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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. The Old School elders have out-manoeuvred the immature chiefs once again. Taleexi The People are happy and that's what matters most.
  2. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ I feel sorry for the guy responsible for air traffic control in Cigaal Airport. Dhiyaaradaha saaf bay o wada galeen. Xabbad uu cliyo na ma jirto. Waa Sweedish, waa Danish, Waa ingrees. Join the Queue. Everyone wants to shake Xaaji Axmed's hand these days.
  3. ^ Do I detect a little hostility? You're right, I do like the name Bintiland.
  4. Pirate justice. They execute first and have trial later.
  5. Lads please! Just wanted to know your views on whether the "bintilan" comment should be taken as derogatory or a compliment. I thought it was a compliment and was somewhat surprised by the reactions I posted. I wouldn't mind if he called SL "bintiland", since we call her Mandeeq (and Shankaroon even). Most people call their countries Motherland with the exception of handful like the Germans. Marka maxaa ka ceeb ah haddii magacan guruxda badan ee "bintiland" la ugu yeedho maamulkaa ama gobolka Imaam Faroole? Never mind "bintiland" I think they should even give her the name Diana after the CIA operative who runs things down there, or Amira after the the woman who runs the piracy ransom negotiations! What says you?
  6. Originally posted by 'Liibaan': low ranking soldier, Galaal is nobody You were giving thumbs up to this "nobody" only few months ago. :cool:
  7. ^ Two sources given are not nough? Click on one of the names and you'll even find an audio of the comments. Mise isagoo nool oo leh "bintilan" baynu ku hor keena? later I'A
  8. Ma garanayo wax la yiraahdo Puntland ee waxaan aqaan “Bintiland” ~ Jamac Garaad Cali Some reactions... “runtii waan la yaabay markaan maqalay qof isin lagu sheegayo oo gafka heerkaas gaarsiisan u ka dhacay oo aan hadana raali galin ka bixin asaga iyo dadka u matalo oo u ku hadlo magacooda, waxaan is weydiiyay sidey noqon laheyd hadii isim kale oo beelaha Puntland Jecel ka mid ah uu gaf nocaas oo kale ah u geysto Isinka gafay beeshiisa?? Inkastoo haweenka Soomaaliyeed melkastoo ay jooganba gafi ka dheertahay, oo aysan u qalmin in loo gafo oo golo lakeeno,wax rag ka dhaxeeya lagu matalo oo laga dhigo wax docwalba yaal ah oo loo adeegsado arimo siyaasadeed ayadoo cay laga dhigayo. waxaan anigu qormadeyda ugusoo gudbinayaa haweenka Soomaaliyeed iyo kuwa Puntlandba inaan xaal kasiiyo qadafka gabanka maradu ka dhacday” Ceydaruus “walaalayaal kheyr allaah ha idin siiyo waxaan rabay in aan idin ku bararujiyo hal arin oo ah mar walba oo la dhaliilayo qolo waxaa lagu mithaalaa gabdho mathalan waxaa laleeyahay xukkaamta carabta waa gabdho khawanada oo dhan waa gabdho sida ey carabtuyiraahdaan نساء بعمائم ولحي gabdho gar iyo cimaamada leh arinkaasna inaga ka gabdha ahaan aad ayuu noo xanuujiyaa oo aan uga xumaanaa maxaa yeelay wax khalad ah oo aan galnay malaha si inaloogu mithaaliyo dadka xunxun dhammaan mujaahidiinta iyo inta kheyrka jecel waxaan ka codsanayaa in ey ka fogaadaan waxaan rajeynayaa in aad ku aqbashaan waanadeyda qalbi furan...” umu saara
  9. Nassir I can understand you blaming Puntland for the piracy-related insecurities, but why are you blaming SL as well when the report says; We have also listed a number of achievements which we feel we should share with you and these include: Written support for constructing a jetty from the Somaliland and Puntland Government;
  10. ^ Weli maad sixin. "i want hot-like" is what you have up there. Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: what do somali nomads know about an institution in london? Qaar gashan garan magaca ururkan ku qoran yahay baa jooga.
