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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Originally posted by Intuition: Asalaamu'Calaykum, NGONGE I absolutely loved your story. But hey, why are your onions in the fridge to begin with :confused: Waa marku carbbaha kayimid. What was the phrase "landed still at Heathrow wearing khamiis", was it?
  2. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: Hey,it's like slave master who knows slavery is wrong but still needs someone to pick cotton while we wait Lincoln to sign emancipation proclamation.
  3. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: He isn't confused-just tied down by a sad reality. The "sad reality" that landed him the PM job, right? "Qawda maqashii waxna ha u qaban"
  4. ^ The doc was published in March but the idea existed before then. Besides, 92 was a terrible year when it came to "revenge massacres". Then came the Operation Restore Hope and Black Hawk Down Fiasco. I've even seen respected members of SOL saying they "understand" people cheerleading the Ethiopian troops atrocities because of the 90's "revenge massacres" . That's the sad reality but folks are seem to be truth-shy. later I'A
  5. Lol@Xiin I’ll tell you a couple of stories that took place years ago in back in the lands of Somalis. When Islam was new to Somalis, there was a man (in Sayid’s Qardho of all places if my memory serves me right ) who saw a man praying salah for the first time. He asked a colleague as to what the stranger - making what seemed bizarre movement to him - was doing. His colleague was a man who happened to have previously travelled to what is now known as Kilil5 and had seen other Somalis praying replied “Anaa kuu aqaana, maandhow. Ciyaarstaas Tukad baa laha dhaha. Galbbeedka laga dheela. Kooh kooh iyo gooni gooni baa loo dheela.” The other story is in this book and it goes like this... Back in the late 1800s a group of French Catholics opened schools to educate the natives which in the end were used to proselytise the innocent students. When the Berbera elders found out, the school was burned down and the French missionaries chased away. After returning from abroad decades later; Xaaji Aaadan, tried to open a school which taught both Islamic and conventional western studies in Berbera. The elders were very suspicious. They sent boys to spy on his activities and one morning they saw Xaaji Aadan taking his students for a run and then to the beach for some physical exercises while facing the rising sun. The boys that were spying for the elders went back and reported what to them look like a very suspicious activity. The elders came and saw what Xaji Yusuf Adaan and the students were doing and thought they were worshipping the sun, so they decided to attack the school later that morning. Xaaji Yuusuf Aadan was injured but still turned up for prayers at the local Masjid where he was attacked again and had this poem recited for him.... Saaxiibadeena badhbaa xidhan saliibkiiye Soonka iyo salaaddoodu waa sir aan la gaadhayne.. Inkastoo sujuuddii wajiga sanka ka idlaatay Soomaali uun bay yihiin ha u salaamina e Aakhira sadkeed waa ninkii sabi u geeyaaye Saddexbay ku furan tahay hadduu sawjad leeyahaye Saliib ~ A Sahal To some looking at photos; what’s taking place in that church looks like a game called Tukad. Then again, it might just be a new innocent way of making “dialogue amongst religions”.
