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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. ^ Would you like to tell the fora about the connection between your buddy Johann Hari and the piracy cartels. C'on now Duke of Soho. Originally posted by Qandali: Your weak marfashland admin had exchanged prisoners with some pirates only two weegs ago , mase thread-kaas baad rabtaa inaa soo nooleeyo. You didn't just threaten me, did you? Blease and Blease waxba hasoo qufin. I accept it was all a stunt by the two cartels involved. Are we cool now? Originally posted by Thankful: The question is, why did Garoweonline report it so quickly, why would they mention something that was so embarrassing? Maybe Eyl cartel mouthpiece was sending an SOS on behalf its hostage minister. Maybe the Eyl Pedrinos are still abroad and an amateur is running the show. Maybe it was because every portal was reporting the news anyway. Maybe....
  2. ^ If it was stunt, cyber-pirates would not reveal the plot. They would've denied it like they deny the connection between Eyl Cartel and the ruling Pirate admin PS We're not in celebratory mood, we're in stiches.
  3. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Agaasime shirkadeed ma maqashay? Haa, wey jirtaa. Mise agaasimaha shirkadaan iyo taas. Isla haddana waligaana dhagahaaga maku dhaceen 'fuliye shirkadeed?' Waa maya. "Agaasime shirkadeed" waa Company Director, "agaasimaha wasaaradda" waa Director of Ministry. "Guddiga Fulinta" waa Executive Committee. Sidaas bay ila tahay.
  4. Originally posted by Thankful: Again you are being reckless with the truth, these men were never captured by your forces, they were captured by international flotilla. You're talking about the wrong cartel here. The ones that mistakenly attacked Nato ship were Ilka-jiir's amaturering wannaabe pirates. These are are the same crew who kidnapped Nationlink employees recently. Originally posted by Som@li: This was a deal went wrong, the Minister went there to collect the share for pirate Chief Farole, and after disagreement, the Minister is kidnapped. Ma waraabihi jimicsi doontay oo isagi badhaa laga saaray baa? That is the general consensus. It seems even piracy cartels have to deal with the pains of austerity cuts in this harsh economical climate. Good luck to the minister coz Jariiban is harsh.
  5. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: Gedonet Exclusive-List of candidates and their tribal origins Every candidate has been identified and labeled except one man Dr.Xusien Xaji Khalif quote: Dr Husien Haji Khalif Ma suuro gelin in qabiilkisa an helno Support the stranger with no tribal name He from Pirateland Trinity. Yey section to be precise. His nick is "Catoosh", get it?
  6. ^^ Read about it here >>> “The pirates hijacked five trucks with nine people onboard and took them to their base in Garaad. They are demanding the release of their colleagues arrested recently by the Somaliland security forces,” Abdullahi Mohamed, a security official in Galkayo, said by phone. Originally posted by Qandali: FYI, the said minister is not from Nugaal, he is even not one of the SSDF clans. He represetents the state and engaged with these last remaining strong hold of pirate bases in Puntland i.e. Gara'ad. The pirates have long moved away and run off from Eyl, even there is small number in Ga'arad, most of the pirates that operated in Puntland have moved to and joined the Harardhere group other have ceased their activities like Mr. Boyax who once interviewed by the CNN but now is living in Garowe as good citizen. Thank you very much for your info. Everyone now knows it's not about Clans but Cartels. Boyah and Faroole are now good law-abiding citizens. Soo maaha? PS Good night boys, thanks for the laugh.