  11. ^ Somali pastoralists refer a certain part of a female animal by that name.
  12. I can understand when foreigners meet and there's something lost in translation, but how could some Somalis in London open a school and call it "Sabiil Institute"?
  13. Well, if anyone can recognise someone in that photo; they can "bililiqo blackmail" that person the way Lazie does. “I have to start by stating that Tuujiye and I go along way back and I know he is good people. He is truly a compassisonate young man who cares about people. However, I do have to confess and say I have never known him to be this passionate about anything as much as he is about the "gaal question". (not even his bililiqo days, which he use to take crush courses on people's possesions was he this passionate)” ------------------------------------------ “Tuujiska, wa sida nin qalal ku dhacay aa noqotay, ee iisheeg waxa aan badalay? The purpose of opening this thread was to help you realize the same self-defeating behaviors you have adopted from others(you know who you are) as of late and why your behaviour is unislamic. You were two posts away from calling Ibti gaaalo if I did not attempt to halt this madness. A good bililiqo boy like you oo Muslim ah dadka inuu ku dhaho maaha diinta aa ka baxde, mase diinta aa daciif eh, mase waa gaalowday.”
  14. ^ It is a “waxaa-la-yidhi-Thesis”. Full of clannish negation but scarcely addresses the supposed theme "U.S. STRATEGIC INTEREST IN SOMALIA". Apart from short term political damage it has done to Sh. Sharif's cause, it’s an embarrassment to the author and the university concerned. “I really think Somalis need to re-learned how to argue for the “context” of your audience. In the sense that if you are claiming to be doctor, and therefore, wish to present a scholarly piece, that you expect for it to scrutinised at that level of academic learning, then, the least you ought to be doing in here is to come across so shoddy of a manner, like this “Doctor” did in here. If on the other hand, you wish to cut the rough with the smooth, particularly with your average Somali's internet debater, then, this sort of half-cooked argument could really pass master in here. And, that is what I mean, when I say that you ought to know, from the get go, the “context” of your audience.” ~ The Guru
  15. ^ Sure sure. He was supposedly meeting Nato officials near Boosaaso at the same time. It's a miracle
  16. Originally posted by Gabbal: There is a reason why all Somalis reacted with such joy and exhilaration to the slogans of siinaan, midnimo, cadaalad, and horumar by the men who took power in 1969 and no amount of revisionism using post-1978 Siad actions as base can change with respect to the legitimacy of the coup in 1969. Well, if only the likes you could see the 1969-91 military regime war far worse when it came to corruption, nepotism and violence than the civilian rule it replaced. For Farmaajo to try to portray Afweyne - a man who was a gun-bearing ascari for the colonising Italian Fascists - as an anti-imperialist hero is just laughable. Whatever next...
  17. The "minister" might still be missing in action but the cartel is parading is property. Gaadiidkii Laga Qafaashay Wasiirka Dekedaha Oo Galkacyo La soo Gaarsiiyay. Posted by Ali on October 22nd, 2010 Galkacyo(Puntlandi.com);- Magaalada Galkacyo ee xarunta Gobolka mudug ayaa la soo gaarsiiyay gawaaridii laga afduubtay wasiirka dekedaha iyo gaadiidka bada dawlada puntland oo wali kujira gacanta kooxaha burcad’badeeda. Kooxahii gacanta ku hayay gaadiidkan iyo hubkii saarnaa ayaa lagu arkay gudaha magaalada si aan qarsoodi ahayn mana jiraan dabagal lagu hayo kooxaha burcadaa. Talaabadan ayaa muujinaya awooda kooxaha burcadaa ku leeyihiin magaalada Galkacyo waxaana si cad waqtigan kooxahii burcadaa magaalada si toosa ula marayaan gaadiidkan. Gaadiidkan ayaa tira ahaan gaaraya 2gaari oo nooca dagaalka iyo hubkii saarnaa waxaana arintan ay fashilinaysaa dadaalkii mamulka gobolka ugu jireen sii daynta gaadiidkan. Aqoonyahan katirsan bulshada gobolka oo la hadlay Puntlandi.com ayaa sheegay in arintan muujinayso sida dawlada puntland u dayacday guud ahaan gobolka mudug. “Hada waxaa dhacay wasiir la afduubtay iyo gaadiidkiisii oo lahaysto laakiin waxaa dhicidoona arimo kuwan ka wayn hadii dawlada aysan samayn wax isbadala”ayuu yiri aqoonyahankan. Waa wax laga yaabo hadana loo qaateena wadan dawlad kajirto oo kooxaho sida kayeelayaan ayuu hadalkiisa raaciyay. Ali Ahmed Abdi Ali@puntlandi.com
  18. AYOUB


    ^ You've poor memory. Does anyone else know?
