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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. 25.1-10 Waxaanu khadka telphone-ka kula xidhiidhnay annaga oo joogna magaalada Laascaanood, wasiir ku-xogeenka wasaarada Arrimaha Gudaha Puntland, Mudane Yuusuf Axmed Khayr, waxa uu wasiir ku-xigeenku hayaa xilkii Wasaarada Arrimaha Gudaha, maadaama uu wasiirkuu wasaaradu dalka ka maqan yahay. Wasiir ku-xigeenka ayaanu waydiinay su’aal ku saabsan siyaasada Puntland ee shirka Holhol, wuxuuna ku jawaabay “ Annagu xukuumad ahaan iyo maamul ahaanba waanu taageersanahay shirk Holhol, waxaanuna u aragnaa in lagaga arrinsanyo danaha Puntland. Waad ogtihiin in gobolo ka maqan yihiin Puntland, kuwaas oo si gaar ah u khuseeya shirka, waxaanuna u aragnaa in arrintaas ay tahay mid waajib ah in la teegeero. Sidaas awgeed xukuumad ahaan waanu taageeraynaa annagu”. Waxaanu kaloo waydiinay, mar haddii mawqifka xukuumadu sidaas tahay, waa maxay arrinka uu ka turjumayaa socdaalka Wasiir ku-xieegnka maaliyada Cabdi halas oo kula kulmay maamulka Somaliland magaalada Tukaraq. Arrinkaasi miyaanu ahayn khiyaamo qaran, in cadawga Puntland lala shiray, iyada oo aad adigu mawqifka xukuumada iyo ka wasaarada arrimaha gudaha aad leedahay waa gobolo cadaw haysto oo astaysan si xaq-daro ahna ku maqan. “ Arrinkaas ma hayo kulanka isaga ayaad waydiinaysaan, waxaana qabbaa in aanay sax ahayn in maamulka Somaliland cid naga mid ahi la shirto, inta ay gacanta ku hayaan maamulka Somaliland dhulka Puntland ee Laascaanood”. Waxaanu kaloo waydiinay, arrinka ku saabsan Garaadka Guud ee *********** iyo Mu’aamarada uu kula kacay Wasiir ku-xigeenka Maaliyada Puntland ee Garaadku ka hadlay, sida uu u arko wasaarada arrimo gudo ahaan, wuxuu ku jawaabay Wasiirku ku –xigeenka Arrimaha Guduhu. “Arrinkaas waxba kama jiraan, wax aanu ka ognahayna ma jirto, waxaana qabbaa in aanu jirin”. Markaas ayaanu waydiinay, ma Garaadka ayaa been sheegaya ayaad leedahay. “ Waar, I maqal, hadalka qofka laguma qasbo, arrinkaas annigu waxba kama ogi, waydii ninka lagu thumayo, kamana jawaabayo”. Markaas miyaad la noqotay beenintii hore ee aad addiga oo aan u fiirsan qofka aanu wax kaa waydiinaynaa in uu yahay madaxii guud ee beesha *********** aad hadalkiisii ku dedefaysay, adiga oo ku sheegay in aanu waxba hadalkaas ka jirin. “ Arrinkaas ka jawaabi mayo, cidii loo tuhmayo idinka oo iga raali ah wax ka waydiiya. Waxa ay ku tusaysaa sida aanay Puntland u eegayn dhaqanka, cimaamada iyo birmagayda beesha ee loogu tumanayo. Waxaa ah wax laga naxo in wasiir ku-xieenka laftiisu hadalkii Garaadka beeeniyo, isaga oo tilmaamay in aanu waxba kala socon markii danbe. Waxaa haddaba is waydiin leh, muxuu beeniyey, haddaanu warba haynin. Waxaa kaloo aad aanu ula yaabnay, muxuu taageeray, waa maxay Garaadada uu taageeray, haddii aanu hab-dhaqankii Wasiir ku-xigeenka ee Garaadkii guud ee Shirka Furaha u ahaa mu’aamaradeeyey aanu canbaarayn, weli garaadkiina lagu hor –joogo Saxdheer. Waxaanu leenahay Puntland Waa in maamulka Puntland ogaadaa in laga gudbay xilligii duur xulka, beenta iyo is jaahwareerinta ee reer SSC ay 0gaadeen danaha dabta ah ee ay la wadaagaan maamulka Puntland. La soco warar iyo warbixino joogto ah. Radiowidhwidh online.
