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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. ^ Hadhow baad odhan "inamada la qab-qabtay waxaa lagasoo aruuriyay Doqon-Mawaaye".
  2. ^ Is he too from Qardho? A Lion does NOT wear Niqaab to escape to excape from a foe. Even Ilka-jiir is not such a weasel.
  3. It’s either Meles dipping his toes to taste how friendly the new regime is.. Or bigfoot trying to trespass.... Or Sh. Aweys expecting favours from his brother in law.
  4. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: And by the way, let us assume all Somaliland "navy" (as funny as that sounds, are spread across Xeebaha. What is their capacity to stop a group of over 300 men who are heavily armed? True or false; the trespassers landed on Eid day for a reason. True or false; their footprints (found on our sandy beaches) suggest they are of ***** spicies. True or false; the ONLF's battlefield might be a desert, but their leader is an ex-Admiral. The evidence is damning! [ September 14, 2010, 12:34 PM: Message edited by: Admin ]
  5. ^ Bald Lions are very do exist. Unique and very rare. Where do you do your research, university of Qardho?
  6. Sayid Qardhowi, I said it first using images. Shall I spell it for you... PS I call a spade a spade. I don't my Waraabes Lions.
  7. Why do the authorities hot on the trespassers heels think they’re Cagdheers? Maa raadkay reebeen bay ka garteen? Originally posted by Che -Guevara: Where's the navy in all of this? The opportunist buggers snuck in while the whole country was attending Eid prayers. Kullu yawn yamsh ciid.
  8. ^ Come up with any excuse but Adeero will always be a Yey not a Libaax. If Yey speaks; then it's a Jackal that barked not a roaring Lion. Are you with me, Pirate? PS A lion is a noble creature. It never "cowers" under raw hide to get to its promised land, neither does it "seek asylum" when the left to its own devices. What Jackals' characteristics?
  9. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: Sayid's dusty little village-goodness gracious *Sneeze* *Sneeze* Hachu! Hachu! Sawirada Qardho Busley iyo Burco Bodhweyn sanboor/boodh baa laga qaada! If New Orleans is The Big Easy; one of these towns (yes towns to be generous) should be called The Big Sneezie. The other should be The Big Snore. *Ducks*
  10. ^ Meaning... cer·ti·fied [sur-tuh-fahyd] –adjective 1. having or proved by a certificate: a certified representative. 2. guaranteed; reliably endorsed: a certified check. 3. legally declared insane. 4. committed to a mental institution.
  11. Originally posted by dambarsame: though I was present when OLD AYOUB repented and gave up to contribute any thing to here. Who is OLD AYOUB?
  12. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^lool. Yes indeed Riyaale needs to be rewarded for his Mugging, Of course. Originally posted by General Duke: he did not build a single thing and left the phantom state 20 million in debt. Well, he left a phantom army. How could you of all people forget that?
  13. Originally posted by General Duke: Its lovely in the South of France Better than Yemen, is not? Rayaale for Mo Ibrahim Award!
  14. AYOUB


    Originally posted by Maaddeey: Kullu Caam wa antum bi khayr Ramadaan Mubaarak Alle Sanadka dambe caafimaad qab & barwaaqo ha nagu gaarsiiyo. Aaameen
  15. ^You’re lucky Nassir did not tell you Ceelafweyn is not SL but “Maakhir”.
  16. Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: It is interesting how a sizable number of Faroole supporters are Somalilanders. Hawl fiican buu u hayaa nimanka. Haduu saakimi waayo Gabadh suurad wanaagsan baan Surrada ugu dhisaa. Haduu saakimi waayo Xoolo gooni u soofiyo Sadadaan ku ladhaa Haduu saakimi waayo Seeddow, mood iyo mood iyo Salaantaan badiyaa. Haduu saakimi waayo.....
  17. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: So what? should I address the untreatable fixation of one-side of the gallery for eternity? Adeer, the Somalinimo-mashaqeynayso malady is a malady of one specific clan, to put it bluntly. It is an issue that needs to be addressed, but let those who believe in the vision see how it can work. So you’d rather preach to the converted (however hypocritical their actions are)? Your first stop should be Gaashaamo. Convince them (and indirectly moi) your Soomaalinimo is sincere; everything else is downhill. But before heading to Gaashaamo; you and Zack need to match your sales pitch. You two need to agree what the O in ONLF means first. You've somehow have to bring the Tolka sell-outs bought by Meles’ cheque book to accept this ONLF Somalism of yours. Then you have to persuade the O folks within ONLF leadership who are not natives of Kilil5 to reconsider their positions so that it makes it easier for non O folks to see the Organisations struggle as regional not a clannish one. Better yet, it might be a good idea for you to start a new and clean faction called A&TLF. Let’s leave ONLF foot soldiers (no pun) do their clannish camel-raiding and truck burning while A&TLF champions Soomalinimo (A&Tnimo even).
  18. “Restoration State of Somalia from Hargeisa” Does anyone understand what that ^^ entails? Does it mean giving and securing Hargeysa's Beerta Xoriyadda as a Safe Heaven for Sharif and his 4.5 parliament till things cool down? Does it mean the dissolution of Sh. Sharif admin and his 4.5 parliament and Somalia (aka Konfuria) becoming a Somaliland Trustee till it ceases to be a failed State? Is it something in between or something completely? C'on folks help a confused brother...
  19. “Restoration State of Somalia from Hargeisa” Does anyone understand what that ^^ entails? Does it mean giving and securing Hargeysa's Beerta Xoriyadda as a Safe Heaven for Sharif and his 4.5 parliament till things cool down? Does it mean the dissolution of Sh. Sharif admin and his 4.5 parliament and Somalia (aka Konfuria) becoming a Somaliland Trustee till it ceases to be a failed State? Is it something in between or something completely? C'on folks help a confused brother...