  19. Waa meel malko ah oo biyiyo buur madowba lehe Marmar weeye dhagaxeedu iyo muunad gooniya’e Miya dooxa bay leedahay oo midho ka beermaane Ceerigaabo (1968) ~ Xaaji Aadan “Af-qallooc”
  20. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: quote: Originally posted by AYOUB: ^ If they were in Asian rather than European attire, you've moaned about "our dhaqan", right? 'European, European' intaadan lasoo boodin, tan ogoow: One can dress sharp regardless what cultural garment one wears. Got that? Nin ku labisan hoosgundi, shaal, bakoorad iyo koofibaraawe can still dress sharply. In the same vein one can dress in a tie and suit and still look rubbish, ma fahantay mar kale mise sharaxaada kuu sii wadaa? Do not associate sharp dressing with Western attire kaliya. Then again geeljirto maxee sharp ka yaqaanaan. Miskiinow, ma kuwi iyago suit xidhan bayskiilka wadan jiray iyago radio gacanta ku sita baad ahayd? Malika Not only that, even the niqaab seems to bother MMA.
  21. ^ If they were in Asian rather than European attire, you've moaned about "our dhaqan", right?
  22. AYOUB


    ^ What about the Ogeysiis one?
  23. The SNM’s guerrilla army briefly seized two major cities in Northern Somalia – Hargeisa and Buro – in 1988. Barre and his superior American weapons reacted by emphatically crushing the SNM movement. Barre and his superior American weapons reacted by emphatically crushing the SNM movement. He essentially leveled the rebel cities. Many civilians died in the crossfire; thousands more fled their homes for the countryside, where water and shelter were short. European colonies naturally favored the tribes that proved their loyalty. These were offered a place in government civil service and law enforcement. These occupations come with a level of privilege and authority that some tribes enjoyed exclusively for years. Additionally, this new opportunity lured many nomads to move into urban areas to seek administrative employment. Most importantly, when European imperialist decided to give up their colonies in Somalia, they rewarded top leadership positions to the tribes and individuals closest to them. For instance, in the Northern colony of British Somaliland, the ***** tribe was awarded virtually all of the best jobs for its collaboration with the imperialists. In the South, the Italian colony found similar willingness in two loyal tribes: the ********** of the ****** clan and the Mudulod, sub-clan of the ******. These two southern tribes helped the Italians without reservation. In return, Italian and British colonies enabled these clans to claim some superiority over the other clans in terms of wealth, scholarship for their children in London and Rome, and future government influence in the post-decolonial era. Naturally, when the Somali government was formed, most parliamentary seats went to those tribes that had been loyal to the colonial rulers, as they were seen as best suited to stability. Somalia’s first president, Adan Abdulle Osman, is a prime example. He was a former civil servant under the Italians as a member of the Mudulod, ****** sub-clan. On the other hand, his prime minister, Italian-educated Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke, came from the other favorite tribe, the ********** of the ****** clan. This arrangement did not change until the election of 1968, when the Somali parliament elected Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke as the second president of the country. He selected as his prime minister English-educated Mohamad Ibrahim Egal from the ***** clan of the former British Somaliland Lordy lord! The "Gedo moustachio" was a major clue.
  24. AYOUB


    The question is why was it deleted? Apparently, word on the chat-rooms is it wasn't the prefect but the headmaster's mistress.