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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. It's supposed to be shared between Sanyare and Dirir.
  2. What a tragedy. AUN the victims and condolences to their families. An ignoble act, to put it mildly.
  3. Originally posted by The Zack: He is not a reporter, he is a member of the "Puntland diaspora". ".... just weeks ago he ( Congressman Donald Payne ) was the darling of Puntland, what happened? Is it because he didn't turn a blind eye to naked abuses?" ... "This is what we call cheap politics ...they were even questioning whether the Congressman was a aware of it ( press release )...If Puntland's friends want to extend petty clan politics into American political process it's not gonna work...that shows a sense of desperation on the part those making this argument... " ~ Dagne
  4. "Aniga ma aaminsani in dilalka ka dhacaya Boosaaso, Galkacyo, Garowe iyo Qardho, in ay xiriir la leeyihiin Al-Shabab iyo Xisbul Islaam, dadka u dhashay Puntland ayaa ka dambeeyay oo waliba si qabiil dadka u leynaya"ayuu yiri Cadde Muuse Really?
  5. A&T Is Puntland worthy of Cabdi Tahliil or this "Ku dayo ku dayo" geezer?
  6. ^ Not much. Just business as usual. Dagne's "interrogator" didn't give his name and claimed he didn't have a clan.
  7. Originally posted by Oz: Kakuta looked good when he came on too, I hope that he gets a few more minutes on the pitch this season, maybe even give him a sub appearance against Arsenal next week. I think he's ready for it. The kid was very impressive. So Maradona-like.
  8. AYOUB


    Have a good one IA folks. Make sure the kids have a great time. Eid Mubaarak!
  9. Originally posted by Mr.Paragon: That's an absolute lie. I can assure you that this is a fabrication. Trust me. Are you talking about the "resignations" or the given "reasons"? Nogobi Thanks, but that was a tap in.
  10. Originally posted by ThankfulSP: I haven't seen any other websites verify this, I've checked Donald Payne's site and there no comment there either.
  11. Are you covering for General `Cut-n-Paste´? He's been quiet since Payne's public bollocking of Faroole.
  12. ^ So one "virtuous woman" was not enough for the "cheater" and the solution is two, three maybe four. Cushty. Cushty cushty cushty. Let's see what the good ladies say about that. The point I was raising was how some scholars deal with "distress calls", especially from reverts. That's another topic, I suppose.
  13. Nurow the Sheikh gave a silly answer. It's not the first time either‚ I've seen similar insensitive off-the-cuff answers to ladies who raised other serious matters. Some replies given in some Q&A TV programmes are embarrassing. Try again yaa sahbi.
  14. Originally posted by nuune: Kuwaa maalin dhaweed makhaayad ka lahaa hadii reer Soomaaliland doonayaan iney ku takhasusaan cilmiga Pirteska oy maraakiibta soo dhacaan, ha yimaadaan kulliyadaha ka furan Puntland si ay u bartaan qaabka iyo habka iyo tacliinta la xiriirta pireteska, waana iney iska bixiyaan tuition feeska. Easier said than done. Some boys from Lasqorey did enrol and without much success. Some of them even ended being badly beaten by Egyptian fishermen. Don't let the celebration of the SOL Eyl cartel fool you, it's the boys from Xarardheere who hit the big jackpot once again. Maybe the Lasqorey boys should get lessons from them instead.
  15. ^^ Who is in position to enforce Shariah if not them?In the mean time, what "law" should Al Shabbab & Co govern by? Don't expect to wake up one morning and expect every thing to be hunky-dory. Since - unlike a few in here - you are a believer and we have to start somewhere, convince me Al Shabbaab & Co cannot be a start of a "better" and "beautiful thing".
  16. Originally posted by Canjeex: To be governed under the Islamic Sharia Law is a beautiful thing and every Muslim should support that, but i honestly don't think Somalia is ready to be governed under the Sharia Law at this particullar moment, as there are too many corruptions going on inside the country and what not. Wallahu Aclam! So another "law" should be applied until corruption is eliminated, and only then would Somalia be governed by Shariah? Is that what you're saying? If you're, what "law" is suitable for "corrupt Somalia"? And what's the point of Shariah implementation anyway when the other "law" has already eliminated corruption from the land?
  17. ^ Any comment on the damp squib that was Yey, Miles ?
  18. Lol@Oodweyne Same whine.. I mean same wine different bottle. I wonder who else will re-invent themselves, odaygii "reconciliation dirin" la wareegi jiray perhaps?
  19. ^ Oh yeah... the frustrated artist formarly known as Samurai. Welcome back Miles.
  20. ^^ Try reading posts and then guess the posters and you'll find out how predictable SOL members are.
  21. ^^ With all due respect, Doolaal's widow is not same as some "unknown" caller. Your previous post talking about "Abdiwali and few disgruntled members who are fired" is a sign of disunity. Some Killil5 natives even accused the Admiral of being a "foreigner" stirring trouble in their land. If you're not defensive, you're in denial.