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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Ereyada 'kh' ka bilowdo ama ku jiro oo Carabiga kasoo jeedo badanaa marka kaliya 'kh' la isticmaalaayo waa markee magacyada yihiin (nouns, like place names, people's names), sida makhtal, mukhtaar, kheyre . Hadduu erey iska caadi yahay oo magac ahayn markaa 'q' ayaa la isticmaalayaa, sida qeyr . Sharcigaan aniga ma keensan Soomaalidii dajisay afkeena la qoro keensaday, saan loogu wareerin hadhoow, waana wareerka hadda taagan aadan kala garaneynin. Soomaali badan ugu dhawaaqdo 'q' meeshee 'kh' oo afka Carabiga ah ka tahay. Afkeena kuma jiro, carabkeenana wuu qabtaa laakiin iskuma dhibno mana rabno. You're clutching on straws sxb. I knew you would not back down even after being given examples like "Khuuro". A great number of Somali people use "Kh". From Somaliland, Djibouti,Ethiopia and southerners with Swahili connections . Please give it a rest and stop arguing for arguments’ sake. PS "KH" was part of official Somali Curricula. See examples below.... Bilawga farta. Xamar: Wasaaradda Waxbarashada iyo Barbaarinta, 1973. Af Soomaali. v. 1-2, Muqdisho: Wasaaradda Waxbarashada, Xarunta Waxbarashada Dadka Waaweyn, 1979. source
  2. International experts say "It could only be an UBO landing". Our forensic team at Amoud University have now confirmed the trespassers hid in Salt sacks and containers. But.... Jawaanada cadcad ee hoose, ka furan hilib baa ku jiraba. Laba lugood oo hilib lo' ah ayaa ii muuqda ee hub anigu ma arko. Abtigiis & Tusbax Well...Video evidence backs our experts.
  3. Posted by miharbi on September 16 2010 03:52:10 Military communiqué’ The allegation that ONLF has redeployed troops from overseas into ****** has no element of truth and unsubstantiated. ONLF does not need to train people outside of ******. It has 16 years of fighting experience and ONLF's all training needs takes place inside the country. The intention of such Ethiopian fabrication is to hide the fact that ONLF forces had set up bases in the Shinile region and eastern Jigjiga and the increasing defeats and casualties of its troops had suffered at the hands of the Liberation Army . Units from Dufan and Gorgor of the ONLA has conducted extensive joint operations against Ethiopian army around Aysha' and Dambal areas of Shinile region. As a result of these operations Ethiopian garrison at Biyo Gurgur has been seriously degraded by the ONLA units. This garrison and others along the border areas are for the purpose of looting the local people and tightening the 3 year old economic blockade of ******. Still in denial mode... We have no ties to Eritrea. ~ Abtigiis & Tusbax Silanyo should start working for Meles instead of making up stories. Riyaale ku dayo dheh.. ~ The Zack "mana jiraan wax ciidan ah oo ONLF dibada uga yimid waxayna ciidamada ONLF ka dagaalamayaan dhamaan dhulka O'gadeenya" ~ Jabhad_no1 War awoodda ciidan ee JWXO maxaa loo xakamaynayaa ? ~ Ferguson (aka Muriidi on weekends)
  4. Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: Boosaaso doesn't have skilled surgeons and sophisticated medical system to successfully extract organs for transplant purposes. Maaddeey, awoowe tani sheekadii ciyaalka lagu maaweelin jiray ayay u eg tahay. Soo hubi. Some body parts are stolen because there is market for them in traditional African and Chinese medicine.
  5. Dear ONLF Command, We have made it across and we are now getting into our barrels. Nin baaldi dhix fadhiya ONLF contingent lol You must do a prequel where Saltgate was planned.
  6. Originally posted by Maaddeey: Ayoub, naga daa dee!! sowtaad posts sanado ka hor oo kala threads duwan isugu keeni jirtay hal meel within few minutes??, its not that difficult with ur own quotes, is it? You want me to quote myself? That's too much for me Akhii. Besides, I don't even know what you me to quote. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: because he expected if anyone who speaks somali fights him, it must be SL'ers. You don't expect him to be geographically aware of where he was as well. The commanders know, not him. They can't be that dense, can they?
  7. ^ You're on thread-opening overdrive. Hard to keep up with your adrenaline surges. Why is one of the captives surprised that his captors are his cousins if he was caught Jigjiga and the not on the border? PS Still waiting for what you and Maaddeey want me to admit.
  8. ^ The captives seem to have been caught on different locations. Where are the rest of them according to you?
  9. Maaddeey Mullah, halxidhaale kuma ficnii igadaa oo itus waxaan la igu eedeenayo haddii kale see you in Amsterdam . What's this trivial persuit?
