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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Xiin Maxaa i wereeriniya maa tuuggii yara ee "this bajaq" yidhahdaa imoodaysaa? A&T Waxaan iskaa daayo, waxaad iiga warantaa shirkii Qabri Dahare.
  2. Originally posted by NASSIR: ^Add "Somaliland" into possible variations of headlines. Er... I said etc etc, didn't I? Spare some dhuxul for another day
  3. ^ Just your inferiority complex Zack, that’s all. If looking like a Ugandan is an insult or to be described as such is being “racist” in your opinion, that’s your flipping problem.
  4. Originally posted by Polanyi: quote: Originally posted by Peace Action: Indeed Abu the saga continues. Is Sharif being pushed around by the UN or neibhoring countries? Or may be he is confused. :confused: :confused: :confused: Maybe airlines are putting pressure on him? lol Which airlines? Surely not Daalo!
  5. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Curiye = inventor Qorsheeye = planner Agaasime = executive Maareeye = manager Habeeye = editor/designer Soosaare = director (waa ogahay liiska kuma jiro kan) Waxaan odhan lahaa; Agaasime = Director, Soosaare = Producer
  6. ^ Naah. Maybe to someone who does not know Swahilis. I think they look like Mo Farahs.
  7. Well done you. Boy done .... I mean girl done good.
  8. Other possible headlines... Clan in Puntland Complicates Terrorism Fight Rivalry Clan Complicates Puntland Rivalry Fight in Terrorism Clan Fight Complicates Rivalry Terrorism in Puntland Clan in Terrorism Fight Complicates Puntland Rivalry etc etc
  9. ^ I'm sure the local security forces will look after us.
  10. We should open an Embassy in Xarardheere.
  11. Originally posted by Wiil Cusub: Oday reer hargeysa ah oo sea-man ahaa ayaa lixdankii laga sheegay markuu wadanka ku soo noqday "Koonfur maqlaye Sawahilno maynu la midownay" waa markuu aariboodhka Hargeisa ay ku qaabileen askar dhako xun ah oo koonfur laga soo badalay. Ma imikaydun Yugandhiiskii iyo Somalidii kala garan waydeen. ...Aw Xasan Sheekh Cismaan Nuur(AHN) ayaa beri lixdanandii gaadhi u raacay Xamar dabadeed isagoo gaadhigii ku dul seexday ayuumbuu gaadhigii joogsaday tuule. Aw Xasan baa soo kacay. dadkii buu garan waayay siday u ekaayeen. markaasuu yidhi. "Waar maxaa ii toosin weydeen intaanu gaadhigu xuduudda Kenya inala gelin miyaydaan Ilaahay ka yaabayn, nooli aan ku noqdaba ma hayee?" Daljire
  12. Originally posted by Prometheus: Hadaad ficil hinaasiday asaad hilin kari weyday Ma afkaad ku hawl bixi cidlaad ka hanjabaysaaye Horta, dadyowga Al-Shabaab taageersan ee SOL wax ku qora ma qofbaa ka mamnuucay inay Soomaaliya aadaan, ileen jannada halkaasay ka dhowdahaye. Malaha waxay ka door bideen inay Europe iyo North America iska mushaaxaan, isla markaana ay SOL maalaayacni iyo munaafaqnimo dadka ku maaweeliyaan. Self-perservation is a powerful instinct. Al-Shabaab waa dhuxul dambas huwan; taasi safiiha SOL xitaa wuu garan. C'on now, that applies to everyone here. Those who oppose Al-Shabbaab could go and do it physically if they really believed in what they say in here. MMA I don't think Sh Mu'umin is the sort of bloke to run away from an investigation as you suggested. He used to give as shockingly frank answers knowing spooks were among the congregation.
