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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. ^ The lady is Raggeedii. Unlike the “Colonels” and “Generals ” of Pirateland.
  2. Kulmiye Party Leader Arrives Back In Hargeisa HARGEISA (Somalilandpress) — Somaliland main opposition leader, Mr. Ahmed Mahamoud Silanyo has arrived in Hargeisa’s Egal International airport on a private plane a moment ago to a warm reception. Mr Silanyo who flew from the Ethiopian capital, after returning from the United States, was welcomed back to the country by the Vice-Chairman of Kulmiye Party, Mr. Musa Bihi Abdi and hundreds of thousands of his supporters who were waving Kulmiye Party flags, cheering and whistling as they greeted the leader. This is the biggest turn out for any Somaliland leader since it restored it’s nationhood as a result most of the main roads in the capital are jammed as they rallied to welcome Silanyo and his wife, Amina Waris. more..
  3. ^^ As blind as Rafael too. He finally dropped your boy to the subs bench yesterday.
  4. ^^ Yey claimed Mj. Silanyo believed in SL's independence even during their SNM/SSDF days. Mj. Silanyo denied and said back then he believed in federalism as a solution. Pres. Rayaale claimed Mj. Silanyo has admitted finally that he IS a believer of federalism. A junior minister demaned an apology to the people is due or else he will not be allowed in to SL. Let's see what happens next...
  5. Originally posted by Mintid Farayar: We're awaiting 'Your coming-in from the cold'! It's you, it's you, it's you i'm talking to Well you, it's you, it's you It's you i'm talking to now Why do you look so sad and forsaken When one door is closed Don't you know another is open Would you let the system Make you kill your brotherman No dread no Would you make the system Make you kill your brotherman No dread no Would you make the system Get on top of your head again No dread no Well the biggest man you ever Did see was just a baby In this life, in this life In this oh sweet life We're coming in from the cold We're coming in, coming in, coming in We're coming in from the cold ~ Boocame and The Wailers
  6. ^ Puntland's counterfeit “Somaliweyn” card was burnt when their militias hitch–hiked Ethio tanks to Xamar. Faroole's denial of Onlf folk's Somaliness was the final straw for any doubting Tahriibs. Tukaraq–gate showed Puntland's M.5 formula is also another lie. Whatever next.... Where are the genuine Pirates? Come in Budhcads, come in.
  7. Mintid Ignore Xiin's insults. Where his uncles come from; Ethio tanks is "power", and Pirates and human traffickers are the "nobility". Dalmar I feel your pain.
  8. Xiin All I know ( and read in this boards for confirmation ) is; the Puntland Pirates are celebrating the hurting and maiming of Lascaanod folks. I also know their hypocritical mourning when bombs go off in Boosaaso.
  9. Xiin Pres. Rayaale would never have allowed UDUB Party ministers and MPs go along with a delegation headed by KULMIYE's Deputy Parliamentary Speaker for no reason. Your cheap Tukaraq-gate plot got out-manoeuvred. Just admit it, you never saw that one coming.
  10. “ Markaanu taas isla qaadanay, habeen iyo maalin baanu la joognay, waxaananu galay faallo dambe, nimankaa waanu is afgaranay, hadalkuna wuu noo furan yahay oo in aanu sii wadahadalo waanu ku heshiinay.” “Dee waa mar dambe…Arrintaas baa noo furan, waxaananu rabaa in aanu soo dhawayno oo aanu ku soo darno Somaliland (Garaadada).” Looks like President Rayaale played a brilliant “good cop – bad cop” to achieve his goals. On the other hand, Tukaraq–gate finally exposed Xiin's Piratedland's “duplicity game” to everyone. Now everyone knows – despite the rhetoric – Garow, Galkacyo and Boosaaso is much more important than some towns. Interesting indeed.
  11. Afkii baa juuqda gabay.... Looks like the pirates have decided silence is the best policy on this.
  12. ^ Deal. I'll keep an eye on 65% success rate and team league position. My guess is if he improves, he'll finish under 70% leaving LFC 5th or below in the league . A goal or an assit wouldn't hurt his stats either.
  13. He might not have the spectacular streak of Cesc Fabregas or Michael Essien, .. Originally posted by NGONGE: He is no Fabregas or Messi but he is a good player Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ He's no Alonso, saaxib. Originally posted by NGONGE: (he's no Scholes, saaxib) Exaaakhtly! He's not Fabregas, Essien, Messi, Scholes nor Alonso. HE IS JUST A LUCAS. PS Your attempt at defending is just as bad as the boy in question!