  7. Puntland Minister Captured by Somali Pirates October 11, 20100 comments| leave your own! Share On Monday, the minister of ports of Puntland State of Somalia, Said Mohamed Rage and his armed guards were captured by pirates after heavy gunfight near the coastal town of Gara’ad. Mr.Rage was on an official visit to the coastal town of Gara’ad, about 360km South-east of Garowe, the capital of Puntland. The town is a stronghold of the Somali pirates operating in the gulf of Aden and the Indian ocean. Previously, the minister declared an open war against the pirates in the region. Heavily armed pirates blockaded the main road to the town, refusing the minister and his convoy to enter the city. According to local residents there was intense gun battle that ensued the blockade by the pirates. The minister and his convoy were accompanied by at least 7 battle wagons and dozens of armed guards. The minister and his forces were forced to retreat, eyewitnesses say. The minister was again ambushed in the town of Jariban 60km west of Gara’ad. At least 4 local people were wounded in the fighting, two of the Minister’s bodyguards were also killed in the clashes. Later, the minister and his guards surrendered to the pirates after they were encircled in the village of Sallah in Mudug region. The Puntland government has confirmed the clashes, however no one was able to elaborate on the whereabouts of the captured minister and his guards. Ali Yusuf Hosh, the deputy minister of interior blamed pirates from Puntland and southern Somalia for ambushing the minister and his delegation. Horseed Media
  8. Originally posted by Thankful: They weren't pardoned according to JB, they were swapped for prisoners..... The point is; members of this hostage-taking cartel were apprehended by the SL Navy when they entered our waters. Released or swapped, they're your problem now.
  9. ^ Please don't compare ONLF to your Piracy Cartels. Remember it was only a few weeks ago when arrested members of this Garacad Cartel were pardoned and released by SL authorities. Hows the Miniter?
  10. Pirate Minister located. Phew! War Deg Deg ah:Wasiirka Dekadaha Puntland oo imika soo gaaray Jariiban. 11. oktober 2010 Waxaa Goordhaweyd oo Caawa ah Degmada Jiriiban ee Gobolka Mudug soo gaaray Wasiirka Dekedaha & Gaadiidka Badda ee Dawlada Puntland & Saraakiil kale oo saacadihii lasoo dhaafay ay haysteen Koox Burcad Badeed ah oo maanta Duhurkii gacanta ku dhigay xili ay kusugnaayeen deegaano katirsan Gobolka Nugaal ee Puntland. Siideynta Wasiirka & Saraakiisha lasocota ayaa timid kadib markii ay Dadaal xoogan oo ay sameeyeen Cuqaasha Gobolka Mudug & Saraakiisha Maamulka gobolka oo qaarkood galabta kulan ku qaatay Guriga Islaan Bashiir Islaan Cabdille Islaan Faarax oo kamid ah isimada Puntland kuwaas oo xiriir lasameeyey Cuqaasha & Waxgaradka kusugan Deegaanada lagu haystay Wasiirka & Saraakiisha kale. Wararku waxay sheegayaan in Wasiirku uu nabad Qabo islamarkaasna la geeyey goob gaar ah oo loo diyaarshay halkaasna ay kulamo uga socdaan Isaga & Saraakiisha Maamulka kuwaas oo soo dhaweeyey,Waxaana la rajeynayaa in Saacadaha soosocda uu Wasiirku ku hadlo Dagaaladii kala duwanaa ee maanta ku qabsaday Deegaano kamid ah gobolka Mudug. Wasiirka Dekedaha & Gaadiidka Badda ee Dawlada Puntland oo ay APL isku dayday inay la xiriirto ayey suurtoo bi waysay,Waxaana saraakiisha lasocota ay sheegeen in saacadaha soosocda u Wasiirku hadli doono. Eng,Siciid Maxamed Raage ayaa maanta ay qabsadeen koox Burcad ahi,waxaana sidoo kale ay isaga & Saraakiil lasocota ay saaka Aroor hore soo gaareen Degaano kamid ah Deegaano Xeebeedka gobolka Mudug halkaas oo uu Wasiirku u tagay Kormeer shaqo walow aysan taasi suurtoobin,lamina yaqaano in Wasiirku uu sii wadi doono Kormeerka & in uu halkaas kusoo afjarayo.
  11. ^ Cadde Muuse was our boy. He used to come even to Gar'adag, Burco and beyond for fuel and magazines. He only used to feel unsafe in Garowe, something to do with Eyl Cartel.