  2. (Garoowe) 25.1-10 Kulan xaasaasi ah ayaa maanta ka dhacay madaxtooyada Garoowe ee maamul goboleedka Puntland kulankan oo dhex maray xubno ka tirsan golaha wasiirada Puntland iyo xildhibaano ka soo jeeda SSC ayaa waxa lagu soo qaaday laba qodob oo xaasaasi ah, labadan qodob oo kala ah , kulan shalay dhexmaray laba xubnood oo ka tirsan maamulka Puntland iyo taliyayaasha malayshiyada Hargeysa oo ka dhacay Tukaraq, iyo su,aal ku saabsan dhulka cusub ee laga qabsaday Puntland. Kulankan oo ay goob jooge ka ahaayeen xubnaha kala ah madaxweyne ku xigeenla Puntland C/samad Cali Shire, Wasiirka garoomada Axmed Garaash, Wasiirka hawlaha guud Daahir Xaaji Khaliif, wasiir ku xigeenka waxbarashada C/raxmaan Diiriye Carab, wasiirku xigeenka Maaliyada Cabdi Qawdhan Warsame(Cabdi Halas), Maxmed Faarax Wasiirka kaluumaysiga , waxaa iyaguna ka socday dhinaca Xildhibaanada Guddoomiye ku xigenka labaad ee golaha wakiilada Xaaji Waalwaal, Faarax Sulub Jaamac, Cali Dhagacade , Ismaaciil Abtiile, Cali Axmed Cismaan. Ibraahim Maxmuud Guure, Aadan Xaaji Xuseen Ismaaciil, Xariir Gaas Guutaale, *****ar Jaamac Saleebaan, Saleebaan Yuusuf Dhigane, Maxmuud Jaamac Banaf, Saadiq Abshir Garaad, Abshir Cabdi Shiikh iyo xubno kale oo badan. Xildhibaanada ayaa waxa ay ugu horayn madaxweyne ku xigeenka weydiiyeen laba Su,aalood oo kala ah wax ilaa hada maamulka Puntland dhulka la qabsaday iyo madax dhaqameedka la duljoogo uu maamulku uga hadli waayey iyada oo xaalad dagaal lagu jiro, waxa kale oo ay waydiiyeen madaxweyne ku xigeenka waxa uu kala socdo kulan Tukaraq ku dhex maray laba xubnood oo ka tirsan maamulka Puntland iyo xubno ka socda maamulka Hargeysa, labadan xubnood oo ay ku sheegeen in ay kala yihiin Wasiir ku xigeenka maaliyada Puntland Cabdi Qawdhan Warsame(Cabdi Halas) Iyo Xildhibaan Cali Dhagacade. Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Puntland oo ka jawaabaya qabsashada dhulka Puntland laga qabsaday ayaa waxa uu yidhi "ugu horayn annagu waanu taageersanahay shirka madax dhaqameedka hasa yeeshee dhulkan ay soo galeen ciidamadani waxay u yimaadeen shirka Holhol ka socda wayna noqon doonaan marka hawlahay u socdeen dhamaadaan, tan kale annagu haddii ciidan kaa xoogweyni jiro in aad dagaal ku qaado maaha waa in aad siyaasad isticmaashaa, maadaama xaalku sidaas yahay annagu waxaanu ku hawlanahay dagaal kale oo ah argagixiso, waxaanuna ciidan ku haynaa sided goobood oo ay ka mid yihiin Boosaaso, Gaalkacyo Garoowe, markaa ciidankaas meel kale u dirimayno, ciidamadan Somalilandna way noqonayaan". Intaas markuu kaga jawaabay Su,aashii hore ayaa waxaa soo galay xafiiska shirku ka socday Wasiir ku xigeenka maaliyada Cabdi Halas iyo xildhibaan Cali Dhagacade waxayna xildhibaanadu mar kale ku celiyeen waxa uu kala socdo Madaxweyne ku xigeenku kulanka ku dhex maray magaalada Tukaraq madaxda Puntland iyo Ciidamada hargeysa, intii aanu madaxweyne ku xigeenku u Hollan ka jawaabida su,aashaasi ayaa waxa ka codsaday in uu jawaabo Xildhibaan Cali Dhagacade maadaama ay iyagu kulankan la soo qaateen xubnaha ka socday maamulka Hargeysa ,Xildhibaan Cali Dhagacade waxa uu qiray in kulankaasi jiro oo ay waliba dhaafeen Tukaraq, lana soo kulmeen xubno ay ka mid yihiin, Cali Afdheere , Aftax Diiriye Madoobe, Faysal oo isagu ah nin ka soo jeeda Bariga Burco, wuxuuna sheegay in ay halkaa ugu tageen sidii ay uga codsan lahaayeen ragga ay la kulmeen in