  6. Peace, filinkas hore baan u daawaday. Well, the beginning anyway. I still say markab since the chap seems to have special interest in marine life. Anyways, back to our missing Eyl Cartel Minister drama series - chapter 12..... Guddi Loo Saarey Baaritaanka Dhacdadii Wasiirka Dekedaha Ku Qabsatay Degmada Jariiban Cawil Maxamuud Cabdi RBC Radio, Gaalkacyo Cawil@raxanreeb.com Jariiban (RBC Radio):- Guddi farsamo ayaa loo xilsaarey in ay baaritaano xoogan ku soo sameeyaan dhacdo si kedis ah uga dhacdey degmada Jariiban ee gobolka Mudug taasi oo u dhaxeysay Wasiirka Dekedaha iyo Gaadiidka Badda ee Puntland iyo kooxo burcad badeed ah. Odayaasha degmada Jariiban iyo deegaanka Garacad ayaa iska dhex doortay Guddi farsamo kuwaasi oo shaqadoodu noqon doonto in ay baaritaano ku soo sameeyaan sida uu ku dhacay weerar dhexmaray ilaalada Wasiirka Dekedaha iyo Gaadiidka Badda Puntland iyo kooxo burcad badeed ah cidda ku dhimatay iyo inta ku dhaawacantay. Waxaa kale oo guddigani ay baaritaano ku soo sameyn doonaan boob iyo bililiqo loo geystay hantidii Wasiirku uu watey taasi oo badideed ku maqan kooxaha burcad badeeda ah, waxaana ka mid ah hantida la la’yahay ilaa iyo hadda, qaar ka mid ah gaadiidkii Wasiirku watey iyo qeyb ka mid ah hubka ilaalada oo la sheegay in ay burcadu qaadatay. Guddigani ayaa la filayaa in ay soo gaba gabeeyaan hawshani saacadaha nagu soo fool leh iyadoo Odayaashuna ay war ka sugayaan xubnaha guddigani oo u soo gudbin doona baadida maqan iyaguna waxaa ay raadin doonaan cida ay ku maqan tahay oo la filayo in ay ka keeni doonaan. Dhinaca kale wararka qaar ayaa sheegaya in Wasiirka Dekedaha iyo Gaadiidka Badda ee Puntland uu ka soo tagey magaalada Jariiban kadib markii uu helay xoriyadiisii iyadoo aan la sheegin halka uu soo aadey. RBC Radio 1 Response for “Guddi Loo Saarey Baaritaanka Dhacdadii Wasiirka Dekedaha Ku Qabsatay Degmada Jariiban” 1. bulo says: October 14, 2010 at 5:27 pm hadii wasirkii xoriyadisi helay xagebu kudan beyey ileen lamahayo raq iyo ruxtona,meel uu maray miyuu isdilay ama qolo kale yaa qafalatay, waxase yaab leh sida uu ku si ahanayo Wasiir mar hadii ufashilmay karamadina kabuburtay oo aay kajajabiyen reer jiriban dhiigna lohaysto shaqadisina fashilantay tolow maxaa lagudbon ninkas odayga ah?.
  7. ^ Qandho please contain your feverish clannish bravado. Read what's written in the link given. I say it's a million times better idea than what took place. The SNM did rule for an interim 2 years up north. It gave the chance members of your great clan to negotiate and return to places like Ceerigaabo. Why would similar thing being implemented down south by USC such terrible idea to you - considering what did subsequently take place. Waxaagi waa qiiro aad u jaban, yaa Qandho. What you have up there was Xaaji Axmed 90's solution to save the country. If you have a seen seen something better that could possibly have calmed down the volatile situation the early 90's was, please share it with us. Other wise the exit is --->
  8. Originally posted by Gheelle.T: Puntlandi is the only news portal that reported this story, and I don't know how credible it is. So far, there is no official statement from Puntland admin. There's another bitter Yeyster in Xuubsireed Anyways, all the best to the new PM. On paper he does look like a man with the (peace-maker) ideals the job requires in order to produce face-saving formula for the protagonists.
  9. ^ Deep down the anarchists know the Mujaahid was right and time has proved him so. Maybe if people listened to the likes of him all the "revenge" massacres that took place in the 90's could have been avoided. If there's anyone in here who thinks Xaaji Axmed's proposal was wrong, I challenge them to come forward and give their alternative ideas instead of the rabbit punches launched so far . Wabillahi Tawfiiq. PS Caana qubtay qabbasho maleh.
  10. ^ Ma sheekada SOL isku dhiibe/iskudhiibtay baad aamintay? Amiirada la sheeg-sheegayao inuu yahay baa dhici karta. Xadduu qof wanaagsan oo damiir leh yahayna magac markabkii afkrikaanka la addoonsanaye lagu qaadi jiray miyuu labbixi laha?Waar qaabilka Amirastad waa Dollarood xididkiisana waa Cartels.
