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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Lamu ka degey baa la yidhi Doon intuu koray'e Isagiyo Dafleba meesha way dacal banneeyeene ~ Qaasim (AUN)
  2. The Winter Sale must be on. Xiin has been also been seen isagoo reer Galmudug ku leh "Buntland baan xaraashaya awoowe". Yeysters have been spotted in Burco selling peace olive branches. Whatever next...
  3. Originally posted by General Duke: Now Ayoub made a heart wrenching attack on Puntland and how they exclude these clans, indeed his region is full of utopian idealism in which Maryan Mursal visit is held up as an example of progress. I knew you wouldn't get it. I picked you on mocking the lady when she came to raise funds for schools especially designated for the marginalised folks within the Somali society. There are is also a "university position" scheme. There are pros and cons for this kinds of projects, but it's better than nothing. All clans are members of the political parties in Somaliland. The so-called minorities clans have ministers and even members of the Guurti. It not perfect, but it's a start. Tell us what "ku dayoo, ku dayoo" Pirateland has done? How many of the un-elected “elders MPs” who nominated Yey, Cali Jaamac, Cadde Muuse, Faroole etc were from your clan? What representation do the marginalised clans have? We all know your “uncles” are guaranteed the top job by the M.5 formula, what positions do the marginalised get under this formula? In reality, what projects are there to ensure young ones from the marginalised background like Ubax have a chance to be "ideal Boy/Girl" for your kids? Maxaaynu kaa dayaana? Go on, give me the usual gas.
  4. Originally posted by Tuujiye: usheeg in maanta oo kale ee farxad tahay hadii wiil/gabar somali ahi loo keeno waalidiinta lol.. meeshaan cadaan gaal ah ama madoow tatoos qoorta kuleh ayaa islaan maskiin ahoo xijaab weyn loogeenoyaa loool....ilaahoo amuuraha noo sahal... Someone could accuse you of being an ignorant racist bigot. Some Somalis out there are happily married to "Black people with tattoos" or "White gaalos". (In fact some Somalis ARE "madoow tattoos qoorta kuleh".) It might not be your "dookh" (maybe not even originally theirs), but such is life and that's "fate". To them your condescending comments are hurtful and sinful. The same could be said about Duke who started this thread with “I prefer a Somali though that's where I won't compromise, he is a revert , a nice Pakistan won't do”. Are you guys really in position to question other people's choices? Are you in position to lecture or mention God's name in this thread? I don't think so, you chaps are just cheesed off because someone gave you the taste of your own...poison.
  5. ^ Mar Turkish sheegtaa , marna Yemeni sheegtaa. Either way, Prof. Samatar surrendered yesterday, General Duke today, let's see what tomorrow brings down IA.
  6. ^ If Johnnie B turns up, Red Sea will send someone wearing Shabaab belt.
  7. ^ Please take Johnnie Bowie when meeting the Bigwigs. *Mwahahaha* Juxa Tumbs up.
  8. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^lool. ok adeer, but you are not a decision maker, thus step aside as we wait for the bigwigs, one of who'm has a deal with Qhardo in mind. ^ That's the peace road map. We cherry pick. I do believe we're negotiating from a advantageous position. After all you're surrounded by Galmudug, Shabaabs are approaching and the International navy blockage is biting. I hear even the Makhiris and the ones wish the name like Dishwasher have been uprising. Anyways, I'll step aside. Just pray they do the checks in Minneapolis or was it northern quarter of Kansas? Later IA
  9. Bigwigs don't do "CV" checks , the likes of me do it on their behalf. Tough luck I'm in charge of London's criminal record checks. Mwahahaha!
  10. If Ibti says "no way budhcad", I'll respect her decision. If she says "yes" I'll ask her to think again. Originally posted by ElPunto: The guy is smiling so big cause he still can't believe he snagged her. hehe Reminds me of the lucky man who forgot the `consummation night´ initiation du'ca and mumbled "subxaana ladii sakhar lanaa.. "
  11. lol@ rattle your cage No inabti. I'm covering for A&T while he holidays with Bushra. I also have to take the mind off the cold wheather , among other things.