  12. ^So you say; without giving names or addresses of the ones pirates have supposedly "dealt with".
  13. Originally posted by Peace Action: Ayoub make up your mind, do you support the pirates or the Minister who is clearly fighting them? You can't have it both ways. Are you asking me to chose one the rival cartels? What's in it for me? Well the Garacad Cartel looks powerful if they can take a minister hostage.
  14. ^ What's that got to with Kidnapped Pirateland minister or any of these Piracy Cartels wars?
  15. ^ Have you got the names of the executed men, or are you preoccupied with Piracy Cartels wars?
  16. Puntland Minister kidnap by suspected pirates 11 Oct 11, 2010 - 6:41:08 AM Suspected pirates ambush Said Mohamed Rage Puntland Minister of Ports & Marine Transport in Central Somalia, according to interior minister, Radio Garowe Reports. Said Mohamed Rage and his bodyguards were traveling from Garacad to Jiriban, Mudug region—central Somalia after pirates attacks, said interior minister On the other hand, the minister and his convoy return back to where they come from after the first ambush but received another attacks from suspected pirates again in near Jiriban. Some reports indicated that 2 people were killed include a bodyguard of Minister of Ports & Marine Transport. Other report says the Minister was kidnapped and held in hostage. The Mohamed Rage office was supporting on anti-pirates mission and the attack was suspected as trap by the pirates. Meanwhile, assistant interior minister of Puntland led some government officials in touring Magacleey villages for peace talks. The waters around off the coast of lawless Somalia have become a hub for piracy, making the busy shipping routes among the most dangerous in the world. Farole administration has urged the world's naval powers to coordinate and act against the pirates--on anti-pirates mission. Somali Pirates have seized more than 24 Vessels over the last few years, taking in tens of millions of dollars in ransom payments from ship owners. I7 vessels are in the Hand of Pirates. GAROWEONLINE
  17. Originally posted by General Duke: This if it is confirmed is proof that Puntland is at war with Pirates and the false accusations of some is blown with the wind. Indha adayg! C'on now, we know this is Eyl Cartel vs Garacad Cartel, who are you kidding?
  18. ^ I don't think the Pirateland Imaam would execute his in-laws. My guess is they are either reer Arlaadi or Maakhiris. War jirabaa...
  19. War Deg Deg ah:Wasiirka Dekedaha Puntland & ilaaladiisa oo ay gacanta ku dhigeen Koox Burcad Badeed ah. 11. oktober 2010 APL Garacad:(Allpuntland)-Wararka imika APL kasoo geeraya lawaaxiga degmada Jiriiban ee gobolka Mudug ayaa kusoo waramaya in Koox Burcad Badeed ah oo kasoo kala gurmatay Degmooyinka Jiriiban,Gaalkacyo,Burtinle & Deegaanada Bursaalax & Bacaadweyn oo aad u hubaysani ay goordhaweyd si rasmi ah gacanta ugu dhigeen Wasiirkii Dekedaha & Gaadiidka Badda ee dawlada Puntland oo saaka ay Dagaalo kala duwani ku qabsadeen deegaano kamid ah gobolka Mudug. Warar ay APL ku kalsoontahay oo ay ka helayso Deegaanadaas ayaa kusoo warmaya in Ilaalada Wasiirka & Wasiirku ay nabad qabaan islamarkaasna laga qabsaday Deegaanka Bali Kumeel oo 30-Km ujira Degmada Burtinel islamrkaasna dhexeeya Degmada Burtinle ee gobolka