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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Farax Macalin saw the so-called “ssc” vagabonds in Nairobi and came to Sool and delivered the home truth in person. He told the natives their interest lies with Somaliland and nowhere else. It was sincere and brotherly advice. All the clannish weeping and wailing won’t change that fact. It goes without saying; we appreciate his honesty and effort.
  2. ^^ That’s quite straight-forward. Faarax Macalin was Xiin’s hero when he agreed with him and is a "so n so" when he doesn't? This predictable duplicitous behaviour says a lot about the certain members of SOL more than anything. This is not the first time either, remember this; ".... just weeks ago he (Congressman Donald Payne) was the darling of Puntland, what happened? Is it because he didn't turn a blind eye to naked abuses?" ... "This is what we call cheap politics ...they were even questioning whether the Congressman was a aware of it (press release)...If Puntland's friends want to extend petty clan politics into American political process it's not gonna work...that shows a sense of desperation on the part those making this argument... “ ~ Dagne
  3. ^ Exactly. Waa markii dhaandhaan la iska dhigi jiray.
  4. Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: diinta miyuu ka baxay? no, its much worse (in somali context) qabiilkiisu ka baxay Ain't that true! That’s why Xiin is today insulting a man he used to brag he met and shared a cuppa or two with. Ibti No worries, we're evens.
  5. Originally posted by AwMuuse Ismaciil: This report has been put together by Sakhar from various sources. Various sources = Sakhar's 3 brain cells.
  6. Are we suppose to believe the hijackers came all the way from Garacad to Galkacyo and seized the trucks without the knowledge and blessing of the Pirateland's authorities?
  7. Originally posted by NGONGE: nothing fickle about adjusting one's expectations, saaxib. I still believe we are able to overtake Arsenal (even Wenger believes it). We have not had a good season but I still reckon we'll finish fourth. I also think you don't understand the meaning of the word fickle (let me give you an example: Norf). fick·le    /ˈfɪkəl/ Show Spelled[fik-uhl] Show IPA –adjective 1.likely to change, esp. due to caprice, irresolution, or instability; casually changeable: fickle weather. 2.not constant or loyal in affections: a fickle lover. Fickle.
  8. ^^ I knew you were giving instructions. More lesson from this satirist below.. Dubbe: Berigii aynu reer Somlia (Wallaweynta) isku darsannay dawladnimada ayaa la soo beddelay nin macallin ahaa oo dugsiga hoose Ingriisi u dhiga. Sabuuraddii buu ku qoray: House, baby, cat, hen,tomato IWM. Markaasuu arday farta taagay oo yidhi. “macallin noo macnee.” Wuxuu yidhi: House = minan waaye Baby = muluq waaye Cat = mukulaal waaye Hen = dooro waaye Tomato = yaanyo waaye Ardaygii intuu haddana farta taagay ayuu yidhi.” Macallin dee Ingriisi ayuumbaad Talyaani noogu macnaysey ee af Somali noogu macnee.” Geeljire
  9. ^^ Are you denying supporting Sh. Sharif when he was fighting Mogadishu warlords in 2006?
  10. Originally posted by Legend of Zu: quote: Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ Liverpool will finish fourth, adeer (two points behind Arsenal). I thought you were taking our spot? He is Mr Fickle. Originally posted by NGONGE: We can still win the league you know. posted December 14, 2009 11:31 AM Originally posted by NGONGE: Liverpool are bound to go on a solid run of games sooner or later. It may be too late for us to win the league but I reckon second place is within sight (fourth is a gurantee). posted December 21, 2009 01:35 PM Originally posted by NGONGE: You all have seen what sort of season we're having here so don't act all shocked when I say that fourth is a formality for Liverpool (and depending on other results, I may even change my mind and still say we can win it. It is a mathematical possibility still). posted December 22, 2009 08:04 AM Originally posted by NGONGE: I'm in two minds about winning the league or coming second/third. It's been a crazy season, saaxib. posted January 15, 2010 07:53 AM Originally posted by NGONGE: If we win all our games from now to the end of the season we WILL win the league. Taa aniga iga maqal, xaaji nuune. January 21, 2010 03:19 PM Originally posted by NGONGE: As I have been telling a gloryhunting Liverpool fan that I know, we could be above Arsenal by the time we beat City. (I think Chelsea and United are too far ahead for us to catch but we may catch one of them). posted February 06, 2010 09:44 PM Originally posted by NGONGE: LFC will beat them and beat Man City to go third. posted February 08, 2010 10:11 AM
  11. ^ I'm sure alright. I wouldn't remember you otherwise. Don't bring 25%s or my sijuiness into it, I've got enough cousins already, alxamdulillah. KK Of course dear. Of course.