  11. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: All this brouhaha because of this simple presence? But wait, there more... Istauuu istauu sufuufakum MORE "INTER FAITH" iMAGES
  12. ^ Only in your mind. Originally posted by Peace Action: Poor Ayoub, read Amistad take, this incident shows that Puntland govt has taken the fight to pirates which is good a thing, if Gara'ad is not shutdown peacefully like Eyl. Well Amistad is a self-confessed mercenary and - like the pirates - his/her opinions can only be weighed in pounds and cents. I don't think his emotional rants are because he cares for Pirateland or Somalia for that matter, do you? There are are a lot of questionable individuals with narrow interests in these cartels from London and Virginia . This “Amira” woman even came all the way Somaliland with her wacko ideas which were turn down by Pres. Rayaale. Markaa take everything Amistad says with a pinch of salt.
  13. C'on folks, the Sheikh has got a point. It's one thing if some Farahs are making some efforts to prove the "americaness" but going to church to pray is stretch too far even in the name of integration/assimilation.
  14. Shiikh Cabdi Qani Qardhaawi oo markale ka hadlay dad Soomaaliyeed oo Kaniisad galay Posted to the Web Oct 10, 10:14 Minneapolis:-Dood ka dhalatay wadaado iyo dad Soomaali ah oo galay Kaniisad ayaa weli waxaa ay ka taagan tahay magaalada Minneapolis,Imaam Masjidka Shaafic Shiikh C/Qani Qardhaawi ayaa mar kale waxaa uu ka hadlay xog kale oo dheeraad ah uu ka hellay Warqad ay akhrinayeen dadka galay Kaniisada iyo wixii ku qornaa. Shiikh Cabdi Qani Qardhaawi oo na soo gaarsiiyey Warqad furan oo kaga hadlay dad galay Kaniisada ayaa waxaa ay Warqadubu qornayd sida tan:- Warqad Furan oo lagu cadaynayo Xaqiiqadii culumada kaniisada kula ducaysatay dadka gaalada ah kaniisad si ay uga qayb qaataan waxa loogu yeer interfaith oo ah diimaha inay is galaan, kaniisadii waxaa ka dhacday in cibaado la wada sameeyey sida in lagu ducaystay luqadaha kala duwan, shumacyo dad muslimiin ta ka mid ahi ay ku shidayeen macbadka gaalada horteed in heesaha diiniga ah la qaadayey in musiga u gaarka ah kaniisadaha la ga maqlayey,markii aan arinta cadaynay ayay culumada golaha tagtay waxay soo jeediyeen muxaada rooyin ay dadka ku marin habaabinayaan oo ay dadka ugu sheekeey nayaan in war been ah laga fidiyey sawiradii aan tusnayna waxay dhaheen waa kuwa la abuuray. Waxaan isku daynay inaan la xiriirno kaniisadii ay wax ka dhaceen si xaqiiqad loo gaaro, waxaan ka soo qaadnay waxyaalihii meesha ka dhacay iyo warsiyo kala duwan ee culumad gaalada ah noogu warameen in ay wada ducaysteen, barnaamijka magaciisuna u ahaa (Muti-faith prayer together) oo macnaheedu yahay diimaha kala duwan oo wada tukanya, waxaan kale aan idaacada taleefishanka maxaliga ah ka soo qaadany warkii oo duuban markii lagu jiray kaniisadda, waxaan kale oo aan macnaynay warqadii ay ku qornaayeen wiixii meesha ka dhacay oo u badnaa aayado laga soo koobiyey baybalada kala duwan ee yuhuuda iyo kirishtanka iyo buudiistaha. Marka waxaan dad waynaya uga digaaynaa in arintaa si taxadar leh loo fiirsho, hadii umada la marin habaabiyo oo la sii wado inaan been ka sheegnay ragaa gaalada la ducaystay waxaan soo bandhigaynaa waraysiyadii ay baadariyadu na siiyeen oo ay ka waramayeen waxa meesha ka dhacay. hadii loo baahdo xaqiiqo dheeraad ah aad iyo aad ugu faraxsan nahay inaad nala soo xiriirtaan eamilka masjid@masjidshaafici.com CabdiQani Qardhaawi Imaamka Masjid Shaafici web page
  15. by Laura Yuen, Minnesota Public Radio October 13, 2010 St. Paul, Minn. — Muslims in Minnesota's Somali community are condemning what they believe to be extreme views espoused by both a Twin Cities imam and the operator of a local Somali website. Upset that the two men publicly derided Islamic spiritual leaders as "infidels" for attending a recent interfaith service, followers of Islam and its peaceful tenets have rallied to speak out. The Sept. 28 multi-faith prayer service seemed innocuous enough. Christian, Jewish, Hindu and other religious leaders stood side by side with their Muslim counterparts at Central Lutheran Church in Minneapolis. They wanted to reassure the imams in the wake of anti-Islamic sentiment seemed to be sweeping other parts of the country, such as a Florida pastor's plan burn the Quran. The interfaith leaders said Muslims were welcome in Minnesota. Abdisalam Adam, a Minneapolis mosque official who attended the service, said he was touched by the gesture. "We have learned from the people of Minnesota their hospitality, openness, and tolerance," Adam said. "It's something we've always appreciated. So I thought this was another good example of that leadership, coexistence and people of Minnesota working for the good of the community." But