  10. ^ Where did I talk about "marimaar surrounding"? I've asked Maaddeey Mullah the same thing and he couldn't quote me. Miyaad igu riyooteen mise you are both reading the same script? PS What do you want me to say if I think the mission was foolhardy and cost a dozen young lives - and that's according to your figures. Go on say it and I will agree with you to make you feel as good as Pirate Duke seems to.
  11. ^^ Too much double-dealing going on and this has turned out to be an O clan civil war. Something need to change fast. You gotta face the truth. PS Maxaan kuu garaabaa ee baas? Bal ii jilci!
  12. Captive Xassan waa raggeedi. He was betrayed by double-agent moles within the supposed rebel group. Very sad. Ilaahay ha uu sahlo. Aamiin.
  13. Originally posted by Maaddeey: ^Ayoub, weli su'aashi wey taagantahay: 'ha la hubiyo xataa ma dheheysiin miyaa?' Have I been a naughty boy? Do I need to be spanked? How many karbaashes? I does not matter as long as it's done in Amsterdam buy a long legged chick in leather cat suit and not in Baidoa by some geezer wearing a balaclava. Waar maxaad igu maageesa? Waxaa meshaa ka dhacayaa garan maysidee ileen dagaal waxaa ka barateen ismidaamin iyo sida RPG7 loo rido qudha. Seriously, what did I say that turned up not to be true? Feel free to quote me. I said the trespassers landed on Eid day. Tick Isaid they could be one of three but the footprints suggested it was the UBO boys. Tick. I said they hid themselves in salt sacks and cointainers. Tick. You're free to believe A&T if you want, but as far as I'm concerned his story is full of holes. He and his UBO claim..."We have no ties to Eritrea." <-- That's a fib, and you know it. He claimed yesterday "this happened a week ago " today he admits it took place on the 10th (i.e Eid day as we told him). He claims "From ten days ago , the Ethiopian military were crossing into Awdal and parts of Salal to follow on the story. But whether it is by design or pure luck, they didn't manage to be where the ONLF marines landed.." and then claims "Somaliland authorities knew nothing of all these things before yesterday, when they were alerted by the arrival of dozens of Ethiopian military trucks inside Somaliland." Come again? Ma waxaasa run’ah? Get the hell outa here! Why don't you ask A&T for hubis? Kula yaabi maayo ileen wax kasii daran baad xaq iyo shariica ku tilmaantay.
  14. A&T The trespassers gave the chasing troops a dummy while the bulk of them legged it at 90km/ph. It's only 120km and on Eid Fitr day of all days. The were out of the country withing hours Anyways I prefer Salt and Whinegar crisps over Prawn Coctail anyday
  15. Originally posted by NGONGE: You didn't say how they managed it, A&T. Did they brazenly march through SL territory until they reached the border, as some are saying? Or did they follow the Ali Baba & Forty thieves' method of hiding in jars of oil, as the SL authorities claim? lol A&T will never admit they hid inside containers carried by trucks used to transport unprocessed sea salt from the shores of Awdal. Salt and Whinegar!
  16. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Maxaad warka u kala xadaysaa xaaji ? ,,, quote: marka ay xadka joogaan Itoobiyaanku way ogaayeen inaanu xidhiidh ka wada yeelano, Itoobiyaanka lagama maarmaan ayey noqotay,” ayuu yidhi Taliyaha Milateriga Somaliland. Once they are placed at the border with Ethiopia and they are crossing to that country then that is when xidhiidhka Ethiopia lagama maarmaan noqday ,,,, No MP is allowed to call another member a liar in the British parliament so they accuse each other of being "economical with the truth". Sida runta loo dhaqaaleeyo Xiin inuu khaabiir weynu ku yahay anaa uu qireya.
  17. Is Crashland between Bugland and Casayrland?
  18. ^ JB is out of order. Even Sayid Qardhowi's Pirate Morgan picture was nothing but banter between us, and nothing sinister. Contain yourselves folks.
  19. ^ Scroll up to my top post. Maadddeey Mullah is banking on option 3 (Sh. Aweys).
  20. ^ Waa runtaa, laakin ma mar walba hoosta lagaso galo la iskama cararo like Cabdi Bile wearing a niqaab and stilettos.
  21. Originally posted by Maaddeey: ^Waxa dhacay ha la hubiyoba ma lihidin miyaa? Translation: Please give "them" time to put on suicide belts.
  22. ^ He put his foot in it. Can't they not go shopping somewhere else for the next week or two? Wuxuu doq*n sanaa?
  23. ^ Naah mate. I'm talking about Pirate Morgan. S/he wore Niqaab to escape in 88 and 91. S/he did that on many other subsequent occasions - and right s/he was because.....adiguba caqlaad leedahee carar maxaa dhaama?