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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. “Restoration State of Somalia from Hargeisa” Does anyone understand what that ^^ entails? Does it mean giving and securing Hargeysa's Beerta Xoriyadda as a Safe Heaven for Sharif and his 4.5 parliament till things cool down? Does it mean the dissolution of Sh. Sharif admin and his 4.5 parliament and Somalia (aka Konfuria) becoming a Somaliland Trustee till it ceases to be a failed State? Is it something in between or something completely? C'on folks help a confused brother...
  2. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: For now, this thread is about changing what I see as a dangerous trend among ONLF-ites. It is a call for change of direction. Oki. That’s fair enough. Then what? Are you going to convince us “The Front” robs our camels in the cause of Soomaalinimo? Which Mullah tried that before? The Guru has more than a point, don’t you think? The ONLF does what it says on the tin and it’s you who misunderstands – to give you the benefit of the doubt. It’s not a new trend but an ONLF old game plan gone cyberspace. On a serious note, is there a moral difference between being Somalist and clannish - especially when bearing in mind Ngonge’s example of Afars and Somalis of Djibouti? Aren’t most Oromos Muslims? Go on; sell to me saaxib. Waa inoo hadhow inshallah...
  3. I don't even understand the concept “Restoration State of Somalia from Hargeisa”. Can anyone help?
  4. I don't even understand the concept “Restoration State of Somalia from Hargeisa”. Can anyone help?
  5. I don't even understand the concept “Restoration State of Somalia from Hargeisa”. Can anyone help?
  6. ^ Frankly, I'd be disappointed if the demo was about the pie-division in Xamar or Djibouti.
  7. Change of venue. The Paadhy has be relocated to Galgala. Meeting point: the famous crucifix.
  8. ^ Your circle is ever decreasing... You could not get along with Betty who gave you asylum (and brought you up with free milk coupons) and flew to Uncle Sam. You fell out with the Tigre handlers who took you back to the “promise land” you always dreamt about. Today you ranting and raving against reer Bari. What’s next General Duck?
  9. Maaddeey They're taking the Maki. You have to go there like this...
  10. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Here is the complete list: 1. Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibada iyo xidhiidhka caalamiga ah Dr: Maxamed Cabdilaahi Cumar 2. Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha: Dr Maxamed Cabdi Gaboose 3. Wasaaradda Maaliyada Maxamed Xaashi Cilmi 4. wasaarada hawlaha guud iyo gaadiidka xuseen axmed caydiid 5. wasaarada waxbarashada iyo tacliinta sare Samsam cabdi aadan 6. wasaarada qorsheynta qaranka iyo horumarinta Dr. sacad cali shire 7. wasaarada caafimaadka Dr.Xuseen muxumed maxamed 8. wasaarada gaashaanka dhiga Axmed xaaji cali cadami 9. wasaarada ganacsiga, warshadaha iyo dalxiiska Cabdirisaaq Khaliif Axmed 10. wasaarada xanaanada xoolaha, deegaanka iyo horumarinta reer miyiga Dr. Axmed xaashi odey 11. wasaarada boosaha iyo isgaadhsiinta Cabdirisaaq ibraahim maxamed 12. wasaarada cadaalada iyo garsoorka Prof. Ismaciil muumin aar 13. wasaarada diinta iyo awqaafta Sheekh Khaliil c/laahi axmed 14. wasaarada shaqada iyo arimaha bulshada Ilhaan maxamed jaamac 15. wasaarada kaluumeysiga , khayraadka bada iyo maamulka dekadaha Dr. Maxamed yaasiin xasan 16. wasaarada macdanta, biyaha iyo tamarta Dr. xuseen cabdi ducaale 17. wasaarada ciyaaraha, dhaliyarada iyo dhaqanka Maxamed xaashi madar 18. wasaarada beeraha Prof. Faarax cilmi mahamoud 19. Wasaarada warfaafinta C/laahi jaamac cismaan geel jire 20. wasaarada duulista iyo hawada Maxamuud xaashi cabdi 21. wasiir ku xigeenka waxbarashada iyo tacliinta sare Cali Xaamud Jibriil 22. wasiir ku xigeenka wasaarada arimaha dibada Maxamed yoonis cawaale 23. wasiir ku xigeenka wasaarada arimaha gudaha cismaan garaad soofe 24. wasiir ku xigeenka wasaaarada hawlaha guud