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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Not to be counfused with Nuune's Xiiraanland.
  2. I guess I'll have to wait till you reconsider your “engagement guidelines".
  3. ^ Stereotyping again? ^ “Peaceful” way ka xanaaqan! Even the Mullahs having picnics in Galgala Mountains are fighting Jihaad accorning to Kashmakhiris. As for the topic, AUN all the victims.
  4. ^ When folks blamed Shabaab for attacking the hospital Maaddeey said "it was Xisb Islam". I asked what the difference was, he just brushed me aside. I held on to my views that XI was Sh. Aweys tool for gaining power even though he agrees with the Youths. On this thread Maaddeey claims, Sh Aweys is not after power! So the old man is not after power and agrees with the Youths except for "minor details". MY QUESTION TO MAADDEEY IS; WHAT ARE THE MINOR DETAILS? He tells me to go and read about them. What I've read regarding the supposed differeces are MAJOR and have been dismissed by Maaddeey as “borobaggadhadaa gaalada”. The above QUESTION still stands. Maaddeey Have you not heard Waraabe said he will introduce Shariah when he wins power?
  5. ^ Hold it right there. Don’t put words in my mouth. Waaxaa tidhi “waa isku hadaf, lakin waddada ayay wax yar ku kala duwanyihiin”. Che says he agrees with Shabaab on “agrees on principle not tactics”. Something does not add up. You don’t agree with the tactics, you support the other organisation with supposed similar principles but different tactics (i.e XI). I am wrong? PS Udub, Ucid iyo Kulmiye waa xisbiyo xukun-doon ah, dadka ku biiraana jeego raadis bay ku jiraan. Taageerayaasha xukunkaas uun bay la rabaan. Soo la yaabi maysid qofka yidhaada Faysal Cali Waraabe xunun doon maaha? NGONGE As you can see, Maaddeey would rather discuss “scripts” than (differences between the two) organisations yet he insists power is not one of the factors that motivate Sh Aweys. What I know is; Sh. Aweys came to Muqdisho and control from Sh. Sharif when the courts took power in 2006. He also came back from Eritrea and took power from Dr Cumar Imaan. That’s a man who loves power in my book.
  6. ^ No. It's the other way round. The reasons given by those championing FGM are undermined by campaigners like the lady in question.
  7. Geeljire Who is better suited (no pun) to show FGM does not work? Filinka fahan (no pun).
  8. ^ Intaa yar aad leedahay way ku kala duwan yihiin maxaad u sheegi la’dahay? You’re not helping much sxb. Thing is; “waa isku hadaf” breaks down when too much fuss is generated when the like of Sh. Turki cross from one side to another. Why does he need to cross in the first place? Another curious point is the like of SOL’s Che say they support the Youth; but don’t agree with their methods. Logic says they should be supporting Xisb Islam instead. Sirtiinu gunteeda lama gaadho. NGONGE Agreed..
  9. C'on now, speak for yourself, bro.. I mean blad. I love that flag.
  10. Originally posted by NGONGE: But, still, these discussions are not about him. They're about AlShabab, Ahlu El Sunna, TFG and Somalia. Lately, whenever he posted something about the side he supports people keep coming up with arguments about his person rather than the topic (did you not see how Xiin runs away shouting script, script everytime he sees him?). Dee naga daaya. We live in the Marx era of ciyaalnimo, saaxib. Lets keep well away from these personal tit-for-tats. I think Maaddeey enjoys being the centre of attention. He says Sh. Aweys is not power hungry. Fine. He must be doing it all for charity. You ask Maaddey the difference between Sh. Awey’s charity organisation and al-Shabaab; and he is not forthcoming. He’d rather reply to the script and other accusations. When al-shabaab calls the bluff of the “charity” organisations and takes the lions’ share of the power pie - like they did in Kismaayo – all the “charity” organisations cry foul. Charity alright, but not as we know it...
  11. Karl, he already said he's starting a history thread about it. Btw, is that Sh. Mu'min?
  12. Ready fot lesson II Xiin What is your criteria for keligii Muslin? Was Ina Candalla Xassan one? Why/Why not?
  13. Originally posted by Maaddeey: FYI, Xizbiga waaye, mise waa: 'same same but different'? What IS the difference? Please explain.
  14. Originally posted by nuune: ^^ waa da'wa soconeeso yeah Haddaan hore ula socon lahaa waxaan ku ajar qaadan lahaa xabad iska-dhal "jahova witness" albaabka iguso garaaci jirtay.
  15. Ayaan & Awkoombe Show is a bit dull today. Tuujiye I like the "abbaaye" in the dac'wa, very innovative.
  16. Originally posted by Tuujiye: Ayoub are you a muslim? do you believe in Islam? I believe in Islam Ayoub do you? please answer it... If you want to come out, is a perfect time to do so duqa lool... Bal ninkaan wareersan eega. I'm a Muslim. IF I wasn't ( wanacuudubillah) would you hate me as much?
  17. Originally posted by Tuujiye: waraa Ayuub maxaa la qeelinee qashiin yahoo!!! aniga maa isu aali rabtaa??? whats wrong with qofka gaalka ahi haduusan diintaada lasoo fara galeynin??? ama eesan si siyaasad ahaan u xaqdareyneenin? I have no problems with gaalaada diinta islaamka soo fara gashan oona xaq dhooro... I have problem with kuwa qashinka ah oo diinta buufis ka qaaday oo malinkaste buufiskooda anaga nala soo raadsada iyo kuwa diinta ka baxay oo cayda iyo qurunka nala soo raadsaday!!! Yes yes, sure sure. Marka hore fataadhuglenimada iga yaree, cid qaylinaysa oo aan adiga ahayn majirto. Not having a "problem" with a non-muslim and loving one "like brother" is not the same thing. Layzie put you on the spot and you seem to fold like a cheap tent.
  18. Nuune Warka ha caddeeyo. He was making helluva ( complete opposite ) fuss in a discussion we had about "dookh" not long ago.
  19. Originally posted by Tuujiye: You know in aan kala jecleen qofkii gaal ah iyo qofkaan aheen.. And you know I like everyone no matter waxa ee yihiin…. Surely you don't mean that.
  20. Looks like I spoke too early. General Duk has started using his borrowed ads slogans and recycled one-liners. You'll soon hear him claim only his adeero can "pacify" Mogadishu
  21. ^ Thanks. Xaaji X Kaddaa ininka maanta sifiican buu hadleeyaa.