aysan qabsan magaalada Tukaraq oo ay baryo badan ka dib ka ogolaadeen in aysan Tukaraq qabsan oo dib uga noqdaan, ayna badbaadiyeen Magaalada" . Intaasi markii uu Xildhibaan Cali Dhagacade sheegay ayaa isna waxaa hadalka u baxay Cabdi Halas Qawdhan wuxuuna yidhi " Annaga ayaa la kulanay Ragaas , waxaanuna badbaadinay dhul , ninkii aan la kulmi Karin ragaasoow annagaa hadaba kuu sheegayna oo la soo kulanay , manta Tukaraq waanu badbaadinay, laakiin dhul badan ayaa la qabsanayaa, ee hadaad wax isla haysaan badbaadiya hadeerba". Intaas markii uu Cabdi Halas ku soo koobay hadalkiisa ayaa waxa ay xildhibaanadaii ku celiyeen madaxweyne ku xigeenka in uu isaguna kula socday iyo in kale , kana war hayey hawshan ay ku talaabsanadeen labadan mas,uul. Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Puntland C/samad Cali Shire ayaa waxa uu yidhi " Anigu lama ogayn kulankan laakiin hadaad leedihiin ilmaadeer ayaad tihiin waxba kama qabo" kulankii ayaa waxa uu ku dhamaaday far isku fiiq fiiq iyada oo xildhibaanadu ay ka soo baxeen kulankii ay la galeen madaxweyne ku xigeenka iyo xubnihii golaha wasiirada. Kulankan ay la qaateen madax Puntland , Ciidanka maamulka Hargeysa ayaa waxa uu soo shaacbaxay ka dib markii ay shaaca ka qaadeen qaar ka tirsan ilaalada madaxweyne ku xigeenka oo loo sii kaxaystay ilaalo ahaan , markii ay arkeen sida wax u socdaana ay ka xanaaqeen iyaga oo saxaafada u sheegay in uu ka dhacay magaalada Tukaraq kulan shaki badan xanbaarsan, sidoo kale waxa waraysi uu bixiyey Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali uu ku sheegay in Cabdi Halas kula kulmay Tuulada Godqaboobo isaga oo u sheegay in aan Tukaraq la joogin oo an cidi haysan ka dib markii uu war ku helay in Tukaraq la qabsaday , tan oo su,aalo badan ka soo baxeen waxa ku kalifay Cabdi Halas iyo Xildhibaan Cali Dhagacade magaalo ay kula soo kulmeen Ciidamada hargeysa in ay u qariyaan Garaadka , taas oo u muuqta qorshe lagu doonayey in loogu gacan galiyo maamulka Hargeysa Garaad Jaamac. Dhinaca Kale waxaa aad laysu weydiinayaa talaabada uu qaadi doono Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Puntland C/samad Cali Shire , maadaama ay labadan mas,uul ka qirteen hortiisa iyada oo ay maqlayaan toban xildhibaan oo ka soo jeeda SSC, iyo wasiiro badan Isaga oo Madaxweyne ku xigeenku hore xildhibaano ugu soo oogay in ay la kulmeen cadowga Puntland kuwaas oo la horkeenay Golaha wakiilada Puntland ka dib markii uu C/samad Cali Shire ku soo oogay danbi xilka looga xayuubinayo lana horkeenay golaha wakiilada loogana codeeyey. Waxaa la sugaaba waa talaabada uu qaado C/samad Cali Shire , Wasiir Ku xigeenka Macasili doonaa? Xildhibaankan danbi ma ku soo oogi doonaa sidii kuwii hore?, waxa la sugaaba waa talaabada uu qaado Madaxweyne Ku Xigeenka Puntland C/samad Cali Shire. Xamse Maxamed Cabdi wya2007@hotmail.com here
  3. ^ 65% of 93 = 60 successful tackles for Lucas. 79% of 80 = 63 successful tackles for Petrov. According to these statistics; your boy made 33 unsuccessful tackles compared to Petrov's 17. As for passing, a sideways `bread and butter´ Lucas ball counts the same as a classy goal–assist Fabregas pass in your statistics. Even his hospital passes count as a "success". Steve Mclaren used to pick his England side using statistics and he was one big flop, wasn't he? Why I'm arguing footy with a half-blind person in the first place?
