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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Originally posted by roobleh: Londoners should be the last people on earth to talk about fashion taste- Most of u wear tight suits and pants. And this woman looks much better than most white chicks in England. The "white chick" is fine, it's the "black cockerel" we're concerned about.
  2. ^^ He had to match Sh. Sharif's handshake.
  3. The Texan Cat Buddy was still confused. He couldn't figure how could such a "skinny cat" have so much power? He's been all over the world and no other cat managed to complete even one round with him. He never expected to lose his unblemished record in Mogadishu. Infact he never heard of the place before 1992. But after two devastating defeats, he finally gave in and asked Aar what he eats that gives such explosive power while remaining so thin. "Waar meow I'm not a cat" roared offended Aar. "I'm a starving lion...kitty!" .
  4. ^Excuses.com I think you just don't wanna admit most things sound nicer in arabic compared Somali.
  5. ^^ Lordy lord. Oki then, why not Harggeysa and Banaaddir? Nuune "Saddex Bey Naagtu Igu Laggadday" ^ There you have it.
  6. ^^ Of course not. I was just letting things off my chest. Since you're one of the Oldies, why do people write Hargeysa with a sinlge G and Benaadir with a single D?
  7. Originally posted by Abwaan: quote:Originally posted by Dabshid: can we trust this dude? Which dude? you mean the Engineer? And why not as long as he consults with experts and Linguists in Somali Language and Literature! Ahaa! And who are the experts in Linguists in Somali Language and Literature? What's stopping people accepting the way the original Somali text books were written? That's how Committee of "experts" decided as official way, is it not? Seriously though, the actual problem in IMO is not "regional variations" but spelling errors. There are simple rules that most of us seem to ignore. For example, the intro to the spell-checker above says talagalay instead of talaggalay. We can argue whether it is a single or double L, but, unless there is a region that pronounce the term differently, the only time a single G might used is when one split the term and write tala galay or add unofficial hyphen tala-galay. I've even read a piece by politician touted as "young, new and educated" making embarrassing spelling errors when writing the words "change" and "leadership" in Somali. Sometimes spelling errors change the meaning or grammar. For example, on several occasions I've seen people write; kana siib kana saar instead of kaana siib kanna saar. There is a difference between kana, kanna and kaana. The short of it is; Oldies likes of Xiin and A&T know how to spell, wheras others struggle.
  8. ^^ I dare you translate you screen name to Somali. Originally posted by Juje: Congratulation to brother Abwaan and his wife for the birth of their beautiful daughter this morning. Illah ha ugu dhigo mid diinteda, dalkeeda iyo ummadeeda anfacda...amiin! Amiin to that.
  9. Originally posted by NGONGE: Was I the only one who when he read the title of the thread thought the six people were gaalo? Nope.
  10. Originally posted by Malika: ^I believe xiin is talking of a bigger concept then Sharif iyo TFG,he is talking about the discipline that is required to bringing change through Islam by all involved. I for one have learned something from xiin's points and I hope he continues to enlighten us by his depth knowledge. I learned a lot too and JZK to him and the rest of the chaps. I still think it would be better not to narrow what Fab posted down to the conflict raging in Somalia today, especially as bias Xiin and Nur seem to be. Maybe I'm wrong. Why do you think baani Israel have been mentioned over and over in the Quraan?. Go on, educate me. Is it because they were chosen for Revelations that preceded the QUR'AN? So we can learn (from their) history?
  11. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Democracy at its best ........ Government Vs Parliament.
  12. Looks like the recession has hit the business section very hard.
  13. The fact that even the likes of brainwashed Ngonge prefer Niiko over belly-dancing suggest we're from the deep deep jungle.
  14. ^Yes, Sharif is surrounded by vegetables. Yes, his propaganda is aimed at the thickest ones out there. But, the question is; what would be your choice of "power-dressing" if the Sheikh interviews you for one of his "right-hand person" vacancies?
  15. Brian: Excuse me. Are you the Judean People's Front? Reg: F**k off! We're the People's Front of Judea - Life of Brian
  16. "Puntland is the mother of Somalia" Aabbihiin garta haddaba!
  17. ^ Xiin is being disingenuous to the core. Anyone can see how high he lifts the bar when it comes to the Youths as opposed to their opponents. Whatever errors the Youths have committed, they cannot be compared the Warlords in the "government". Somehow he is expecting us to believe the Ethio-trained "government militias" in Baladweyne or Amisom tactics are better . Please! As for Sh. Sharif being the "authority", if truth be told, he got the title by pretending to be the leader or at least having influence over the Islamic Resistance and ignoring the scholars advising against him joining the TFG. That's how he got his 200+ MPs.
  18. ^ Tybical Elvis fan. Originally posted by chubacka: ^ apparently he was born on the 25th too. I thought 1st of Jan AD was his birthday
  19. It's not N C'on folks, work them skinny brain cells
  20. ^ Fab knows that but said he believes "the former" is taking place. Is he right? If not, the onus is on you to prove otherwise. You can start by explaining how one could square the delaying of "Huduud" on compassionate grounds with Amisom firepower as the means. Fabregas I hear you. It's substance over writing style.
  21. Those close to him have informed me that the man is into writing, memo’s emails, text messaging and utilizes new technologies such as twitter to set the agenda for the government. ^ You're funny. What's the point of that, since - according to the likes of you - the PM is surrounded by illiterate people anyway. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^I am not fighting the man adeer, just highlighting the truth. By copying and pasting (Allpuntland.com and Allidamaale.com) stories? Blease inaga naaqus.