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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Originally posted by x8x8x: Barwaaqo, Many Congratulation!!! May Allah (SWT) put khair and barakah in your marriage and bless you both with His mercy and grant you both righteous children. Ameen Aamiin to that.
  2. Originally posted by MoonLight1: Bu I don't understand why faroole blind folded the cow.lol Have you heard about the boy who said: Aaabbo dharegnay, maxaynu ...
  3. FYI Thank you. Your vote has been recorded. No no no. dhank you. This is a brivilege.
  4. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka: Is it coincidence that 3/4 of Ngonge's concubines are from Burco and surroundings? Who do you think is a fool? Waxaa la yidhi; haddaad nin cag dheer aragtid waa d*qon, hadduu madax yar yahayna ku dhaaro! Clue below... If you're a long way from home, Can't sleep at night. Grab your telephone, Something just ain't right. That's evil, Evil is goin on wrong. I am warnin ya brother, You better watch your happy home Well, long way from home and, Can't sleep at all. You know another mule, Is kickin in your stall. That's evil, Evil is goin on wrong. I am warnin ya brother, You better watch your happy home. Evil~Howlin Wolf
  5. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka: I am disgusted by the actions of BURCO-clique in SOL who didn't even break for the Ciid and has tried to make an unpopular outfit - the amphibian NGONGE as a real contender. This is confirmed to me by none other than Ayoub, who bragged on a PM to me, saying he has just voted for Ngonge after considering "the blood connections" as he put it. In the age of internet and globalisation, one would have thought what ties people will remain their ideas and not pre-destined racial, tribal or geographic affinities. It is sad such noble sites as SOL are infested with this venom. And it is sad to note that only one group is spearheading this malady. The Burco-Clique is as dangerous as the torri and budh wielding vagrants in the dusty town. The sooner we stop them, the better! I warn people of any countenance with the machinations of this evil group. Their loquocious spiritual leader OOdweyne, who Xinnfannin calls the 'a perfect symbol of the incarnation of tribal zeal' is doing all he can, behind the curtains. Down with Burco-Clique. The clique, frustrated with Dahir Riyaale's election extensions want to compensate for their failures elsewhere and take the SOL prize as a consolation. Let us deny them that moment of glory! Alla! Alla! Lakac kacyeee! You're cracking under the pressure mate. Clearly statistics is not your strength - your shoe size notwithstanding. Look at that score board; can you see how many candidates we've got running against each other? Can you see how split our camps' vote is? Your accusations don't stand minor scrutiny. Most of Ngonge's vote are from his concubines, whereas yours are rumoured to be from some "shady newbies". You're still the favourite though because of your amazing abilities to "generate votes" and the thoroughbred Fab's supporters religious opposition to "democrazy". All the best, for now...
  6. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Indeed President faroole has the support of the people, others hide behind AMISOM and fake titles. But just in case...
  7. AYOUB

    Eid Mubarak...!

    Originally posted by Juje: To all SOLers May Allah SWT accept your prayers and good deeds during the holy month of Ramadan and May HE grant you another Ramadan in good health and piety, and May Allah SWT forgive us the sins we have committed and guide us towards the right path....amiin! Ameen to that but where's the Xaqalciid? Word on the street is you are rolling in it.
  8. AYOUB


    Have a good one IA folks.
  9. Haven't voted yet but I think I'll vote tactically. Among boys; my first choice would have been the one, the only, the absolutely Fab thoroughbred. But we can't have Ngonge slip through the back door, can we? So I will leave it late and go for AbG ( Anyone but Ngonge). As for the girls, my libs are sealed. Ibti I like you too. Honest
  10. Originally posted by Valenteenah: A&T, Chief Rumour-Monger of SOL . Boy next door? Surbrise surbrise! Aniguna kumaan gabin, adna ima gooynine, waayahaa ina gaadhsiiye Gafna maad sameynine, calafbaa halkaa galey aad galabta taalee Xalwo Xaaji Yuusuf ayaan kugu galbinayaa Dolce & Gabanna ayaan kugu galbinayaa...
  11. Originally posted by Paragon: I even think this tv station is making up stories so as to capitalize on Somalia's recent re-appearance on cable news chanels. Anything bad with a link to Somalia makes sensational news, I suppose. IT's all from a book that claims to have documentary (including letters sent by the former regime etc and other verifiable) evidence. To argue the late General was "pretending" and repented afterwards is a different thing all together. PS I've seen dozens of Masjids and Islamic schools built across London over the years. Does this means the PMs were Muslims, does it?
  12. Originally posted by Sophist: He must have spent in the Foreign office/diplomatic services over 15 years! 15 years? What experience? When? Surely you're not counting some of the time Jangeli JNR was a diplomat's son as "experience" Do elaborate...
  13. Interesting, very interesting. I thought Oomaar's position was 4.5 compliant. Maybe Boss's supposed return is the counter-balance.
  14. ^^ Do waste your valuable time with clueless ThankfulSP, please do continue with the propaganda coz Ramadan is just round the corner you know. What else is our benevolent leader building for the country "next summer"?
  15. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: that was due to the underlying code, a failure we cant possibly hold FuFu accountable. Simple explanation is due, me thinks. AS for A&T himself, he needs to tell where he learned phrases like "throwing a wobbly". Even some of the civilised nomads in the East End of London don't know what it means, let alone some bigfoot in Central Africa.
  16. Rudeness!I do not like to be called "senior" in any language. So please kindly remove it.
  17. Originally posted by Mansa Munsa: Apart of the regime's mayhem and bloody history, if Mr. Barre was praying in Lagos, in his last days: what does that tell us about his faith?, of course, he was a muslim unless some of us are capable of seeing what a dead person had in mind in the eve of his death. IF he, as alleged (disingenuously) prayed to Jesus for money while he was the president of Somalia, what would stop him from putting a show in order to fleece the wealthy Nigerians when he was a powerless fugitive in Lagos? Originally posted by Saddiiq: Athiests are too arrogant & passionate about their beliefs to lie about it. His motivation was power, and if that meant fake praying to jesus to please some donors in washington, so be it. He probably convinced himself it was for the greater good. What are you suggesting? Saaxiibadeena badhbaa xidhan saliibkiiye Soonka iyo salaaddoodu waa sir aan la gaadhayne Inkastoo sujuuddii wajiga sanka ka idlaatay Soomaali uun bay yihiin ha u salaamina e Aakhira sadkeed waa ninkii sabi u geeyaaye Saddexbay ku furan tahay hadduu sawjad leeyahaye Saliib ~ A Sahal
  18. ^^ You were also sure that Sharif was a Sheikh markaa inaga yaree.
  19. FuFu---this script forgot its gender one time Is it possible to forget? An explaination is due or I owe A&T an apology.
  20. ^^ Agree but that IS as bad. Anyways, this explains a lot of the wanton destruction of religious institutions by that military regime.
  21. Originally posted by Fabregas: TFG is like Newcastle United FC. No. They are like Portsmouth, they like using African mercenaries.