  4. ^ Because some Pirates are claiming the policemen murderered (AUN) were SNM. lol@spot the hidden dangers you all have inside.. What are you, an airport full-body scanner?
  5. ^ You are being silly. Here's what he said; Originally posted by Suldaanka: Very unfortunate. The police recovered the bomb which was placed near the central mosque by anti-peace terrorists but it exploded as soon as it was brought back to the central station. All the victims are local people. Ilaahay ha u naxariisto dhamaan, intii ku dhaawacantayna we wish them a very quick recovery. Amiin.
  6. That's the crap David Batty fans used to come up with. It's not about passing sideways and backwards so to look good on paper yaa sahbi. Better passer than Fabregas my toe.
  7. Ngonge Xarago is for Robinho. It was a very good debut. Much better than anything your beloved Lucas has put up all this season.
  8. Wafti ku sii jeeda Holhol. Wuxuu sidoo kale Garaadku xaqiijiyey in dhamaan waxii xildhibaan ama kursi wasiirnimo ka hayey Maamulka Somaliland ee ka soo jeedey deegaanada SSC ay ku sii jeedaan Holhol isla markaana ay soo buux dhaafiyeen Laascaanood. Mar aan Garaadka weydiiney bal in uu ogyahay Sababta ay u yimaadeen uguna safrayaan Holhol. Wuxuu sheegay Garaadku in ay doonayaan in ay Bah dilaan Isimaddana una sheegaan in aysan jirin cid ka celin karta ... Surely if this was a "clan" meeting, then every member of the said clan is entitled to attend. As for the conspiracies, Garaad J's excuses story for his absence is hard to believe IMO.
  9. Well I'm not the worlds most masculine man But I know what I am and I'm glad I'm a man And so is ... that geezer with a beard.
  10. ^ That inflation was caused by Cadde Muuse and Yey's counterfeiting.
  11. Originally posted by General Duke: Dr Faroole will has already outsmarted the clowns by having a putting in place a fiscally responsible government in place. Let me guess; no more boom and budhcad?
  12. ^ You too “think” LFC will the league this season?
  13. ^ Like it or not, next time Dr. Foolery asks the Sheriffs for money, he is gonna get the Sudanese merchandise.
  14. Allah ya salimak Adam (and all your Eves). Reer magaal iyo nus, especially compared to the lady who was given a microphone to say "hello" to friends and family; only for her to hold the thing against the ear like a phone and start shouting "hello".
  15. January 11, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – A batch of new Somali currency will be printed in Sudan following an agreement signed in Khartoum today, Sudan state media reported. The Managing Director of Sudan’s Currency Printing office Mohammed Al-Hassan Al-Bahi signed for Sudan Government while the Somali Finance Minister Sharif Hassan Sheikh signed for his government. The cost of the printing process will top $17 million, SUNA reported The Sudanese minister of Finance and national economy Awad Al-Jaz and the governor of Sudan’s Central Bank Saber Mohammed Al- Hassan were present at the ceremony. Al-Jaz noted the “historical relations” between the two countries adding that the printing of the currency can contribute in realizing stability and development in Somalia. He said that Sudan’s experience in as a country emerging from conflict can be a good experience for Somalia. The Somali minister hailed Sudan’s efforts in achieving peace saying that the presence of legal currency would contribute positively to the economy. Somalia has been seeking Sudan’s help in rebuilding its government’s institution and security forces in a bid to assert control over the lawless country. The issue of currency was discussed during the visit of Sharif Hassan to Sudan last year. Somalia has had no effective central government for 19 years. Regional and international efforts to install one have so far been undermined with rampant insecurity fueled by Al-Shabab Islamic insurgency. Sudan Tribune
  16. Originally posted by Norfsky: 3. Women who wear the niqaab especially in the west CHOOSE to wear it. You haven't used any research to suggest otherwise. You seem to believe that repeating the same lines will win you arguments. In the previous thread someone posted articles from Niqaab wearing intelligent women which you brushed aside (don’t let me search for the thread). 4. Those women who wear the niqaab believe they are carrying out a religious obligation. Now, the question is not if the niqaab is required or not. The question is what is religious freedom? Since it emerged about half the women who wear the Niqaab in France are native White European reverts to Islam, the government there wants to get it banned on "security grounds". "Freedom of religion is central to the ability of peoples to live together. We must always examine the ways in which people protect it. For instance, in the United States, rules on charitable giving have made it harder for Muslims to fulfill their religious obligation. That's why I'm committed to work with American Muslims to ensure that they can fulfill zakat. Likewise, it is important for Western countries to avoid impeding Muslim citizens from practicing religion as they see fit, for instance, by dictating what clothes a Muslim woman should wear. We can't disguise hostility towards any religion behind the pretense of liberalism." ~ President Obama's Cairo Speech
  17. Originally posted by *Ibtisam: ... if they government takes this road, then it will also have to address the BNP and other mini groups which are as active and vocal as Islam4UK. Exactly. If they are terrorists; they should be jailed not "get banned". The Home Secretary should compare the Meerkats. Simples.
