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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. ^ Oh? Who and how will bring back its glory?
  2. Originally posted by Maaddeey: ^Tuulada Abdaal ee Berbera u dhow ee Sheekhii reerahayugu ka soo farcameen ku duuganyahay looguna magac daray, ma waxaad rabtaa inaan iraahdo waa 'Waddan Shisheeye'? Open goal...
  3. ^ Why do you call Mogadishu "former capital" then?
  4. Originally posted by B: I have done research on this and they said it’s normal and usually to do with anxiety. Is this normal? Or I am just stressing over nothing. Waar Rooxaan British ah baa ku gashay! You didn't see them coming, did you? Softly-softly approach always works! The strange language they've got you speaking is Welsh. By the looks of things, these Rooxaans are on Her Majesty's Service. Some psychoanalysts must have concluded you're unstable and potentially a high risk of being groomed by sinister forces. By the time they are done with you, your suicidal tendencies will be a thing of the past – you might even settle down after a civil partnership ceremony. All the best.
  5. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^The former capital belongs to who ever is strongest, Former?
  6. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^what does Che know about Birmingham? Alabama.
  7. Originally posted by Mr. Somalia: Now, I have a question for you... Is it not a little premature for you to suggest that President Faroole stand for the TFG's leadership, when he still hasn't sufficiently proven himself yet in Puntland? Duke knows Faroole will not go down south, he'll let the south come to Garowe. Filinka fahan. What he is not taking into account however is; the south comes as a package. Are pirates ready for Jihaad?
  8. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: Ngonge got everything right except the 'inter played high-up field' part. You're only saying that because you don't want to give credit to the Argies.
  9. Originally posted by Tuujiye: ^^ Ngonge got everything right on this one. He did? Well let’s see... He said “Inter will crush Barca” – Well Barca lost by a skin of cat’s whisker.. He said “because of the Inter manager” Bleeding obvious statement, that’s why he is the Special One ( Well except for Mr Black&White TV maybe) He said “2) Because of the belief in the Inter team” – Erm... they would’ve watered the pitch if they really believed. He said “ 3) Because of the Inter defence” – It was the midfield that performed wonders. He said “4) because Barca struggle against teams that press them high up the field” - Complete utter brown stuff and nonsense! They played even deeper than against Chelsea.. Ninkaas baa ina leh kubbadda bartaa! A&T Mr Black&White TV is better than Mr No TV Licence. At least you don’t say “I didn’t watch the game”
  10. Originally posted by NGONGE: Barca had almost 80% of the possession. War kubbada barta. Congrats to Inter. Barca were neither crushed nor pressed. They won the game also kept a clean sheet for the 3rd time this season against Inter. It was a contest and a very marginal victory at that. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: I am happy Wigad and some neophytes could see that all the hype about Messi 'the destroyer' and Barca the unbeatable needs to be contextualised. Messi was brilliant sxb. If Bojan score from that cross you would not be talking. If anything, the theory; "Messi is surrounded by great players" proved to be myth. Xavi and the absent Iniesta are great. Ibraahim has great potential haddii quraan la saaro. Alves is a good player and that's about it.
  11. ^ If they don't keep the ball, they'll go out. Simples. btw, What are you saying you were "spot on" the second half. Well, Inter were broken down several times (excluding the two pen not given). One Inter goal was off-side and Jose forgot to water the pitch. Later...
  12. ^ How were you “spot on” if the first half tactic of “soaking the pressure” was not your highlighted point? Inter will be broken down, the question is; who wins on aggregate. The only way Inter will go through is by controlling the game by keeping the ball. The 38% possession will not do.
  13. ^ Since you've distanced yourself from the article you highlighted, what do say you now? How will tonight’s game go - in your usual rubbish opinion? Go on; give me something to mock tomorrow...
  14. ^ We'll find out tonight (I'A) if you are right. I hope you'll watch the game this time.
  15. ^^ The hilights were yours..
  16. No? I thought that's what this highlight meant.
  17. ^ Yes. Rubbish. Inter went 1-0 down when they tried to “soak” the pressure.
  18. Originally posted by nuune: LFC need a point to secure 7th for Europa.
  19. Like the Swahilis say; Leo ni Leo (no pun). Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ I did by now. Stop talking rubbish haddaba.
  20. That was then; today I no longer hold that view. Xiin, pls let Ali Gulaid (AUN) lie in peace. Pls.
  21. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ With the same tactics Barca will struggle to score four and not concede three, saaxib. Once more; you didn't watch the game.
  22. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Xaaji Xanduf, just like Ayoub Sheekh, is alergic to any good news from Puntland. There you go again. Let's me guess; we are a "script". We don't create the news. How is it Xaji's fault if news portals are reporting Puntland security are still going awol and becoming pirates?
  23. Biggest gathering of religious scholar in Garowe Puntland Alla ilehe bout time. What took them so long? Hopefully good dose of Dac'wa will be a better solution than international navy blockades.
  24. ^ Like I told Karl, Barca are capable of beating Inter 2-0 ( like they did in the group stages).