  12. ^ The whole topic in an emotional red herring. We all know loving is generally easy when the other person is beautiful, healthy, educated, powerful, youthful etc etc Disclaimer: THERE ARE EXCEPTIONS. I call the major exceptions TRUE LOVE. Waa halkii gaaladaa; in sickness and in debt.. or somesing like zat. The likes of General Duke (and the above newbie) can climb on a high boat and lecture, but the reality is; the admin that he praises daily has a M.5 formula which excludes the native marginalised clans from political power in Pirateland . Duke's clan cousins from the south can migrate to Pirateland and be part of the establishment, whereas cousins of the marginalised clans are IDPs and could be kicked out anytime. On top of that, Duke's got the nerve to ridicule the likes Maryan Murssal when they give their backing to projects trying to reverse the major symptoms of this kind of exclusions in other regions. Sh. Sharif used lecture against the 4.5 formula and the "caste system" when he was the head of ICU, but we all know what the u-turn he did last year. Like MJ said, if you wanna make change... give or support the ones campaigning for the political power of down-trodden people so they too could be among the "easy to love" ones. In the mean time, let's take easy on the crocodile tears.
  13. ^^Similar thing happened to my Mauritian friend [AUN]
  14. Malika Depends on the reasons for dookh. If you think you are superior, you're sinful IMO. If it's cultural or family reasons then no. Someone could marry "outside" but still feel superior . That's my point.
  15. Tuujiye War ninyahow dookh waa wax jira. Qof yidhi "Asian dookhaygii mahaa" ma cunsuri baa? Ma dambiile baa? Innamal Acmaal binniya... Maybe you are the only person I've come across without an ideal girl. ninba waxuu ku taamaa ama hees ka tiriyaa tixo gabay ku sheegaa halka lagu talaalee hawadiisu taallee uurkiisu tebeyee, dumar taan ka sahansaday waa gabadh Togdheeroo... ~ Hadraawi
  16. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. At least they don't jump on the first gravy train available like the Buubas and Galaydhs of this world, only to change tunes when pushed off.
  17. ^ He has not changed his views, he's admitting some sort of defeat. Anyways, I do respect his (and the likes of Gen. Jamac Yare) Somaliweyn views. In my opinion, they are at least sincere and not political opportunists who only pay lip service.
  18. ^ Well put. Tuujiye Let's keep things in perspective. For example, a Somali person does not become an anti-Semite just because they exclude Arabs from their "dookh". Nor is being married to an Arab a sign of an being an Arabist. I'm certain everyone here has their "dookh" and that does not automatically mean one clannish, racist, ageist, fatist, etc. Secondly, just because one has a "dookh", it doesn't mean they'll get their wish. I know several people who made a "leap of love" when they met their actual Ms/r Right.
  19. AYOUB


    ^Justice IS bind. Truly unacceptable.
  20. JZK Khayr Marmo Maryan Dayib Maxamuud, you are a true Mujaahida.
  21. Nice. Keep them flowing, you're definitively a better photographer than bin London.
  22. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: War bal soo qora…waa intaas oo Faroole aqristaayye Xarardheere iyo Hobyo!
  23. ^ Nothing new, SOL folks never miss an opportunity to hurt each others feelings. I dont understand how one can NOT be happy marrying to an attractive and an educated somali sister/brother who is said to be from this "derided" clan? Allamagan, the ones at the bottom of the "ladder" don't have fair opportunity to get educated ( among other privileges ) in the first place. Chicken and egg.
  24. Cara Did say FREE? By-the-way, Paragon you are in serious trouble. You have to notify the authorities asap. Don't you dare mention my name, you'll be in deeper waters if you do. All the best.