since then, Adam has learned not everyone in his community had such warm feelings toward the event. A Minneapolis imam named Abdighani Ali went on Somali TV and radio, declaring that Somalis who attended the service were non-believers. Ali's claims were echoed online by a man named Abdiwali "Dalboon" Warsame. On his website, Warsame wrote that the Somalis who entered the church lost their Islamic faith. Adam said he and the other religious leaders were appalled. "We thought, 'Should we let it go?' " he said. "But after careful consideration, we decided we cannot let it go." While some saw the imam's comments as a vicious attack on community leaders, other Somali-Americans simply found it baffling. When Ali, the imam, appeared on a live call-in show on local Somali TV, he said the purpose of such interfaith services was to water down Islam and fold it into other religions. He said in Somali that the imams who attended the service were singing for Jesus and reading prayers as instructed on the fliers -- a claim that the imams deny. "If anyone goes there, and they stand there, and they take part in the prayers in the church, and they read from their papers, they are not Muslims," he said, according to a translation. "The person who is standing there is just like the infidels." At the Minneapolis charter school where he works as an assistant director, Ali was a lot less outspoken than his on-camera persona. He denied characterizing the imams as infidels. "No, I didn't say that," Ali said. "If the people pray, and for example, if someone goes to the church, and prays in the church, we consider them to be Christian people." Ali said he did not know Warsame, the operator of the controversial website, which many Somali-Americans say sympathizes with al-Shabaab. In numerous articles, Warsame frequently invoked Ali, crediting the imam for exposing the "scandal" carried out by the Somalis who attended the multi-faith service. Warsame responded to an e-mail inquiry seeking comment that he stands by his coverage of the event. Ali cut the interview short when pressed about the online video of his comments -- as well as inflammatory descriptions of the service found on his own website. Many Somalis-Americans, the vast majority of them Muslim, say they feel compelled to distance themselves from Ali. "To hear an imam who lives here in America say something like that surprised me," said Ilyaas Maow, editor of the Minneapolis-based Mogadishu Times news site. "This is something new to us. I've never heard imams challenging other imams, or questioning their loyalty to Islam." Maow said Somalis in Minnesota were taken aback with the statements made by the imam and the web author of the articles. "Ninety-nine-point-nine percent" of the community disagrees with the two men, Maow said. At a time when fear and misunderstanding about Islam seem to be growing in this country, Maow said he hopes the comments don't give more fodder to Americans who suspect the worst about their Muslim neighbors. Maow said many moderate Muslims feel they must speak up now, to make sure extremist ideology does not spread. "I'm concerned about this particular imam," he said. "The reason is he's a powerful speaker. Imams like him saying something like this -- it could have a negative effect. We have young people that are listening. It sends the wrong signal." But others who know Ali, the imam, say they don't believe even he buys into his own rhetoric. Many Somali-Americans say they're more in tune with extremist speech ever since federal agents began investigating the radicalization of young men who left for Somalia to join a terrorist group. News that boys were being radicalized in Minnesota came as a surprise to many Somali-Americans. But now, they say their eyes are wide open. "Now we are awake," said Abdi Mohamed, a Bethel University student and limo driver from Minneapolis who said he supports dialogue between cultures. "If we see something in our community that is extremist, we're going to call them out on it. They have to be confronted, and they have to be held accountable." Such unpopular views aren't likely to draw the attention of law enforcement. The FBI is not concerned whether people simply express extreme ideas, said agency spokesman E.K. Wilson. "As far as any FBI interest or operational interest, there is none. I mean, it's not against the law to disagree, or to voice that opinion," said Wilson, the international terrorism supervisor in Minneapolis. "But I would say it's a little bit disappointing." audio
  16. 69. Not bad at all. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro : They said mine will be at the age of 79 ...... If the computer knew your exact "overseas" location it would've said "nigga you should have dies long time ago".