Nugaal & Deegaanka Malaasle islamarkaasna ay Kooxdu la aaday dhanka Degaanka garacad. Gudoomiye Xigeenka Degmada Jariiban ee gobolka Mudug Cabdullaahi Cabdiraxmaan ayaa APL u xaqiijiyey Warkan,waxaana uu sheegey in ay wadaan dadaalo lagu baadi goobayo Wasiirka oo aanan weli la ogeyn halka ay geysteen Kooxdii qabsatay,isagoo sheegey in ay imika weli hubin halka lala aaday Wasiirka Dekedaha Puntland. Wasiirka Dekadaha & Gaadiidka Badda ee Dawlada Puntland Eng,Siciid Maxamed Raage ayaa dagaalo culus maanta waqtiyo kaladuwan ay weeraro xoogani dhexmareen isaga & Kooxo Burcad badeed ahi,waxaanan la hubin halka uu imika Wasiirku kusuganyahay. Wasiirka Dekedaha & Gaadiidka Badda ee Dawlada Puntland oo ay APL iskudayday inay la xiriirto ayey suurto gali weyday Taleefoonadiisa oo shaqayn la’Owgeed. Cabdiqani Xayir Allpuntland Caught Sleeping by Rivals: The Hostage Minister of Ports Also by Puntland Post
  20. Puntland:War Deg Deg ah Wasiir ay Budhcad Afduubtay October 11, 2010 Wasiirkii Dekedaha ee Puntland Sicid Maxamed Raage ayaa waxa Afduubay Budhcad ka dib markii uu Saaka Aroortii Weerar Kadis ah ku Qaaday Kooxo Budhcad ah, Wasiirka Afduubkiisa ayaa dhacay Markii uu Dagaal Qadhaadhe dhexmaray Wasiirka iyo Budhcadan oo Ciidamo Xoogan ku Haysata Duleedka Garacad. Sida aan Warkii Hore ku Faah Faahin Laba Askari ayaa laga dhawaacay Wasiirka Waxan ay Rasaastii laysku Ridyay ay haleeshay Oday Deegaanka Ka mid ah. Waa Arin Fadeexad wayn ku ah Puntland markii hadii Budhcad ay Afduubayso Wasiiradii Dadka ayaa Aaminsan inaan Xukuumado Awdoo fiican ku Lahayn Deeganada Qaar sida Mudug iyo Sanaag. War Faah Faahsan Naga Suga
  21. ^ No names or addresses of the executed folks given, ma Reer Arlaadi baa mise wa Maakhiris?
  22. ^ I posted it because er.. it is funny as in he he he. You disagree? That's cool. Just leave your complex out of it. PS The old man was a "Xaaji" (meaning he had travelled all the way to Makkah ). He also used to see colonial Kenyan Askaris in his home town.
  23. ^ Saddexda qaybood ee awoodda dawladda marka af soomaali lagu tarjumo waa Fulinta, Xeer-dejinta iyo Garsoorka (Executive, Legislative and Judiciary). Executive President waa Madaxweyne Fuliye. Nin Budhcad-Baddeed la shaqeeya oo “Hawl Fuliye” (Operations Executive?) isu magacaabena waan arkay.
  24. ^ Looks like you're the one who's got issues or are you just playing "joke police". Some some Somalis do look like Kenyans. I'm saying it again. Some of some them look like the the ones in the NFD, others look look like the ones in the Rift Valley. Might be common knowledge now, but not everyone knew that back in the 1960's. What I posted might not be "funny", but it don't think it was racist, as you suggested. Enough material far racist jokes in one the photos (black servants, white master and a field) but I didn't bother.
  25. Wasiirka Ganagacsiga, Warshadaha iyo Dalxiiska Somaliland Md Cabdirisaaq Khaliif Axmed oo arintaa ka hadlayaa waxa uu yidhi ”horumarka ganacsi ee aynu samaynay waxa ka mid ah horumarka xagga technology-ga oo ay maanta halkan inoogu soo diyaarsay shirkada isgaadhsiinta telefoonada TELESOM adeeg casriya oo ah kamaro Online ah, oo aynu kala xidhiidhi doono gobolladii dalka oo dhan, haddii aynu u baahano iyagoo masuuliyiintii qaranka u sareeyeyna ay indhahooda ku arki doonaan”. web page