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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^Five is good; suitably enough it can give that silly, broken 4.5 clannish formula a proper ceiling. 5 ÷ 4.5 = 1.11111 Joking aside, numbers don't matter if corruption did not exist.
  2. The flag is beautiful with that mixture of Buluugle and Djibouti's (not sure about the Coat of Arms though) . But its creation might have ramifications in certain hot spots like Galkacyo. Originally posted by miles-militis: The Somali national song ‘Soomaaliyey toos’ was created by 'mucallim' Cali Mire Cawaale, a sole ranger from Sool, whose last name incidentally happens to be 'Cawaale'." He was the first to sing it, but the original version was a poem by Abwaan Yusuf Aadan Qabille. Somalis do confuse the "the singer" and the "the creator".
  3. ^ What are saying, my impersonation was not spot on? Happy Nu year to you too. Ngonge Kasiiddaa ya sahbi.
  4. Well, Sh. Sharif's Peace Caravan arrived in Mogadishu. He jumped into an AMISOM vehicle and Xiin warned the opponents that "..the Caravan is armoured, awoowe ". Faroole declared war on Pirateland's irrational enemy from the south; namely...Al Amiin Amir. "Image matters" rationed ThankfulSP . 2009 was also different in some ways. The 1‰nters of the Somali population made their presence felt in SOL. I'm not referring to Makhirs, but JB Lahab's clan. It's not "the Sunna of the Prophet PBUH" they preached. "keligii Muslin" even quipped Johnny. Allaa maxaa dad Nabiga (saw) bartay! Moving on quickly, 2009 also brought us The Man from Pru and his "Society". The Garment Forces have again taken Beledweyne, he said. The GOVERNMENT FORCES you mean, we suggested. "The Garment Forces are from the traditional religious wing of the Society", he explained. Society is everything. Apparently, 2009 brought the long awaited ONLF victory. Only for the lice-infested Ethios to turn up in Hiiraan unscathed. But at least Independent sources confirmed trucks were burned and their drivers killed. A&T said he condemned the action "but .. ". For the third year in a row General “Cut-n-Paste” re-assured the share-holders "oil drilling has begun lads". Despite the devastating draught, JB Nuwas informed us that not only did Shankaroon export 3 million livestock; she also managed planting rice paddy fields. What a lady, we said! "Told you so, lol", replied JB Nuwas. "Way dhaqaaqday" said Xaaji Xunjuf referring to Shankaroon elections. Oh not again, we said! "Dee dib baa loodhigay ilaa intaay ka qabsoomayso" he explained. Apparently, the elections will remain postponed till Udub experts establish the exact time Muj. Xaaji Axmed will lose (his faculties). 2009 saw HornAfrique's Gabbal fall. Life must be hard without Col. Barry. But hey, you lose some - you win some. After a 2-year absence, back came Miles (the artists formally known as Samurai) with the new Jabarti National Movement! "It's gone to penalty shoot-out" he bragged. For once, AS denied they were The Bombers. "The victims were the the wrong type of innocent" reasoned Maaddey. You can't argue with that. There was also an eerie feeling that "we were not alone". Some member were addressing hovering spectres and not the nomads. Sometimes it was "FoxNews" not "Folk news". Kashafa was not available for comment. Happy New Year to volunteer Speaker MMA of the section and all the SOL team.
  5. Originally posted by NGONGE: Rafa knows what he's doing and he'll get it right sooner or later. I don't like his style of play (as I said a million times before) but I trust that it will win us something. Maybe, but not this season. Be realistic and pray for 4th.
  6. ^ Someone is gonna call you a "fake pirate" for saying that.
  7. Bloodsuckers is an understatement .
  8. ^You're Rafael's cheerleader. Maxaad isu tihiin?
  9. ^ Don't believe LST's sly attempt to push the agendas of politically-twisted "Diaspora Fora" I'd rather trust the who believe the older and wiser (Cabdirashid) is rightful and traditional heir to the Garaadship. On what ground does LST's “anna waa ikan” Garaad's claim based on? Like the legitimate Garaad nicely dismisses ... "Gobolka waa Gobol nabad-geliyo wanaagsan, dadkiina ay dagan yihiin. Shacabku had iyo goor waxaad mooddaa inay mar walba kaga imanayaan debadaha ama melaaha kale waxyaabo iyo wax aanu shaqo ku lahayn ama aan ka iman yaga. Anigu waxaan aaminsanahay; ciddi doonaysaa ha iska hadasho, ama idaacado ha kahadlaan, ama TV ha kahadlaan - in aan dadka waxba ka khuseen... " Garaad Cabdirashiid The Garaad The Gov'nors.
  10. He said that government soldiers and the African Union forces returned fire, shelling Mogadishu's rebel-controlled district. Most of the shelling hit near the Bakara market, a busy shopping area, Ahmed said. Ali Musa, the head of the Mogadishu ambulance service, said at least 12 civilians were killed and 15 others were wounded in the retaliation.
  11. ^ I could explain the fuss with with the photo but I don't wanna upset LayZie G.
  12. ^ Originally posted by Fabregas_Bruv: Agreed. We should have a matrimonial section too. : Health & Beauty?
  13. ^ I wonder what Kashafa's reincarnation will be like. Fabregas, WSWRB Talking of reincarnations, if Ibn Batutta returns to Zayla; he'd get the same welcome and might even recognise parts of it. Catch my drift?
  14. Originally posted by Jacphar: These demos have nothing to do with qabiil. If anything, Boosaas is the least likely racist city in the entire country. "Waxaa gudaha Magaalada Bosaso ka dhacay Bililiqa xooggan oo loo gaystay Qowmiyadaha ka soo jeeda Bay iyo Bakool oo loo yaqaano Digil iyo Mirifle (ama dadka qaarkii u yaqaan R.R.A). Dadkan ayaa saaka waaberigii waxaa mar qura ku soo dhaqaaqay dad iyagu ka caraysnaa qarixii xalay loo gaystay Ciidanka Daraawiishta Puntland. Dadkan ayaa halmar waxay ku qaadeen weerarro isugu jira dhagaxtuur iyo ulo iyo jajabin loo gaystay Goobo ay ku ganacsan jireen dadkan ka soo jeeda Bay iyo Bakool. Dadkan ayaa ku dhawaaqayay dooni mayno R.R.A." Qowmiyadda Digil iyo Mirifle oo Dhac iyo Dilba loogu Gaystay Gudaha Magaalada Bosaso
  15. ^I don't know whether your stance is wrong or not. I'm questioning your certainty AS were behind it.
  16. Originally posted by Norfsky: ^There is nothing to suggest otherwise. You base this on...
  17. Didn't Xassan Turki bid for Hargeisa years ago?
  18. ^ What exactly do want to know about Mintid? Ngonge Thank you for the kind words (public and private).
  19. Never thought I would, but I did feel sorry for him after when saw the bloody pictures. He did look like an old man in agony.
  20. A&T You can't expect to mention stereotypes like Xiin's "swagger" or lump the likes of MMA with Oromos ( from SriLanka?? ) without a backlash sxb. There are more taboos I could warn you about, but it's much more entertaining when you put your sizeable foot in it. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: NGONGE, aan danbaabee , horta ninyahow Mintid Farayar iyo Ayyoub soo wax iskuma ah, mise waa isku mid They talk about honest and munaafiqnimo I will come back for the answer tomorrow inssha Allah Rabbit-punching name-dropper. Is that a good change of subject from my supposed "usual talk".
  21. Inaar Gaaroodi, why don't you take a chill pill and relax. Please.