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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. ^I did give you this brief answer, just in case you missed it here it is again; “I've told you before Somaliland is out the way it came in. Not 2/3 of what came in not 3/4 of what came into the Union. That's how the rest of "shanta Soomaali" (not enclaves) portrayed in your flag should decide their destiny, don't you agree? I've challenged you to name representatives of Somalilanders that were not present when the decision to withdraw from the Union was taken in 1991, you failed to respond. I've asked if you think majority of Somalilanders are pro Somali Republic, you ducked again! What is your argument apart from Yey-conspired clanish agenda?” My argument is backed up by your flag, your (‘Somalinimo’ unity based on the territorial integrity of Somalia) is not. Perhaps the flag itself is a SHAM and FALSE! I’m making the same self-determination argument some people living in Kili5 are, your talking about “clan green lines” of places like Galkayco. Somaliland will iron out the "territorial integrity" issues, without inshaAllah Amisom brutality, navy blockades or any other foreign "peace caravans" Your refusal to answer the question proves there something of a “ sham and false about ‘Somalinimo’ unity based on the territorial integrity of Somalia.
  2. ^ Some “state of minds” are chemically-induced, others are naturally dopey and slow. So slow they don’t know the contents of the messages they carry around. Kamathal ximaar yaxmil asfaar. Originally posted by Dajiye: The press release and the news( including the VOA one) that have been posted were most balanced and reliable source. You got problem with the O name in the news. Didn't VOA report that your Cabdi Ileys - who just happen to be the Ethios' secutiry chief - admit he captured the lady inside Kilil5 not Somaliland. Let me guess, you don't believe it. Something tells me you think it suits your interest to blame "shisheeye" hence the clannish tone in your posts. That why you say nothing about all the other ladies jailed in Jigjiga. That's counter productive but expected of the likes of you.
  3. Originally posted by Sherban Shabeel: So duke you wouldn't mind if Sharmarke was replaced by an Ahlu Sunna commander? Some of us remember when Duk used to cheer Sh. Sharif. When seagulls follow a trawler, it is because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea. ~ Eric Cantona
  4. Changed my mind? Nope. Just waiting for Xiin to answer my question . Soon inshaAllah. PS Kashafa and Fabregas, miss you immensely.
  5. Originally posted by ThankfulSP: Sacad *Ducaale, Why do you need others to verify? President Faroole wasnt' even in the country.... He is held-up in Sharjah , right?
  6. A&T Nin baa laga haya “Gedonews waa saxiix”, A&Tnews ma lamid baa? War aad adigu hubsatay 100% mayahay? Yes? Markaas gaf weyn baa dhacay ee waa in xaal la bixiya. I never doubted your credibility in the first place saxiib, but your sources’. I used Mrs Dolaal as an example to counter Ngonge’s next-of-kin-witness argument as sufficient. The lady and her family do have sincere sympathy and my prayers. The clannish and anti-SL articles posted by Dajiye are the ones that politicised this incident. Go and re-read them with a cool head and tell me what you think.
  7. ^ Really? Last time I did that someone reported my post and it was deleted.
  8. A&T Unfair of you to expect us to take the words of sworn enemies of Somaliland at face value - especially the ones who say amen when the mullahs put a curse on us. The ones who criticise Radio Hargeisa for playing Ethio songs one day only claim the music "transcend any barriers even political" are not examples of objectivity either. This kind of news is "he said - she said". If Ileys says Bishaaro was caught inside Kilil5, then it is time to contain the anti-SL venom or at least channel some the anger at Jigjiga. That's where the spies and torturers are. The "evil shisheeye" rants circulated by the Dajiyes and Zachs are just pathetic. I don't think the average Landers knew who Bishaaro was before her reported detention. I never heard of the lady till a few days ago, still don't know why she is some sort of "high value target". Originally posted by NGONGE: I am with A&T on this one. You see, if this lady was my aunt and the SL authorities denied arresting her, I know that my own sources will not be lying when they tell me the opposite. At any rate, all agree that the woman is real and that she was arrested; it's not a huge leap to also assume that the rest is true. That's fair reasoning and my exact initial thoughts. Joking aside, as much as I trust A&T's integrity, he could also be wrong. Doolaal (AUN)'s widow believes ONLF killed her husband. I don't think likes of A&T necessarily agree with what Mrs Doolaal says she believes, do they? How did they come to those conclusions? Lajiifiya mabbanaana!