  13. Originally posted by Maaddeey: ^Malaha waa billowgii far-qorista. Runtii ma xasuusto intaan far soomaali dhiganaayey 'r'da oo 'dh' loo beddelo. It's the other way round. You say fadhi then change it to fariso instead of fadhiso. You say gabdhihi then change it to gabar instead of gabadh. etc Originally posted by Maaddeey: Ps. 'Weyd diin' maaha ee waa Weydiin oo xarfaha labanlaabma waa iney laba shaqal dhexda uga jiraan, sax soow maaha? Mayee waa 'Weyddiin'. Dhawaaqay ku xidhantahay. Matalan: Muddo (Period) iyo Mudo (Stab or pierce) Baddan (This Ocean) iyo Badan (A lot) Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Maadka dadkaan cirka haddaa dhahdid xataa waa baluug maya ee ku dhahayaan. Just ask them why it is spelled Ha r geysa, but when it comes the word 'har' itself is spelled 'ha dh ' by them. An apt example is that website 'hadhwanaag.' Shouldn't it be harwanaag to follow how the grammatical structure of how Hargeysa is spelled. Or either if we follow in the latter logic, then by all means it should have been Ha dh geysa. Meel ha lagu ekaado. Are you still on about this when Hunguri explained to you? Lordy lord! There's another theory for "Hargeisa" but I won't bother because you're clearly arguing for arguments sake.
  14. N.O.R.F Axmaq bosses would've made all the difference.
  15. They should've hired the experienced Indians working in the Arabian/Persian Gulf.
  16. Originally posted by Maaddeey: Ayoub, buugga iga tus iyadoo 'yidhi, tidhi, odhanaya' ku qorantahay! text book baan ka hadlayaa waagii Dawladda!. Aasaaska naxwaha af Soomaaliga. Mugdisho: Wasaaradda Waxbarashada, 1971. Page 40 of 53 later insha'Allah
  17. ^ If they don't like Saylici they've got the democratic right to vote him out next elections (inshallah). PS I can't run politrics and Af-Soomali classes at the same time especially if the adult students are this thick.
  18. ^ Agreed. Everyone here looks up to the Guru.
  19. ^ Kullu fitna cinddaa. They've the right to peaceful protest unlike Polanyi's and Maaddeey Mullahs' Shabaabland, that's the point dear slow one.
  20. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: Did you expected ONLF to implicate Eritrea on the airwaves? Waa ku sidee. I knew it was a lie all along but what surprised me is the likes of The Zack and Maaddeey Mullah believed your spin. Taasi waxaa kasii daran marka codsatay inaaynu beenta kugu garaabno.
  21. Originally posted by Maaddeey: Ninku 'KH' lama qoro miyuu ku yiri? mise Alphapet'ka kuma jirtuu ku yiri si aad buug u soo copy'gareysid!. Wuxuu yidhi..."Tan shanaad Soomaalidii Afsoomaaliga qoray in '70s 'kh' waxee u dhaafeen ereyada asalkooda Carabi kasoo jeedo oo 'nouns' ah sida magacyada iyo meelaha (i.e. mukhtaar, makhtal), ereyada Carabta 'kh' ka dhigtaan oo Afsoomaali ku jiro oo Carabi kasoo jeedana oo aan noun ahayn 'q' ayaa la isticmaalaa (i.e. qaldan, qafaal)." "Sharcigaan aniga ma keensan Soomaalidii dajisay afkeena la qoro keensaday, saan loogu wareerin hadhoow, waana wareerka hadda taagan aadan kala garaneynin. Soomaali badan ugu dhawaaqdo 'q' meeshee 'kh' oo afka Carabiga ah ka tahay. Afkeena kuma jiro, carabkeenana wuu qabtaa laakiin iskuma dhibno mana rabno...." Originally posted by Maaddeey: Xarfaha 'KH'da ku jira Carabi baa asalkooda laga keenay buu yiri, taas kala dood. Taas rag baa u jawaabe oo yidhi "Khuuro", "Takhal" iwm.
  22. Peaceful protests are part of SL's democratic rights yaa Polanyi.