iyo gaadiidka cali cabdi saa’iq 25. wasiir ku xigeenka wasaarada maaliyada warsame siciid cabdi 26. wasiir ku xigeenka wasaarad caafimaadka nimco xuseen qawdhan Ilaahay ha idin garab galo. Originally posted by Oodweyne: That is the only "minus" that I can think of in here. But, still, the buck stops at the top (as Mr. Truman of the US once famously said it); and therefore, lets hope, president Silanyo will be both a hands-on chief-executive in here as well as the "guiding philosopher-in-chief" for his "mix-bag-of-ministers". Agreed. Let’s hope Saylici and Directors of ministries deliver. The parliamentary committees too should take the maximum opportunity to scrutinise things. Having said that, I think a golden opportunity has been missed for a ministerial post for reer Daami. This would have sent an up-lifting message to all the young people in this marginalised community. Is there not a single man or woman talented enough for one of the 20 slots? Well, let’s hope Kulmiye leadership honour the promises in their manifesto regarding this community. PS Viagras are on me but no honeymoon period for Xaaji Axmed.
  11. Maaddeey Ngonge was only checking if you were the roudy AS supporter regular at the Bush Shiisha joint.
  12. Fish in the sea, you know how I feel River runnin' free you know how I feel Blossom on the tree you know how I feel Dragonfly out in the sun you know what i mean, dont you know?
  13. Sharaf! Great exit indeed. All the best inshaAllah. PS Looks like the gent in blue tie has just lost his wallet, no wonder Cawil is at the back with his eyes on everyone.
  14. ^ C’on now Qudhac, this thread is pointless and counterproductive. Don’t try to justify it with that.
  15. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: If I ever find myself dancing to 'Ogad.enyia' music at this age, waan is dooxi lahaa. We know your love for Amhaara music, so spare us the BS.
  16. Ngonge Your buddy sounds like a Shia if you ask me. Maybe when he finishes his education and becomes a Professor ayuu lilaahida ka bixii doona ( wanacuudubillah) His friend sounds like she wants to reinstate Afweyne's Xeerka Qoyska. We'll see about that. That's may layman impression of things.
  17. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: But i dispute your claim about the ONLF's objective. Officially, the ONLF is fighting for self-determination (which can have any of three outcomes), although we know what the preference of the leadership is. I don't agree with that preferance and I know the reality on the gorund ....is that ONLF is against the unification with Somalia.
  18. Originally posted by Hales: All of the provinces he listed here they only include regions within Somalia (including Somaliland and Puntland) If he meant regions outside Somalia he would have listed them. That's nothing to do with what the blue flag is about. Hello! Anybody home?!!
  19. It is an invitation to apply Pascal’s Wager to the true identity/nature of Rhazes. Legjar Faranji niman baa akhriya laawis iyo beene Oo waliba laaxima intay lib isku moodaane Ase waxan u laaqimahayaa tix ay ku luuqshaane Mar haduu Lilaahida ka baxo waa lisaan jabane ~ Salaan M Xirsi "Carrabey"
  20. Originally posted by Hales: Awoowe keep on track, A&T is talking about Somali unionism in context to Somaliland seccessionism. The Other regions dont come into this. Then he should have asked "who is against the unification of Somalia and Somaliland"? Blue flag has other meaning.
  21. Originally posted by Hales: Which part does A%T not know. "The star is said to represent the five regions in the Horn of Africa that the Somali people inhabit: the OG*DEN , the Northern Frontier District (NFD), Djibouti, and the former British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland" You had to rush in and rescue him, soo maaha? His opening post would’ve been different if he knew that.
  22. ^ Forgive A&T for he does not know the meaning behind the blue flag. No wonder Faroole calls the likes of him "Somali-speaking Ethiopians".