  18. Guess who fears becoming another Zimbabwe! by Own Correspondent Thursday 14 January 2010 JOHANNESBURG – Somalia's central bank chief warned on Wednesday that the anarchic Horn of Africa state could descend into another Zimbabwe if plans to print money went ahead and rebels continued their money laundering activities to fund their operations stoking hyperinflation and further impoverishing the people. Bashir Isse Ali told international media in Kenya that Somalia planned to print money in Sudan, while al Shabaab rebels fighting the country’s Western-backed administration, sends and receives funds via informal money transfer firms. "This move will increase the inflation rate to incredible figures . . . The country will be another Zimbabwe," he said, referring to the southern African country's world record inflation that various sources estimated at between 500 billion and one trillion percent at the height of economic crisis in 2008. "Al Shabaab sends and receives money through this system using individuals, not as an organisation," Ali said, urging more transparency to combat money laundering. However, while it may have never recorded Zimbabwe-type inflation, Somalia has had no central government since the 1991 overthrow of strongman Mohammed Siad Barre sent the country into a conflict whirlpool at the mercy of rival warlords who still control much of the country today. Somalia’s shaky government, which without Ethiopian and Western backing would collapse the next day, controls only a few streets of the capital Mogadishu where gun battles between armed gangs fighting for turf are routine. And with piracy off the coast of Somalia threatening global trade, some may see Ali’s fears of his country turning into “another Zimbabwe” as typical case of the kettle calling the pot black. – ZimOnline On inflation, the governor said Finance Minister Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden planned to print money in Sudan and said this risked sparking runaway inflation that would cause people to starve. Insurgents control most of Somalia, and the Western-backed administration is in charge of only a few streets of the capital. The largely ineffectual central bank reopened in 2007, 16 years after it collapsed in 1991, the year military dictator Siad Barre was overthrown. "The government's lack of control of the whole country cannot be translated to mean that there are no laws. Transparency in the system is important because we have security concerns that money can go into the wrong hands," Ali said. The governor said it was hard for the firms to identify money laundering if it occurred, but they did not deal with foreigners sending money to Somalis or the other way round. An estimated $1 billion in remittances by Somalis abroad makes its way into the country through informal transfers, Ali said in the capital of neighbouring Kenya, where many top officials and elite Somalis live. RUNAWAY INFLATION On inflation, Ali said the finance minister plans to print notes with a face value of between 2,000 shillings and 50,000 shillings. Currently, the highest value note is for 1,000 shillings. "This move will increase the inflation rate to incredible figures ... The country will be another Zimbabwe," he said, referring to that country's inflation peak of 500 billion percent in 2008, according to IMF figures. "On one hand, the leaders cannot claim they are protecting people, and become part of a plot to kill them. If you shoot them or force them to starve to death, it is the same." In 2000, 14,000 Somali shillings purchased a dollar, but the rate deteriorated to 45,000 in 2001 when the government printed more money, Ali said. It has since appreciated to the current 33,000 shillings per dollar after note issue dried up when printing costs exceeded the value of the notes. Ali said the central bank should manage the country's funds and not private companies contracted by government as is the case. The United Nations Development Programme has managed donor money since the central bank's collapse in 1991 and charged 8-14 percent for its services, Ali said. The government contracted PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) to take over the U.N. body's services in mid-2009. "The only monetary agent for the government is the central bank. Therefore it is unconstitutional for private financial institutions to be involved in the management of government money," Ali said. "Private companies can be employed as auditing firms, not management." full articles