  14. Laba Jaamac kee baa runta jiscin ka dhigtay?
  15. ^ Stats and nonsense! Originally posted by NGONGE: The stats tell you that he does not waste the ball. It tells you that his tackles come off every time (he's no Scholes, saaxib) and it gives you a % of his successful passes. What stats? The ones above show he is worse than he actually is. It shows he fails in more than 1 out of every 3 attempts and yet you claim "his tackles come off every time"? C'on mayn, that's nothing to brag about. I never said he a bad player, I say the jury is still out but he definitively has not impressed me so far.
  16. Is it coincidental that Faroole-owned Garowe Online has so far totally blacked-out the recent activities of Sool chieftains? Hard to believe since the site is run by Faroole JR (who just happens to be the official media advisor of Faroole SRN). No denials of the treachery accusations of the deputy Finance Minister widely reported by other sites. Not even a spin story explaining the developments in Tukaraq and Holhol. The only opinion referring to the Sool chieftains posted is the article below. You decide the message being conveyed, but remember... waayeel tag lama yidhaahdee wuxuu ku tagaa la tusaa. Ereygi G. Abshir & Afeeftii Farole Kulankii lagu maamuusayay sanad-guurada koowaad ee maammulka Madaxweyne Faroole ee ka dhacdey Garoowe toddobaadkii hore wuxuu ahaa mid galay sooyaalka siyaasadeed iyo kan bulsho ee reer Puntland. Garaad Abshir Saalax oo ka mid ah garaaddada Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn ayaa kulanka ka hadlay. Garaadku wuxuu kamid yahay qotomiyayaasha Puntland—xusuuso in Puntland tahay maammul hoggaamiye beeleedyadu sameeyeen kaddib markii siyaasiyiintu karti u yeelan waayeen inay ku heshiiyaan maammul dadka ka badbaadiya saamaynta xun ee maqnaanshaha dowlad qaran. Garaadku wuxuu sheegay inuu ka mid yahay ragga wax ka sameeyay maammul Puntland iyo in maammul kale uu Laas Caanood qabsaday. “ Labo qabiil isma dagaallin,” buu yiri Garaadku. Waa run. Wuxuu garaadku ka codsaday madaxweyne Faroole in maammulka Puntland dib u soo celiyo qeybaha gobolka Sool ee maanta maammulka Somaliland uu ka arrimiyo. Muxuu madaxweyne Faroole helayaa haddii uu ku guuleysto ku soo celinta Sool gacanta Buntland? Sida uu Garaad Abshir Saalax sheegay, madaxweyne Faroole wuxuu ahaanayaa madaxweynaha Buntland “ inta Buntland jirto.” Madaxwyne Faroole oo kulanka ka hadlay wuxuu sheegay in maammulkiisu wax badan qabtay, wax badanse u dhimman yihiin. “Wixii aan qaban karo ayaan qabanayaa illeen weligey ma jirayo ,” buu madaxweyne Faroole yiri. Waa run. Madaxweyne Faroole waa hoggaamiye hankiisa wax qabad ku sargooyey howlaha murugsan ee horyaalla maammulkiisa. Madaxweyne Faroole wuu ogyahay in xubno ka mid ah qotomiyayaasha Puntland ay maanta tageersan yihiin maammulka Somaliland, xubnahaasoo ka soo jeeda Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn. Kaalinta madax-dhaqameedka Puntland waxaa laga dhigay mid awoodda maammul lagu hantiyo marka ay socoto doorashada madaxweynaha. Dadka maanta Sool hoos geeyey Somaliland waa dadkii taageersanaa Puntland. Haddii Puntland lahaan lahayd Gole Guurti sida kan Somaliland, way ka badbaadi lahayd qalalaase siyaasadeed iyo mid nabadgelyo. Puntland waa maammul madax-dhaqameedyadu unkeen, siyaasiyiintuna maammushaan. Sidoo kale ma jiro xeer u yaal dadka reer Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn oo odhanaya “way kala fiican yihiin dadka kala tageersan maammullada Buntland iyo Sool.” Waa la ogyahay in Garaad Abshir Saalax doonayo midnimo Soomaaliyeed. Weyddiintu waa: kuwee midnino Soomaaliyeed wax taraya? Kuwa maammul taageeray abtirsiinyo la wadaago awgeed , mise kuwa taageeray maammul aysan abtirsiimo la wadaagin? Liibaan Axmad, Janawari, 15, 2010 libahm@gmail.com http://www.garoweonline.com/artman2/publish/Faalo/Ereygii_Garad_Abshir_Afeeftii_Farole.shtml
