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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Norf You've just - in a "softly softly" way - repeated what Xiin already said. I wanted to know exactly what has been ruled out of the other categories and needed "pondering" if it might fit into category #4 . Xiin took it wrongly but I never meant mischief. The question is important because all Somali administration out there ( including Djibouti ) have been branded un-islamic.
  2. Maaddeey Calan madow baa ilaa iyo Antarctica laga taageeya la yidhi. Anyways, let's stop it there before we hijack the big man's memorial thread.
  3. AUN the Marxuum and condolences to his family. Originally posted by Maaddeey: isn't that good reason to come back to Somalinimo Somalinimo? Don't forget the script kaabo, because Somalinimo won't liberate Alaska. Do you understand Mujaahid?
  4. ^ Akhii even great theological debaters like yourself do get asked questions by laymen like moi, especially when the titles of threads are not so "generic". Anyways, do carry on as you were and apologies for wasting your valuable time.
  5. Xiin, Akhi, surely I'm allowed to ask questions if I don't understanding... Don't get mad inaar, no offence intended.
  6. ^ I don't understand what you meant by the quoted bit at the top of the page. I (wrongly) thought you were implying the TFG falls in the "minor Kufr" category #4. The question remains; why then do you want LX to "ponder on scenario number 4 and see to it if the leaders of TFG fall in there or not"? Please elaborate, because I don't see the relevance of the Fatawa if the TFG is not guilty of anything.
  7. ^ Pardon me sir, haddaba. I thought that's what the above quote suggested. Please explain what you meant.
  8. AYOUB

    The Nail Of Juhaa

    Originally posted by Castro: quote: Originally posted by AYOUB: ^ Who is your legitimate, recognized religious authority ? There is no such authority in Somalia today and it's certainly not the Shabaab or any of the other so-called Islamic movements.You lost me there. The reason I asked you was because you said: Originally posted by Castro: quote:Originally posted by Laba-X: [qb]Can the current conflict in Somalia be considered or classified as some sort of Jihad, or is it simply a political power struggle of some sorts? Yes and yes. It is a misguided Jihad and vicious power struggle. How did you come to those conclusions without ( according to you ) the necessary legitimate, recognized religious authority ?
  9. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^I know you are resolved to defend certain views of yours, but please at least try to ponder on scenario number 4 and see to it if the leaders of TFG fall in there or not? 4. The one who says “I rule by these man-made laws” yet believes that it is not permissible to rule by other than what Allaah has revealed and says “Ruling by the Divine Legislation of Islaam is better and it is not permissible to rule by other than it” yet is weak or does this out of what his rulers have originated before him, such a person is a disbeliever who has committed minor kufr which does not expel him from the religion and the action is considered to be from the major sins. Xiin before moving on, you have to give the reasons why you think the TFG is a "category 4 Kufr" entity - as you seem to imply . What actions or deeds condemn them into this "category" and how does TFG justify them?
  10. Originally posted by General Duke: Sad news, but its a good step they caught the criminals. They should hang them in public. After all the threats and intimidation of "southerners", it turns the masked killers are local boys?
  11. Peacenow I always knew rats were better than you. Infact cockroaches are better than you. I could go on, but time is short and I'm sure you'll figure it all out sooner or later.
  12. ^ Is he not African anymore? Oki then. What's the Yemeni Dracula saying? Or was it Akhdam Dracula?
  13. ^Yes. Seriously, what's the African Dracula saying now?
  14. What is the invalid African Dracula saying?
  15. ^ Don't despair, certain folk are classified as infidels these days.
  16. This article is so good that I enjoyed reading it in 2003, 2004‚ 200...
  17. AYOUB

    The Nail Of Juhaa

    ^ Who is your legitimate, recognized religious authority ?
  18. Originally posted by miles-militis: If not, I shall be telling you about our dating haunts ... Ooops, , On the parish? Whatever next...
  19. ^ Since you claim both of you were in the Parish on Sunday, what makes her a "non-Muslim" not you?
  20. Originally posted by miles-militis: What if I were to tell you the good lady and I were in the same Sunday parishioners? Are you a Christian then Miles? Anyways, whatever you say has to be weighed against reliable folks who saw her in Makkah about 2 years ago.
  21. ^ These days, it seems everyone can issue Fatwa declaring another person "is not Muslim".
  22. Originally posted by miles-militis: I know of the good lady, mate. Is that enough? What do you know?
  23. Originally posted by Mr. Red Sea: Even our goats are envy of others! Masha Allah well done goats. Now beat that, your useless goats of Gorowe. no chance!
  24. Originally posted by NGONGE: Just had the thought, saaxib. Didn't write anything. You missed out Shankaroon's elections though. That's where you come in. C'on now. The bit on Xaji Xunjuf covered my "elections" impressions. ThankfulSP You're not Faroole? Wow!
  25. ^^ Much like Kansas? Oki. Miles There are inconsistencies in the old man story. If Yusuf (AUN) suggested to Cali Mire to change the term qori to dhagax , then he (Yusuf) at the very least knew when the poem was penned. The song was also political (like most of Yusuf X Aadan literature). Yusuf Xaaji Adaan is no longer with us to put his side of the story, so I can only suggest his published biography to anyone interested . It claims several legends ( among them Xudeedi and Cali Sugulle who are still alive) as witnesses to Yusuf X Aadan's copyright of the original poem. Apparently, Sugulle was one of the students at Sheikh. Allah knows best.