  9. What do we want? When do we want it?
  10. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ Waxan naga daa and tell me why I can't say it to a woman. What does the term 'bacda iska fur' mean in your world? Your risqué af-Soomaali has let you down big time. Apologise to the lady and I will start a "somali idioms for ..." thread.
  11. ^It's oki. Nothing compared to the interloping atheist poofs bemoaning heavenly rewards not meeting their perverse taste.
  12. Mr Pearl eyed? Sounds like a pet name or is somesing lost in translation.
  13. Inamada mar mar intay is ilowbaan bay waxaan iyo heeso tigre ah goolaha keenaan.
  14. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: Hadaad iiga war roontahay sidaa ku daa, kolka. I can only react to two issues you raised: 1- They need to get the support of the locals: they have the support of many, they need to do more. 2- They don't have a plan: they want self-determination for the oppressed Somali people in Ethiopia. What you talk is the result of such self-determination: own country, join Somalia or even stay within Ethiopia. Ha la isla gaadho horta. My own position, JOIN SOMALIA. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: At least the majority clan supports them. Sidaasay somalidu wax ku fahantaa. I will put that clan roughly between 45-55% of the population in that region by modest estimates. And you do not expect every man and women of them to be carrying a gun. Rebellions do not operate that way; in case you come back with the tested argument of some of them are with government. Just because many clans do not support doesn't mean they do not have the support of the population in the region. I am avoiding going into speculations about what other percentage passievley support them, in terms of clans. If only you applied that kind of reason to all 5 Soomaalis. xatta yuxibul akhii maa yuxibul cagihii..
  15. The kidnap of Britons Paul and Rachel Chandler by pirates of the coast of Somalia has shocked the world - and the British Somali community is keen to show the couple their support. Sensitive to their homeland's reputation for civil war, piracy and lawlessness, Somalis across the UK have mobilised behind a campaign to release the pair. TV and radio stations serving the community are broadcasting regular appeals for the Chandlers' release, while demonstrations and public meetings demanding their freedom have been organised by Somali leaders across the country. They hope that the pressure will be felt back in their mother country - and that the strength of feeling among Somali Britons will be felt by the pirates themselves. 'Very angry'
  16. Originally posted by LayZie G.: Owly, when did I say naagtaan waan aqaanaa? Why does it matter if I know her or how I know her? She is a Somali celebrity and who is recognized by her fellow Somali comrades by the mention of her first name, ayan, ayan hirsi? and her narratives are out there in publication and informal settings, only few clicks away. Her life is a public record, not much hidden about her qualifications. We know she has some sort of education, especially at the graduate level but no mention of attending law school much less taking the Bar exam. (why is that a surprise to you?) As far as I'm concerned, the closest brush she had with the court would be her brief stint as an interpretor for the refugee maryooley. Again, whether I know her or I don't know her is irrelevant because I'm not her enemy. I don't wish her harm but the same can't be said about 80% of the general forum regulars. They are ready to line up so they can get a clear shot at her in order to aim the rocks right through her skull. You might not know her, but she could be your "specialist subject" on Mastermind ( if what you scribbled up there is true that is ) .