  17. Mid ka mida masuuliyiinta Ilaallada madaxtooyada oo codsadey in aan magaciisa la shaacin ilaa ay haboonaato ayaa nooga waramey in uu ilaalo ahaan u raacey Wasiir ku xigeenka. “….. waxaanu gaadhney Tukaraq waxaana jirtey xiisad iyo dhaq dhaqaaq milatari oo ay wadeen ciidamada Soomaliland waxaana Wasiir ku xigeenku noo sheegey in aanu duleedka magaalada Tuka raq ka soo qaadi doono nin odey ah, waxaan saarnaa gaadhi Mark 2 ah oo uu watey Xisaabiyaha gobolka Sool. aniga iyo rag kale oo ilaalada ka mida, cabaar ka dib waxaa ii muuqdey askar iyo baabuur ciidan waxaan amrey in darawalku joojiyo gaadhiga maadaama aan dareen sanaa in xaalad iyo dhaq dhaqaaq jirey……” Sidaasi waxa yidhi mid ka mida ilaalada gaar ah ee madaxtooyada Puntland isagoo hadlkiisa sii watana wax uu yidhi. “……gaadhigii waa joogasadey waxaanan u diyaar garoobey is difaac anoo darwalka ku amrey in uu dib u noqdo si aan gaadhiga Wasiirka oo naga danbeeyay uusan ugu gacan galin cadowga, balse waxaa si xowliya nagu dhaafey gaadhigii Wasiirka oo istaagey meel wax yar noo jirta oo ay tag taagnaayeen rag dhawra oo ciidan ku wareegsanyahey, waan soo degney anigoo aan wali waxba fahmin laakiin aan qanacsaneyn…..” Waxa kaloo uu intaasi ku darey masuulkani wali waan yaabanahey dareenkeyguna ma dagana isagoo hadlkiisii sii watana waxaa uu yidhi. “……Wax yar ka dibna waxaa aqoonsadey muuqaalka gaadhi waddada ag yaala oo nooca dagaalka oo ay leeyihiin ciidamada Somaliland, dhanka wadada ayaa hadana eegay waxaan arkey Wasiir ku xigeenkii oo soo degey oo ay is gacan qaadayaan niman tuute xidhan, hadaan u kuur galey oo aan aan ku soo dhawaadeyna waa Taliye cali Afdheere iyo faysal oo aha Taliyihii lagu badaley sarkaalkii dhawaanta lagu diley laascaanood ee qeybta 12 ee ciidanka soomaliland …..” sidaasi waxaa mar kale sheegey sarkaal ka tirsan ilaallda madaxtooyada Puntland. more
  18. Originally posted by MoonLight1: Duke what was this PL minister in tukaraq meeting the SL officials, is the authentic? and if not, is garaad jamac a lier? ^^ Answer please ^^ laters I'A PS Mintid, hang'em high.
  19. Originally posted by Mintid Farayar: Ma anaa waalan?? Debating with Duke is like arguing with 'Comical Ali'! Just like Comical Ali, Duke knows were not going to hang him, that's why he is still here unlike the other SOL pirates.
  20. ^ lol Duke is several people. This one believes the SNM still exists. Another believes the NSS exists . Another believes Yey is still incharge iyo qaar kale o badan. Duk Everyone now knows how treacherous Pirates are so give it a rest. Even Garaad J is saying Pirates are trying to sell him to the highest bidder. The secret is out, so stop pretending, Duk.
  21. ^ Nonsense. Speak for yourself and Piratedland. Sool IS an important part of Somaliland and everyone knows that . Stick to your Piratedland and cut the BS, Duk.
  22. C'on Duk, drop the act. You don't care for no Garaad. All you care for is M.5 formula that keeps Pirates like Faroole and the ones before him in power. Truth is, the flee market in Galkacyo is dearer to Pirates than the whole of Holhol. How else can you explain your shameful behaviour?