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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. ^^ 2007? Rijkaard's team was different from Guardiola's. Inter vs Barca will a very interesting contest.
  2. AYOUB

    Lionel Mess

    ^^ I did say he played well against those French girls. Did he play AGAINST Man U? Oz Dee one does not have to be 'ard to have go at this Ayrab.
  3. AYOUB

    Lionel Mess

    Originally posted by NGONGE: Dee adigu wax ma fahantid ninyaho. Waxan ku edhi, hadaan koox laha Lampard ban dooran laha. Kuman odhan Messi is not a great player. I believe Messi is good for Barca because of the team he plays for and the guys he has around him. What are you saying, if you had a team Messi would not be in it because it would be full of shidh players? Come again saaxib, why would Messi not be in your team? Fact is; Messi's Argentina have done much better compared to Lamp's England. Remember, they failed even to qualify for the Euros.
  4. AYOUB

    Universal TV!

    ^ The "president".
  5. AYOUB

    Universal TV!

    How can anyone not like the channel that broadcast a stooge warlord shopping in Primark? The Devil may wear Prada, Yeysters wear Primarny.
  6. January – Ahlu Sunna deny they are armed buy Ethios. February - Sh. Sharif denies that Somalia is a failed State. March- Faroole denies he is a Chief Pirate. Ilaahay bisha 4aad hana gaadhsiyo; aamiin dhaha.
  7. ^ ..... is the eyes of the beer holder. I thought A&T Morinho comment was bad but yours takes the xalawa.
  8. Originally posted by Duufaan: Just to know who we are dealing to. We? Go tell the "we" I said.. Waxan nahay rag lagu beegi jirey Boqol ninkoodiiye Irbad dhuub ma gelisaan afkuna waydin dheer yahaye
  9. ^ I'm not going there, trus me.
  10. We'll I'M here when I can't stand the likes of A&T. Reminds me of a hostel manageress who told me her Somali residents tell her they fled Somalia because of the clannish civil wars, but under no circumstance would they accept sharing rooms with anyone but Somalis - even though they are arrive at her door needing urgent accommodation. PS "Is-eegatada" (as in Q Bulxan’s Wadaad-eegato) might be the wrong term since it's more negative than positive.
  11. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: ^ loool xaar-latoos, xajina wuxu uu bixiyay xaglajiife, perhaps I underestimated this guy. Well, he managed to devide the anti-SL camp in two ( not to mention the ones heading to Hargeisa). Credit where it's due.
  12. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ You'll soon start hearing about him. He's playing real well in tonight's game. You had to wait 3 months to say that. He did play very well last night, I give you that.
  13. If I was an animal...I would've been reer hebel.
  14. ^ After he used him like a toilet paper, this is what he did to Yey.
  15. Originally posted by Duufaan: When he was garoowe he said "shirka buurwadal puntland ayaa lagu burburinayaa" hada muxuu hargeysa kadhihi? somaliland baa laburburinayaa? This kind behavior will not work any more. Duuf, does that apply for Salesman Xaar-latoos who was not long ago a candidate for Puntland's elections?
  16. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: Oz, I don't credit Mourinho for anything. Crazy thing to say. The Special One takes a lot of the credit.
  17. Originally posted by Gheelle.T: Who is representing SOL in there? Waar they don't make Somali infidels as they used to. The old ones used to copy and act like the blue blood of the West. The cheap new ones in SOL are imitating fringe parties like the BNP. Waa yusliss even in this world.
  18. ^^ Did you hear the naughty goat laughing.
  19. Originally posted by Nin-Yaaban: Hahaha, waa iska caadi. Xaaska markeey guriga kamaqan tahay keliya ayaan meeshan imaani karaa. Busy man huh?
  20. It’s just an escalation of the turf wars between Puntland's Eyl and Mareero cartels.
  21. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^Correct Times are, always, pregnant with unknowns. It is not our fault that Farah turned out to be a fool Hell hath no fury like a Garowi scorned. Nite nite, bitterness.
  22. ^^ Have to offer? Is Sool a charity case of something? Sool is not poorer than Awdal or Togdheer and it is time the people of that region came together and developed their towns and villages. That’s what Farax Macalin told the people of LA after he saw in other Somaliland regions. Forget being goons for bogus MOD, M.5, Khusuusi or SSC nonsense. The money being wasted by the politicians in Nairobi could be better spent in other worthy projects back home. It's not rocket science, is it?
  23. ^ You reminded me of a "dukhsi" when I joined SOL and still do. Buzz off will ya?