  12. ^ Thanks. You not bad either.
  13. More of instructions to the fifth column than restaurant guide.
  14. ^^ I found out we were "very close" in more ways than one during Daroor skirmishes. It's time I introduced myself. Hello STOIC, I'm your cousin Ayoub. Phew! Originally posted by Kool_Kat: Aduunka ayaanba u jeclahay qofkii iweydiiyo 'qabiilkaa?' or 'qolomaa tahay?'...Markaan sheegana qoladaan ahay, alxamdulilaah iyo Maansha'allah baan ku daraa...
  15. ^^ That’s out of context. I was responding to A&T when he said; Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: It is amazing how the truth has been diminished to 'it is your word' against 'mine' these days just because I will declare I am a girl and Ngonge who spoke to me on the phone will say 'no your voice is that of a man' Just because I wave the flag, it does NOT mean I support Rayaale on everything he does. Originally posted by The Zack: NGONGE, I didn't have to ask, as soon as this incident has been reported the good Ayoub started talking about how stuff like that happens daily inside Western Somalia. That’s a blatant lie. This was my reaction. You and Dajiye are attempting to turn this incident into a clan issue for reasons only known to you. Let me remind you it’s not only SL and PL that’s been accused of renditions. The most infamous culprits of this crime are Mogadishu warlords. Let me also remind you Bashir Axmed Makhtal was renditioned from Kenya. This did stop you and Dajiye to brag about your “powerful Defence minister” in Kenya, did it? You demand revenge. Revenge on exactly whom? Let me guess; “shisheeye!”.
  16. ^ Oh dear. And you accuse me of being high? For your info, I do not condone the renditions, never did. If I’m not allowed to express my doubts on this incident or criticise your attempt to use this story only to bash SL; that’s fine too. What else? You want an apology; I’m prepared to give that too. Anything else? Don’t be shy now…
  17. Originally posted by 2+2=5: quote: No society in history has made progress without first exercising self-criticism of its core assumptions and deepest held believes. How about excercising honesty? She lied her way into the Dutch society and into the hearts of the Dutch people, yet hypocritically opposed immigration. She is a lier?
  18. ^^ My advisor seating next to me says the “territorial integrity” which you’re preaching about is in fact just colonial borders with Kenya, Ethiopia and Djibouti. Rich of you to talk about colonial legacy, they say. Do continue with the lecture; try including the Ugandans and Burundians in Mogadishu in your ‘Somalinimo’ unity based on the territorial integrity of Somalia.
  19. ^ loool@War ma Oodweynaa kula joogaa? Si baa hadba cidi wax kuugu sheegaysaaye. Lordy lord! Since you can't answer the Q, do continue with the lecture on the mythical "territorial integrity of Somalia".
  20. ^ Wrong. If that was the case, SL borders will have been very different.
  21. ^^ You're still confusing Soomaalinimo with your vision of "territorial integrity of Somalia". Hence the difficulty in answering the straight forward question above.
  22. ^^ I didn't ask for a lecture, if you can't answer The Q; just admit your ‘Somalinimo’ unity based on the territorial integrity of Somalia is indeed a Sham. Thank you. btw - All traditional elders from all clans were present when SL withdrew from the Union with Somalia. So let's not re-write the history on SOL.