  17. Chinese whispers style reporting on behalf of Mareeg. This is what the Minister and the Director General said during the awareness campaign. Wasiirka Qoyska oo Ku Baaqday In Laga Hortago In Dhaqanka Ka Ganacsiga Dadku Soo Gaadho Somaliland Hargeysa(Ramaas) Feb. 02, 2010 - Wasiirka Qoyska iyo Horumarinta bulshada Somaliland Marwo Faadumo Suudi Xasan ayaa maanta ku baaqday in Somaliland iska kaashato sidii looga hortagi lahaa wax ay ugu yeedhay ka ganacsiga dadka. Wasiirku waxay sidaasi ku sheegtay shir jaraa’id oo ay maanta ku qabatay xafiiskeeda waxaanay tidhi “Waxaan maanta idinku yeedhay arrin khatar ah oo aan doonayo inaanu shacbiga Somaliland ka wacyigelino runtii way inagu cusub tahay Somaliland, hase yeeshee waxay ka dhacdaa meelaha burburka iyo dagaaladu ay ka dhaceen arrintaasi waa ‘Ganacsiga dadka’ inaga wixii dadkeenu u dhibaatoodeen waa tahriibka oo badda isugu biimeeyeen. Arrintan iyo tahriibku way kala duwan yihiin, waxaan u mahadnaqayaa dawlada Jabaan oo gacan ku siisay Hay’ada IOM ee caalamiga ah sidii ka ganacsiga dadka looga hortagi lahaa dadkana shirar badan oo lagaga digaayo loogu qabanayo. Labadii bilood ee u dambaysay aad iyo aad ayaa arrintaasi looga wacyigeliyay bulshada Somaliland.” “Dadku meelaha ay u tacabiraan ee ay is leeyihiin nolol ka raadsada ayaa waxa jirta dad isu tagay oo xirfad u leh sida dadka lacagta looga qaado, waxaanay ku yidhaahdaan shaqooyin ayaanu idin siinaynaa, waxa dhacda inay siiyaan wax yar dumarka oo kale waxay ku yidhaahdaan shaqo ayaanu idin siinaynaa ayaa haddana wax kale lagu sameeyaa. Xamar oo kale waxa dhacday in carruur la qaatay, ka dibna markii dibada la geeyey xubno jidhkooda ka mid ah lala baxay taasina waxay ka mid tahay ka ganacsiga dadka (Human Trafficking),” ayay tidhi Marwo Faadumo Suudi. Wasiirka Qoyska wuxuu sheegay in tahriibka iyo ka ganacsiga dadku ay iska shababahaan dhinaca khatarta qofka mudanayo. Wasiirka waxay ku baaqday in xukuumad iyo shacbiba la iska kaashado sidii looga hortagi lahaa ka ganacsiga dadka. Marwo Faadumo Suudi, waxay saxaafada ugu baaqday inay ka ganacsiga dadka ka faaloodaan oo ay bulsho-weynta ka wacyigeliyaan halistiisa. Wasiirka oo la weydiiyay inay sharaxaad ka bixiso qaabka dadka looga ganacsanayo waxay ku jawaabtay “Runtii ka ganacsiga, dadku waa wax dhegaha shacbiga Somaliland ku cusub, waxa weeye qofkii oo lagu yidhaahdo waa lagu dhoofinayaa inta lacag iyo fiiseyaal macmal ah loo sameeyo gaar ahaan dhallinyarada ayay arrintani saamayn ku leedahay. Waxa ka dhacday in hablo la geeyey Suuriya oo dadkii kaxeeyayna intay guri u kireeyeen ka baxsadeen ka dibna arrimo kale oo ganacsi ah laga furay gurigii, hablihiina si dhaqanka suuban ka baxsan looga faa’iidaystay. Inamadana inta lagu yidhaahdo waanu idin dhoofinaynaa oo lacag laga qaado ayaa jeel ay ku dambeeyaan oo la xidhaa inta dalalkoodii laga kaxeeyay.” Agaasimaha Guud ee Wasaaradda Qoyska Md. C/raxmaan Maxamed Maal, ayaa isaguna ka hadlay faraqa u dhexeeya tahriibka iyo ka ganacsiga dadka waxaanu yidhi “Tahriibku waxa weeye qofkii isaga ayaa is-abaabula oo go’aansada ha ku dhinto ama ha ku noolaadee. Ka ganacsiga dadku waa qofkii ayaa been loo sheegayaa oo la odhanayaa shaqo wanaagsan ayaa lagu siinayaa ama waa lagu dhoofinayaa ka dibna jidh ahaan iyo muruq ahaanba waa looga faa’iidaysanayaa oo si dhaqan xun ayaa looga faa’iidaystaa oo waxa lagu odhanayaa shaqadaas iyo lacagtaas yar haddii aad ku shaqayn weydo waa lagu mastaafurinayaa.” Ramaasnews Desk Hargeisa
  18. ^ Don't know. All I know is such Garaad meetings are “MEN ONLY” by nature. Now that is misogyny topic worth a discussion.