  17. ^ Waa xiddigtii caddeyd oo gubatay. End of that dream. Some say it stands for Africans.
  18. Mr. Mohammed Awale Liban said the blue color stands the United Nations who help us to reach our dream of independence; white means peace and prosperity; and the star is the five regions of the Somali people. Faisal H. Jama, 08 Mar 2000 Haahey!
  19. A&T will back me on this because he has finally given up hope on Hargeisa, you, my dear friend on the other hand? If it is not Morgan it's Caanoole Jihadists. Hell knows what you're conjuring up as we speak!
  20. Xiin the plan was for you to take Kismaayo, A&T to take Hargeisa, Taleexi to take Burco, Xuddeydi to take Ceerigaabo, Che to Beledweyne, Zack to have Baidoa etc etc Ma been baa? Nevermind Empire, the whole country would’ve been a D-blockland. The plan failed and but was not for the lack of effort, was it? Sarbeeb gabay allaa ii sakhiray , siinka maansada'e Subaxii shalaytiyo dorraad, salawgi ay reebtay Sagalkaa aroortiyo, berriyo, saandanbiyo maanta Hadba saaca muuqdaa murtida laga sameeyaaye Suugaanta waxa loo maraa surin cidhiidhyoone Saca gudhay salaax kuma godlado, ama sabaalayne Faq*shtii sallaanbaa la dhacay saaran guri dheere Sidii Qaasim saadaaliyey, iyo siibashaa timiye Saraakhiishi naaxdiyo askari, suuqa lagu laaye.... Soomaali waxa sheegta, saadka iyo wawga Kulay tahay subxaanyada dagaal waa ka siman yiine Inkastoo saqiir iyo kabiir nalagu soo duulay Hayeeshee siday doonayeen, Saatir muu odhane Siikaha markaan ula bixiyo, seefta ololaysa Sida ay u le'edeen, malaa waad la socoteene Sannadaha midbaa aadanoow, saxal ku fuulaaye Midna wuxu ku siiyaa sed aan, abid dhammaanayne Siddeed iyo Siddeeddaan ka baxay, saymahaan galay Bisha May salaan baan u diray, laga sal guurayne Allaylehe sidaan rabay waqtigu waygu soo simay JB Please go to bed and leave Xiin for us
  21. Originally posted by Abwaan: Maalin kasta waxaad maqlaysaa amase akhrinaysaa "Berri baa la magacaabayaa". Berridaan ma dhammaato miyaa? The last update I heard was it will be soon and that Col. Abdulkadir is ninka la hadal hayo inuuu noqonayo so far. Looba joogee insha Allaah. It's not as easy task as some seem to think. The PM has to be a man who ticks a lot of boxes. There're folks calling the shots under the guise of "Djibouti Agreement". Then there's the 4.5 formula, Diaspora and the Pirate State. Sharmaake ticked all those boxes since he was Yey's advisor. Now there's Ahlu Sunnah in the mix. Sharif has to discuss cabinet options for the these interested parties (and others) with the potential PMs. The new PM cannot have the freedom others did if Sharif wants to come out of this in a stronger position. Chosing his advisor (an Asmara faction buddy Abdikarim Jama as Sophist seems to suggest) will back fire. There's also the hungry parliamentarians and "International Community" in the frame.
  22. Che, this is the most hilarious story since Gabre slapped Yey. Usually Xiin, Baashi or LST would come to the rescue of Yesters but they must have shares in the Garacad Cartel.
  23. Waaa Gabbalkii HornAfrique... He's back from a self-imposed exile. Apparently the PM seat is also his. Pay your respec folks.. Awgguuryo.