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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Originally posted by Torres: quote: While the Codex contains all of the New Testament, it also includes part of the Old Testament and originally contained the entire text of the Christian Bible. The manuscript also includes the Apocrypha, 14 disputed books of the Old Testament that are usually omitted from the Protestant Bible. It also includes two early Christian texts: the "Epistle of Barnabas" and the "Shepherd of Hermas." :confused: :confused: Exactly. I Remember Sh. Dedaat (AUN) lecture explaining why his writings were omitted. Will dig it up IA.
  2. Pardon me but got to admit I too hope to meet the birds in heaven. Who doesn't?
  3. Originally posted by Nur: We are in June 2009, exactly, three years later after the Islamic Courts Union took power in Mogadishu from the criminal warlords In 2006, the Islamic Courts Union was an alliance of most Islamic groups. The other alliance was the Criminal Warlords alliance which was humiliated and one of its leaders driven to drown in the Indian ocean. In 2009, there is a different formation, a minority of the ICU are in alliance with Criminal Warlords, while the majority of their past allies are in the opposition and about to take over Mogadishu again, ironically in the same summer season. My advice above for the courts in Summer of 2006 still holds true for the new opposition of the Islamic alliance. Nur Nurow, saw the reply late and I'm disappointed. A lot has changed since 2006 and I think your advice needs updating. The tactics used by the Youths in opposition and the nature of their opponents has changed and I expected your advice to reflect it. Hotel and offices have been bombed, while both sides are sending invitations to foreigners. Shouldn't Sharif's conciliatory gestures been tested to the limit before the declarations of war? His stance is very different to the previous Colonels and Generals, and in 2006 it was the Satanic Alliance that declared the war, is fair to compare the two situations? We all remember the summer of 06, but, have you forgotten its winter? What's the plan this time round regarding what you dubbed ‘sustaining power’ ? All that to worry about after/when/if everything settles down in favour of the Youths, surely that's asking too much of the long suffering Xamar population. How could the asking the public to be "patient" with war against Sh. Sharif be worse than asking them to be "patient" with the peace with Sh. Sharif (cost/benefit)? I'm no military expert nor scholar but what were the risks if the Youths opted trying to flex their muscles from within Sh. Sharifs administration. Last but not least, since it's now Sheikhs Vs Sheikh, which scholars do the opposition refer to? How do they convey their Fatawa to the masses since your advice is to avoid journalists?Shouldn' t the Youths at least use the media to present their long term local and international political objectives of which even interested parties like myself are clueless about?
  4. Don't worry about A&T, he is a Certified Nutcase. He is contradicting his previous bogus claims as to who the supporters of Somaliland are anyway. Lets wait for the mad man reasoning, shall we?
  5. ^ ^ Off course it wasn't by happenstance, the matching stick poles on all five or so flags is a major clue.
  6. AUN the murdered folks. Their lives were more precious the supposed land or flags you are on about.
  7. Rag Seeking Rag, how inappropriate?
  8. ^ Isn't that the reason for Barry's supposed return.
  9. Breaking news.. voting suspended for six moths...
  10. ^^ I think Nur is saying he's given them advice in the past, and will soon be giving them more (fitting the current situation in the near future InshaAllah). I hope that’s what he meant anyway. Hello to you btw... Johnny B You think action speaks louder than words? Thank God for the masked Youths then, right? Ngonge It not a sin if Nur down-plays your Adeero’s importance.
  11. Great stuff, Kacaan overtones notwithstanding.
  12. ^^ Nurow, taking into account what has taking place in the last few weeks, what is your waano to the groups fighting against Sh. Sharif's groups?
  13. So now there 3 groups, whatever next Meiji ...
  14. Originally posted by General Duke: "The child born in Addis Ababa is closer to me than the Child born in Mogadishu" thus spoke Faisal Ali Warrabe, Ayoubs uncle and leader of the secessionist party UCID. Now saxib what did you do when this man was attacking yor very culture and essence as a Somali ? Is that your excuse for getting excited with the arrival Ethio troops?
  15. Our country? Not when the likes of you are so blasé with Ethio troops pouring into Guriceel while getting your nickers in a twist with Marian Mursal going to Hargeisa of all places.
  16. That's besides the point. Do you not feel your country is under attack?
  17. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: NG , Apparently you have issue with the man himself, not with his policies, and political approaches. What are Sh. Sharif's policies?
  18. ^^ Wait? Why wait, your country is being invaded?
  19. http://www.gabooyene ws.com/warka.php?nID =947 The lady came mainly for the superb Hadrawi School Programme project, and deserved that great welcome.
  20. Originally posted by Norf 2: I need to see a pic with Riyaale next to Burco landmark.
  21. Originally posted by Al Zeylaci: quote:Originally posted by Meiji: First make a distinction between factions. 1) There is the genuine Ahlu Sunna Wal Jammaca who have been in Somalia for hunderd of years. They are a peacefull group who have spread Islam throughout East Africa. 2) There are the secular warlords who want to take back their fiefdoms from the religious warlords and thus are using the cover of ''Ahlu Sunna Wal Jamaca'' to legitimize their cause, just like the religious warlords have done (using Islamist retorics to take over regions without consultation and support of the people.) The first group have distanced themselves from the second group. Which group are you talking about? Which group are you talking about? This is how you described this group a couple of months ago. Now, they are mujahideen wa fi Soomaal. lollllllllllllll. So, who are the mujahideen: group 1 or 2? C'on now, don't be unfair. That quote goes way back to February, when Meiji preached about the Society. Meiji knows if he says 1, the question about where this "peaceful group" got their weapons resurfaces. He cannot say they got them from their clans because Ngonge is on his case. He cannot say Meles because Yeysters are on his case. Meiji has no option but go for #2.
  22. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ Oh now you're just teasing, son. Adeer qolamaad tahay? Lol The chap is an Afweyniste and would like us to believe tribe/clan is dead and was buried by the 1969 Revolution. Apparently, since it's all "dead n buried", they (Afweynistes) only answer when you phrase it "qolamaad ahaan jirtay?" Give it try and maybe this pen pusher might reveal what wakaalad of the defunct MOD alliance he used to belong to.