Rights who attended the meeting said that the Human Rights Organizations and ICC heads are talking more about the conflicts and war crimes in Somalia and how the ICC would put on trial to the people committed war crimes in Somalia. Somalia is not member of the countries signed the law of the International Criminal Court for punishing those who commit war crimes in their countries.
  17. ^ Let's give Emperor the benefit of the doubt he could be confusing Milibands. Maybe, just maybe. There must be an explanation...
  18. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: Reer Canada afSoomaaliga gadaal gadaal ugu hadal kiisa xataa wey ku taqasuseen...Markaasaan wilibo jarkabood ku dheelnaa markaan rabna (hadaad intaas fahmina waalaguu sii jilcinaa)... Ee adi afSoomaaligaa taqaan noosheegbal? Uula waad ka liidataa, waa iga daacad. PS There only a handful of SOL nomads who are good at (written) Somali. Nur ( Islam section mod ) is one of the best in cyberspace and I recommend his articles to all students like myself. Btw, The video is one fine example of Canadian inferiority complex.
  19. Originally posted by Nin-Yaaban: LST u own this place?
  20. ^^Indeed he has, but like Qaasim (AUN) said: Dad musbaar dhegaha kaga jiraan, maqal ka tuugaaye...
  21. ^^ I was just updating the cyber pirates of the turf war between Puntland's Eyl and Mareero Cartels. That's all.
  22. Originally posted by Gabbal: Emperor your accusation of photoshop made me look closely at the picture. Notice the back of Miliband when compared to the red chair. That is not the markings of a real picture. Lol @ Shylock Horn. Maybe JB superimposed Rayaale's head over Badhack Obama's picture. Why don't you try something as imaginative for Barry, you know he needs all the help he can get.
  23. Buracd badeedda Soomaaliyeed xarunteedu waa Eyl oo aan ka Fogeyn Caasimadda Puntland , waxaana Burcad badeedda Madaxdeeda, Maalgeliyayaasheeda iyo Xafiiskoodu ku yaallaan caasimidda Puntland, waa Garoowe eh. Haddaba miyaanay ku habboonayn inta madaxweynuhu ka soo bilaabo Garoowe iyo xarunta Burcadda ee Eyl . oo aan wax sidaasa ka fogeyn Garoowe . Haddaba waktigaa Mr Faroole tegay Mareero oo jirigaanno Shidaal ah iyo Jaranjarooyin laga cararay ka soo qabanyo waxaa Xeebta Eyl lagu haystaa ilaa Toddoba markab oo intaba madaxfurasho laga doonayo. Dadka maraakiibtaas haystaana inta markaas gaadhka ah mooyee kuwooda kale magaalada ayey Mushaaxaan oo la yaqaan kuna Turbaan Magaaklada dhexdeeda. Waxaadba arki iyagoo gabdho ka soo hayaamay meelaha baahidu ka jirto baabuur kuwata. Garoowena waaba meesha ay laga xukumo. Haddaba sababta uu ciidamo ugu diri waayey Eyl oo ah meeshii uu madaxweynuhu ka soo jeedey maxay tahay sababtu?